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To be ready for tomorrow's opportunities,

You must do your homework today,

Learn, refine your skills
and focus on growth,
That you may shine wherever you go forth!

Enriching and engaging! it will surely unleash your

Giving you fun, which is absolutely essential!
You will learn to work independently,
And use your time wisely;
So feel free to explore and grow,
Without rushing hurriedly!
Think out -of-the-box,
Invent and innovate,
For these activities are bound to inspire and motivate!
So don't hold yourself or hesitate,
But simply be at your creative best!
Class X
Session 2024-25
TASK # 1
*Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat*, an initiative by the Government of India, promotes unity and
diversity by encouraging cultural exchange and understanding among states. Exploring
this topic can help students learn about different cultures, traditions, languages and
history of various Indian states. It fosters a sense of national pride and harmony among
students, which is essential for building a strong and inclusive society. Additionally, it
encourages research skills, creativity and presentation abilities among students. Overall,
it's an important project that contributes to holistic learning.
In keeping with the spirit, design creative & visually aesthetic PHOTO POST CARDS,
customized with relevant information, images or data to effectively illustrate different
aspects of a topic.

Students can create Photo Post Cards showcasing the diverse landscapes and cultural
heritage of Arunachal Pradesh. They can combine photographs with captions or short
descriptions to narrate their virtual journey through the state.

1. Legacy Lines: Tracing Arunachal Pradesh's evolution(The Land of the Rising Sun)
2. State Stories: Unveiling Arunachal Pradesh's Rich History
3. Vibrant Vistas: A Journey Through Arunachal Pradesh (Tourism)
4. State Spotlight: Investigating Arunachal Pradesh's Culture and Heritage.
5. Natural Wonders: Discovering Arunachal Pradesh's Ecological Treasures
(Flora and Fauna)
6. Culinary Chronicles: Tasting Arunachal Pradesh's Flavorful Cuisine.


 Students will work in groups of 6.
 For Photo Post Cards (A4 size) each student will pick any 1 topic from those listed
above. They will use various literary devices like simile/metaphor/imagery/
personification/alliteration/onomatopoeia/anaphora/ repetition, etc., to describe (in
the form of a short poem/slogan/jingle) the same, supported with appropriate
illustrations (no digital prints).
 Finally, the pages are to be assembled.
 It is compulsory for each member of the group to participate actively.
TASK # 2
“Books give a soul to the universe, Wings to the mind, Flight to the imagination and life to
everything” - Plato
Reading books is an essential activity that can have a profound impact on one's personal
and professional growth. Not only does it improve literacy and language skills, but it also
helps to expand one's knowledge and understanding of the world. Additionally, reading
books can promote empathy and emotional intelligence, as it allows individuals to
experience and understand different perspectives and emotions.
The following is the list of suggested authors that you must read to gain exposure of
different styles and different stories from around the world.
*Suggested Authors*
ह िं दी
1. ह िं दी के व्याकरण रहिस्टर में पढे गए पाठ िं के आधार पर हकन्ी िं 20 मु ावर िं के अर्थ
हिखकर वाक्य प्रय ग कीहिए।
2. ह िं दी साह त्य की क ई भी एक पुस्तक पढ कर हिम्नहिखखत ह िंदुओ िं के आधार पर
पु स्तक की समीक्षा कीहिए:
I. दे शकाि वातावरण
II. मुख्य पात्र
III. चररत्र हचत्रण
IV. हवषय वस्तु
V. मूि सिंवेदिा
 आपक य पुस्तक क्य िं पसिंद आई?
 पु स्तक समीक्षा क A4 size की शीट पर हिखें और याद करें । इसके हिए एक आकषथक
फाइि फ ल्डर भी तै यार कीहिए हिसका आवरण पृ ष्ठ (cover page) पु स्तक से सिं िंहधत

ि ट : य पु स्तक समीक्षा मौखखक अहभव्यखि के अिंतगथ त सुिी िाएगी।

1. In the words of Growney, ‘Mathematical language can heighten the imagery of a poem;
mathematical structure can deepen its effect”. Indeed there is a sublime connection
between Mathematics and poetry. So, this summer let’s don our creative caps to make a
beautiful amalgamation of Mathematics and poetry!
#Compose an original poem/song using mathematical words and terms.
# Your poem/song must have a minimum of two stanzas.
# You can use any genre of poetry, namely, sonnet, haiku, lyric or even the blank verse to
compose your poem.

2. On an A3 size coloured chart paper write a brief history about any renowned
mathematician and elaborate his famous works.

3. Solve 10 questions each from the first 5 chapters in a separate note book as a revision
work.(Other than NCERT)

Our Air is getting poisonous with each passing day. As the global population breathes in
bad air, it is reducing the lifespan of the people and is causing various health issues to
young and old alike. This activity aims to prepare a journal depicting different aspect of
AQI for different countries of the world including India and try to understand the menace
of poor AQI, possible reasons of poor AQI and its effect on human health.
 Preparing an AQI JOURNAL will be a group
activity in which class will be divided into 5
groups of 7/8 students each.
 Each group will be assigned one of the given
 Every student of the group will contribute
one sheet containing information on one
segment, from what has been asked below.
 Finally, leader of the group will compile these sheets into one journal with a creative
cover page.

Suggested segments of journal are…

 On the political map of the country assigned, state the AQI levels on 25th April,
2024 for five different states of the country.
 Depict the different levels of AQI through the colour chart explaining the meaning
of each colour.
 State the main pollutants measured as part of AQI and their effect on human
 Make a pie chart showing various sources of air pollution.
 Choose a date (for example 25th) and plot a bar graph for every month of the last
year to understand how AQI varies during the course of a year.
 Choose a state/city in the country assigned where the AQI levels are substantially
low throughout the year and state the possible reasons for the same.
 State the measures that individuals can take to protect them from poor air quality.
 Draw historic air quality graph of Arunachal Pradesh and compare the AQI of
Arunachal Pradesh with any two selected states of given countries.
Social Science
 The social science project will be divided into two parts Political Science and
 The class will be divided into six groups, first three groups will be assigned
Political Science activity and last three groups will be assigned Economics
-A Journey of Believer, Doer and Achiever
Human Development is influenced by a wide range of biological & environmental
factors, some of which protect and enhance their development, while others
compromise their developed outcomes. But there are incredible stories of people
who overcame their challenges and achieved success.
Keeping this objective in mind, the Project Activity has been framed to explore
about such Extraordinary Achievers.
Details of the Activity are mentioned below-
Students of Group-1 will make a PPT on the Role of Government and NGOS to
empower the Specially abled People
Students of Group -2 & 3 will make a Collage on any of the 8 Extraordinary Achievers
from the list given below-
1. Stephen Hawking
2. Hellen Keller
3. Sudha Chandran
4. Sheetal Devi
5. Devender Jhajharia
6. Sharad Kumar
7. Rabindra Jain
8. Deepa Malik
9. Arunima Sinha
10. Ira Singhal
11. Sumit Antil
12. Frida Kahlo
13. Nick Vijucic
We don’t inherit the earth from our
ancestors, we borrow it from our
children. The greatest threat to our
planet is the belief that someone else
will save it. Refuse what you do not
need; reduce what you do need; reuse
what you consume; recycle what you
cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and
rot (compost) the rest.
In the light of the above words, students of Group 4 & 5 will make an innovative product
using waste material. Also, make a project covering the following topics:
1. What is sustainable development and what are the goals?
2. In what ways do improved recycling technologies impact the waste that ends up in
3. Do taxes on single-use items reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills?
4. What has Denmark done to reduce its food waste?
5. Paste a photograph of your ‘best out of waste’ product and explain the process of
making it, it's usage and justify it's efficiency.
Note: Project has to be handwritten. Participation of each group member is mandatory. The
project should be aesthetically appealing and as interesting as possible.


“Without consumers, all the business in the
market would have vanished. They are the
supreme and prime constituent of the
demand-supply chain.”
Keeping the above quote in mind, Group 6
will design a questionnaire of 10 questions
related to consumer awareness. The
answers to the questions should be in (a)
always (b) never and (c) sometimes.( e.g.
Do you check the expiry date of packaged
edibles?). Carry out a survey on consumer awareness on 20 people using the
Based on the findings from the questionnaire, the students will prepare a project file
which should include the following :
1. Design a cover page depicting consumer awareness in the form of a poster. (No
digital print will be acceptable)
2. Consumer rights and duties
3. Consumer Protection Act details
4. Exhibit the findings of the survey in the form of a tabular presentation and a
graphical presentation.
Note: The project should be aesthetically appealing and as interesting as possible.
Participation of each and every group member is mandatory. Also, attach the filled
questionnaire by the respondents in the project file. The project has to be handwritten
(except the questionnaire).
En A3, écrivez une journée spéciale qui vous a rendu heureux, une journée inoubliable en
150 mots environ. Ensuite, collez une photo de ce jour et expliquez-la. Profitez de revivre
cette journée!
1. En A3, escribe sobre un día especial que te hizo sentir feliz/un día inolvidable en
unas 150 palabras. Después, pega una foto de ese día y explícalo. ¡Disfruta
reviviendo ese día!
2. En A4 escribe las obras sobre siguientes autores:
 Camilo Jose Cela
 Lope de Vega
On an A3 size sheet (bi-fold) make a well researched project on the measures of
conservation of flora and fauna in Germany.
भारतस्य कस्याहप पयथटिस्र्िस्य हवषये 10 वाक्याहि हिखत।
*इदम् कायथम् A3 पृ ष्ठे करणीयम् ।
*कायथम् स्वच्छतापू वथकिं करणीयम् ।
Make your holiday homework a family
affair, through discussions, exchange
of ideas and collaborative sessions!

Empower the family time that

vacations aim to foster, learning will
indeed become meaningful and better!

Put on your thinking caps and

channelise your energies,
for in each one of you is a budding
prodigy !

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