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HS1 Theatre Arts I - Frellick - Frelli…

Objection! I ask that the court remind the learned counsel

that this is not a Chautauqua tent. He is supposed to be sub- mi!ing
evidence to a jury. There are no ladies on the jury.
Stream Classwork People
Your Honor, I have no intention of making a speech. There
is no need. I am sure that everyone on the jury, everyone

Page 73 of 130 )
within the sound of this boy’s voice, is moved by his tragic confusion. He
has been taught that he wriggled up like an
animal from the "lth and the muck belowl ( Continuing fer- vently, the

HS1 Theatre Arts I - Frellic…

spirit is upon him) I say that these Bible-haters, these “Evil-utionists,” are
brewers of poison. And the legisla- ture of this sovereign state has had
that the peddlers of poison—in bo!les or in books—clearly label the
the wisdom to demand
products they a!empt to sell! ( There is applause. Howard gulps, brady
I tell you, if this law
is not upheld,
points this boy will become one of a generation, shorn
at the boy
of its faith by the teachings of Godless science! But if the full penalty of
the law is meted something
out to Bertram Cates, theto your the
faithful class
whole world over,
who are watching us here, and listen- ing to our every word, will call this
( Applause. Dramatically, brady moves to his chair.
courtroom blessed!
Condescendingly, he waves to drummqnd.)
Assignment: "Showcase preferences"

Ross FrellickBRADY
posted a new assig…
Your witness, sir.25
(brady sits, drummond rises, slouches toward the wit-

ness stand.) DRUMMOND

Well, I sure am glad Colonel Brady didn’t make a speech!

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " M a y 2 9 t h ! D r a m a I S h o w c a s e ! 6 P M ! M a r k …"

(Nobody laughs.Ross TheFrellick

courtroom seems to resent drummond’s
gentle ridicule Apr
of the orator. To many, there is an e#rontery

in drummond’s very voice—folksy and relaxed. It’s rather like a harmonica
May 29th!
following Drama
a symphony I Showcase!
concert) Howard, I 6PM! Mark
heard you say your
that the world
used to be pre!y hot. HOWARD
That’s what Mr. Cates said.
You "gure it was any ho!er then than it is right now? HOWARD

Guess it musta been. Mr. Cates read it to us from a book. DRUMMOND

Do you know what book?HOWARD

I guess that Mr. Darwin thought it up.

HS1 Theatre Arts I - Frellic

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( Leaning on the arm of the boy’s chair
You "gure anything’s wrong about that, Howard?

HOWARD \ Well, I dunno— \

( Leaping up, crisply) Objection, Your Honor. The defense is asking that a
thir- Drama I Showcase
teen-year-old flier.png
boy hand down an opinion on a question o£ morality!

(To the judge)
I am trying to establish. Your Honor, that Howard—or Colonel Brady—or
Charles Darwin—or
Add anyone in this court- room—or you, sir—has the right
class comment…
to think! JUDGE

Colonel Drummond, the right to think is not on trial here., DRUMMOND

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H E Y ! H E Y ! A n y o n e i n t e r e s t e d i n b e c o m i n g …"

Ross Frellick
( Energetically

Apr 17
With all respect to the bench, I hold that the right to think
is very much on trial! It is fearfully in danger in the proceed- ings of
HEY! HEY! Anyone interested in becoming part of
this court! BRADY
the Media Maintenance Club (OR just learning more
(Rises) it!)
A manplease follow
is on trial! this link to a short survey!

 Google Forms: Sign-in

A thinking man! And he is threatened with "ne and im- prisonment
because he chooses to speak what he thinks. JUDGE

Colonel Drummond, would you please rephrase your ques- tion.

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(To Howard)
Let’s put it this way, Howard. All this fuss and feathers about Evolution, do
you think it hurt you any?
A n n o u n c e m e n t : " G r e a t t o s e e y o u a l l a g a i n a f t e r 1 0 …"

Ross Frellick

Apr 2
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Great to see you all again after 10 days away. For
those of you who may have forgotten.... there was 65 a
quiz the Friday beforeHOWARD break. If you need to make it
up, talk with me about scheduling a time. I am
Did it do you any harm? Youbefore
periods 4-6, still feel school, and
reasonably "t?after
What (most
Cates told days.)
you, did it hurt your baseball game any?
A#ect your pitching arm? (He punches Howard’s right
arm playfully.)
No, sir. I’m a le$ie. HOWARD
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A southpaw, eh? Still honor your father and mother? HOWARD

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e r e a r e s c e n e a s s i g n m e n t s f o r o u r n e x t …"

Ross Frellick
Sure. DRUMMOND Created

Apr 2
Haven’t murdered anybody since breakfast?
Here are scene assignments for our next
performances, beginning Thursday, April 18th.
Objection. JUDGE

Page #s and character assignments are included.

Objection sustained.
Script was posted in the GC March 15th.
(DRUMMOND shrugs.)

Ask himInherit
if his Holyscene
Faith in assign 202…
the scriptures has been
sha!ered— DRUMMOND

When I need your valuable help. Colonel, you may rest assured I shall
humbly ask for it. ( Turning Howard, do you
believe everything Mr. Cates told
Add class comment… you?

I’m not sure. I go!a think it over.
A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H E R E I S A N O F F E R I N G F O R A N Y O N E W I T H A …"

Good for you. 21 pa’s a farmer, isn’t he?


I don't know anything about this group other than
what I am posting here, so this is not an


Good afternoon!

My name is Nicky Jasper, and I am a Certifed Stage

Combat Teacher with the Society of American Fight
Directors. I teach stage combat at Columbia College
here in Chicago as well as privately through Open
Gate Movement Arts. I wanted to reach out and see
if you might have any Lincoln Park High School
theatre students that would be interested in stage
combat training! Our company's mission statement
includes providing accessible stage combat and
movement training to the Chicago community, and
that includes to our younger acting friends as well.

We have an unarmed stage combat class beginning

next month that just opened registration and would
be a perfect entry point for any young actors
interested in combat or physical theatre work in
general. This class culminates in a certifcation test
with the Society of American Fight Directors and
offers the opportunity for certifcation! I will include
some pertinent information below as well as a gyer
for our upcoming class. Please let me know if you
have any questions! I'm happy to chat about
additional stage combat opportunities if you have
interested students as well.

Class Information:
Unarmed Skills Pro0ciency Class
Saturdays from 1-4:30p; April 12th-June 29th, 2024
(no class on Saturday, May 25th)
Bethany United Church, 4250 N Paulina St, Chicago
$490, which includes your Skills Profciency Test
fee. A non-refundable $50 deposit is required to
secure your spot if not paying in full at registration.
Your deposit will be put towards your total tuition
cost. BIPOC scholarship and payment plans

Thank you for your time!

The Team at Open Gate Movement Arts
AKA: Dave, Kate, Mikey, and Nicky

Open Gate Unarmed SPT.png

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " T h i s s h o w ( " C h o i r o f M a n" ) o p e n s M a r c h …"

Ross Frellick

Mar 19

This show ("Choir of Man") opens March 27th at the

Apollo Theater - not too far from LP. I have been
offered some comp tickets. Please let me know if
you would be interested, and how many people
would you be interested in bringing.
(If demand is high, I may have to award tickets
based on a random drawing.)

 Home - Apollo Theater …

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e r e i s t h e c o m p l e t e s c r i p t o f " I n h e r i t …"

Ross Frellick

Mar 15

Here is the complete script of "Inherit the Wind"


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A s s i g n m e n t : " J u r y s e l e c t i o n"

Ross Frellick posted a new assig…


Mar 14

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o ! T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r p a t i e n c e …"

Ross Frellick

Mar 6

Thank you for your patience during this crazy week.
Just a couple of announcements before we launch
into today (Wednesday):
1.) I have gotten some questions, making me think I
should repeat my announcement regarding tickets
for the musical. Unfortunately, because this is a
Performing Arts production (not just Drama) Drama
students are NOT admitted free to performances.
Student tickets are $8. Shows are 4:00PM today,
and 6:00PM Thursday and Friday.
2.) I am not exactly sure what will be happening in
the auditorium for class today. If the show is in
progress, I ask that you enter quietly and take a seat
quickly. I will try to take attendance as you enter (or,
possibly, as you exit.) Thanks in advance for your

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Assignment: "Object work"

Ross Frellick posted a new assig…


Feb 28

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " U P D AT E T O T H E A U D I T I O N I N F O I P O S T E D…"

Ross Frellick

Feb 23



We have made 2 changes to the casting call I sent

you earlier this week that affect audition times and
character descriptions for one of the characters.

Specifcally, the 17 year old male role (Razor) is no

longer limited to minorities as long as the actor is
able to project a streetwise, tough guy persona.
And auditions have been extended to next week by
appointment - same location and contact

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A s s i g n m e n t : " S c o p e s Tr i a l re s e a rc h"

Ross Frellick posted a new assig…


Feb 21

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H E R E ' S A N A U D I T I O N O P P O R T U N I T Y F O R M A L E …"

Ross Frellick

Feb 21



Lincoln Park School

To Whom It May Concern
We are looking for two minority (Black, Hispanic or
Asian) male actors for a feature flm scheduled to
be flmed between March 16 and March 31 in

Character Descriptions:
MALCOLM: athletic 16 year old minority foster
child. He is mature, wise and kind.
RAZOR: a streetwise 17 year old minority foster
child. He is a bad /tough guy who is also a ward of
the state

The Screenplay
An edgy comedy, the flm is about a burnt out actor
left with a houseful (7) of foster kids when his
humanitarian wife leaves unexpectedly.

About the Filmmaker

Maura Smith is a professor in the flm division of
Columbia College. She has worked with multiple
genres of flm across her career though she is
probably most associated with feature
documentaries and music videos. As a friend, I can
add that in addition to being professional, she is
also fun to work with.

Most of the scenes with the kids will be shot on the
weekends. There will be one shoot during the week
of March 25 which may require the kids to skip
school, if they are not on spring break that week.
This is a low budget flm, but Maura will pay each
child $300 for each day they are participating in
actual flming - probably 4-7 days. A more detailed
shooting schedule will be available from Maura this

Audition information
Auditions will be held
Thursday February 22
Friday February 23
From 12:30pm -9:00pm
Saturday February 24
From 9am - 7pm
680 N Lake Shore Dr. #1104
Chicago Il 60611
Maura Smith
Please email Maura if you intend to audition along
with an approximate time range for your arrival and
for which role you are auditioning

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e y ! A n y o n e w i t h a c a m e r a / i n t e r e s t i n …"

Ross Frellick

Feb 15

Hey! Anyone with a camera/interest in photography

willing to take some pictures for the "Something
Rotten!" program?

Talk to Frellick.

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e r e a r e y o u r s c e n e a s s i g n m e n t s f o r…"

Ross Frellick

Jan 26

Here are your scene assignments for Lost in


LIY scenes edit.docx

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Announcement: "Lost in Yonkers Act I, sc.1"

Ross Frellick

Jan 26

Lost in Yonkers Act I, sc.1

Lost in Yonkers pp. 3-39.…

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e r e i s " Y o n k e r s " A c t I , s c e n e s 2 - 4 ."

Ross Frellick

Nov 6, 2023 (Edited Jan 26)

Here is "Yonkers" Act I, scenes 2-4.

Yonkers AcI, sc.s 2-4.pdf

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Announcement: "Here is "Yonkers" Act II"

Ross Frellick

Nov 9, 2023 (Edited Jan 26)

Here is "Yonkers" Act II

LIY Act II.pdf

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " R E M I N D E R : I f y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n …"

Ross Frellick

Jan 24

REMINDER: If you are interested in making short

flms, check out this contest.

One Earth Film Contest visual.png

 Contest Details — One E…

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A s s i g n m e n t : " D e m o n s t ra t i o n S p e e c h"

Ross Frellick posted a new assig…


Jan 22

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " S V C ( S t u d e n t V o i c e C o m m i t t e e ) w a n t s t o …"

Ross Frellick

Jan 19

SVC (Student Voice Committee) wants to hear your

voice! Do them a favor and complete this brief
survey, if you are so inclined.

 Google Forms: Sign-in

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " P r e s e n t a t i o n S c h e d u l e f o r S p e e c h e s : …"

Ross Frellick

Jan 18

Presentation Schedule for Speeches:

Monday, Jan. 22nd - Jaley, Ray, Laila S.,, Xavier,
Ross, Brody, Siduri
Tuesday, Jan. 23rd - Laila B., Max, Taniah, Vera,
Gabby, Lily, Dannie
Wednesday, Jan. 24th - Quran, Lee, Soleil, Ari,
Charlie, Aubrey
Thursday, Jan. 25th - Jaysalie, Alex, Audrey, Parker,
Lydia, Milo
Friday, Jan. 26th - Sami, El, Jabauri, Savannah,
Fiona, Jacob, Marley

Prepare yourself accordingly. Let Frellick know if

you need any materials stored, locked up,
projected,... on your assigned day.

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o , T h e a t r e A r t s I ! A s y o u k n o w, I …"

Ross Frellick

Jan 11

Hello, Theatre Arts I!

As you know, I will not be with you today or

tomorrow. Your (posted) assignment is to complete
an outline for your Demonstration Speech. Anyone
who has not fnalized their topic needs to do that
and email me their topic before beginning the

Be careful in tomorrow's harsh weather. see you


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A s s i g n m e n t : " C o m p l e t e o u t l i n e f o r D e m o n s t ra t i o n S p e e c h"

Ross Frellick posted a new assig…


Jan 10

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " W a l g r e e n s s p o n s o r s t h i s p r o g r a m t o …"

Ross Frellick

Jan 9

Walgreens sponsors this program to encourage

student artistic expression. There's money to be
won! Follow the link for more details. Deadline
March 31st. Get your creative work out there!

 Home - Expressions

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : "A s w e p r e p a r e t o r e t u r n t o s c h o o l , a …"

Ross Frellick

Jan 6

As we prepare to return to school, a reminder:

LPHS Drama will be participating in the 2024
Chicago Youth Theatrefest, February 17th.
Students may perform a monologue (1-2 minutes), a
two-person scene (3-5 minutes), a 3-5 person scene
(5-8 minutes) or sing a portion of a song for the
Musical Theatre competition.

SPACES ARE LIMITED, and will be flled on a frst-

come, frst-served basis.

If you would like to perform but need suggestions

for material, let me know.

This is a great performance opportunity. Check your

calendar to make sure you are available on February
17th, then step up and join us!

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J u s t a h e a d s u p : t h e a u d i t o r i u m i s N O T… "

Ross Frellick

Dec 20, 2023

Just a heads up: the auditorium is NOT available

today, so you will be performing in Room 103. We
will direct you when you arrive. See you 6th period!

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " F I N A L R E M I N D E R : T h e T h e a t r e A r t s I …"

Ross Frellick

Dec 20, 2023

The Theatre Arts I audition is scheduled for 6th
period today. Theatre Arts I and Theatre Arts IV
students should arrive promptly at the beginning of
6th period, Use the bathroom BEFORE you arrive.

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J u s t a r e m i n d e r : Ta k e c a r e o f y o u r s e l f …"

Ross Frellick

Dec 18, 2023

Just a reminder:
Take care of yourself and your study needs frst,
BUT I am auditioning 8th-graders today, tomorrow
and Wednesday after school if anyone is willing to

Hope fnals are going well!

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