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Purbadhala, Netrokona, farhanshahoriar@gmail.com

Bangladesh SM Farhan Shahoriar linkedin.com/in/farhanshahoriar

University Of Rajshahi 2017/01 - 2022/04
● B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering.
● Undergraduate Coursework: Programming Languages; Algorithms; Data Structures; Opera ng Systems;
Databases; Networking.


● Individual Programming Compe on Achievements:
● Leetcode max contest ra ng: 2225 (Within top 1% in global ra ng out of 163800+ Users) Profile Link
● Ranked 651st in a Google CodeJam Round of 2020 out of 44000+ Par cipants Rank Link
● Ranked 2nd in Onsite Samsung R&D Bangladesh Coding Contest 2019 Rank Link
● Codeforces max contest ra ng: 1844 Profile Link
● Na onal Programming Contests:
● Finished in 19th to 45th rank in three NCPC and ICPC Regional Contests compe ng against almost all
teams of Bangladesh and some interna onal teams. ICPC ID Link
● Par cipated in 20+ Onsite Na onal Inter University Programming Contests and ranked up to 4th.
● Olympiads and Other Achievements:
● 1st runner up in the Na onal High School Programming Contest among all par cipants of the country.
Rank Link
● Two mes Na onal Winner in Informa cs Olympiad.
● Par cipated in Asia-Pacific Informa cs Olympiad.
● Two mes 1st runner up in the Regional Math Olympiad.
● Ranked 7th in ITEE FE Exam taken by IPA of Japan

● Finding op mal truck trips using Heuris c Search Algorithm: This project aims to develop a Heuris c Search
Algorithm that will track the current loca ons of trucks and currently available trips to op mally assign trucks
for trips. This algorithm will help to minimize cost by decreasing the number of trips, where the trucks move
without any shipments and considering some other factors. GitHub Source Code Link

● Alumni Contact App: Developed Paid Alumni Contact app for two different Ins tu ons. One app has 500+
users. Play Store Link

● DS and Algo Mentor(2020/02 -2022/01): Working as a paid mentor of a senior. I took 300+ sessions of him. I
covered most basic algorithms, Introduc on to Algorithms book, Cracking The Coding Interview book, etc.
1000+ hours work dura on ll now including resource and slide prepara on me.

● CSE RU Programming Club, Trainer(2018/01 - 2022/04): I took 100+ Algorithm and Data Structure sessions of
the juniors of University Of Rajshahi and arranged 70+ contests in vjudge.


● C++, C, Java
● Git, SQL
● Socket Programming
● Android Development

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