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Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Trishal, Mymensingh.
Assignment On: Important question for viva voce.

Course Name: Business Communication

Course Code: HRM-204

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Md. Al-Amin (Sajib) Mohammed Jonaied Alam Chaion

Roll: 20133017
Session: 2019-2020
Human Resource Management Department Student of
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University Human Resource Management Department
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Date of Submission: 7th July,2024

Business Communication
Course Code: HRM-204

1.What is business communication, and why is it important?

Business communication encompasses the sharing of information within an organization to

facilitate decision-making, convey ideas, and foster relationships. It includes verbal and written
exchanges through various channels like meetings, emails, reports, and presentations. Effective
business communication is vital as it ensures clarity of goals, alignment among team members,
and efficient problem-solving. By promoting transparency and understanding, it enhances
productivity, minimizes misunderstandings, and builds a positive organizational culture where
stakeholders feel informed and valued.

2.What are the difference between formal and informal communication?

Formal communication follows the official chain of command and is structured, using official
channels and documented formats such as memos, reports, and meetings. Informal
communication, on the other hand, is casual and spontaneous, often occurring between
colleagues outside of formal structures, such as in conversations, emails, or social media. Formal
communication ensures clarity and accountability, while informal communication fosters
camaraderie and quick information sharing.

3.What are the main forms of communication in business?

The main forms of communication in business are verbal (oral and written), non-verbal (body
language, gestures), and visual (charts, graphs). These forms can be used in various
combinations to convey messages effectively within an organization.

4.What is Grapevine?

Grapevine is an informal communication network within an organization were information

spreads unofficially and often rapidly. It can include rumors, gossip, and informal discussions.
While not always reliable, the grapevine can reflect employee sentiments and provide insights
into the organizational climate. Management can monitor it to gauge morale and address
potential issues proactively.

5.What do you mean by Power Distance?

Power distance is a cultural dimension that describes the extent to which less powerful members
of organizations accept and expect power to be distributed unequally. In high power distance
cultures, hierarchies are respected and authority is seldom challenged. In low power distance
cultures, power is more evenly distributed, and subordinates are encouraged to question and
interact with superiors openly.
6.What are the Challenges of Business Communication?

Challenges in business communication include language barriers, cultural differences,

technological disruptions, and information overload. Miscommunication can arise from unclear
messages, assumptions, and noise. Additionally, maintaining confidentiality, ensuring message
accuracy, and fostering effective feedback are critical challenges. Overcoming these requires
clear, concise, and culturally sensitive communication strategies, along with active listening and
feedback mechanisms.

Oral communication is the

process of verbally transmitting
information and ideas from
one individual or group to
another. Oral communication
can be either Formal or
Examples of informal oral
communication include:
 Face-to-face conversations
 Telephone conversations
 Discussions that take place
at business meetings
 Presentations at business
 Classroom lectures
 Commencement speech
given at a graduation ceremony
Oral communication is the
process of verbally transmitting
information and ideas from
one individual or group to
another. Oral communication
can be either Formal or
Examples of informal oral
communication include:
 Face-to-face conversations
 Telephone conversations
 Discussions that take place
at business meetings
 Presentations at business
 Classroom lectures
 Commencement speech
given at a graduation ceremony
7.What are the biggest myths about business communication?

The first biggest myth about business communication is that it is hard. It is difficult to learn to
communicate more effectively. The second is that you have to be a corporate clone that is you
have to speak a certain way, present a certain way and be a certain way. However, this is
completely wrong you can be yourself.

The modern workplace appreciates emotional intelligence in which you are welcome to be
yourself. It is more appreciated if you bring your authentic and genuine self to work rather than
copying someone. It is important to follow formal certain formalities of business communication
but that does not mean that you can’t express yourself with your authenticity. People love to see
unique people expressing their true selves at work.
Define Oral Communication
and its types of oral
Ans. Oral communication is
the process of verbally
transmitting information and
ideas from
one individual or group to
another. Oral communication
can be either Formal or
Examples of informal oral
communication include:
 Face-to-face conversations
 Telephone conversations
 Discussions that take place
at business meetings
 Presentations at business
 Classroom lectures
 Commencement speech
given at a graduation ceremony
8. What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence (EI), sometimes referred to as emotional quotient (EQ), is the ability to
identify and manage your emotions and express them in ways that are respectful and helpful to
those around you. This process also involves the ability to understand the emotions of people
around you and respond with supportive and encouraging feedback. Understanding your
emotions and those of others can help you better relate to others in a personal or professional

9.How to inculcate active listening?

There are three strategies to inculcate active listening:

1. Be Present: Be genuinely present for the other person. Be interested and empathic to
hear them. Give your full focus while you are listening. Put all your distractions away. Be
2. Give Non-verbal cues that you are genuinely listening: When you nod your head or
say, “I see the problem. I hear you. I understand you”. Both verbal and non-verbal cues
will help you create a better connection with the listener.
3. Try to genuinely connect: When you genuinely connect with the other person, it will
give a psychological safety net to open up, share and express themselves very well.
10.What do you mean by Stereotypes?

Stereotypes are generalized and oversimplified beliefs about a group of people. In business
communication, stereotypes can lead to misunderstandings, biases, and discrimination. They can
affect hiring, teamwork, and interactions with clients or partners from different cultural
backgrounds. Overcoming stereotypes requires awareness, open-mindedness, and a commitment
to valuing individual differences.

11.What are the Strategies to speak more professionally at the workplace?

Strategies to speak more professionally at the workplace are:

1. Have a respect mindset: Treat everyone with equal respect. Think that everyone
together is working for a common goal.
2. Always share correct information: Make sure whenever you share any information it is
accurate. If you are not sure about certain data points confirm the data points first then
3. Never interrupt: It’s a small gesture that makes a big difference. It helps to people to
complete their ideas in a flow. Plus, it shows respect for the individual who is speaking.

12.What do you mean by cultural influence on business communications?

Cultural influence refers to the impact that culture has on communication styles and preferences.
For example, some cultures are more direct than others, so it’s important to take these
differences into account when communicating with clients or colleagues from other countries.
It’s found that understanding cultural influence helps to create more effective messages by
tailoring language and tone to the audience.

13.What is 7C in Business Communication?

The 7Cs in business communication are essential principles that ensure effective and clear
messaging. They include:

1. Clarity: Ensure your message is easily understood.

2. Conciseness: Keep your message brief and to the point.
3. Concreteness: Use specific facts and figures, avoiding vague statements.
4. Correctness: Ensure your message is free of errors and appropriate for the audience.
5. Consideration: Address the needs and perspectives of the audience.
6. Completeness: Provide all necessary information for the audience to understand and act
on the message.
7. Courtesy: Communicate in a respectful and polite manner.

By adhering to these principles, business communication becomes more effective, fostering

better understanding and collaboration.
14.What are the essential elements of the communication process?

The essential elements of the communication process are the sender, message, encoding,
channel, receiver, decoding, feedback, and noise. Each element plays a crucial role in ensuring
that the intended message is accurately conveyed and understood.

15.How does one-way communication differ from two-way communication?

One-way communication involves sending a message without expecting feedback from the
receiver, often used for instructions or announcements. Two-way communication, on the other
hand, involves a reciprocal exchange of information, allowing for feedback and interaction,
which enhances understanding and engagement.

16.What is cross-cultural communication? Do you have any experience dealing with people
from different cultures?
Cross-cultural communication refers to the process of exchanging meaningful information
between people from different cultural backgrounds. It involves understanding and bridging
differences in language, behavior, social norms, values, and communication styles. Effective
cross-cultural communication requires an awareness and respect for cultural diversity, and it
often necessitates adjusting one's communication approach to accommodate these differences.
I’ve had some experience doing this in my previous role as a business communications
specialist. My company hired a new employee who spoke Spanish fluently but was not fluent in
English. I helped her learn more about our company by communicating with her in both
languages. She also taught me some Spanish phrases that I could use at work.

17.What are the strategies needed for Effective Cross-Cultural Communication?

1. Education and Training: Learning about different cultures and their communication styles
through formal education or cultural competence training programs.
2. Active Listening: Paying close attention to what the other person is saying, and showing
empathy and respect for their viewpoint.
3. Adaptability: Being flexible and open to adjusting your communication style to suit
different cultural contexts.
4. Feedback: Seeking and providing feedback to ensure that the message has been
understood correctly.
5. Avoiding Assumptions: Refraining from making assumptions based on stereotypes and
instead seeking to understand the individual’s unique cultural background.

By embracing these strategies and understanding the complexities of cross-cultural

communication, individuals and organizations can improve their ability to interact effectively in
a globalized world.
18.What are the techniques to write better emails at work?

Three points that can help to write better emails:

1. Crisp: Make sure you write an email and not a letter. Its is should be crisp, concise and
to the point.
2. Complete: Make sure that the email is complete. It has all the information that your
reader might need.
3. Accurate: Make sure that all details are accurate. An email is a record of your
conversation. Sharing inaccurate information can backfire. Therefore, all double-check
the information shared in the mail.

19.What are some common email etiquette mistakes to avoid?

Several practices can hinder effective email communication:

Unprofessional language: Avoid slang, informal greetings/closings, and excessive use of

exclamation points.
Unclear subject lines: Use clear and concise subject lines that accurately reflect the email's
CCing/BCCing inappropriately: Use CC judiciously and BCC only when necessary to maintain
Replying to all unnecessarily: Avoid replying to all recipients if the response is only relevant to a

20.What are the communication mistakes to avoid in order to build a strong team?

The biggest mistake that demotivates the team is not showing them the bigger picture of the
project. Sometimes people get too drained in the daily hustle of the work, without ever realizing
their work's impact. Therefore, it is highly important to share the impact of the work that is being
done. It gives intrinsic motivation to the employees to work better and with more dedication.

21.How can effective minutes of a meeting be recorded and maintained?

Effective minutes of a meeting can be recorded and maintained by following a structured

approach. Start by noting the meeting’s date, time, location, and list of attendees. Record the
main discussion points, decisions made, and any action items, including who is responsible for
each task and the deadlines. Capture key arguments and viewpoints without delving into
unnecessary detail. Use clear and concise language to ensure the minutes are easy to read and
understand. Review the minutes for accuracy and completeness before distributing them to all
participants. Store the minutes in an organized and accessible manner for future reference and
22.What Strategies are effective in meetings?

ways to be effective in a meeting:

1. Share the agenda beforehand: This will ensure people are well aware about the things
that are to be discussed. It will also help them decide whether is it important to attend or
skip the meeting?
2. Have the videos on: It will increase attention, retention and interaction. You would be
able to connect verbally as well as non-verbally during a meeting. Video call helps you
catch the non-verbal cues of your team members. This helps to provide support if anyone
needs it from other team members.
3. Keep it short: Don’t exaggerate meetings. Keep them short and to the point. People have
shorter attention spans. Therefore, avoid having an hour-long meeting, try to have short
meetings for 15-20minutes instead.
4. Minimize the follow-up tasks: Try to finish as many tasks as possible in the meeting
itself. Like if a document has to be sent, or an email has to be written, do these tasks
during the meeting itself. The purpose of the meeting is to be more effective at work
rather than send people with more work.
5. Minutes of meeting and action items: Make sure someone takes notes of the important
things discussed in the meeting so that people know what happened in the meeting. Also,
a list of action items is crucial it helps to track the progress of the work done.

23.How to foster healthy disagreement in meetings?

Ask people individually about their opinion and then as a team decide what’s the best way to
deal with this problem. Always we need to remember that it's never you vs me. It should always
be us vs the problem. This will help you have better solutions. Also, when you let go of your ego
diverse solutions come.

24.What are the key differences between a CV and a resume?

The key differences between a CV (Curriculum Vitae) and a resume lie in their length, purpose,
and content. A CV is a comprehensive document that details a person’s academic background,
professional experience, skills, publications, awards, and other relevant achievements. It is
typically used in academic, scientific, and research fields and can be several pages long. A
resume, on the other hand, is a concise document, usually one to two pages, highlighting a
candidate’s most relevant work experience, skills, and accomplishments tailored to a specific job
application. Resumes are widely used in most industries for job applications and are designed to
provide a quick snapshot of the candidate.

25.How should a sales letter be structured to capture and retain the reader’s interest?

A sales letter should be structured strategically to capture and retain the reader’s interest. Begin
with a strong opening that grabs attention, such as a compelling question, an interesting fact, or a
personal greeting. Introduce the product or service and highlight its key features and benefits,
focusing on how it addresses the reader’s needs or solves their problems. Use persuasive
language and provide evidence, such as testimonials or case studies, to build credibility. Include
a clear and attractive offer, such as a discount or limited-time promotion. End with a strong call
to action, encouraging the reader to take the next step, such as visiting a website or contacting for
more information. Maintain a friendly and professional tone throughout the letter.

26.What role does feedback play in the communication process?

Feedback is a critical component of the communication process as it ensures that the message
sent by the sender has been received and understood correctly by the receiver. It allows for
clarification and adjustments, helping to eliminate misunderstandings. Feedback can be verbal or
non-verbal and provides the sender with valuable information on how their message was
interpreted. It also fosters a two-way communication flow, encouraging dialogue and
engagement. In a business context, feedback helps improve performance, build stronger
relationships, and drive continuous improvement.
27.If communication is so critical to leadership and business, why isn’t there enough
communication in business today?

Communication is often seen as an "add-on" to "hard" or "technical" business

skills. Communication is often perceived as someone else’s job. Sometimes leaders spend their
time and resources focusing on goals that directly contribute to the bottom line, not knowing that
communication does too.

And there are a myriad of myths about communication that get in the way, myths such
as "talking is communication" or "people won’t interpret situations or give them meaning if
leaders don’t talk about them," both of which are far from the truth.

28.Why do leaders need to be effective communicators?

Today’s leaders need to be effective leader communicators and use strategic communication as a
way to achieve the business goals they seek. Leading is communicating; you can’t separate
communication from leadership. Without communication, employees lack direction and can’t
measure their performance. They lack an ability to see themselves and their work as part of the
bigger picture. They can’t add value by contributing as a thinking member of the team. And
what’s most important is that you can’t lead if you can’t express yourself.

Your technical skills and abilities can take you only so far. Leadership is much more. It’s about
getting things done and moving a business forward through other people.

29.What traits are most important for a skilled leader communicator?

Asking questions and listening are critical. Leaders create engagement by focusing on
productivity, creating morale and building relationships. Before you can understand a business
problem or achieve a goal, you have to understand what the situation is. Asking questions is the
best way to come at a problem from varied perspectives. If a leader problem solves from
assumptions or only the information at hand, he or she won’t be effective.

30.What’s the greatest communication challenge for leaders?

The greatest challenge leaders face is failing to remember that everything they do communicates.
Whether they intend to or not, everything leaders do (and don’t do) communicates something, so
why not communicate well? It’s no secret that people will read into your behavior. They interpret
situations and give them meaning, whether or not you communicate about it. Communication
provides the right information and prevents misinformation. Leaders need to remember that they
make the weather every day for their people.

31.How can leaders measure the effectiveness of their communication?

Leader can ask others, can listen (and then listen some more). Leaders can also use a 360º to
assess how leader actually communicating, as compared to how leader may do.

We all have blind spots, and most of us tend to overestimate our skills. Leaders who are
extroverted typically say and do a lot, but the quality of their communication suffers. On the
other hand, introverts tend to think they’re communicating more than they actually are.

Effective leader communicators practice just like great athletes. Look at Serena Williams. She’s
one of the best tennis players in the world, but she still practices every day. Leaders don’t have to
be perfect, but we all need to work on flexing our leadership muscle so it gets stronger over time.
A great place to start is to listen to see how you’re doing in meeting your team’s needs: listen to
the questions people ask, and look in the mirror and check your reflection.

32.How can technology be leveraged to enhance business communication?

Technology plays a transformative role in communication. Collaboration tools facilitate

teamwork across geographical boundaries. Video conferencing allows for face-to-face
interaction without physical travel. Project management platforms keep teams on track and
organized. Social media platforms can be used for internal communication, customer
engagement, and brand building. However, it's crucial to choose the appropriate technology for
the situation and ensure responsible usage to maintain professionalism.

33.Discuss the ethical considerations in business communication.

Business communication should be conducted with honesty, integrity, and transparency.

Avoiding misleading statements, respecting confidentiality, and acknowledging sources are all
essential ethical practices. It's important to be mindful of cultural sensitivities and avoid
discriminatory language or stereotypes. Building trust through ethical communication fosters
long-term positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

34.How can you overcome common challenges associated with public speaking?
Public speaking anxiety is a common fear. Here are some tips to overcome it:

 Preparation is key: Rehearse your presentation thoroughly to build confidence.

 Focus on the message, not yourself: Shift your focus from your nerves to delivering
valuable information to the audience.
 Use relaxation techniques: Practice deep breathing or visualization exercises to manage
 Start with small steps: Gradually increase your public speaking experience in low-
pressure settings.
 Embrace imperfection: Everyone makes mistakes. Focus on delivering the core
message effectively.

35.Briefly describe the concept of nonverbal communication channels.

Nonverbal communication channels convey messages beyond spoken words.

 Body language: Posture, gestures, and facial expressions can signal confidence,
openness, or boredom.
 Eye contact: Sustained eye contact shows attentiveness, while avoiding eye contact can
indicate nervousness or disrespect.
 Vocal cues: Tone of voice, volume, and pace can convey emotions like excitement,
anger, or hesitation.
 Personal space: The distance you maintain from others can indicate comfort level or

36.What is a Business Report?

A business report is a formal document that objectively provides statistical data, summarizes
historical facts, and sometimes offers reasonable recommendations for a company’s
managers. Business reports are important for a company, especially for a large company.
Companies need them to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the business information which
is sometimes transmitted through a long chain. Most importantly, business reports enable
managers to access information about a specific project or an overview of the company’s
operation and then make a data-driven decision.
37.What are the impacts of social media in Business Communication?
Social media significantly impacts business communication by enhancing customer engagement,
brand visibility, and real-time interaction. It enables companies to reach wider audiences, gather
customer feedback, and foster community building. Social media platforms facilitate direct,
instant communication with consumers, helping businesses address concerns and build loyalty.
Additionally, they provide valuable data for market analysis and targeted advertising. However,
businesses must manage their online presence carefully, as negative feedback can spread rapidly.
Overall, social media has transformed business communication into a more dynamic, interactive,
and data-driven process.
38.How can written communication be used for conflict resolution in a business setting?

Written communication can be a valuable tool for conflict resolution by:

 Providing a clear and documented record of the issue.

 Allowing time for rational thinking before responding.
 Facilitating a more objective and professional approach to addressing the conflict.
 Helping to ensure clear understanding of the concerns and desired outcomes.

39.What’s the Difference between sales messaging & brand messaging?

These two terms may seem interchangeable, they’re not: here’s why: -Brand messaging, or
marketing messaging, is a broad message to a larger audience that describes what your company
does and what it stands for. This is how you describe your product to a more top-of-the-funnel
audience and could be used in marketing communications like promotional emails, ads, or
landing page copy.
A brand message usually follows a storytelling format that evokes emotions and drives how
people feel about and talk about your business. Sales messaging is meant for an audience that’s
closer to a purchase. It’s intended for direct sales contact with a purchase-ready prospect,
including cold call scripts, sales email workflows, and other outreach methods. A sales message
is the basis for your sales pitch, and you might even create more than one sales message
depending on the target audience.
40.Describe the process of handling customer Complaints?
Managing customer complaints and resolving them quickly will result in improved business
processes and repeat customer. Complain handling procedure could include the following steps.
1) Listen to the complaint
2) Record details of the complaint
3) Get all the facts
4) Discuss options for fixing the problem
5) Act quickly
6) Keep your promises
7) Follow up

41.Explain the difference between circular-memo-notice.

The main difference between these three forms of communication is their intended audience and
their purpose. A circular tends to be mass distributed to a large number of people. A
memo usually has a smaller demographic of audience and is usually more exclusive. A notice
will normally be issued to a varying
number of people; depending on who needs to know about thein formation it contains.

42.What are the steps of communication process?

The sender has an idea. The sender decodes the idea as a message. The sender produces the
message in a transmittable medium. The sender transmits the message through a channel. The
audience receives the message. The audience decodes the message. The audience responds to the
message. The audience sends feedback.
43. Distinguish between constructive feedback and destructive feedback.
Constructive feedback focuses on the process and outcomes of communication, not on the people
involved. Destructive feedback delivers criticism with no effort to stimulate improvement.
Identify the eight steps in the communication process.
The sender has an idea. The sender decodes the idea as a message. The
sender produces the message in a transmittable medium. The sender
transmits the message through a channel. The audience receives the
message. The audience decodes the message. The audience responds to the
message. The audience sends feedback.
3.Distinguish between constructive feedback and destructive
Constructive feedback focuses on the process and outcomes of
communication, not on the people involved. Destructive feedback delivers
criticism with no effort to stimulate improvement.
Identify the eight steps in the communication process.
The sender has an idea. The sender decodes the idea as a message. The
sender produces the message in a transmittable medium. The sender
transmits the message through a channel. The audience receives the
message. The audience decodes the message. The audience responds to the
message. The audience sends feedback.
3.Distinguish between constructive feedback and destructive
Constructive feedback focuses on the process and outcomes of
communication, not on the people involved. Destructive feedback delivers
criticism with no effort to stimulate improvement.
2.Identify the eight steps in the communication process.
The sender has an idea. The sender decodes the idea as a message. The
sender produces the message in a transmittable medium. The sender
transmits the message through a channel. The audience receives the
message. The audience decodes the message. The audience responds to the
message. The audience sends feedback.
3.Distinguish between constructive feedback and destructive
Constructive feedback focuses on the process and outcomes of
communication, not on the people involved. Destructive feedback delivers
criticism with no effort to stimulate improvement
44.What are the communication skills employers expect from you, the prospective
Employers expect employees to be able to (a) organize ideas/information coherently and
completely, (b) express and present ideas/information coherently and persuasively, (c) listen to
others, (d) communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, (e) use
communication technology effectively, (f) communicate with good etiquette, and (g)
communicate ethically.
45.What is the difference between a tall organizational structure and a flat organizational
structure? How does the structure affect communication within that structure?
A tall organizational structure has many layers of management between the lowest and highest
positions, so they can suffer communication breakdowns and delays as messages are passed up
and down through multiple layers. A flat structure reduces the number of layers; with fewer
layers, communication flows faster and with fewer disruptions and distortions. In a flatter
structure individual employees are expected to assume more responsibility for communication,
particularly horizontally among departments.
46. What are the different technological tools that people might use nowadays for
communicating without actual face-to-face interaction or paper correspondence?
Virtual meetings through video conferencing, e-mail, instant messaging, shared workspaces, and
web-based meetings let people communicate without actually meeting each other or exchanging
paper correspondence.

47.How to get people to get involved in virtual meetings?

1. Give a heads up for turning on their video during video call meetings: Since we all
have been working in a virtual environment for the past two years so it is important to
give people a heads-up to be present during video calls. When people are on video it is
easy to have a better, informative and more interactive meeting.
2. Have a small talk before the meeting: Since we are all working from home for the last
two years, it is mandatory that we imbibe a healthy culture that makes everyone feel seen,
heard and supported virtually. The best way to foster psychological safety is to ask
people about their whereabouts. Questions like, ‘How are you doing? How is everyone at
your place?’ makes a huge difference. These questions make people feel more connected
and they don’t feel they are in a transactional relationship where all that matters is
completing their work on time.

48. What are the tactics to improve emotional intelligence?

Use the following steps to improve emotional intelligence both inside at and outside of
1. Be more self-aware
2. Recognize how others feel
3. Practice active listening
4. Communicate clearly
5. Stay positive
6. Be open-minded
7. Listen to feedback
8. Stay calm under pressure

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