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2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of E-learning.

Electronic learning, or e-learning, is used to deliver educational programs to learners who are
geographically distant. It is an online learning platform that uses various multimedia
technologies and grows within an official environment. Electronic hardware and software
support this system both online and offline. It's critical to consider both the advantages and
disadvantages of delivering training via technology. Due to its rapid expansion, technology can
be adopted before a company has planned for the appropriate design and delivery of training.
Technology-assisted training seems to be a quick and easy way to maintain employees' skills
current. Some employers operate under the philosophy of "set it and forget it." But that is untrue,
and employing technology ineffectively for training could end up costing you a lot of money.

It is believed that e-learning enables students to focus on the needs of specific students. In the
digital age, for example, knowledge can be transmitted more effectively by focusing on the needs
of individual students rather than the needs of educational institutions or teachers.

The two problems that online training should address are low usage rates and high retention.
Students are generally more likely to enroll in and finish online courses if they think the
instruction will be helpful and simple to use. A classroom strategy known as "flipped classroom"
makes good use of online instruction. Each trainee completes an online learning module prior to
their in-person meeting. In order to facilitate a successful training session in front of the trainer
and other students, the trainer's role changes from that of a teacher to that of a facilitator.

Digital technology is used to deliver educational content in e-learning, which has both
advantages and disadvantages. Its ease of use and flexibility, which let students access the
materials from anywhere at any time, is one of its main benefits. Those who are trying to juggle
work and school or have hectic schedules will especially benefit from this flexibility.
Furthermore, because e-learning does not require physical facilities or printed materials, it is
frequently more affordable. The availability of a large number of resources, including
multimedia content, improves education and ensures that course materials are current. Another
benefit is scalability, which makes it possible for organizations to effectively train sizable and
geographically dispersed groups. Conversely, since e-learning does not provide the same level of
face-to-face interaction as traditional classroom settings, it may impede collaborative learning
opportunities. Dependency on technology and technical problems can be problematic and hinder
learning. Aside from feeling alone in the lack of in-person interactions, some students might find
that certain subjects that call for practical experience are not as well suited for online instruction.
Notwithstanding these drawbacks, a well-rounded strategy that incorporates traditional and
online learning can offer a thorough and successful learning experience. In addition, below are
the some more facts on advantages and disadvantages of E-Learning.

Advantages Disadvantages

• It's easier to strike the right balance • Limited response from teachers to
between work and life. students

• It enables you to establish and keep • Social Isolation Risk

healthy routines.
• Monitoring fraud is more brutal.
• You can achieve this by continuing your
• Issues with Quality Assurance and
education online.
• You can create a customized workspace.
• Self-motivation and effective time
• Pick up new technical skills. management are necessary.

• Increased environmental awareness • long-term screen time

• Lessened anxiety

• Participate in peer networking.

In conclusion, the context, learner preferences, and subject matter all affect how effective e-
learning is. In many situations, a hybrid strategy that draws on the advantages of both traditional
and online learning might be the best course of action.

• Mathis, R.L., Jackson, J.H., Valentine, S.R., Meglich, P.A. (2015). Human Resource
Management (5th Ed). Cengage Learning; USA, pp.310, 311.

• USAHS , Benefits of Online Learning Retrieved from


• Parker. A,(2022 June,14) 10 Disadvantages of Online Learning That You Should Know
Retrieved from Alvin

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