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Second Conditional dialogue

You have to learn your sentences and practice with your classmate in order to present this
dialogue in front of the class. Reading is not allowed.

Student 1: Hey ___________, have you ever thought about what you would do if you won the
Student 2: Oh, definitely! If I won the lottery, I would buy a huge house for our family. What about
Student 1: If I won the lottery, I think I would quit my job and travel the world with everyone.
Imagine how fun that would be!
Student 2: That sounds amazing! If we traveled together as a family, the kids would learn so
much about diverse cultures.
Student 1: Yeah, it would be a great educational experience. If only we could do that without winning
the lottery!
Student 2: True. But even if we didn’t win, we could still plan a big family trip every few years. It
might not be the same, but it would be wonderful.
Student 1: You're right. If we saved up diligently for 50 years, we would make that happen. Where
would you want to go first?
Student 2: If I could choose, I would take us all to Japan. The culture, the food, and the history are
so fascinating.
Student 1: Japan sounds great. If I had to pick, I would choose Italy. The kids would love the
historical sites and the delicious food.
Student 2: Italy would be fantastic too. If we really planned it out, we would probably visit both
places over a few years.
Student 1: That's a clever idea. If we made a long-term plan, we could visit a new country every
Student 2: Yes, and if we involved the kids in the planning, they would be even more excited and
Student 1: Absolutely. If we had all the resources, we would create many wonderful memories
Student 2: Let's keep dreaming big then. If we ever got that lucky, our family adventures would
be unforgettable.
Student 1: Agreed. It would be the adventure of a lifetime for all of us If our luck ever changed.

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