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Sale Script

Hey [name],
so tell me about your day.

What made you join the community?

What made you come in today?
What’s your goal right now?
Why is that important to you?

So it sounds like….XX is your goal

Does that sound about right?


What have you tried so far to accomplish this?

How long did you do it for?
How long ago?
How did that work for you?

Sale Script 1
What else have you tried?
→ Explain how it’s not their fault, they had a missing piece or two to the equation
It’s not your fault. You were on the right track. You just had something missing,
This one thing that I’m about to show you in a second would be able to help you.

Would you like to hear how the program works?

We’ve seen that there are 3 things that make clients successful…

1. Accountability

2. Clear Goals

3. Consistent Action

Is that clear?

1. With accountability I need you to hop on 1-2 calls with me a week and give
your WhatsApp so I can keep you accountable. Right?

Story: Brushing teeth as a child - parent accountable. External accountability

turning into internal habit. That’s exactly what I’m gonna do for you.

2. Clear Goals - we will set clear actionable goals on the call.

Story: Productivity is a tool not a goal. Have you studied without having an exam?
Like oh man, I just want to study just to study? No right? Without an exam studying
is pointless.

3. Consistent action - Hardest one. I will need you to do daily action in order to
achieve the goal. Will you manage that?

Story: Do you have a favourite TV show? Do you feel like you have to get
motivated to watch? Like I’ve been wanting to watch it, but I just couldn’t get

Sale Script 2
motivated. Do you have that?
No, right. That’s how the action is going to be.

(Tell stories only if we see hesitation. )

I see you’re ambitious and you would probably get there without me. But the
difference is the speed.

Imagine you’re going to Maui. Do you want to swim there? Take a boat? How about
a flight? Now how about a private jet?

You’re getting there either way, but with me it’s going to be a lot easier & faster.

So are you ready to get started?


’m just going to need you to pay $1 to make sure you are 100% focused.

Price - if I gave him a ferrari for that price he would buy it. He just doesn’t see the

→ Value
Decision-Maker - Past Agreements

→ Circumvent(What if they say no? What would be their biggest objection? (attack
the objection)
→ Past Agreements (Does he know you want to be more productive? Does he
want you to be lazy? Then why would he be against this?)
→ Ask for Forgiveness and Permission

Stall - Confront Decision Criteria

→ Do you think if you work with me you will have a greater likelihood of achieving
your goals?

→ Do you want to work with me? Do you think it will be great & fun?
→ Do you have access to funds or do you know someone who does?

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Then let’s get started.
If still not, have a delayed payment and let them talk to their partner or think about

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