Research Call Flow

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Research Call Flow

Use this research call flow to collect valuable insights from your Skool Community
members which you will use to build and sell high-ticket offers. (Covered in the next
section of this 4-week Cohort)

Your goal here is to collect 3 pieces of information:

1. What are their goals? What do they want?

2. What pains/problems are they facing?
3. What have they tried on their own?

Record your calls with Otter, in-house recording, or another software. Take notes of key
points to cross-reference with the recording. Answer the 3 questions above.

- If you haven’t made a Skool Community get a 14 day free trial here
- If you aren’t growing your group, this is the best strategy to do so
- If you haven’t booked any Calls, use this DM flow to do so

Instead of using this as a script, use it as a checklist of objectives to guide you through
the call, leaving you room to have a natural flow to the conversation without being
confused about what to say. It will:

● Show the prospect their main problems, which are often different than they had
● Make the prospect feel heard and understood
● Cause the prospect to sell themselves as opposed to you selling them
● Resolve objections before they close

Use the following Call flow as a guideline, not as commandments. Let's dive in ↓
Step 1: Intro
Smile, be friendly

Hey _____, how are you doing? (enthusiastically)

// Prospect Answers //

Great! And where are you calling from?

// Prospect Answers //

Oh nice! I’m in _____. It’s beautiful/sunny/rainy/pretty cool here

// Prospect Answers //

But, anyway, I know we don’t have too long so should we just jump straight in?

// Prospect Answers //


So my goal at the moment is to really understand my audience, so I can figure out how I
can help them better

So, if it’s cool with you, I’ll run through a string of questions I have for you about your
life, your goals, and things like that? It should be fun

// Prospect Answers //


And by the way if you hear me typing it's because I'm just making a few notes.

But we’ll just start with some basic questions…

Step 2: Questions
Seek to understand

So what does a day in the life of [name] look like? Walk me through what an average
day looks like for you!

// Prospect Answers //

[Connect and acknowledge to show listening: For example, “Man congrats on the
beautiful family!”]

So, what's your main priority right now [topic] wise? What are your goals around [topic]?

// Prospect Answers //

Okay, thanks for sharing this with me. [Ask for more details if needed - [For example: So
what would it look like if you hit those weight loss goals? So ideally, how many pounds
would you like to lose?] DON’T BE SCARED TO ASK FOLLOW-UPS!

// Prospect Answers //

Why is that important to you? What would life look like for you after [achieving goal]?

// Prospect Answers //

What has been the biggest challenge for you in [achieving goal]? [PROBE AROUND -

// Prospect Answers //

Man that sounds painful. How long have you been dealing with [challenge]?
[Stretch the pain, acknowledge how dealing with it for that timeframe must suck]

// Prospect Answers //

So, what are you currently doing to achieve that [goal]? Or are you kind of on the first
steps right now?

// Prospect Answers //

Okay, that makes sense. How is that going for you? Are you getting results? Are you
happy with how things are progressing?

// Prospect Answers //

Hmm okay. So what do you think is missing at the moment for you to make this
happen? What do you think you need?

// Prospect Answers //

If I gave you a solution to this problem so you could [dream/heaven you found above]
without [common objection] would you be interested in something like that?

// Prospect Answers //

Step 3: Transition
At this stage, you have three choices:
1. Tease them of a future solution
2. Offer to help for free
3. Make a paid offer on the call

Your choice depends on your confidence, if you have an existing offer and the leads
Your first 5-10 calls you should not pitch. (Unless extremely confident). Use them to
collect information, build out an offer that targets your audience, increase confidence
and pitch them on a second call in the future.

// If you plan on using the information you just collected to pitch them in the future… use

Sweet. I have something that would help you with this, but it isn’t currently available. I
would love to share this with you in the future as a thank you for your time today.

Would you be interested in being added to my private waitlist when this is ready? No
pressure, but you will lock in some exclusive bonuses with it!

// If you plan on using the information you collected to offer to help for free //

Sweet. I would love to help you with this.

Now, normally I charge [Price], but as a thank you for your time, and to dial in my
systems I would love to help you for free. Would you be interested in how I can help you
make this happen for free?

// If you plan on pitching them your existing offer //

Sweet. I currently have [# of spots] left in my program right now.

Would you be interested in hearing more about this program and how I can help you
make this happen?
[Make your pitch for your offer after the prospect responds.]
Step 4: Wrap Up

Awesome! I know you are busy [name] so I don’t want to take up too much of your time

It was an absolute pleasure meeting you today, thanks again for your time and lets chat
again soon!

// If they agreed to waitlist //

I will add you to my personal waitlist right after this call and keep you in the loop for
future developments! Excited to see where this goes [name]! (SMILE)

// Prospect Answers //

Alright, talk to you later, buh bye!

// END CALL //

Congrats! You just successfully hosted a research call that provided you with incredibly
valuable information you will use to make thousands of dollars in the future!


3 rules to nailing your call flow:

Step 1

Understand the intention of every line in the call flow.

Don’t look for specific words, look for what the goal is of that line.

Step 2
Stay where you are in the call flow until you get what you need. No skipping ahead.

Use the flow as a checkpoint system, like in a video game.

You have to create a story/structure they can understand. If you skip around, you lose
leverage. You’ll have to backtrack and confuse the prospect. Confused = Gone.

Step 3

Remember. You are capable of transforming their life for the better.

Own your confidence, your confidence in yourself, in your words, and in your offer will
make or break the conversation!

The more calls you hop on, the more confidence you will build.

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