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Niche Selection Worksheet

Get started with this worksheet to pinpoint your Skool community niche and course idea. It's a
key step that's both easy and enjoyable. Remember, you can also draw ideas from the '100
Skool Niche List' document. And don't forget, using ChatGPT can give you some great tips!

Step One: Write down 5 niches or hobbies you’re deeply interested in

1. Self improvement
2. Productivity
3. Fitness
4. Guitar
5. Boxing

Step Two: Write down 5 skills or areas of expertise you currently have

1. Self improvement
2. Productivity
3. Fitness
4. Guitar
5. Boxing

Step Three: List the problems, fears and desires of your chosen niches

1. Can’t get enough work done.

2. Too distracted
3. Too overwhelmed

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Step Four: Identify the most significant problem and the strongest desire within your
niche. What do you think these are?

● Problem: procrastination. Desire: work effectively and have time for other things in life

Step Five: Are there any big YouTubers or websites solving this problem you can get
inspiration from? If yes, list them below

1. Hamza
2. Ali Abdaal
3. Andrew Huberman

Step Six: Are there any courses created already solving this specific problem? If yes, list
them below

1. Prob smh in Adonis School

2. Huberman’s podcast

Step Seven: Do you currently have the skills and knowledge to solve this problem and
help this person make this transformation?

If “YES” Awesome! You now have your niche selected. You are done with this exercise!


If “NO” Don’t Stress! Most problems when clearly defined and isolated on their own are very
easy to solve and the knowledge needed to do so can be easily acquired.

If you selected “NO” please continue to the next step.

Step Eight: Let’s work on solving this problem and acquiring the skills and knowledge
necessary to solve it. Start by writing the problem down in one or two sentences:

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● Teenage men often struggle with managing their time effectively, leading to overwhelm
and procrastination due to academic pressures, social commitments, and modern
distractions. This results in difficulty achieving their goals and maintaining a balanced,
stress-free life.

Has anybody solved this problem? Yes or no?

● Yes

How have they solved this problem? What are they doing?

● 1-1 coaching & communities

Can you copy their solution to build a Skool community & course? Yes or no?

● Yes

Make a list of the things you need to learn in order to copy the “winning solution” from
people who already have this figured out:

● Take notes from Andrew Huberman and Hamza and make a course on that.

What steps are you going to take over the next 7-14 days to learn this?

● I will take notes from Huberman & Hamza and make a video course like the one in
Superior Students on Focus Mastery.

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holder of the End User License may use it for personal purposes. Violations will face legal action.

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