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Version 4.0

Looped Water Distribution Network Design Program

LOOP: Looped Water Distribution Design Program - (C) The World Bank
Output Data File : COSC2.OUT 02 January 2005 Page # 1

Echoing Input Variables


Title of the Project : RED 2 AGUA POTABLE COSCOMA

Name of the User : AIA
Number of Pipes : 13
Number of Nodes : 13
Type of Pipe Materials Used : PV/
Number of Commercial Dia per Material : 4/
Peak Design Factor : 1
Newton-Raphson Stopping Criterion lps : .001
Minimum Pressure m : 17
Maximum Pressure m : 40
Design Hydraulic Gradient m in km : 2
Simulate or Design? (S/D) : S
No. of Res. Nodes with Fixed HGL : 1
No. of Res. Nodes with Variable HGL :
No. of Booster Pumps :
No. of Pressure Reducing Valves : 1
No. of Check Valves :
Type of Formula : Hazen's

Pipe Data

Pipe From To Length Diameter Hazen's Pipe Status
No. Node Node m mm Const Material (E/P)
1 600 100 262.88 50.0 140.00000 PV
2 100 50 16.49 50.0 140.00000 PV
3 50 51 205.00 50.0 140.00000 PV
4 51 52 109.56 25.0 140.00000 PV
5 52 53 95.52 19.0 140.00000 PV
6 50 61 72.06 19.0 140.00000 PV
7 56 55 147.77 25.0 140.00000 PV
8 51 57 128.92 25.0 140.00000 PV
9 57 56 12.55 19.0 140.00000 PV
10 57 58 87.90 19.0 140.00000 PV
11 56 59 78.66 19.0 140.00000 PV
12 59 58 37.06 19.0 140.00000 PV
13 58 60 20.19 19.0 140.00000 PV

LOOP: Looped Water Distribution Design Program - (C) The World Bank
Output Data File : COSC2.OUT 02 January 2005 Page # 2

Node Data

Node Peak Flow Elevation Min Press Max Press
No. lps m m m
600 1.00 0.000 1840.86 10.00 100.00
100 1.00 0.000 1766.74 10.00 100.00
50 1.00 0.000 1760.65 10.00 100.00
51 1.00 -0.029 1753.04 10.00 100.00
52 1.00 -0.115 1757.82 10.00 100.00
53 1.00 -0.029 1731.62 10.00 100.00
55 1.00 -0.359 1728.64 10.00 100.00
56 1.00 -0.014 1720.95 10.00 100.00
57 1.00 -0.043 1721.68 10.00 100.00
58 1.00 -0.359 1717.42 10.00 100.00
59 1.00 -0.086 1714.01 10.00 100.00
61 1.00 -0.029 1757.05 10.00 100.00
60 1.00 -0.043 1719.49 10.00 100.00

Fixed Head Reservoir Data


Source Head Ref Res?
Node m (R)
600 1840.86 R

Pressure Reducing Valve Data


PRV Pipe Source Oper. Head Resist
No Node m Coeff.
1 600 1766.74 0.00000

LOOP: Looped Water Distribution Design Program - (C) The World Bank
Output Data File : COSC2.OUT 02 January 2005 Page # 3

Commercial Diameter Data


Pipe Dia. Hazen's Unit Cost Allow Press Pipe
Int. (mm) Const $ /m length m Material
19.0 140.00000 1.00 112.00 PV
25.0 140.00000 1.00 112.00 PV
38.0 140.00000 1.00 112.00 PV
50.0 140.00000 1.00 112.00 PV

Looped Water Distribution Network Design OutPut


BandWidth = 1
Number of Loops = 1
Newton Raphson Iterations = 5

Pipe Details

Pipe From To Flow Dia HL HL/1000m Length Velocity
No. Node Node (lps) (mm) (m ) (m ) (m ) (m/s )
1 600 100 1.106 50.0 74.12 281.95 262.88 0.56
2 100 50 1.106 50.0 0.14 8.24 16.49 0.56
3 50 51 1.077 50.0 1.61 7.85 205.00 0.55
4 51 52 0.144 25.0 0.61 5.53 109.56 0.29
5 52 53 0.029 19.0 0.10 1.08 95.52 0.10
6 50 61 0.029 19.0 0.08 1.08 72.06 0.10
7 56 55 0.359 25.0 4.43 30.01 147.77 0.73
8 51 57 0.904 25.0 21.39 165.95 128.92 1.84
9 57 56 0.570 19.0 3.37 268.79 12.55 2.01
10 57 58 0.291 19.0 6.81 77.46 87.90 1.03
11 56 59 0.197 19.0 2.95 37.56 78.66 0.69
12 59 58 0.111 19.0 0.48 12.98 37.06 0.39
13 58 60 0.043 19.0 0.05 2.24 20.19 0.15

Note: Negative value indicates the flow in reverse direction in that Pipe

LOOP: Looped Water Distribution Design Program - (C) The World Bank
Output Data File : COSC2.OUT 02 January 2005 Page # 4

Pipe Pressure Details


Pipe From To Dia Hazen's Pipe Max Press Allow Press Status
No. Node Node (mm) Const Material (m ) (m ) (E/P)
1 600 100 50.0 140.00000 PV 0.00 112.00
2 100 50 50.0 140.00000 PV 5.95 112.00
3 50 51 50.0 140.00000 PV 11.96 112.00
4 51 52 25.0 140.00000 PV 11.96 112.00
5 52 53 19.0 140.00000 PV 32.67 112.00
6 50 61 19.0 140.00000 PV 9.48 112.00
7 56 55 25.0 140.00000 PV 19.28 112.00
8 51 57 25.0 140.00000 PV 21.92 112.00
9 57 56 19.0 140.00000 PV 21.92 112.00
10 57 58 19.0 140.00000 PV 21.92 112.00
11 56 59 19.0 140.00000 PV 23.26 112.00
12 59 58 19.0 140.00000 PV 23.26 112.00
13 58 60 19.0 140.00000 PV 19.37 112.00

Node Details

Node Flow Elev. H G L Pressure
No. (lps) (m ) (m ) (m )
600 S 1.106 1840.86 1840.86 0.00
100 0.000 1766.74 1766.74 0.00 LO
50 0.000 1760.65 1766.60 5.95 LO
51 -0.029 1753.04 1765.00 11.96
52 -0.115 1757.82 1764.39 6.57 LO
53 -0.029 1731.62 1764.29 32.67
55 -0.359 1728.64 1735.79 7.15 LO
56 -0.014 1720.95 1740.23 19.28
57 -0.043 1721.68 1743.60 21.92
58 -0.359 1717.42 1736.79 19.37
59 -0.086 1714.01 1737.27 23.26
61 -0.029 1757.05 1766.53 9.48 LO
60 -0.043 1719.49 1736.75 17.26

LOOP: Looped Water Distribution Design Program - (C) The World Bank

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