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Sample Meal

I stay lean all year round without having to “diet” in the traditional sense. Things I don’t do:
• Follow “bulking” or “cutting” cycles
• Count calories or macros
• Give up alcohol or good food for extended periods
• Fasting
• Try “low carb”, “low protein” or “low fat” diets

The things I do:

• Get more than 80% of my diet from natural, unprocessed foods – word to Uncle Eddie
• Have a balanced diet that covers protein, carbs, good fats (avoid anything that can be a trans
fats) and micronutrients like Vitamin D
o As above, I am not precious about my macronutrient split but I would say on an
average day I get 40-50% of my calories from fats and protein and 50-60% of my
calories from carbohydrates
• The more active you are, the more you can and NEED to eat – that is just a fact.
• Take a multivitamin to ensure any micronutrients I’m not getting from food or nature are
covered by supplements
• When I am “cheating” i.e. drinking alcohol or eating “badly”, it is completely in my control,
intentional and guilt-free
• I treat this approach to food as part of a lifestyle that involves consistent exercise, walking,
recovery and dealing with my stress levels in healthy ways i.e. not with food or substances.

Below is my typical daily food plan that you can tailor for your metabolism – as you can see it’s not
very restrictive when compared to most traditional bodybuilding diets. Take what you can and adjust
for your goals.

Meal Plan

Breakfast - Oats with raisins and/or honey OR Eggs on Wholegrain bread

Lunch – 3-4 Eggs, Avocado & two slices of wholegrain bread with Olive Oil, Choice of Fruit. Optional
Protein Shake

Snacks - Banana, usually 30 mins/1hr before workout. Protein shake or bar post workout

Dinner - plantain, veg (salad, peppers, mushrooms, etc), meat or fish variant and rice and/or
sweetcorn. Use Olive Oil used for anything fried.

Alcohol (and other vices) – Aim to limit to once a week max

How to Approach Weekends – Aim for an 80/20 rule for the week of following the principles of limited-
no processed food, balanced, nutrient (fruit, veg, wholegrain) & protein-rich diet with limited alcohol &
sugary/salty snacks.
This means the stricter you are throughout the week, the more lax you can be on the days you aren’t
following this plan e.g. if follow this plan to a tee Mon-Fri and Sunday then Saturday eat and do what
you want.

• Suggested:
o Vitamin D
o Vitamin B complex
o Omega 3
o Multivitamin
o Vitamin C
o Protein Powder
• Optional additions
o Creatine
o Curcumin/Turmeric
o Support max (or other sleep aid)

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