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Which among the following sub sectors contributed maximum share of Gross Value Added in
the primary sector to the Telangana state economy?
A) crops,
B) fishing and aquaculture,
C) forestry and logging sector
D) livestock

Ans: D

Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fisheries sectors’ Gross Value Added (Current Prices) to the state
economy has seen a CAGR1 of 14.05% from Rs.76,123 crores in 2014-15 to Rs.2,17,877 crores in 2022-
23 (PAE) and during the same period the sector CAGR at all India level is 9.97%. A significant por on
of this growth was driven by the livestock sub-sector, currently livestock accounts for 47.69% of the
overall sector GSVA at Current Prices, followed by crops at 45.20%, fishing and aquaculture at 3.05%,
forestry and logging sector stood at 4.06% in 2022-23 (PAE).

2. Asser on (A): As per 20th livestock census-2019, Telangana ranks first place in the sheep
popula on.

Reason (R): Telangana stands at 3rd rank in egg produc on.

Select the answer using the codes given below

A) Both A and R are true, and R is proper explana on of A

B) Both A and R are true, and R is not proper explana on of A
C) Only A is true
D) Only R is true

Ans: B

As per 20th livestock census-2019, Telangana ranks first place in the sheep popula on. The sheep
popula on has seen an increase of 48.51% between 2012 to 2019 (12.8 million in 2012 to 19.1 million
in 2019). Telangana stands at 3rd in egg produc on.

3. Consider the following statements regarding the agricultural holdings in Telangana

i) The total number of opera onal holdings in the Telangana state is 85.48 lakhs.
ii) The total area under Net Sown Area in Telangana is 52.88 percent.

Which of the statements given above are incorrect?

A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both
D) None

Ans: A

Telangana State is the 11th largest State in the country with a geographical area of over 276.95 lakh
acres (112.08 lakh hectares). Of this, 52.88 percent of the area is under Net Sown Area, around 24.70
percent is under Forest Cover, 7.46 percent is under land put to non-agriculture use, 5.26 percent area
is under Fallow lands, 5.42 percent is under Barren and uncul vable land and the balance area is under
permanent pastures and other grazing lands. The total number of opera onal holdings in the State is
59.48 lakhs covering an area of 59.72 lakh hectares.
4. According to the Agriculture Census, 2015-16, the average land holding size in the Telangana
state is?
A) 2.00 hectare
B) 4.00 hectare
C) 1.00 hectare
D) 3.50 hectare

Ans: C

The total number of opera onal holdings in the State is 59.48 lakhs covering an area of 59.72 lakh
hectares. According to the Agriculture Census, 2015-16, the average land holding size in the State is
1.00 hectare, which is below the all India average of 1.08 hectares.

5. Consider the following statements regarding the rainfall in the Telangana

i) The State is situated in a semi-arid region, the distribu on of rainfall is a key determinant
of agricultural produc on.
ii) The rainfall received by the state of Telangana in 2021-22 is 30 percent in lower than the
normal rainfall.

Which of the statements given above are incorrect?

A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both
D) None

Ans: B

Since the State is situated in a semi-arid region, the distribu on of rainfall is a key determinant of
agricultural produc on. Telangana received 1180.8 millimetres (mm) of rainfall in 2021-22(from June
to May), which is 30% in excess of the normal rainfall of 906.1mm.

6. As per the agriculture sta s cs 2020, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, what is the
rank of Telangana in produc on of Co on in the country?
A) 2nd rank
B) 3rd rank
C) 4th rank
D) 5th rank

Ans: B

As per the agriculture sta s cs 2020, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GOI, Telangana
stands at 3rd posi on in produc on of Co on in the country (with an output of 5.80 million bales). Fig
4.9(a) below provides trends in agriculture produc on over the years.

7. Consider the following statements regarding Telangana

i) The Telangana State emerged as the Second largest procurer a er Punjab of Paddy to Food
Corpora on of India.
ii) Telangana produces around 16 percent of the total rice produced in India.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both
D) None

Ans: A

The effec veness of the State’s agricultural policies and incen ves can be directly seen in the growth
of Paddy and Co on. According to the es mates for 2020-21, Telangana produces around 16% of
India’s Co on and around 8% of the total rice produced in India. The State emerged as the Second
largest procurer a er Punjab by procuring 77.46 lakh MTs in 2018-19, 111.26 lakh MTs (14.33%) 2019-
20, 141.09 lakh MTs (15.75%) in 2020-21 and 119.05 lakh MTs(13.75%) of Paddy to Food Corpora on
of India (FCI).

8. What is the rank of Telangana in produc on of Foodgrains at the na onal level?

A) 6th rank
B) 8th rank
C) 10th rank
D) 4th rank

Ans: C

Telangana stands at 10th place in produc on of Foodgrains at the na onal level. However, with a 14.6%
growth rate in produc on of Foodgrains between 2019-20 and 2020-21.

9. Match the following regarding the Agri produc on in the Telangana state

Name of the crop Overall Rank in produc on

i) Maize 2nd rank

ii) Rice 1st rank
iii) Groundnut 4th rank

Which of the pairs given above are matched properly?

A) Only I and ii
B) Only iii
C) Only ii and iii
D) All the above

Ans: B

Telangana stands at 1st place at all India level in the yield of Maize crop. The average yield of Maize
crop in the State is 112% (2020-21) and 78% (2019- 20) more than the average yield in the country.
Telangana stands at 6th place (2020-21) in average yield of rice at all India level, this average yield is
18% (2020-21) and 36%- (2019-20) more than the all India average. In case of Groundnut crop average
yield, the State stands at 4th place and the average yield in the State is 34% (2020-21) and 16% (2019-
20) higher than the average yield at all India level.

10. Match the following regarding the produc on in the Telangana and its overall ranking in the
produc on

Name of the product Ranking in the produc on

i) Meat produc on 3rd rank

ii) Egg produc on 5 th rank
iii) Milk produc on 13th rank

Which of the pairs given above are matched properly?

A) Only I and ii
B) Only ii and iii
C) Only i
D) All the above

Ans: C

Telangana ranks first place in sheep popula on at 19.1 million. The sheep popula on has seen an
increase of 48.51% between 2012 to 2019. Telangana stands 3rd in egg produc on with an output of
1,667 crore eggs, 5th in meat produc on of 10.04 lakh tonnes and 13th posi on in milk produc on of
58.07 lakh tonnes during 2021-22. Milk and meat cover almost 75 % of GVA in the livestock sector.

11. Asser on (A): The state government of Telangana launched the Rythu Bandhu Scheme in 2018.

Reason (R): The Rythu Bandhu Scheme provides financial support of Rs. 10,000/- per acre per year to
the landowning farmers in the State.

Select the answer using the codes given below

A) Both A and R are true, and R is proper explana on of A

B) Both A and R are true, and R is not proper explana on of A
C) Only A is true
D) Only R is true

Ans: A

Recognizing the importance of the financial support to the farmers for mee ng the basic input costs
in cul va on, the Government launched the Rythu Bandhu Scheme in 2018. The scheme provides
financial support of Rs. 10,000/- per acre per year to the landowning farmers in the State. This
assistance is compara vely higher than the amounts disbursed in other States.

12. In the year 2022-23, the percentage of the budget on the total Agriculture and Allied ac vi es
sector have been earmarked for the Rythu Bandhu Scheme is?
A) 43 percent
B) 54 percent
C) 38 percent
D) 59.6 percent

Ans: B

In this year 2022-23, 54% of the budget on the total Agriculture and Allied ac vi es sector have been
earmarked for the Rythu Bandhu Scheme. In order to relieve farmers from debt burden and protect
from falling into the debt trap, the Government launched ‘Agriculture Investment Support Scheme –
Rythu Bandhu’ for farmers in the State on 10th May 2018.

13. As per the Annual Credit Plan prepared by the State Level Bankers Commi ee of the State, the
total annual credit plan target for the agricultural sector in the state of Telangana during the
year 2022-23 is?
A) Rs. 1,03,238 crores
B) Rs. 1,15,235 crores
C) Rs. 2,10,550 crores
D) Rs. 3,10,730 crores

Ans: A

As per the Annual Credit Plan prepared by the State Level Bankers Commi ee of the State, the total
annual credit plan target for the agricultural sector during the year 2022-23 is Rs. 1,03,238 crores. Of
this, an amount of Rs. 67,864 crore was allocated for the crop loans and Rs. 19,726 crores for term
loans of agriculture and other allied ac vi es.

14. Consider the following statements regarding the Rythu Bima

i) The state government of Telangana ini ated a flagship group life insurance scheme known
as Rythu Bima scheme from 2020 onwards.
ii) The farmers in the age group of 18 to 59 are eligible to enrol under the Rythu Bima scheme.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both
D) None

Ans: B

To provide financial relief and social security to the family members/ dependents, in case of loss of
farmer’s life due to any reason, the government ini ated a flagship group life insurance scheme Rythu
Bima from 2018 onwards. In the event of the death of the enrolled farmer due to any cause including
natural death, the insured amount of Rs 5.00 Lakhs will be deposited into the account of the
designated nominee. The farmers in the age group of 18 to 59 are eligible to enrol under the scheme.

15. In the event of the death of the enrolled farmer due to any cause including natural death, the
insured amount of Rs 5.00 Lakhs under the Rythu Bima will be deposited into the account of
the designated nominee within how many days?
A) 7 days
B) 14 days
C) 21 days
D) 10 days

Ans: D

To provide financial relief and social security to the family members/ dependents, in case of loss of
farmer’s life due to any reason, the government ini ated a flagship group life insurance scheme Rythu
Bima from 2018 onwards. In the event of the death of the enrolled farmer due to any cause including
natural death, the insured amount of Rs 5.00 Lakhs will be deposited into the account of the
designated nominee within (10) days.

16. Which among the following is the Nodal agency for seed related ac vi es in the State of
A) Krishi samrakshak kendras
B) Seed Corpora on of Telangana
C) Telangana State Seeds Development Corpora on
D) Primary Agricultural Credit Socie es (PACS)
Ans: C

In addi on to seed distribu on, the State is also involved in seed produc on of quality seeds and seed
cer fica on. The Telangana State Seeds Development Corpora on (TSSDC) is the Nodal agency for
seed related ac vi es in the State.

17. Consider the following states

i) Andhra Pradesh,
ii) Kerala
iii) Madhya Pradesh,
iv) Maharashtra

The seeds produced in the Telangana State are supplied to the other States of which of the above?

A) Only I, ii and iii

B) Only I and iv
C) Only I, ii and iv
D) All the above

Ans: B

The seeds produced in the State are also being supplied to the other States of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil
Nadu, U ar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Chha sgarh. With these ini a ves, the
Government is ensuring food security for the people in the State and supplying its produce to several
other States in the country. Telangana is tagged as “Seed Bowl of India” in the country.

18. The Government is providing 24 hours free and quality power supply to the agricultural
consumers in the State out of the total power supply in the State from?
A) 1st January 2018
B) 1st January 2019
C) 1st January 2020
D) 1st January 2017

Ans: A

Since 1st January 2018, the Government is providing 24 hours free and quality power supply to the
agricultural consumers in the State. Out of the total power supply in the State, about 40% is towards
agriculture. A er the forma on of the State, 6.6 lakh new agriculture connec ons have been released
in the State, taking the total number of agricultural connec ons to 26.22 lakh.

19. Which among the following districts registered the highest yield in paddy produc on in 2020-
A) Nalgonda
B) Nizamabad
C) Kumaram Bheem
D) Medchal-Malkajgiri

Ans: B

In Telangana, if we look at the district wise yield of major crops, in 2020-21, Nizamabad district
registered highest yield in paddy and kumaram bheem was the lowest in the produc on.

20. Consider the following statements regarding the micro irriga on

i) Micro Irriga on is encouraged by providing new drip irriga on or sprinkler systems to the
farmers for more efficient and easy use of available water.
ii) The cumula vely an extent of 50.55 lakh acres has been covered under micro irriga on as
of November, 2022.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both
D) None

Ans: A

Micro Irriga on is encouraged by providing new drip irriga on or sprinkler systems to the farmers for
more efficient and easy use of available water. Effec ve u lisa on of every drop of water through micro
irriga on is impera ve for improving the crop produc vity and produc on. So far (up to November,
2022) cumula vely an extent of 20.35 lakh acres has been covered under micro irriga on. The
important components of micro irriga on systems are; Online Drip Irriga on for higher spacing crops,
Inline Drip Irriga on for lower spacing crops, Mini & Micro Sprinklers Portable and Semi Permanent &
Rain Guns sprinklers.

21. In 2021-22, there was a significant greater crop diversifica on in the districts of which among
the following?
i) Nirmal,
ii) Vikarabad
iii) Rangareddy
iv) Peddapalli

Select the answer using the codes given below

A) Only I, ii and iii

B) Only ii, iii and iv
C) Only I and ii
D) All the above

Ans: A

Crop diversifica on is one of the best strategies recommended by the researchers for maximising the
farm income by the farmers. This will make farmer’s income more resilient to fluctua ng prices and
help them to gain higher farm income. In 2021-22, there was a significant greater crop diversifica on
(as measured by a crop diversifica on index10) in the districts of Nirmal, Vikarabad and Rangareddy
(the three most diversified districts), compared to Peddapalli, Karimnagar and Suryapet (the three least

22. At present there are two Oil palm processing units func oning in the State, consider the
i) Ashwaraopet
ii) Sangareddy
iii) Nirmal
iv) Apparaopet village

Two Oil palm processing units func oning in the State of Telangana at?
A) Only I and ii
B) Only ii and iii
C) Only I and iv
D) Only iii and iv

Ans: C

At present, Oil palm is in an area of 68,440 acres ( ll 2021-22), of which, an extent of 27,376 acres was
added a er forma on of the State with a produc on of 2.6 lakh MTs of fresh fruit bunches (FFB).
Around 52,666 MT of crude Palm Oil is being produced in the State against the requirement of 3.66
Lakh MTs. At present there are two processing units func oning in the State, one at Ashwaraopet and
another at Apparaopet village in Dammapet mandal of Bhadradri Kothagudem District with a capacity
of 30 tonnes per hour at each loca on.

23. Consider the following statements regarding the oil palm produc on in Telangana
i) Telangana State stands 6th in area with 68,440 acres.
ii) Telangana State stands 2nd in produc on of Fresh fruit Bunches.
iii) Telangana State stands 1st in Oil Extrac on (OER) with 19.32% share in India.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

A) Only I and ii
B) Only iii
C) Only ii and iii
D) All the above

Ans: D

Telangana State is one of the most poten al states for Oil Palm cul va on and stands 6th in area with
68,440 acres, 2nd in produc on of Fresh fruit Bunches and 1st in Oil Extrac on (OER) with 19.32%
share in India. Considering the poten ality for Oil Palm cul va on in the State, the Government is
providing assistance for taking up Oil palm cul va on with 50% assistance on mechanisa on tools and
also planning to take up 20 lakh acres under Oil Palm in a mission mode as part of crop diversifica on.

24. How many sheep are provided to the shepherd community under Sheep Rearing and
Development Programme (SRDP) of the Telangana?
A) 21 animals (20+1)
B) 20 animals (19+1)
C) 25 animals (24+1)
D) 15 animals (14+1)

Ans: A

The Government has launched Sheep Rearing and Development Programme (SRDP) with an aim to
strengthen the rural economy and to ensure sustainable livelihood to the families of the shepherd
community in the State. Under this scheme a sheep consis ng of 21 animals(20+1) with an amount of
Rs 1.25 lakhs are being supplied with a subsidy component of 75% of the unit cost.

25. Consider the following statements regarding the Poultry sector

i) the Telangana State stood at 2nd in egg produc on in the country.
ii) To incen vise Poultry sector, the state government of Telangana has been providing free
power up to 200/unit to poultry farms since 2018.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both
D) None

Ans: D

With an annual output of 1,667 crore eggs in 2021- 22, the State stood at 3rd in egg produc on with
a contribu on of 12.98% in the country. To incen vise this sector, the Government has been providing
free power up to 200/unit to poultry farms since 2015.

26. Consider the following crops grown in Telangana

i) Jute
ii) Yellow jowar
iii) Bajra
iv) Kondru

The crops that grown in the kharif season includes?

A) Only I, ii and iii

B) Only iii and iv
C) Only I, iii and iv
D) All the above

Ans: A

During the kharif season, its starts in June month and lasts in November month, the crops grown in
the kharif season are Jute, Yellow jowar, Bajra, Co on, Makai, Kondru, Til and Pulses. Etc

27. All of the following crops that were raised during the rabi season, except?
A) Tobacco
B) White jowar
C) Bengal gram
D) Bajra

Ans: D
In rabi season (October-November and ends in March-April), the crops raised are co on, white jowar,
Bengal gram, Barley, linseed and Tobacco etc.

28. What is the increased gross irrigated area of all crops between 2014- 15 and 2021-22 in
A) 95 percent
B) 100 percent
C) 125 percent
D) 117 percent

Ans: D

The efforts of the Government to improve irriga on facili es by commissioning new projects and
improving old irriga on infrastructure have been successful and begun to pay off. The gross irrigated
area of all crops increased by 117% between 2014- 15 (from 62.48 lakh acres) and 2021-22 (to 135
lakh acres).
29. Consider the following statements regarding the budget alloca ons to the agricultural and
allied sector in Telangana
i) Budget alloca on for agriculture increased markedly from Rs.6,611 crore in 2016-17 to
Rs.27,228 crore in 2022-23.
ii) The state government of Telangana has allocated 24.4 percent of its total revenue
expenditure towards agriculture and allied ac vi es in 2022-23 budget.

Which of the statements given above are incorrect?

A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both
D) None

Ans: B

The agriculture sector is a major contributor to the GSDP as the Gross State value added (GSVA) of the
agriculture and allied sector has seen a growth of 186% from its forma on. Budget alloca on for
agriculture increased markedly from Rs.6,611 crore in 2016-17 to Rs.27,228 crore in 2022-233. In the
current year 2022-23 budget, the Government has allocated 14.4% of its total revenue expenditure
towards agriculture and allied ac vi es. There is a sustained growth of primary sector contribu on to
the state economy over the years. The contribu on of the crops sector to the State’s GSVA at Current
Prices has increased by 136% from Rs.41,706 crores in 2014-15 to Rs.98,478 crores in 2022-23(PAE).

30. Consider the following years

i) 2018-19
ii) 2019-20
iii) 2020-21
iv) 2021-22

The state of Telangana received excess rainfall in?

A) Only I, ii and iii

B) Only I, iii and iv
C) Only iii and iv
D) All the above

Ans: C

The State received normal rainfall in the years of 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 whereas excess rainfall
has been received in the years 2020-21 and 2021-22. The excess rainfall received in the last two years
has contributed for improvement in the groundwater recharge in the State.

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