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Personal information, family

Introducing myself

My name is Balazs Radvanyi and I’m almost 20 years old. I was born in Budapest on the 14th of
August in 2002. I live in a small village near Budapest with my family. I have two brothers so I live in a
big family. When I was 4 years old, I went to kindergarden. I went to Óbuda Waldorf Primary school
until I was 14 years old. I started to study at Regional Waldorf High School in 2018. My favourite
subjects are History and Phisical Education.

I go to school by train and bus every morning. I applied to Budapest University of Economics so I have
to study hard. In my free time I play football, I like listening to music, meeting with my friends and
watching films. I’m about 185 cm tall and I weight about 70 kg. I have got short, straight hair,
brownish-green eyes and thin lips. I’m not so talkative, but cheerful and sensitive. I have a good
sense of humor.


I come from a big family. I live with my parents and my two brothers. My father is 51 years old, he is
and IT Manager. My mother is 50 years old and she works as a Human Resources Manager. I have
two younger brothers, Bálint is 18 and Milán is 14 years old. My mom is short, average woman. I get
on quite well with my parents. They trust me and let me do what I want, they give me a lot of
freedom. They treat me like and adult and I can always turn to them for any help or advice.

From my mother’s side I have my grandma, she is 70 years old, my grandpa died 15 years ago. She
lives in a small country village, called Tompa 200 km far from Budapest. We visit her 4-5 times a year.
Somestimes she comes here to visit us. We all love her cooking, especially her cakes.

My father’s parents live in Budapest not so far from our house. We visit them a bit more often, once
a month.

My father is only child, my mother has got a sister. This means that I have got an aunt, she has
children. I have two cousins. They live in Budaörs.

Family types

What is better. Living in a small family with only one child or living in a big family with more children?
What are the pros and cons of the different family types?

I think living in a one-child family might have pros, like the child gets all the attention and love, there
is no need for sharing in anything. The parents are in a better financial position because they have to
take care of one child only.

But I think being an only child can be boring and you can feel alone. It is possible that the only child
will have problems with building relationships.

Living in a bigger family I would like to have more children. With my brothers we love and help each
others. We have the capability of sharing and helping. It might be difficult to have higher expenses.
Sometimes my parents have a hard time giving attention and love for three of us equally. In our
family sometimes I have conflicts with my brothers if we would like to use the computer at the same
time. But I thing children have more fun to grow up with sisters and brothers. I never feel alone, I
know we can trust each other.

My tasks at home

I live in Üröm in a family house. We have a big house with garden, so we have a lot to do at home.
We children always help our parents with the housework. We have a weekly schedule for the
houseworks so we know exactly who is responsible for different tasks for the week. Tasks what I do
usually are: vacuum cleaning, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, dishwasher unpacking, dog
feeding, dog walking, preparing lunch or dinner, etc.

I especially like to help in the kitchen with the dinner. I have some favourite meals I used to cook for
example italian pastas.

My personal plans

After finishing high school I applied to Budapest University of Economics for a general management
degree. I think it is always useful to be familiar with economics and financial management. At the
same time I would like to do a hairdessing school, because I want to work during my University
studies and make some money for my living.

I do not know what to work after finishing the university, but I would like to have a non-office job, it
is hard for me to sit all day.

In the future I would like to have a big family with 2 or 3 children.

2. Person and the society

My father is fifty-one years old. He is of medium height. He doesn’t wear a beard or moustache so he
has to shave every day. He has got brown eyes and brown hair. He has gokt thin and athletic body,
he look younger his age. He works for Nokia as an IT Manager. He is interested in sports, he rides
bicycle and runs 4-5 times a week. I get on well with him, because he is understanding and patient.
He is sociable and he has got a lot of friends. He has a good sense of humor and he usually is
cheerful. He is reliable father and husband. I hope I’ve got my father’s personality. My mom is very
proud of him.

My mother is pretty short, she is of average weight. She has got a shoulder-length brown hair and it
is a bit curly. She has a round face with a pointed nose, wide mouth and green eyes. She has full lips
and hasn’t got wrinkes, she looks young. She doesn’t wear glasses.

She is a Human Resources Manager works for an IT company. She works at home office. She is
interested in reading books and cooking. I have luck, because she cooks very well, she prepares my
favourite dishes every day. She worries about me if I go out with my friends or I leave home. She has
a controlling personality, she likes to take everything under controll.

Holidays (Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Easter, Birth day, Name Day, Wedding)

Our family is not really that traditional. We don’t often go to church, only for wedding and funerals.
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We always send postcards to our distant relatives
wishing Merry X-mas. December 24th is Xmas Eve. We always have a big decorated Xmas tree and
we get a lot of presents. On the second day of Xmas we visit grandparents and have traditional
Hungarian Christmas lunch. Two things are essential parts of this meal: stuffed cabbage and fish. The
rest of the meal is usually different meats, salads followed by delicious cakes.

Birthday of name day:

On birthdays we invite all family members and give a big birthday party. Our extended family gathers
round the table and we spend on talking, eating and discussing family matters in the afternoon. My
mother usually prepares a delicious cake with candles on it. If the weather is nice, we hava a little
garden party at home. I always get some gifts from my parents and my brothers and some money

from the grandparents.


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