1st Lecture C--

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Programming with C++

Akyana Britwum
Introductory Lecture
• Akyana Britwum
• Solid State Physics
• Ferroelectricity
• Magnetite
• Verwey Transition
Goals and Objectives
• You are here to become adept programmers
• Not to pass the exam
Class Conduct
• You are to partake in all assignment, quizzes, and attend all
• You are to respect your colleagues contributions in class
• You are not to partake in any activities that undermine the
learning of all the participants of this class.
• You are to dress responsibly.
Mode of Assessment
• Assignments and attendance
• MAJOR group work (combined with Thermodynamics)
• Midsemester Examinations: Midsem will be done in the
computer laboratory where you will do actual coding
• End of semester exam (100 – 120 mcqs)
Meeting Times
 We will meet on Tuesdays 14:00- 16:00
 Split into two groups for Thursdays at the
Huawei Lab
 Group 1 will meet at 13:00-15:00
 Group 2 will meet at 15:00-17:00

Important Dates to note
• 8/09/17 – Lecture by Henry Martin
• 20/09/18 – Lecture by Edem Morny
Course Structure
 Tuesdays are for lectures
 Thursdays are for practical sessions
Course Structure
 2 visiting lecturers will give us a total of three
 1. Mr. Edem Morny (industry)
 2. Mr. Henry Martin (Academia)
 C++ Libraries
 C++ keywords
 Layout of a typical C++ program
 Precedence of Operators
 Output using Cout
 Input using Cin
 Line breaks in I/O
 Variables and identifiers
 Variable declarations
 Assignment statements
 The types (int and double)
 Other number types
 The type char
 Type compatibility
 Arithmetic operators and expressions
 The if selection structure
 The if else selection structure
 The while repetition structure
 Assignment operators
 Increment and decrement operators
 The for repetition structure
 The multiple – selection structure
 The do/while repetition structure
 The break and continue statements

 Declaring arrays
 Sorting arrays
 Searching arrays
 Multidimensional arrays
 Pointers and strings

 Functions as program modules in C++
 The math library functions
 Functions definitions
 Function prototyopes
 Scope rules
 Recursion inline functions
 Function overloading
More Information
 8-10 weeks of lectures
 We should be able to finish the course content
before the Midsemester exam period
 Textbooks and slides will be given to your
course rep.
 Kindly read up on your own.

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