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Cognitive enhancement through neurotechnology: Investigate the

ethical and societal implications of using neurotechnology (such as
brain-computer interfaces or neurofeedback) for cognitive
enhancement in healthy individuals. Consider issues related to
fairness, safety, and privacy.

2. Neuroimaging and lie detection: Explore the use of neuroimaging

techniques, such as fMRI, for lie detection purposes. Discuss the reliability of
neuroimaging in detecting deception and the ethical implications of using
this technology in legal settings.

3. Ethical considerations in deep brain stimulation (DBS): Explore the ethical

implications of using DBS for conditions such as Parkinson's disease,
depression, or OCD. Discuss issues related to patient autonomy, consent, and
the potential for altering personality and identity.

4. Pros and cons of artificial intelligence in medicine

5. Investigating the Role of Neuroplasticity ( stroke or traumatic brain injury

(TBI). in Stroke Rehabilitation"

6. "The Ethics of Gene Editing in Human Embryos: A Medical Perspective"

7. "Exploring the Link Between Gut Microbiota ( gut microbiota is the system of
microorganisms in a person's gastrointestinal system) and Mental Health
Disorders." = Gut microbiome communicating with brain via vagus nerve.
Wrong signals may affect behaviour, for example pathogens can hijack your
taste buds/food cravings thus changing your behaviour. Brain microbiome.
Bacteria from the gut found living in the brain. People with psychiatric
disorders have different microbiota and very often consisted of pathogens.

8. "The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Function and Health" = what

happens when your brain doesn’t sleep?

9. "Comparative Analysis of Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine in

Treating Chronic Diseases"

10. "Neurological Basis of Addiction: Insights from Brain Imaging Studies"=

pathological hypersensitisation of both drug-associated stimuli and drug-induced

11. "The Potential of Stem Cell Therapy in Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases"

12. "Ethical Considerations in Human Cloning: A Medical and Legal Perspective"

13. "Understanding the Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease: Implications for

Treatment and Prevention"

14. "Investigating the Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Managing

Chronic Pain"

15. Disbalance of neurotransmitters and personality disorders (or criminal


16. How substance abuse affecting brain.

17. Stress related cortisol levels affecting brain and behaviour.

18. Low levels of serotonin in female brain correlating with depression.

19. Behavioural genetics.

20. Dopaminic digital sex addiction and gaming

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