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Title: Thabo's Courageous Trial: Choose Your Own Adventure Story

Thabo's heart raced as he stood among his classmates in the schoolyard, the shrill sound of the fire alarm echoing in his
ears. Thick smoke billowed from the nearby forest, and the realization sank in that a wildfire was approaching the town.
With his quick thinking and bravery, Thabo knew he had to make the right choices to keep himself and his friends safe.
What should Thabo do?

**Page 1:**Thabo spots his favorite toy lying on his desk inside the classroom. Should he:

1. Run back to get it? Turn to page 3.

2. Stay with his classmates outside? Turn to page 2.

**Page 2:**Thabo decides to stay with his classmates outside, remembering what his teacher had taught him about fire
safety. It was a tough decision, but he knew his safety was more important than any toy. As he stands with his friends, he
feels proud of his choice and ready to face whatever comes next. Turn to page 4.

**Page 3:**Thabo's eyes dart to his favorite toy on his desk. He really loves it and can't bear to leave it behind. But then
he remembers what his teacher had taught him about fire safety and decides to:

1. Run back to get his toy. Turn to page 5.

2. Stay with his classmates outside. Turn to page 2

**Page 4:**Thabo informs his classmates to stick together, follow the evacuation plan and to stay on the designated path.
They reach the safety of the evacuation point just as firefighters bring the wildfire under control.

**Page 5:**Thabo's heart races as he dashes back into the classroom to grab his toy. But as he reaches for it, a gust of
smoke fills the room, making it hard to see. Thabo coughs and struggles to breathe. Should he:

1. Keep searching for his toy? Turn to page 7.

2. Leave the toy and get out? Turn to page 8.

**Page 6:** Thabo knows that sometimes making the right choices means putting others first. Turn to page 9.

**Page 7:** Thabo continues searching for his toy, but the smoke grows thicker and it becomes harder to breathe. He
starts to feel dizzy and disoriented. Should he:

1. Keep searching? Turn to page 10.

2. Leave the toy and get out? Turn to page 8.

*Page 8:** Thabo realizes he needs to get out of the classroom before it's too late. He leaves his toy behind and rushes
outside to join his classmates. As he catches his breath in the fresh air, he knows he made the right choice. Turn to page

**Page 9:** Thabo feels a sense of pride as he hugs his friends and watches the firefighters extinguish the wildfire. He
knows that even though he's just a child, he can make big differences by making smart choices. Turn to page 11.

**Page 10:** Thabo's vision blurs as he continues searching for his toy. He starts to feel weak and disoriented. Suddenly,
he hears voices calling his name and feels someone guiding him out of the classroom. Thabo realizes he's been rescued
by firefighters just in time.

**Page 11:**As the days pass, Thabo reflects on the events of the wildfire and the choices he made. He realizes that even
though he faced danger, he stayed calm and made decisions that kept himself and others safe. Thabo feels a newfound
sense of confidence and responsibility, knowing that he can rely on his courage and quick thinking in any situation.
They're all safe thanks to everyone following the instructions. feeling safe knowing they made the right choices. Thabo
knows he made his teachers and classmates proud by making the right decision. With a smile, Thabo looks forward to
whatever challenge await him in the future.

The end.
(Anisha Mashappie)
Titel: Thabo se dapper avontuurverhaal.
Geskryf deur Kelly Van Wyk en Sharde’ Maloy
Geïllustreer deur Chelsey Gaidien en Anisha Mashappie
Gedurende pouse het die leerders buite die klas gespeel en die juffrou wou haar skootrekenaar herlaai. Sy het
haar skootrekenaar in die muurprop gedruk. Skielik was daar ‘n vonk wat ‘n brand veroorsaak het. DID YOU
KNOW? Fire can be different colours. The spark was green as the plug has copper wires. Anisha
Thabo en sy maats het dit gesien en hulle hart het begin vinnig geklop (heart beat effect). Hy staan tussen sy
klasmaats op die skoolwerf en die skril geluid van die brandalarm weergalm in sy ore (fire fighter alarm). Dik
rook van die klaskamer het oor die skool se dakke versprei. Met sy vinnige denke en dapperheid het Thabo
geweet hy moet die regte keuses maak om homself en sy maats veilig te hou. DID YOU KNOW? Fire needs 3
things to burn? Heat, fuel and oxygen. It is known as the fire triangle. Anisha.

Bladsy 1: Thabo se oë pyl na sy gunsteling speelding wat op sy lessenaar lê in die klaskamer. Hy is baie lief
daarvoor en kan dit nie verdra om dit agter te laat nie.
(Choices sound effect) (Chelsey)
Moet hy: 1. Terug hardloop om dit te kry? Blaai na bladsy 3.
2. Buite bly met sy klasmaats en sy speeding in die klas los? Blaai na bladsy 2.
Ek kies opsie 1: hy moet terug hardloop om sy speelding te kry. (Ding sound)
Bladsy 3: Thabo se hart klop soos hy terugstorm in die klaskamer om sy speelding te gryp, maar terwyl hy
daarna uitreik, vul 'n ruk rook die kamer. Dit was baie moeilik vir hom om te sien. Thabo hoes en sukkel om
asem te haal. Wat moet hy doen? (Heavy breathing and coughing sound)
1. Aanhou soek na sy speelding? Blaai na bladsy 5.
2. Sy klasmaats tot ‘n kalmte bring en hulle lei na die ontruimingsplan. Blaai na bladsy 4.
Kom ons kyk wat gebeur volgende as ek opsie 1 kies… Aanhou soek na sy speelding? Blaai na bladsy 5.
(Ding sound)
Bladsy 5: Thabo soek verder na sy speelding, maar die rook word dikker en dit word moeiliker om asem te
haal. Hy begin duislig en gedisoriënteerd voel. Thabo se mou het aan die brand geslaan en hy het paniekerig
geword. Hy onthou wat sy juffrou hom geleer het oor brandveiligheid. (DID YOU KNOW? Stop,drop and roll) A
Terwyl Thabo aanhou soek na sy speeding, het sy visie dof begin raak en hy het swak gevoel. Skielik hoor hy
stemme wat sy naam roep en voel hoe iemand hom uit die klaskamer lei. Thabo besef hy is net betyds deur
brandbestryders gered. (people talking in a far end, calling Thabo) DID YOU KNOW? Fire – 112
Bladsy 1: Thabo se oë pyl na sy gunsteling speelding op sy lessenaar. Hy is baie lief daarvoor en kan dit nie
verdra om dit agter te laat nie.
(Choices sound effect) (Anisha)
Moet hy: 1. Terug hardloop om dit te kry? Blaai na bladsy 3.
2. Buite bly met sy klasmaats en sy speeding in die klas los? Blaai na bladsy 2.
Ek kies opsie 2: hy moet buite bly met sy klasmaats en sy speeding in die klas los? Blaai na bladsy 2. (Ding
Bladsy 2: Thabo besluit om by sy klasmaats buite te bly. Dit was 'n moeilike besluit, maar hy het geweet sy
veiligheid is belangriker as enige speelding. Terwyl hy saam met sy maats staan, voel hy trots op sy keuse en
gereed om enige iets aan to pak. DID YOU KNOW? It is important for schools to do a fire drill ensure the
safety of learners and teachers. (Chelsey)
1. Aanhou soek na sy speelding? Blaai na bladsy 5.
2. Sy klasmaats tot ‘n kalmte bring en hulle lei na die ontruimingsplan. Blaai na bladsy 4.
Ek will graag hoor wat gebeur as hy sy klasmaats na die ontruimingsplan toe lei? Blaai na bladsy 4. (Ding
Bladsy 4: Thabo lei sy klasmaats volgends die ontruimingsplan en om op die aangewese paadjie te bly. Hulle
bereik die veiligheid van die ontruimingspunt, terwyl die brandbestryders die brand in die klaskamer onder
beheer bring. (leaners cheering and clapping hands) DID YOU KNOW? There are different types of
extinguishers for different of fires.
Bladsy 6: Soos die dae verbygaan, besin Thabo oor die gebeure van die brand en die keuses wat hy gemaak
het. Hy besef dat hy die regte keuses gemaak het om almal veiling te hou. Thabo het gevaar in die gesig
gestaar en moes kalm bly. Thabo voel 'n nuutgevonde gevoel van selfvertroue en verantwoordelikheid,
wetende dat hy in enige situasie op sy moed en vinnige denke kan staatmaak. Hulle is almal veilig danksy aan
almal wat die instruksies gevolg het. Hulle was veilig met die wete dat hulle die regte keuses gemaak het.
Thabo weet hy het sy onderwyser en klasmaats trots gemaak deur die regte besluit te neem. Met 'n glimlag
sien Thabo uit na watter uitdaging ook al in die toekoms op hom wag.
Die les van hierdie verhaal is baie duidelik. Dit is baie belangrik om goed te luister na wat die juffrou jou geleer
in die klas en dit toe te pas in ons daaglikse lewe. Ons moet altyd die regte keuses maak.
(Fluit fluit die storie is uit) Die einde.

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