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Class notes: Non-Financial and Current Liabilities

1 Liability definition: (i) present obligation (cannot avoid); (ii) obligates

the (potential) transfer of economic resources (cash, goods & services
(g&s), etc.); (iii) past transaction
Obligation created by: legislation; contract; constructive (practice)

2 Financial liab: contract to (i) deliver cash or fin/asset or (ii) to

exchange fin/asset or fin/liab under potentially unfavourable conditions
Non-financial liab: items settled by g&s (unearned rev, warranties);
created by legislation – income tax, sales tax, GST

3 Measurement fin liab: initially at FV then typically at amortized cost

(include transaction costs); current fin/liab generally at maturity value
as difference not material
Measurement non-fin liab: settled with g&s; ASPE - usually at FV
(today) of g&s to be delivered in the future; IFRS - best estimate to
settle liab at SFP date; called Provisions (liab with uncertain timing or
amt); unearned revenue; guarantees; warranties; loyalty programs;

4 Current liab: based on time & effect on current assets; one of - settled
within normal operating cycle or held for trading or due within 12
months or does not have unconditional right to defer for at least 12

Current portion of long-term debt (CPLTD): only maturing portion of

principal of LTD is presented as current; callable or due on demand or
existing violation of debt agreement - all current

5 Maturing debt expected to be refinanced on a long-term basis and

therefore a current obligation BUT will not be a claim on current assets
IFRS: at reporting date, an agreement exists, allowing for refinancing
on a LT basis at its sole discretion…. then present as LT Debt
ASPE: before FS are issued, liab has been refinanced or a non-
cancellable agreement exists… then present as LT Debt

6 E8&P1

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7 ARO: asset retirement obligation; decommissioning and restoration
M: best estimate of expenditure required to settle the present
obligation; discount future costs to reporting date
Example: estimate cost $1 million to dismantle plant in 5 years;
determine present value today (10%, 5 periods) = $620,920; dr. Plant
$620,920 cr. ARO $620,920; then asset is depreciated; interest is
accrued on the ARO annually; IFRS – borrowing cost; ASPE –
accretion expense (operating costs)
It may be the case that decommissioning costs increase due to the use
of the asset (further damage to site). IFRS – charged to inventory (dr.
Inventory cr. ARO); ASPE – added to asset (dr. Plant cr. ARO)

8 BE 20, 21, 22

9 Assurance-type warranty: part of sales price; expense-based

approach; M at PV of cost of eco res needed to meet obligation;
warranty liability; total warranty expense recorded in one year; future
NI not affected
Service-type warranty: sold as an additional service; revenue-based
approach; unearned warranty revenue (liab); record revenue as
earned; record warranty expense as incurred; future NI is affected

10 E 21

11 Customer loyalty programs: points/miles; multiple deliverables;

performance obligation; unearned revenue; FV of benefit recognized
as a contract liab
Premiums and rebates: after product purchase the seller offers a
premium (free gift, discount on next purchase, etc.); premium obtained
by returning a coupon, UPC label, or some other evidence of
purchase; ASPE - expense approach; IFRS - revenue approach

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13 Contingencies & Uncertain Commitments: obligation uncertainty as
to existence and/or amount; uncertainty will be resolved when future
event(s) occurs or fails to occur (lawsuit; court decision)
ASPE: term contingent liab includes all situations whether recognized,
disclosed, or not disclosed; recognize liab if (i) event likely and (ii) loss
can be reasonably estimated; disclosure required; if range of
estimated loss – use best amount within range, otherwise use bottom
of the range
IFRS: if future event is probable (more likely than not) then recognize
as a liability (a provision); term contingent liab only used for possible
obligations (not recorded); use best estimate amount
14 Financial Guarantees: 1st party (guarantor) contracts to reimburse 2nd
party (lender) if 3rd party (debtor) doesn’t pay 2nd party when due; this
would be a financial liability; ASPE - use contingency standards with
increased disclosure; IFRS - initially recorded at FV (usually equal to
premium charged), subsequently at the higher of (i) expected losses
and (ii) amount initially recognized; increased disclosure

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