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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232024296.20302022

ISSN 1413-8123. v.29, n.6

Oral cancer: analysis of the clarity of publications 1

in Instagram profiles of official health agencies in Brazil

Câncer bucal: análise da clareza das publicações realizadas
em perfis do Instagram de órgãos oficiais de saúde do Brasil

Wanúbia Barbosa Nunes ( 1

Ramon Targino Firmino ( 2
Angélica Maria Cupertino Lopes Marinho ( 3
Lílian de Sá Barreto Torres ( 4
Myrelle Leal Campos Sousa ( 1
Samara Ellen da Silva ( 5
Edja Maria Melo de Brito Costa ( 1
Matheus França Perazzo ( 6
Ana Flávia Granville-Garcia ( 1

Abstract This article aims to analyze the clarity Resumo O objetivo do artigo é analisar a cla-
and engagement measures of publications on oral reza e as medidas de engajamento das publica-
cancer in the Instagram profiles of official health ções sobre câncer bucal nos perfis do Instagram
agencies in Brazil. An infodemiological study was dos órgãos oficiais de saúde no Brasil. Realizou-se
conducted with 81 profiles. Data collected con- um estudo infodemiológico com 81 perfis. Foram
cerned content classification, account and media, coletados dados sobre classificação do conteúdo,
manner of addressing the topic, number of posts, conta e mídia, abordagem do tema, número de
Programa de Pós- likes, comments, views and hashtags. The clarity postagens, curtidas, comentários, visualizações e
Graduação em Odontologia,
of the educational publications was assessed with hashtags. A clareza das publicações educativas foi
Universidade Estadual da
Paraíba. R. Baraúnas 351, the Brazilian version of the Clear Communication avaliada pela versão brasileira do Clear Commu-
Bairro Universitário. Index (BR-CDC-CCI). Data analysis involved nication Index (BR-CDC-CCI). A análise dos da-
58429-500 Campina
Spearman’s correlation and the Mann-Whitney dos envolveu a correlação de Spearman e o teste
Grande PB Brasil. test (α = 5%). A total of 775 publications on oral de Mann-Whitney (α = 5%). Foram encontradas
Unidade Acadêmica cancer were found. The average BR-CDC-CCI 775 publicações sobre câncer bucal. O escore mé-
de Ciências Biológicas,
score was 69.8 (SD = 15.5). The clarity of the in- dio do BR-CDC-CCI foi 69,8 (DP = 15,5). A cla-
Universidade Federal de
Campina Grande. Patos PB formation was adequate in 9.5% of the education- reza das informações foi adequada em 9,5% das
Brasil. al publications. Positive correlations were found publicações educativas. Correlações positivas fo-
Departamento de
between the number of likes and engagement ram encontradas entre o número de curtidas e en-
Odontologia Restauradora,
Faculdade de Odontologia, (comments [r = 0.49], views [r = 0.96]), number gajamento (comentários [r = 0,49], visualizações
Universidade Federal of hashtags (r = 0.13) and year of publication (r = [r = 0,96]), número de hashtags (r = 0,13) e ano
de Minas Gerais. Belo
0.21). Publications from the Health Ministry had de publicação (r = 0,21). Publicações do Minis-
Horizonte MG Brasil.
Departamento de a significantly higher BR-CDC-CCI score com- tério da Saúde apresentaram escore do BR-CDC-
Odontologia, Universidade pared to the other profiles. Publications on oral -CCI significativamente maior do que os demais
Estadual da Paraíba.
cancer were correlated with engagement, year of perfis (p = 0,01). As publicações sobre câncer bu-
Campina Grande PB Brasil.
Programa de Pós- publication and number of hashtags. Public agen- cal foram correlacionadas com engajamento, ano
Graduação em Odontologia, cies increased publications to reach the popula- de publicação e número de hashtags. Os órgãos
Faculdade São Leopoldo
tion, but the clarity of the content was low. públicos aumentaram as publicações para atingir
Mandic. Campinas SP
Brasil. Key words Access to online information, Oral a população, mas a clareza do conteúdo foi baixa.
Departamento de Saúde cancer, Health communication Palavras-chave Acesso à informação online,
Bucal, Universidade Federal
Câncer bucal, Comunicação em saúde
de Goiás. Goiânia GO
Cien Saude Colet 2024; 29:e20302022
Nunes WB et al.

Introduction than 100 million users in Brazil and involves the

publication of images and videos combined with
Oral cancer is characterized by a set of malignant texts, enabling interaction among users and the
neoplasms that affect different anatomical sites multiplication of knowledge17,18. Patients and
in the head and neck region1,2,3,4. The incidence healthcare providers have turned to this tool for
in Brazil is considered one of the highest in the knowledge, which demonstrates that online in-
world, ranking first in relation to the countries formation can contribute to awareness and im-
of South America5. In the Brazilian population, provements in both prognoses and adherence
oral cancer is the fifth most common type of can- to treatment and can facilitate communication
cer among men and the seventh most common between healthcare providers and patients19.
among women, posing a serious public health However, certifying whether the information
problem due to the high mortality rate and im- published on the internet is from valid, reliable
pact on the quality of life of affected individuals6,7. sources is not an easy task. Thus, the creation and
Among the risk factors associated with this assessment of messages should ideally occur pri-
pathology, smoking, genetic predisposition, alco- or to being made available to the public and it is
hol, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation also necessary to be aware of the level of health
and infection with some types of the HPV virus literacy of the population20,21.
are described in the literature8,9. An investigation of the quality and essential
An early diagnosis is fundamental to a fa- components in the preparation of educational
vorable prognosis and remains the most effec- and informative materials is necessary to enable
tive way to increase the survival rate as well as careful construction, safe sharing and effective
reduce the occurrence of morbidity, treatment communication. Thus, considering the fact that
time, disfiguration due to surgeries and hospital oral cancer is a public health issue and that social
costs10. The lack of information and awareness media may play an important role in the dissem-
on the part of individuals with regards to symp- ination of preventive measures, the aim of the
toms contributes to the late diagnosis of the dis- present study was to assess the clarity of informa-
ease2,7. Therefore, the continual development of tion and the engagement measures on the topic
educational actions directed at encouraging the of oral cancer, published through Instagram by
population to perform a self-examination of the official health vehicles in Brazil.
oral cavity, the sensitization of healthcare pro-
viders to screen groups at risk and the develop-
ment of educational policies for the prevention Methods
and early diagnosis of cancer are of the utmost
importance11,12. This is an effective, economical, Type of study
sustainable strategy for controlling the increase
in the incidence of this disease7. An infodemiological study with a quantita-
A more substantial investment is needed in tive approach was conducted to assess publica-
the promotion of health literacy to ensure the tions on oral cancer in Instagram profiles of of-
greater use of healthcare services, diminish the ficial health agencies in Brazil in the period from
occurrence of risk behaviors and, consequent- 2011 to 2021. Infodemiology is the study of the
ly, lower health costs13,14. One way to promote determinants and distribution of health informa-
health literacy is the development of health ed- tion and inaccurate information on the Internet,
ucation materials, which should ensure under- carried out through the collection of data from
standing on the part of the target public15. When search engines in online tools, which character-
individuals understand the information that they ize collective behavior in search of information.
receive, they become capable of executing pre- It is a passive method for automatically analyzing
ventive-therapeutic actions in an autonomous trends on the Internet, without actively involving
way that favors their own health. Official public users. Furthermore, it is a crude method because
health vehicles should be attentive to the quality it is performed using a search term in a search
of the messages contained in the material pro- engine, which gives the number of occurrences
duced in both print form and through electronic over time22.
media16. As Brazilian federal regulations do not apply
The use of the internet as a source of informa- to studies involving the use of publicly available
tion on health has increased over the years. The data and that do not involve human subjects, no
social medium Instagram has surpassed more ethical approval was necessary for this study.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 29(6):1-9, 2024

Object of study data collection process. The study’s previously
planned variables were detected and confirmed,
The Brazilian health profiles with an active and the categorization of such variables was de-
Instagram account selected were from the Health fined. The results of the pilot study revealed no
Ministry, state Secretaries of Health (in the ab- need to alter the methods and the data from this
sence of an active state account, that of the re- step were included in the main study.
spective state government was used), Dental
Councils and Dental Associations, totaling 81 Eligibility criteria
profiles (Figure 1). The universe of this study was
all publications in the feeds of Instagram profiles The inclusion criteria were all publications on
from their first publication to December 31, 2021 the topic of oral cancer destined for the general
(end of data collection period), totaling 130,398 population written/recorded in Brazilian Por-
publications analyzed. tuguese. Publications not related to the topic of
interest were excluded.
Initial exploratory study
Data collection
A pilot study was undertaken with forty
publications on oral cancer. These publications Data collection was carried out independent-
were randomly selected from one of the includ- ly by four already calibrated researchers and
ed Instagram profiles and were analyzed re- followed the same methodology as in the initial
specting temporal organization. This step of the exploratory phase (online, through an account
study aimed to test the search, selection and the created on Instagram [@pesquisahpvcb] for the

81 Instagram profiles analyzed

130.398 publications

Oral cancer publications

n = 775

Actions of Epidemiological Combating

government bulletins fake news
n = 296
n = 477 n=1 n=1

Videos analyzed by
n = 34 BR-CDC-CCI
n = 262

Score CDC < 90% Score CDC ≥ 90%

in only 90.5% in only 9.5%
n = 237 n = 25

Figure 1. Process of selection of publications.

Source: Authors.
Nunes WB et al.

selection of profiles and publications). First, ommendations (Part B – 2 items), numbers (Part
the data were saved as a print screen in specif- C – 2 items) and risks addressed in the material
ic folders of each health agency; then, the fol- (Part D – 3 items)23.
lowing data contained in the publication were The modified index is recommended for
extracted and tabulated in Excel files: name of the assessment of short messages, such as social
the Instagram profile, access link, date, publica- media in only text format, and was therefore se-
tion by the health ministry, type of publication, lected for the present study. This index has 13
theme location, how the topic oral cancer was scored items with three response options (yes,
addressed, number of posts, likes, comments, no or NA [not applicable]). The point value de-
views, hashtags and classification of publication. pends of the answer (0 or 1 per item). The score
All files were stored in Drive. of the modified index is calculated by the sum of
The publications were registered, named, dat- the item scores, divided by the total number of
ed and categorized according to the classification applicable items and multiplied by 100. The total
of the content (actions of government, education- ranges from 0 to 100 points, with 90 to 100 points
al actions, epidemiological bulletins and combat- considered the recommended range. The score
ting fake news). The parameters adopted to assess corresponds to the extent to which the material
engagement achieved through the publications follows the criteria of the index.
were the type of profile as well as the number of Training and calibration for the use of this
likes, comments and views. Other data of interest instrument were performed in three steps (the-
were the hashtags used, type of media, way of ad- ory, first practical application and second prac-
dressing the content, frequency, number of posts tical application [15 days after first practical
(Instagram’s carousel tool allows up to 10 posts in exercise]). This process was conducted by the
a single post) and whether the publications were researcher in charge of the validation of the Bra-
from the profile of the Health Ministry – con- zilian version of the CDC-CCI (considered the
sidering its guiding role in the determination of “gold standard”). Four researchers examined 10
health policies on the national level, the degree publications. The results were compared and
of visibility of the profile and the high number of achieved a good level of agreement (intra-exam-
followers on the platform (2.7 million), publica- iner and inter-examiner Kappa > 0.70).
tions were categorized as belonging or not to this
account. Publications classified as educational
were analyzed with regards to the clarity of the Statistical analysis
information using the Brazilian version of the
Clear Communication Index of the US Centers The variables were entered and organized on
for Disease Control and Prevention (BR-CDC- a spreadsheet of Microsoft Office Excel 2016 and
CCI)23. Supplementary file 2 details all variables’ subsequently exported to the Statistical Package
categorizations, available at: https://data.scielo. for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 25.0) for
org/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.48331/ analysis. The data were first submitted to descrip-
scielodata.G6BYPJ. tive statistics for the calculation of absolute and
relative frequencies as well as central tendency,
dispersion and position measures. Spearman’s
Instrument and calibration process correlation test was used to determine correla-
tions between the BR-CDC-CCI score and the
The BR-CDC-CCI is available to assess the number of likes, comments, views and hashtags.
clarity of health information and was designed to Significant differences in the BR-CDC-CCI score
be used for the development of new materials or between the categories of the use of hashtags,
the assessment of existing materials. The instru- addressing of the topic and publication by the
ment is composed of a set of questions based on Health Ministry were determined using the
criteria widely used in the field of health literacy Mann-Whitney test. All analyses were conducted
and communication research. The Brazilian ver- considering a 5% significant level (p ≤ 0.05).
sion was validated in 2020 in complete and mod-
ified forms containing items distributed in four
parts that assess the clarity of information and Results
understanding of the public according to the sci-
entific literature considering the main message, Between 2011 and 2021, a total of 775 publica-
call for action (Part A – 6 items), behavior rec- tions on oral cancer were identified in the official

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 29(6):1-9, 2024

health agency profiles analyzed. Table 1 displays Table 1. Characteristics of sample.
the characterization of the sample. The compila- Frequency
tion of all publications from Dental Councils ac- n %
counted for 65% of the materials analyzed in this Number of publications 775 100.0
study. Most of the publications had images as the Instagram profile
media format (94.2%); oral cancer was addressed Health Ministry 44 5.7
as the main topic in 65.8% and was mentioned State Secretary of Health 100 12.9
in the media (image/video) and legend in 58.7%; Dental Council 504 65.0
most used hashtags (63.6%) and the content was Dental Association 127 16.4
on actions of the government (61.5%). Type of publication
The average number of posts per publication Image 730 94.2
Video 45 5.8
was 1.95 (SD: 1.96), with an average of 198.7 likes
Addressing of topic
(SD: 625.7), 3.9 comments (SD: 20.5), 2469.4 vid-
Main content 510 65.8
eo views (SD: 6278.2), 3.77 hashtags (SD: 4.26) Mentioned 265 34.2
and an average BR-CDC-CCI score of 69.8 (SD: Classification of publications
15.5) (Table 1). Among the publications classified Educational 296 38.2
as educational (n = 296), 34 were videos and were Actions of government 477 61.5
not submitted to analysis using the BR-CDC- Epidemiological bulletins 1 0.1
CCI, as the instrument only applies to materials Combating fake news 1 0.1
in text format. Based on the index, the quality Use of hashtag
and clarity of the information was considered ad- Yes 493 63.6
equate (score ≥ 90%) in only 9.5% (n = 25) of the No 282 36.4
educational publications. The proportion of pub- Publications per year
2011 0 0.0
lications with desirable BR-CDC-CCI scores (≥
2012 0 0.0
90%) in the items of parts A and B ranged from
2013 2 0.3
64% to 100% and is detailed in Supplementary file 2014 5 0.5
3, available at: 2015 10 1.3
ml?persistentId=doi:10.48331/scielodata.G6BY- 2016 13 1.7
PJ.. Supplementary file 4 details the selection of 2017 40 5.2
publications, available at: 2018 102 13.2
dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.48331/scielo- 2019 200 25.8
data.G6BYPJ. 2020 168 21.7
The hashtags most used were #dentistry 2021 235 30.3
(179 mentions), #oralhealth (81), #SUS [public Median
Mean (SD)
healthcare system] (70 mentions), #GreenJuly (Q1-Q3)
(65 mentions), #OralCancer (55 mentions) and Number of posts 1.95 (1.96) 1 (1-2)
#prevention (38 mentions), with an average of Number of views of videos 2469.4 (6278.2) 372 (154-767)
Number of likes 198.7 (625.7) 46 (24-98)
three descriptors per publication.
Number of comments 3.9 (20.5) 0 (0-1)
The number of publications on oral cancer
BR-CDC-CCI score 69.8 (15.5) 70 (58-80)
increased annually. Two materials were found in Number of hashtags 3.77 (4.26) 3 (0-6)
2013, which was the year of the first publications Source: Authors.
in the sample, whereas 235 publications were
identified in 2021.
The BR-CDC-CCI score was not significantly
correlated with any of the variables. The number
of likes was positively correlated with the number Discussion
of comments (r = 0.492), number of views (r =
0.867), number of hashtags (r = 0.139) and year The majority of the educational publications on
of publication (r = 0.211). A positive correlation oral cancer analyzed in the present study obtained
was also found between the quantity of hashtags a “clear communication” score below the desired
and year of publication (r = 0.271) (Table 2). level. Only 25 publications (9.5%) were consid-
Publications from the Health Ministry had sig- ered clear and of adequate quality for communi-
nificantly higher BR-CDC-CCI scores (76.6) in cation with the general public. The BR-CDC-CCI
comparison to the other profiles (p = 0.01) (Table instrument pointed out that most publications
3). did not have the main message highlighted, did
Nunes WB et al.

Table 2. Correlations between variables analyzed.

BR-CDC- Number Number of Number Quantity Year of
CCI score of likes comments of views of hashtags publication
BR-CDC-CCI score 1a
Number of likes 0.087 a 1b
Number of comments 0.039 a 0.492** b 1b
Number of views - 0.867** c 0.508* c 1c
Quantity of hashtags -0.119 a 0.139** b 0.065 b 0.204 c 1b
Year of publication -0.119 a 0.211** b 0.000 b 0.244 c 0.271** b 1b
*p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01. Sample size for this analysis was 262 publications. Sample size for this analysis was 775 publications.
a b

Sample size for this analysis was 34 publications.

Source: Authors.

Table 3. Associations between BR-CDC-CCI score and years 2020 and 2021). This trend is likely due to
use of hashtags, addressing of topic and publication by the COVID-19 pandemic, as social media has
Health Ministry (n = 262). been increasingly used for the dissemination of
Median p- health information28. Despite that, we could not
(Q1-Q3) value observe an increase in the BR-CDC-CCI scores
Use of hashtags during this period (2020-2021), reinforcing that
Yes 70 (57.1-80) 0.20 there is still need to increase the clarity of infor-
No 75 (60-84.6) mation from Instagram publications of the offi-
Addressing of topic cial health agencies.
Main content 70 (58.3-83.3) 0.36 The engagement provided in social networks
Mentioned 70 (57.1-80) is strategic to expand knowledge and campaigns
Publication by Health Ministry on health, in addition to making citizens more
Yes 75 (63.6-89.5) 0.01 aware of their health and the society in which
No 70 (57.6-80) they are inserted17. There is a variety of methods
Significant results at 5% level. for evaluating engagement in the virtual environ-
Source: Authors.
ment, such as taking into account the number of
followers on the profile, number of publications,
shares of likes, comments and views. However,
there is no consensus on how to evaluate this
issue, which was carried out subjectively in the
not use the active voice, contained specialized present investigation. Engagement with the posts
terms or unknown words without presenting was considered low and disproportional to the
definition or clarification, risks and benefits were number of followers that each profile had, espe-
not explored and recommendations did not in- cially considering the increase in the popularity
clude behavior to the public. of the Instagram platform in recent years and the
Studies analyzing different types of health time users spend connected per day29,30. The in-
content7,24,25 also found that materials used for ed- crease in the number of publications each year is
ucational purposes are not achieving their goals. evident and the preparation of materials requires
These results indicate communication weaknesses assessment using validated instruments16.
and the need to improve the material published. Considering the tendency toward an increase
The establishment of effective communication in new cases and deaths due to oral cancer in Bra-
through governmental public health media can zil11, all measures directed at the public to reduce
enhance the public’s trust and possibly increase the incidence of this disease are necessary. Smok-
the effectiveness of the healthcare system as well ing is the main risk factor for the development
as patient satisfaction with the care offered26,27. of this pathology. It is estimated that the risk of
This is the first study to assess the quality of na- becoming ill among smokers is almost five times
tional publications on oral cancer on Instagram. greater than among non-smokers. Preventing
A point that also deserves attention is the fact initiation and encouraging smoking cessation are
that approximately half of the included publica- fundamental primary prevention strategies for
tions in the past ten years were recent (from the disease control2,5.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 29(6):1-9, 2024

The health profiles that most published about post creators are becoming increasingly aware of
oral cancer were the Dental Councils. In con- the importance of the topic oral cancer and are
trast, the profile of the Health Ministry had only using social media to disseminate health infor-
44 publications on the topic. However, the publi- mation on this matter and employing strategies
cations of the Health Ministry had significantly to enhance engagement.
greater clarity in comparison to those of the oth- Official platforms of health agencies are im-
er profiles analyzed. Considering the number of portant sources of information and educational
followers and the scope of information furnished material for the public. Recommendations for
by the Health Ministry, a greater frequency of the production of print and online material in-
dedication to content on this topic is fundamen- clude objectivity, rigor in the development and
tal. design of information with attention to vocabu-
With the increasing dissemination of online lary, organization and clarity, exploring the tools
health information, it is important to consider of social media in such a way as to make the best
some aspects. The content provided needs to be use of these media36.
understandable and clear so that the target public The present study has limitations that should
can make the proper decisions in an autonomous be considered. Publications from only one on-
manner31. Public authorities should have interest line platform (Instagram) were analyzed. The
in publishing reliable content based on scientific study was restricted to the analysis of the clarity
evidence due to the impact on adherence to dis- of educational publications in media with text. It
ease prevention and control programs32. The in- was not possible to measure the clarity of publi-
creasing engagement of the population indicates cations in video format due to the choice of the
the reach of actions implemented by government assessment tool (BR-CDC-CCI), which limits the
entities33, 34. Thus, the assessment of the quality of results. The use of only one instrument for evalu-
the information and the content addressed and ation is also a limitation of the study. It is routine
the quantification of engagement on the part of in the health literacy field the concomitant use of
the public in publications by public agencies is more than one assessment instrument, especially
necessary and helps understand the role of the those evaluating numeracy37. However, as this in
social media of these agencies. The fulfillment of an emergent field of study in Brazil, there are no
the National Curricular Guidelines is important complementary instruments to the BR-CDC-CCI
and necessary, as health professionals need to be for materials on social networks. An important
trained and capable for the production of these issue of the instrument refers to its response op-
materials. tions, as the option “not applicable” can be misin-
A greater number of likes of publications on terpreted. We emphasize that users would benefit
oral cancer was positively correlated with other if the instrument could be more objective. Despite
engagement measures, such as the number of such an issue, the BR-CDC-CCI is a good indica-
comments, views and hashtags. Year of publica- tor. However, the observation that strategies are
tion was also positively correlated with the quan- needed to improve content addressing oral cancer
tity of hashtags used. Hashtags are keywords confirms the contribution of the present study.
preceded by the “#” symbol that delimit shared Government agencies have used the social
content and facilitate search by users on a subject medium Instagram to provide information on
of interest. The use of this communication and their actions, guide decision making on the part
search tool contributes to greater engagement of individuals and interact with the population.
and visualization of publications35. This is cor- However, the material available on oral cancer
roborated by the positive correlation found be- warrants greater attention regarding the quality
tween quantity of hashtags and number of likes. of the content. The focus should be on improv-
In allusion to the prevention of head and neck ing the quality of the information and facilitating
cancer, the Green July campaign was referenced understanding on the part of the population to
through #GreenJuly, standing out as one of the contribute to greater autonomy in the adoption
hashtags most frequently found in the publi- of behaviors compatible with individual and
cations analyzed. In fact, July was the second collective health, consequently diminishing the
month with the highest number of publications occurrence of adverse conditions in the public
in this study (17.9%). Altogether, it seems that health realm.
Nunes WB et al.

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