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x KHDA Guidance

Emirati Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Insert child’s photograph here: Insert school logo here:

Name: DOB: Class:

Homeroom Teacher: Arabic Teacher: Islamic Teacher:

Pupil Views: Include important information from the child about their interests/strengths and their personal targets.

Parent Views: Any information from parents relating to the child.

How is the school supporting the child to celebrate their Emirati Culture?

What are the child’s strengths and interests? How is the school supporting this?

What co-curricular activities/interventions/leadership How is the school supporting this?

opportunities does the child take part in?


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x KHDA Guidance

Additional Comments: Detail further information about the child here.

Assessment / Progress Tests Term 1

English: Mathematics: Science:

Assessment / Progress Tests Term 2

English: Mathematics: Science:

Assessment / Progress Tests Term 3

English: Mathematics: Science:


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x KHDA Guidance

Term 1

SMART target How will this be Outcome Target Achieved


Arabic Target:

• Working towards target

1 • Target met

Islamic Target:

• Working towards target

2 • Target met

Personal Target:

• Working towards target

3 • Target met

Academic Target:

• Working towards target

4 • Target met

Academic Target:

• Working towards target

5 • Target met

Shared with: Date:



Head of Year (HOY)


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x KHDA Guidance

Term 2

SMART target How will this be Outcome Target Achieved


Arabic Target:

• Working towards target

1 • Target met

Islamic Target:

• Working towards target

2 • Target met

Personal Target:

• Working towards target

3 • Target met

Academic Target:

• Working towards target

4 • Target met

Academic Target:

• Working towards target

5 • Target met

Shared with: Date:



Head of Year (HOY)


Click Here for Support with using Interactive PDFs

x KHDA Guidance

Term 3

SMART target How will this be Outcome Target Achieved


Arabic Target:

• Working towards target

1 • Target met

Islamic Target:

• Working towards target

2 • Target met

Personal Target:

• Working towards target

3 • Target met

Academic Target:

• Working towards target

4 • Target met

Academic Target:

• Working towards target

5 • Target met

Shared with: Date:



Head of Year (HOY)


Click Here for Support with using Interactive PDFs

x KHDA Guidance

Summary of Academic Year: Include any information to support the child’s targets for next academic year.

Class Teacher:

Arabic Teacher:

Islamic Teacher:


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