Education (1)

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Fostering creativity
and curiosity

Speaking Club

Warm-up &
What education systems do you know? What are
their differences?

Which educations do you like the most? Are

there ones that you despise?
These words you may need:
nursery, elementary school,
high school, college, university,
sophomore, fresher, PhD,
Education system is producing BA, MA, junior, senior, principal
people in the same mould, having a
bad impact on individuality. Do you
agree with that?

Fill the gaps with the following

words. Are all the sentences
you get relatable/true to you?
fuzzy thinking a troublemaker inquisitive
a mentor lifelong learning to come up with
to foster to stifle to invigorate
to be not worth a brass farthing to stigmatize

Goodness gracious! If all teachers could _____ interest like me, not _____ it.
When there is a ________ in your class, I'm usually unable to calm the
In my school, A-students were ________ by others as smarty pants.
I wish there was someone next to me, whenever I _________ with a great
_______ is important, as learning doesn't end with your graduation.
Preparing for a lesson is not ___________ if students get carried away with
something else.
Having ___________ sometimes can help to avoid stress.
Being _______ is not equal to poking your nose into other people's affairs.
There's one teacher who always gives me a hand, he's more like a _____ to
Sparking my students is one of my duties, so it will never hurt to _______
them every now and then.
Do Schools
Kill Curiosity?
Each individual has
innate talents, but
education system is not
structured to make the
most of them.

Does that seem true to you?

And this?

Do you agree that public education systems around the

world produce 'university professors' instead of capable

Are those who fail in education stigmatized at the place

you're living?

Whose needs does your education system meet? Whose

needs does it need to meet?

Kids are not frightened of being wrong.

If they don't know something, they'll
still have a go.

Is that true? What changes later?

What ways of fostering creativity rather than stifling it do you

know? How important is fostering critical thinking?

Can a person come up with a fresh idea without being

inquisitive? How do you cope with fuzzy thinking?

Changing one's world perception/giving

practice/invigorating/training - what's the best way to teach
somebody something?
Teaching Successfully

Do you have to be a mentor rather than a teacher?

Do we need to focus more on art/dance classes and less on

math/languages? Whar's your hierarchy of school subjects?

Should students steer away from the school subjects which will
not be a part of their job?

Nowadays degress are not worth a brass farthing, would you

agree with that?

"When you know how to think

it empowers you far beyond those
who know only what to think"

Do you agree with that?

Are there any modern strategies of teaching you know? Do you

need to apply state-of-the-art technologies for your classes?

Are teachers authorities or friends to students? Should students

adress teachers formally?

How do you deal with troublemakers (when all diplomatic

measures are over)? Can you be strict in modern conditions?
How to Raise Up
a Constant Learner
Ways to kill learner's curiosity:
focus on answers, not questions
use technologies only when it's convenient
forbid creative ways of solving tasks
keep it academic
don't consider the role of games and informal learning
don't serve as an example of a curious person
think in black and white
dictate the learning domains
limit learner's choice

Which ones are the main killers?

Can you add something to the list?

Has any of your teachers done that?

Give a man a fish and you feed him

for a day; teach a man to fish and
you feed him for a lifetime.
Do you agree? What teaching
principle is implied here?

How many teachers do you remember in your life? How

many of them affected you? What qualities did they have?

How to grow kids/students into creativity and curiosity, not

out of it? What's more important: knowledge or thinking?

What's the way to foster out-of-the-box thinking? And

lifelong learning? How important is that?
Let's sum up

What's the key ingredient to saving creativity?

An effective lesson: what does it consist of?

What's the role of lifelong learning in personal development?

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