Notice 9.8.2023

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Tur rrusrmurE or CHARTERE, AccouNrANTS or rrupm

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)

Udaipur (CIRC)

Dear Students,

we are pleased to-inform that Udaipur

Branch of clcASA of lcAl is organizing
competition and Quiz competition" an ,,Debate
at branch in a run-up to ,,cA Students,
search' 2023" ' students selected at Branch National ralent
Level will then participate at Regional
thereafter' students selected at Regional Level will participate Level and
at National Level.
Date of the contest at Branch
rever: 9th August, 2023 from11.00
Reporting time at rcAr Bhawan,
sector 14, Udaipur at .10.00 am.
Last Date for submitting the Name:
7th August ,2o23from 10.00
am pm via googre form.
G o o g e fo r m n k : -
h_t_tps. I[p:ms, gkA&m-c_J z
I I i

eZ_s_u ZsttrS.QA
*students wit! be
allowed to contest in any one of
Competition and the contest i.e. (Debate
euiz onty.

Students' Eligibitity:
students registered for Finar course
and are undergoing articreship training.

students registered for lntermediate

course are eligible to participate in the
said competition.
students who have completed their
Articleship are not eligible to participate.

DEBATE Competition
Structure of the Contest:
The students skills Enrichment
Board (Board of studies-op_erations)
competition under the bannei.i wiil organize Debate
cn siroents, Nation.rirLrt search 2023.

The cA students Nationar ratent

Level' Regional Level and riniltv,or_1ygyld be organized in three stages
i.e. Branch
at Nationat r-e-vel organized by students
Enrichment Board (Board skills
"iSirOi"J-Operations) of tCAt.
Topics: Topics for the contest at branch
rever is as under: -
(You can select only one

lCAl Bhawan, G - Block, Near CA Circle, Phone : +91-294-2641616 I Fax : +91-294-2641515

Hiran Magri, Sector - 14, Udaipur -3.13001 E-mail : I Website :
Tur fNsrruurE on CHARTEREp AccouNTANTS or fNpn
(Set up by an Act of parliament)

Udaipur (CIRC)

1. Big Data Anarytics: A Game-changer

for Auditing and Financiar Anarysis?
2' Are ccTV cameras in pubric praces
effective or just an invasion of privacy?
3. Existence of the Audit Expectation
Gap and rts rmpact on stakehorders.

Number of winners at Branch Level:

'For' and one 'Asainst' the motion)

1ffi"Iil#'-Si:ffiiiJ:J" at Branch Lever wi, be

Rules of the Debate Competition

At Branch Levet
'' Debate will be 'For'/'Against'
motton rel.ated to topic
'-"'- chosen from amongst the topics
given by SSEB (Board 6f StrOi"._
- Operafions).-
'Against' the motion
lt is expectlo ilrat the BiariJ
of students for varying topics in a s'rrarr oe closely monitoring enrolment
balanced manner.
'Against' debate by the parliciprnt
on a given topic shourd be forowed.

ln case of laro@i@r.rcted
preriminary [" .onor.t"J
round may be ffH:,:* :,,T,l,Y1"::*t i; ; ; ;i; ;,;$; .rhe
ll, I
yliiiffi ;#i,:'"i#,:ffii.,i,Li#?

n the final round.

After the Preriminary Round, Top 6
students ,For, and top 6 students ,Against,
students) wrll go to Final round tor each (i.e., 12
ln the Finar Round, totartime ailoweJ
to ea"n pair shail be 10 minutes _
3 minutes + 3 minutes (presentation 'For, ,Against,
& on each topic one by one
fottowed bv 2 minutes; ) il;d. (Rebuttar Ror],i)cornter-argument).

decision to ailow/disailow the speaker

r#H ["i^Tt:i5i:]i#]:33:' to speak wiil
A panel of judges will eviluate the perrormance
consideration that the.Judges of the contestants. lt is to be taken into
1at aiilevets ol,hu *p"iititr) shourd not
any of the particip?lt" crarirv, itre contestants be rerated to
assrstant and or relative Ig -- should not be a retativeiarticled
of Judge or'tlL1t,"r" partner.
The Paner of Judoes wi, be oir6"nt
ioi preriminary Round and Finar Round.
"ro';' ,no o,i.'pJrti.iprnt r,,o,i.';A;;ffi'
flffiFilifl:1il6' wir be chosen as winners
ln case of any confrict etc., the
decision of the Judges wiil be finar.

lCAl Bhawan, G - Block, Near CACircle,

Phone : +91-294-2641616 I Fax: +91-294-2641515
Hiran Magri, Sector - 14, Udaipur -313001
E-mail : I Website :
THr frusururE or CHARTEREp AccouNrANTS oE fNpm
(Set up by an Act of Parliament)
Udaipur (CIRC)
Note: students shourd submit
their mobire phones, smartwatch,
any other gadget which u" mi"used during the competitions earphones, or
Evaluation Criteria for Debate
The evaluation will be based on
the coverage of the subject matter,
ranguage command,
capacitv to engage the audienc"
evaluating the performance
ut.. inffiil;;1;3il'r;
be considered whire
of tne participants:

Marks could be
awarded in
Lucidity of la

ttre attention of the aGienG

Precision of

P:plh qr:
t9lltesl,deve]opmen the'con."rn"O"r""
Question round
AdherencElo timffiit

Quiz Contest

The Quiz Contest will be based

on GeneralAwareness.

i#ifft#;ffi[$i'i[[h:ffine team, comprisins of 2 students

wiil be serected at Branch

Number of winners at Regional

Regional level and will coitest
Level: ,*?-1"r,Tr, comprising of 2 students
rt N;t;r;;l rever based on ftre-orscretion each, will be selected at
of the Board.

Rules of Contest:

wourd be Ensrish However, ir any parricipant
$:1lil l1fll:il::;;:#,li;Ttest wants to
(ii) There can be a maximum of 10 teams, each team consisting
participants, the teams of two students. rf there are
have to be serected by a process more
of erimination.
(iii) rhere wrfS:
contest coverins area or Generar
il:ffi:ifl: ;:fli: Awareness Additionary,

lCAl Bhawan, G - Block, Near CA Circle,

Phone : +91-294-2U1616 I Fax: +91-294-2U1515
Hiran Magri, Sector - 14, Udaipur -3,13001
E-mail : I Website ;
THs IxsrrrurE or CHARTEREp AccouNTANTS or INun
(Set up by an Act of Parliament)
Udaipur (CIRC)
(iv) Three questions will be asked
in each round to each team. The students
seconds for answering each of the questions. wi, be given 60
(v) ln each round' the questions will
be addressed turn-byturn to each team.
1 will be addressed to Team For example, e. No.
A' lf ream n rns*ers ftrL question correcfly, then
addressed to Team B' lf ream A e. No. 2 will be
does not answer Question No.1 correcily,
pass on to Team B A question the question will
will pass once ano trere wiil be no subsequent
No 2 will be addressed to ream e,1n" passing. As
[:1|:fflT:;t euestion No. 3 wrl be addressed to

(vi) At the end' there shall be a Rapid-Fire

Round in which five questions will
team Each team will be given one minute be addressed to each
to answer all the nr" qru.ttns instantaneously.
Students may choose not to answer question.
a There will be no passing in Rapid Fire
(vii) Each question shall carry points.
5 5 marks shail be awarded for each correct
answer of the
correcfly any question *r,i.n has oeen pr*"0
,UT,|HX]!"^: H"rfr:,."J[: by the p,.euior.
(viii)Appropriate computer software
may be used to manage euiz, record
time and performance of
atso be used wnereiriine ourz uasie;;,
.iTlfiil"Ti[|ffi'r1",fr:'av use stop crock ror

(ix) The Quiz contest may be conducted

by a professionar euiz Master. However,
should not be a person whose the euiz Master
articled ,.rirtrnur"rrtie or the arlicled
his/her partner is a participant in the Contest. assistanvrelative of

Prizes and certificates at the Branch

Prizes and certificates would
be awarded to the winners of the Branch
be signed by the chairman Lever. The certificates wilr
'nJ-s".tutary of the Branch for Branch t-evet participation
rhe prizes rr*g *itn the certificrt" *lrr
rTln?nli'ffiruilJ'";J#'n'''pants be distributed

judges will evaluate the perrormance

fl:[::[:T]:il ffi?:*r orthe contesrants. Decision
we except oven'vhelming participation
from the students and wish them good
luck in advance.

For Udaipur Branch of CICASA

of lCAl

CA. Pratibha Jain

CICASA Chairperson

lCAl Bhawan, G - Block, Near CA Circle, Phone : +91-294-2641616 I Fax: +91-294-2641515

Hiran Magri, Sector - 14, Udaipur -313001 E-mail : I Website :

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