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Table 2 1: Inward FDI

United Nations ConIerence on Trade and Development. (2002). World Investment Report 2002. New
York and Geneva: United Nations Publication.

Table 2 2: Indicators oI Development and FDI


International Monetary Fund. (n.d.). World Economic and Financial Surveys. Retrieved 2 1,
2010, Irom World Economic Outlook Database:
United Nations ConIerence on Trade and Development. (2002). World Investment Report 2002. New
York and Geneva: United Nations Publication.
World Bank. (n.d.). Brazil Data at-a-Glance . Retrieved 2 1, 2010, Irom Brazil Data:

Table 3 -1: Cultural Dimensions

Source: Beekun, RaIik I., Yvonne Stedham, and Jeanne H. Yamamura. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the
U.S.. A Comparative Investigation. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the U.S.. A Comparative
Investigation. University oI Nevada, Reno. Web.

Table 3 2: Scenarios
Beekun, RaIik I., Yvonne Stedham, and Jeanne H. Yamamura. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the U.S.. A
Comparative Investigation. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the U.S.. A Comparative Investigation.
University oI Nevada, Reno. Web.

Table 3 3: Correlations between Egoism and Utilitarianism by scenario and by country

Beekun, RaIik I., Yvonne Stedham, and Jeanne H. Yamamura. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the U.S.. A
Comparative Investigation. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the U.S.. A Comparative Investigation.
University oI Nevada, Reno. Web.

Table 3 4: Summary oI t-test results

Beekun, RaIik I., Yvonne Stedham, and Jeanne H. Yamamura. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the U.S.. A
Comparative Investigation. Business Ethics in Bra:il and the U.S.. A Comparative Investigation.
University oI Nevada, Reno. Web.

Table 3 -5: Motives Ior implementing ethical statements

Mele, Domenec, Patricia Debeljuh, and M. Cecilia Arruda. "Corporate Ethical Policies in Large
Corporations in Argentina, Brazil and Spain." Journal of Business Ethics 63.1 (2006): 21-38.

Table 3- 6: Priority oI Objectives

Mele, Domenec, Patricia Debeljuh, and M. Cecilia Arruda. "Corporate Ethical Policies in Large
Corporations in Argentina, Brazil and Spain." Journal of Business Ethics 63.1 (2006): 21-38.

Table 3- 7: Perceived Impact oI Ethics Statements

Mele, Domenec, Patricia Debeljuh, and M. Cecilia Arruda. "Corporate Ethical Policies in Large
Corporations in Argentina, Brazil and Spain." Journal of Business Ethics 63.1 (2006): 21-38.

Figure 5-1: Brazil Exports and Imports

Table 6 -1: U.S. and Brazil Average TariII Rates

Table 7 1: FDI
Variables Inward (Millions oI Dollars) Outward (Millions oI Dollars)
1. FDI Ilows, 1999-
2002 (annual
25,095 1,049
2. FDI Ilows as a
percentage oI
GFCF, 1999-2002
24.7 1.1
3. FDI stock, 2002 245,908 53,227
4. FDI stock as a
percentage oI
GDP, 2002
52.1 11.8
Sources : Based on tables 3a and 4 and UNCTAD, FDI/TNC database

Table 8 1: Average, Standard Deviation, and Maximum and Minimum Value oI TariIIs in

Table 8 2: Trade Agreements

"SICE: Countries: Brazil: Trade Agreements." SICE the OAS Foreign Trade Information System.
Web. 01 Dec. 2011.

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