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Version 1.0

Created: June 06, 2024

PGMT 1002 -Group 3


Team Purpose: Why you are doing something. It is the reason behind the goals and objectives.

This document below is an agreement between the six people that comprise Group 3. This team
aims to be one of the best performing teams in Cohort 42F with a great understanding of the
Fundamentals of Project Management and a successful understanding of well-prepared and
informative presentations for class every Saturday.

Roles and Responsibilities

Name: Roles and Responsibilities:

Jansuda Pholha  Presentation Creator
Oversee finalizing the edit of our group presentations
Jennylyn Bautista  Project Administrator
In charge of various administrative duties regarding the project such
as taking meeting minutes and ensuring the team is on track
Christian Banda  Budgeting Officer
In charge of keeping a record of the penalties made, holding the
penalty cash collected, and allocating the budget for any needs the
group may have
Hitesh Kumar  Materials Acquisition Officer
Responsible for providing a laptop for our group practice & in-class
Pawandeep Singh  Resource Person
Member of the team who may be called upon as necessary to
perform a task or provide information
Rosalia Latoza  Research Head
Responsible for the overall research and fact-checking for the
project. Ensure no parts are plagiarized and all members are
provided with the necessary information.

Goals and Objectives


Hold each other accountable for our roles and actions as part of this team.
Get a grade of at least 85 for each group presentation.
Help each other understand the topics discussed in class.
Do not piss off our professor.

PGMT 1002 -Group 3


Schedule meetings for brainstorming and dry run presentations for group projects.
Do proper research. Avoid using ChatGPT.
Listen to class discussions.
Show up to classes and meetings prepared.

Communication Guidelines

1.) The team will use the created group chat as a major means of communicating.
2.) We will confirm actions and decisions through messaging which will also serve as proof of
3.) We will only use said group chat for things related to the group project.
4.) Important/confidential information will be communicated by email.
5.) All members must reply to emails and messages.

Duration and Commitment

1.) This team will work together until the end of the term.
2.) This team understands that some members have work on some days and will adjust team
meetups to when they are available. However, this does not mean members can neglect their
obligation as part of the group.
3.) This team is scheduled to meet at least twice a week, on Thursdays, 4 pm-7 pm and Saturday
mornings to conduct dry runs before any presentation in class.
4.) This team is to have meeting minutes for every in-person and online meeting conducted.
There is no need for a strict format for the meeting minutes if the topics discussed are highlighted
in the document. However, all attendees must sign their names at the end of each meeting as
proof of attendance.


Stated here are the detailed actions and performance expected from every member of the team
to ensure a smooth and effective operation for group projects:

1. Use English Language in group communication all the time
2. Attend scheduled meetings regularly and on time.
3. Record attendance and meeting minutes.
4. Active Listening when other members share input regarding a topic.

PGMT 1002 -Group 3

5. Clarify any unclear information from the members of the group.

6. Prepare and study your parts of the presentation before group practices
7. Advise team members with a valid reason for failure to attend practice and meetings.

1.) Delegate assigned task to another member of the team.
2.) Be idle.
3.) Use other languages during meetings.
4.) Disclose research information created by the team to other teams.
5.) Submit works taken from ChatGPT and claim it as your own.


Any team members who failed to comply with the set rules given will be subject to a given
punishment set by the team. This includes, but is not limited to:

1.) Buying Team members coffee from Tim Horton or similar

2.) Will be ignored by the team for a certain time.
3.) Will be excluded from the group submission
4.) Will need to send an “apology video” in song in the group
5.) Penalty box amounting to $1.

By signing the document, we, the signers, fully intend to adhere to the rules we set out.

Signed on the Sixth of June, Twenty-Twenty Four by:

Rosalia L. Latoza
Jansuda Pholha
Jenylyn Bautista
Christian Alexis Banda
Hitesh Kumar
Pawandeep Singh

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