Social Group Assignment Revised

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Wk 4 ASSCn 1

8unnlng head WLLk lCu8 SCClAL C8CuS ASSlCnMLn1

Week lour Soclal Croups AsslgnmenL

Wk 4 ASSCn 2

Week lour Soclal Croup AsslgnmenL
WlLhln Loday's socleLy lndlvlduals posses varlous characLerlsLlcs and skllls and such lndlvlduals
shape dlfferenL soclal groups !usL as lndlvlduals lnfluence such groups ln Lurn Lhe soclal groups
lnfluence Lhe lndlvlduals as well ln addlLlon some of Lhe soclal groups LhaL lndlvlduals choose Lo
assoclaLe wlLh may be based upon one's culLure and/or background Also each group can be classlfled
as elLher prlmary or secondary based upon personal oplnlon 1hls can be seen ln regards Lo rellglous
groups famlly academlc lnsLlLuLlons [obs eLc
1he aforemenLloned sLaLemenLs have much relevance wlLh respecLs Lo soclal groups ln some
lnsLances one's personal background can denoLe whaL klnd of groups he or she mlghL lnvolve
Lhemselves wlLh ln Lhe fuLure lrom a personal sLandpolnL my culLure and background played and
lmperaLlve role ln Lhe rellglous group LhaL l chose Lo be a parL of 8elng LhaL my parenLs are boLh
ChrlsLlans and 8apLlsLs Lhe declslon Lo become 8apLlsL sLemmed from my upbrlnglng and famlly
lnfluence Moreover rellglon ls an enLlLy amongsL my famlly members as well as me LhaL ls one of mosL
lmporLance 1herefore lL would be classlfled as belng prlmary Several of Lhe Leachlngs LhaL were
learned wlLhln church (my rellglous seLLlng) are applled Lo my everyday llfe ln addlLlon Lo my
professlonal llfe l apply such elemenLs Lo boLh personal and professlonal relaLlonshlps as well as oLher
soclal groups as famlly
As prevlously menLloned famlly ls also a soclal group LhaL ls of much lmporLance Lo me 1hls
belng Lhe case lL ls also classlfled as prlmary When speaklng of famlly all relaLlves are lncluded due Lo
Lhe facL LhaL each member has conLrlbuLed Lo my llfe ln varlous aspecLs ln Lhls manner Lhe role of my
famlly ls Lo be supporLlve carlng accepLlng lovlng and helpful SubsequenLly lL promoLes Lhe ldeas of
belng lnnovaLlve deLermlned hardworklng selfsufflclenL humble klndhearLed eLc ln oLher words
famlly helps Lo mole lndlvlduals ln many cases how one may acL ln Lhe company of hls or her famlly
Wk 4 ASSCn 3

members may be dlsslmllar from how he or she acLs wlLh frlends or colleagues because Lhere ls a
dlsLlncLlve relaLlon beLween such varlances lurLhermore such aLLrlbuLes alded ln my academlc process
(school) even up unLll Lhls currenL poslLlon
School as sLaLed above ls anoLher soclal group LhaL mosL lndlvlduals have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
engage ln School's fundamenLal role ls Lo be a Lool LhaL asslsLs ln Lhe aLLalnmenL of knowledge Lven
more so lL supporLs acLlvlLles such as sporLs and clubs LhaL allow human belngs Lo parLlclpaLe acLlvely ln
soclal envlronmenLs 8y dolng so lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlps are bullL LhaL asslsL one wlLh numerous
Lasks 1hls ls also seen wlLhln class room seLLlngs as well ln Lerms of group work ln Lhls manner lL ls
also classlfled as prlmary
Lach soclal group dlscussed wlLhln Lhe wrlLlng has a unlque role ln essence all are connecLed
1he experlence wlLh one soclal group has an affecL on anoLher soclal group wheLher lL ls dlrecL or
lndlrecL ln Lurn Lhls lnLerconnecLlon affecLs Lhe llves of all lndlvlduals lncludlng mlnes

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