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Animal Product Manual

Appendix F

Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations

Use this appendix to translate Spanish words into English words. All the words listed in the Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations relate to animal product and by-product importations. The translation could be an exact word translation, an interpretation of the word, or a definition of the word. When the word is a name of an animal, its class is identified by one of the following letters:


Poultry When appropriate, the animal name will be distinguished as a game bird.



Other Represents a class of animal other than horse, poultry, ruminant, or swine. Animal products and by-products of other classes are not restricted by the agricultural requirements of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

04/2007-107 PPQ, VRS

Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Dictionary of Spanish Words

Abejabee Abomasoabomasum, estomago de rumiante Abonomanure, fertilizer, compost Abulonabalone Acecinarto salt and dry (meat) Achuragut (of cattle) Adefina, adafinastew eaten by Spanish Jews Adobada dapickled pork; condimenting any meat with salt, pepper, and vinegar (marinate) Adobopork stew Agriculturaagriculture Agriofermentation Aguaznhigh of an animal Ahumado, dasmoked, smoky Ahumarto smoke; to cure in smoke Ajcolaglue made of kidskin boiled with garlic Ajonjebird lime Alawing Alanesa large Mexican deer (R) Alavanco, lavancoa kind of wild duck (P) Albeiterveterinarian Albeteriveterinary science Albondigameatball Albmenalbumen Albminaalbumin Alceelk; moose (R) Alimanadestructive animal Aljonjebird lime Almejaclam (O) Almisclemusk Almohadndown, feathers Almori, almurisweetmeat or cake Almurdagobird lime Alnplucked wing of any fowl Alpinowild or mountain goat (R) Amacijoporridge Aadeduck; goose (P) Anadejaduckling (P) Anadino, nayoung duck (P) Anadomallard (P) Acolagrouse (P) Andoscotwo-year old (sheep) (R) Animalanimal Animales chicoasses, donkeys (H) Ainosthe fleecy skins of yearling lambs; lamb's wool Aojoyearling calf (R) Anteelk; buffalo, buffalo skin (R) Antibioticoantibiotic, erythromycin Anti coagulanteanticoagulant Antgenoantigen Antilopeantelope (R) Antisueroantiserum Antitoxinaantitoxin Apelambrarto steep (hides) in limewater Aperdigarto parboil; roast slightly Apergaminado, daparchment-like Aranaspider Arlequinmixed ice cream, neapolitan, arlequin Arpillerasackcloth; burlap Arrequesonarseto curdle Arrieroherdsman Asado, daoast Asnafemale donkey (H) Asnodonkey; ass or burro (H) Asno salvajewild ass (H) Atasajarto jerk (beef) Atocinaro cut up (a pig); to convert into bacon (S)


Animal Product Manual

04/2007-107 PPQ, VRS

Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Auca, ocagoose (P) Ave nidobird's nest Avenafeed Aves de corralpoultry (P) Azucar de lechelactose

Boyezuelo, bueyecitoyoung or small ox (R) Boyuna, nobovine (R) Bueyyoung or small ox (R) Buitrevulture (P) Buitre zopiloteturkey buzzard (P) Bultos de telaburlaps; sackcloth Bunigafresh Burrafemale donkey (H) Burrodonkey; ass (H) Butifarrapork and beef sausage with spices

Babirusababiroussa, a wild hog (S) Badalshoulder and ribs of butcher's meat Badanadressed sheepskin Bartolillothree-cornered little meat pie; turnover Bazofiawaste meat; refuse Becerril, becerrabovine; calf (R) Becerro, rrayearling calf; calfskin (R) Bicerrawild or mountain goat (R) Bichobug Bifebeefsteak (R) Biftec, bistecbeefsteak Biftequerabeefsteak broiler (R) Biolgicobiological Bioqumico, cabiochemical Bistec, biftecbeefsteak (R) Bitoquebung Bodriomixture of hog's blood and onions for sausages (S) Bofeesophagus with the lungs Bohenapork sausage (S) Boilox stall Bonigacow dung Borrayearling ewe; thick wool; goat's hair (R) Borrego, galamb not yet a year old (R) Borricoass; donkey (H) Borriquillo, illa, ito, italittle donkey (H) Bostadung, manure Botaguenapig-haslets sausage (S) Botecan, tin Bovino, nabovine (R) Boyera, boverizaox stall, cow house

Caballarequine; horse (H) Caballera mayor, caballo adultohorses; mules (H) Caballera menorasses; donkeys (H) Caballohorse (H) Cabragoat (R) Cabra montaezwild or mountain goat (R) Cabritokid, little goat (R) Cacadung; manure Cacaistea large Mexican deer (R) Cacatacockatoo (P) Cachanaparrot (P) Cachuelapork fricassee; pork stew (S) Cajabox; container Cajadacheese made of skim milk Calbird lime Caldosoup Calf VellCallostrips, also used to describe calluses and corns Cambio de quesocasein Cambio de substancia del albumenalbumin Canastobasket Cnulabung Caprinogoat; kid (R) Cardarwool Carnajesalt beef; jerked beef (R) Carnemeat Carne asadaroast meat

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Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Carne cecinasalt beef; jerked beef (R) Carne concentradameat extract Carne de carnero, borregomutton (R) Carne de Castilla, carne de carneromutton (R) Carne de cerdopork (S) Carne de puercopork meat (S) Carne de resbeef (R) Carne de res, vacabeef (R) Carne de terneraveal (R) Carne desmenuzadahash; minced meat Carne en latadcanned meat Carne ovinamutton (R) Carne porcina (or de puerco)pork (S) Carne vacuna (or de vaca)beef (R) Carneritotwo-year-old (sheep) (R) Carnerosheep (R) Carnero machoram; male sheep (R) Carniceroone who cuts up slaughtered animals; butcher Carronacarrion Casenacasein Caseocurd Catrintrecheese made of skim milk Cavre viejahung beef (R) Cayotripe Cazuelabeef steak broiler Cebolard or fat Cecinadried beef, jerked beef; mixture for sausage Cerawax Cerdabristle; horsehair Cerdohog; pig (S) Cerdo verrugosowart hog (S) Certificadocertificate Certificado de vacunavaccination certificate Cervaldeer (R) Cspedgrass; sod

Chicharrncrisp rind of roasted pork; also describes a piece of meat burned to a crisp Chiveroherdsman Chivogoat (R) Chivo salvaje-wild goat (R) Chorizopork sausage with vinegar and spices; other sausages are salchichas and as a whole embutidos (S) Chuletapork chop (S) Churrascobarbecued meat; pork chop Ciencia de animalesveterinary science Ciencia veterinariaveterinary science Ciervo, adeer (R) Cimarronwild boar (S) Clora de hueooalbumen Coagulantecoagulant Cocerparboil; roast slightly Cochambredirt Cocidaboiled; cooked Cochinasow (S) Cochinohog; pig (S) Coconoturkey (P) Codornzquail game hen; also perdiz (partridge) which is used interchangeably (P) Colatail Clera de los cerdoshog cholera (classical swine fever) Colmillotusk; fangs Comestible(s)eatables; foodstuff Comprovantevaccination Concentrado de carnemeat extract Conchashell Conejorabbit (O) Congeladafrozen Conservapreserved Conservas de carnecanned meat Conserva, enpreserved; canned; tinned Consignatarioaddressee; consignee Control de azucarinsulin Copinaskin of an animal


Animal Product Manual

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Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Corambrehides; skins Corederolamb (R) Cordero asadoroast lamb (R) Corderonalambskin (R) Cornadurahorns Cornamentahorns (of any animal) Corralerastall Cortato take off the fat of (an animal) Cortarto jerk (beef) Cortar la lecherennet Corte de carnebeefsteak (R) Costalerasackcloth Costillaspork chop (S) Costilla de cerdo (chancho)pork chop (S) Cotorraparakeet; parrot (P) Creadillasprepared as a dish Cremacream Crestacrest Criayoung duck (P) Crudoraw Cuadrilflank (of an animal) Cuajarcurdle Cuajorennet Cuarentenariaquarantine Cuchipig; hog (S) Cudraox stall Cueritospickled pork skins (S) Cuernahorn; antler Cuerotanned skin Cuero adobadotanned hide Cuero curadotanned leather Cuervocrow; raven (P) Cui (pl. cuies)guinea pig (O) Curadocured; hardened; tanned Curar el eueroto steep in limewater Curtidostanned leather Curtido de cuerodressed sheepskin (R) Cuyguinea pig (O)

Degolladeroslaughterhouse Degollarbehead Degollinaslaughter Deguellopertaining to slaughtering; butcher's knife; butcher Delgado, dathin; lean Deporte de caballospertaining to horses (H) Desainerto take off the fat of (an animal) Desapestarto disinfect Desbanadoto clear of mud Descargadura, deshuesadabones that a butcher takes out of meat Descuartizarslaughter; dismember Desecado, dadry; desicated Deshuesarto bone (an animal) Desinfectarto disinfect Deslamarto clear of mud Desmantecarto make butter or lard out of Desmeollamientotaking out the marrow Desnatadoraseparator (cream) Desolladeroabattoir; slaughterhouse Desosarto bone (an animal) Destazador, raone who cuts up slaughtered animals Destazarto cut up (a carcass) Destinatario, riaaddressee; consignee Destruye toxinasantitoxin Diagnostico, diagnosisdiagnostics Disecadodried; desicated Dorarto brown meat Dracunculonamatode parasite Dr. de animalesveterinarian Dr. de biologiabiological Dr. de biologo quimicobiochemical

Echadurabrooding; hatching Ectoparasitoectoparasite

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Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Edredoneiderdown; feather pillow; down cover Eideroeider duck (P) Embarcadorshipper Embuchadokind of sausage Embutido, dasausage; as a whole all sausages are embutidos Empajadahay with bran for horses Empajarto cover or stuff with straw Empanizadocook with bread Empeinehoof; also upper part of the foot Emperdigarto brown (meat) Emprimadolast combing of wool Emucinexcretion Enbotadacanned meat Encebolladostewed with onions Encespedarto cover with sod Encornadura(of bulls, etc.) set of horns Encubadorabrooding; hatching Encurtidopickle Encurtirto pickle Endantecadoice cream, breaded Endoparsitoendoparasite Enfriadochilled Enodiafawn; young deer (R) Ensillajeensilage Entraaentrail Envesadofleshy part of hides Envinagradopickle Enzimaenzyme Enzoquetadoto cover with sod Epiglotisepiglottis Epinefrinaepinephrine; adrenalin Equinohorse (H) Eraltwo-year-old ox (R) Ergosterinaergosterin; ergosterol Eritromicinaerythromycin Esbeltathin; lean Escalado, da(of fish or meat) cup open; to be salted or cured

Escalfado, dapoached (eggs) Escalofriado, dachilled Escalofrochill Escorchar, escoreadato flay; to skin; to burn Esfntersphincter Esfnter pyloricaphloric valve Esfago de la cabragoat gullet Espaldillabutcher Especimenspecimen; sample Espermasperm Esqueletoskeleton; bones Esquileoshearing (of sheep, dogs, etc.) Establoox stall; cow house Estaqueroyear-old buck or doe (R) Estarnasmall partridge (P) Estircoldung; manure Estiercol de vacacow dung Estofadostew Estmagostomach Estopaburlap Estrellado, da(of horses) star-faced; fried (eggs) Estrgenoestrogen Estronaestrone Excrecinexcretion Excrementoexcrement Expectoracin, expectorantesputum

Fabadain Asturias; pork and beans Facoquero, rawart hog (S) Faisanpheasant (P) Fajardomeat pie; patty Fermentacinfermentation Fertilizantefertilizer Fetounborn calf (R) Fiemodung; manure Filariafilaria; a parasitic worm


Animal Product Manual

04/2007-107 PPQ, VRS

Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Filetearto be salted or cured (of fish or meat) Fimodung; manure Formajecheese vat; cheese Forrajeforage; fodder; foraging Frangolloporridge of wheat and milk; poorly made stew Fresco, ca(of food) fresh Frez, frezadung; excrement Fricassepork stew Friocold Fritada, fritangafry; dish of anything fried Fritofried eggs Fundidomelt

Gandallarefuse; waste meat Gangalittle pin-tailed grouse (P) Ganso bravowild goose (game bird) (P) Ganso sagander; goose (P) Garanonstallion; stud Garapitosmall insect, like a tick Garbonmale partridge (P) Gargantathroat; gullet Garguerogullet; windpipe Garrapatasheep and cattle tick; disabiled horse tick Gasnategullet; windpipe Gasofiaoffal; refuse Gatocat (O) Gelatinagelatin Germengerm Glandulasglands Glbulo rojored blood cell Gochasow (S) Gochohog (S) Gorrinsmall pig, sucking pig (S) Gramoso, sacovered with couch grass Grasagrease; fat; suet; oil Grasurafat; suet Gratonadachicken ragout or fricassee Grosurafat; suet; tallow Gruyeregrauyere (cheese) Guacamayomacaw (P) Guajoloteturkey (P) Guanoseabirds' droppings used as fertilizer Guarinsuckling pig (S) Guarnigonyoung quail (P) Guarovery talkative, small parrot (P) Guarrasow (S) Guarrohog (S) GuazubiraArgentine deer (R) Guemulguemul, an Andean variety of deer (R) Guesadohash of livers and lights

Gacel, gacelagazelle Gallinahen (P) Gallina de guineaguinea hen (P) Gallinazahen dung Gallipavoturkey (P) Gallipavaa large variety of hen (P) Gallstico, cagame cocks or cockfights Gallocock; rooster (P) Gallo de peleagame cocks or cockfights Gamadoe (R) Gamusaparchment like Ganadero, rapertaining to cattle; grazier; owner of cattle; stock farmer; dealer in cattle; drover Ganadolivestock; cattle; herd; flock; drove Ganado caballarhorses (H) Ganado de pata hendidaoxen; cows; sheep; goats (R) Ganado mayorcattle (including horses, asses, mules) Ganado menorsheep (R) Ganado morenoswine; hogs (S) Ganado ovejunosheep (R) Ganado porcinoswine; hogs (S) Ganado vacunabovine; cattle (R)

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Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Guimoguinea pig (O) Guisadostew eaten by Spanish Jews Guisado de cerdopork fricassee; pork stew Guracrested wild pigeon (game bird) (P) Gusaneraparasitic insect Gusanoworm Gusano vioidosecto-parasite

Ibiceibex, a kind of goat (R) Iguedobuck (goat) (R) Ijadaflank (of an animal) Ijarflank (of an animal) Incineradorincinerator Incinerarto incinerate; cremate Incubadorincubator Infeccioninfection Infeccioso, sainfectious; infective Inmunizacionimmunization Insectoinsect Insulinainsulin Interdecirprohibit Intestino, naintestine

Hatero, ra(animals) that carry a shepherd's baggage Hatoherd Heladoice cream; sherbert Hematieerythrocyte, red (blood) cell Hematinahematin Henohay with bran for horses Heparinaheparin Herberoesophagus of a ruminant Herrenmixed grain for horses Hidrogalamixture of milk and water Hielgall; bile Hieloice Hiendadung Hierbaweed; grass; herb Higadilla, llosmall liver; liver of birds, fishes, and other small animals Hgadoliver Higatepottage of figs, pork, etc. Hpico, caequine, pertaining to horses (H) Hipofisispituitary gland; hypophysis Hipmanesvaginal discharge from the mare when in heat Hircowild goat (R) Hiscabird-lime Hocicosnout; muzzle; nose (of animal) Horneadopickled pork (S) Huesobone Huevoegg Huevo durohard (boiled, fried) egg Huevo tibiospoached egg

Jabalwild boar (S) Jabalina, oson of a wild boar; peccary pig (S) Jabalinajavelin Jabatoyoung wild boar (S) Jamnham; salted haunch of a hog (S) Jetahog's snout (S) Jifarefuse from slaughtered animals Jiferislaughtering Jifero, rapertaining to slaughterhouse; butcher's knife; butcher Jigotehash; minced meat Jirafagiraffe (O) Joloteturkey (P) Jugojuice; fluid Jugo gstricogastric juice Jugo pancreticopancreatic juice Jumentafemale donkey (H) Jumentodonkey; ass (H) Jusellopottage of broth, cheese, and eggs Jutakind of goose (P)


Animal Product Manual

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Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

LabancoSouth American duck (P) Labiolip Laconshoulder ham (S) Lacticinioany kind of milk food Lctico, calactic Lactinalactose; lactin; milk sugar Lactasalactase Lagrimallachrymal Lanalamb's wool Lardolard, fat of animal; variety of a domesticated pig Latacanned; tinned Lavancokind of wild duck (game bird) (P) Lazaretoquarantine Lechemilk Leche cremacustard; coffee cream or creamer Leche cuajadoto curdle Leche quemadasweetmeat made from simmered milk Lechecillassweetbreads; livers and lights Lechn, nasuckling pig; pig (S) Lechoncico, illo, itovery young pig (S) Lenguatongue Levadurayeast Librilloabomasum Libroomasum or third stomach (of a ruminant) Liebrehare; jack rabbit (O) Liriabird-lime Locroa kind of stew Lombriz vioidosectoparasite Lomoloin; back of an animal Lonchathin slice of meat Longanizadried pork sausage; cured without vinegar (S) Lonjaslice (of meat); leather strap Lonja de jamnslice of ham (S) Loro, aparrot (P)

Macagua, macaomacaw (P) Maceloslaughterhouse; abattoir Machacashredded dried meat Machomale; donkey; ass (H) Macho de la perdizmale partridge (P) Macho grandebuck (goat) (R) Machocadoto salt and dry (meat) Magraslice of ham (S) Magro, gralean slice of pork (S) Magueto, tayoung steer or heifer (R) Maladarwild hog (S) Malcocinadotripe, liver, and lights of mutton of lamb (R) Malofagoparasitic insect in sheep's wool Mamamammary gland; breast Mamiferomammal Manadaherd Manaderoherdsman; shepherd Manifestomanifest Manofoot of cattle after cut off Mantecabutter, lard, fat of an animal Mantecado variadomixed ice cream, neopolitan Mantecosofat; suet; tallow Mantequillabutter Ma-rancho, chapig; hog (S) Margaticking; burlap Margarinamargarine Marranasow, female pig (S) Marranchon, nahog (sow) (S) Marranitosmall pig; suckling pig (S) Marranomale pig; fresh bacon (S) Marrano de montewild boar (S) Mataciaslaughter Mataderoslaughterhouse Matanzahog slaughtering and the season when done; swine kept for slaughter; slaughter; butcher Meadosurine

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Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Mecharto lard (meat, etc.) Medianochesmall meat pie or sandwich Mdulabone marrow Mellizakind of sausage made with honey Mellntorch made of straw Menudenciapork sausages Menudilloextremities of animals; giblets of fowl Menudoentrails; tripe Mocosidadvaginal discharge from a mare in heat Mollarlean (meat) Mollejagizzard; sweetbread Mondejobelly of pig or sheep stuffed with minced meat Mondongotripe; intestines Mondonguilpertaining to tripe Monjebrown peacock (P) Monterreymeat pie Morcillablood pudding Morcnlarge blood pudding or sausage Morrilofat of the nape of a sheep (R) Mortadelabologna sausage Mortecino, nadying a natural death (of an animal) Moruecoram; male shee; (R) Moscafly Mucosidadmucous Muestra, muestreospecimen; sample Mugrefilth; dirt Mulafemale mule (R) Muladadung heap; garbage dump Mulomule (H) Muruecoram; male sheep (R) Msculo que cierrasphincter Muslodrumbstick of chicken (P) Musmonwild sheep; moufflon (R)

NandAmerican ostrich (P) Narvascocornstalks (as fodder) Natacream; skim Nateronsecond curd Nazulasecond curd Neonatounborn calf (F) Nerviosnerves Nieveneopolitan ice cream Novillayoung cow; heifer (R) Novillejo, ejabullock (heifer) (R) Novilloyoung bull; steer (R)

Ocagoose (P) Olladish of boiled meat and vegetables Omasoomasum Onagrowild ass; onager (H) Organicoorganic Organoorgan Orinaurine Orixoryx; gemsbok (R) Ortgahazel grouse (P) Osambre, osamentaskeleton; bones Oseinaossein Otobustard (P) Ovejasheep (R) Ovejuelayoung ewe (R) Ovejuno, napertaining to sheep (R) Ovezuelosmall egg Ovinoovine

Pacas de telasackcloth; burlap Pachamancabarbecue Padrotestud; stallion Pajastraw Pjarafemale or hen bird (P) Pjarico, ca, ito, talittle bird (P) Pjarobird (P) Pajarracolarge bird (P)



Animal Product Manual

04/2007-107 PPQ, VRS

Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Pajazarefuse of fodder Pajncoarse straw Pajosomade or full of straw Paletashoulder ham (S) Paletofallow deer (R) Palomapigeon; dove (P) Paloma torcazdove (P) Palomerasmall dovecot (P) Palomillayoung pigeon; backbone of a horse Palominapigeon dung Palomo, acock pigeon (P) Pancreaspancreas Pancreatinapancreatin Panosomealy Panuchobean-and-meat pie with cornmeal crust Panzarumen or paunch of ruminants (R) Papagayomacaw (P) Papofowl's gizzard (P) Parsitoparasitic; parasite Prasito vioidosectoparasite Paratifoideaparatyphoid Paratiroideo, deaparathyroid Paratiroidesparathyroid Paresplacenta, after birth Parroduck (P) Pastelilloturnover; three-cornered little meat pie Pastelillo de carnesweetmeat or cake Pastelonmeat or pigeon pie Pastorshepherd Pasturaforage; fodder Pastura fermentadaensilage Patapaw, foot; foot and leg (of beasts) Patagorrillo, llahash of livers and lights Paticoyoung duck; duckling (P) Patihendido, dacloven-footed Patngoosander, a kind of duck (P) Patitoyoung duck; duckling (P)

Pato, aduck (P) Pato/ave aquferoduck; goose (P) Pato de Flojeleider duck (P) Pato negromallard Pato salvajea kind of wild duck (P) Pato silvestremallard (P) Pavaturkey hen (P) Paveznoyoung turkey (P) Pavipolloyoung turkey (P) Pavoturkey (P) Pavo realpeacock (P) Pecaripeccary, either of two piglike American quadrupeds (S) Pecesfish Pechugabeast of a fowl (P) Pecuario, riacattle (R) Pegamagpie (P) Pegujnpellet or bunch of wool or hair Pelada(tanning) pelt Pelambrar(tanning) to flesh (as hides) Pelambre(tanning) batch of hides put into lime pits Pellejinasmall skin Pellejoskin; rawhide, pelt Pellejuelasmall skin or rawhide Pellejuelosmall skin Pelohair; down (of birds and fruit) Pelo de cabrayearling ewe; thick wool; goat's hair Peloteriaheat of goat's hair Pendolafeather Penicilinapenicillin Penigerowinged; feathered Pepsinapepsin Perdiganayoung partridge (P) Perdzpartridge (P) Pericoparakeet (P) Periquitoparakeet (P) Permisopermit Pernilthigh of an animal

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Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Pernil delanteroshoulder and ribs of butcher's meat Perrodog (O) Pertenece ganaderacattle (R) Pescadofish (O) Pescuezoneck Pesebreox stall; manger Pestehog cholera (classical swine fever) Pesuafoot of cloven-hoofed animals Pezfish (O) Peznafoot of cloven-hoofed animals; hoof PicacurebaBrazilian pigeon (P) Picadillominced meat; hash Picado, daminced meat; hash Pichnyoung pigeon; squab (P) Pielskin; hide, pelt; leather; fur Piel de cabragoatskin (R) Pielduraparchment like Pielecitasmall hide or skin Piensodaily feed given to horses Piezgofoot of a hide or skin Pigmento rojohematin Pilrico, capyloric Piltraca, piltrafahide parings Pintadaguinea fowl (P) Piojolouse Pipacask Pitoneshorns Pituitariapituitary Pituitaria glndulapituitary gland Placentaafterbirth Plagaplague Plumafeather Pluma vivaeider down Plumajeplumage; plume; crest Pocilgapigsty; pigpen Pollastre, pollastrolarge chicken (P) Pollito, tachicken (P) Pollonesting chick (P)

Polluelo, lalittle chicken; check (P) Polomaquail (P) Polvo olorosomusk Ponedor, raegg-laying (as a hen) PopoteIndian straw for brooms Porcasohog tapir; tapir (S) Porcino, nahoggish, porcine; young pig (S) Porcipelobristle Porcuno, nahoggish, porcine (S) Poropore Porquecillasmall sow (S) Porquezuelo, lasmall hog or sow (S) Portanariopylorus Posiernathigh of an animal Potaje dulcesweetmeat or cake Prensor, rapsittacine (of the parrot family) (P) Preparacin quimicoexcretion Preservativo, vapreservative Primal, layearling (ewe or a goat) (R) Pringuegrease; fat; lard Prohibirto prohibit; forbid Protinaprotein Protoalbeitarchief veterinary surgeon Pucherocooking pot; olla, stew Puercasow (S) Puerco, cahog (S) Puerco monteswild boar (S) Puerquezuelolittle pig (S) Pulgaflea Pulpetaslice of stuffed meat

Quemarcremate Queseradairy, dairymaid; cheese board, cheese mold, cheese vat; cheese dish Quesillo, itosmall cheese Quesocheese Queso de bolaEdam cheese Queso de cerdoheadcheese (S)


Animal Product Manual

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Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Queso de leche descremadacheese made of skim milk Queso de puercoheadcheese (S) Queso heladoice-cream brick, molded ice cream QuetroChilean duck with featherless wings (P) Quita nataseparator Quitar el fangoto clear of mud Quitar el tutanotaking out the marrow Quitar grassto make butter or lard out of

Reptilreptile (O) Requesoncurd, cottage cheese Retobar(arg.) to line or cover with hides Retobopacking or wrapping in hides Reznotick, dog tick, sheep tick Rionkidney Rionadalayer of fat about the kidneys; dish of kidneys Robezowild goat (R) Roco, cadonkey (R) Rosbifroast beef (R)

Rabadahind quarter; rump Rabiarabies Rabotail Raparshearing Rapingachocheese omelet Rastroslaughter Rastrojostraw; cornstalks; fodder Ratarat (O) Rayadillostriped cotton duck (P) Razagoburlap Rebanadaslice Recentalsuckling (lamb or calf) (R) Registroinspection; search; examination; registration Rehogarto dress (meat) with a slow fire, basting with butter or oil Rejnshort spear thrust into a bull and broken at the end, leaving the point in the flesh; dagger; broad knife Relleno para morcillamixture of hog's blood and onions for sausage Remellar(tanning) to unhair (hides) Remeraflight feather (of birds) Remojar en aqua de calto steep (hides) in limewater Remolnupper tusk of a wild boar; sharp tooth in horses Rengiferoreindeer (R) Renoreindeer (R)

Rosonesworms in animals Roznolittle donkey (H) Ruchodonkey (H) Rumenrumen Rumiarumination, chewing the cud Rumiador, raruminator; ruminant (R) Rumianteruminant (R)

Sabucohorny part of horse's hoof (H) Sacategrass, herb; hay Saguaipeparasitic worm that attacks the liver of cattle Sainoa kind of boar Salsalt Saladosalty Saladillofresh bacon half-salted (S) Salamandrasalamander (O) Salbadillomixed grain Salarto salt, to season or preserve with salt; to cure or corn (meat); to brine Salaznsalting; salted meat or fish Salchicha de cerdopork sausage (S) Salchichonsausage Salivasaliva; spittle Salmuerabrine; pickle Salnsalted and cured meat or fish Salpresarto salt; preserve with salt Saludhealth

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Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Salvaguardiasafeguard Salvajewild boar (S) Salvajinacollection of skins of wild animals Sancostew made with beef blood, flour, and onions Sancocharto parboil; roast slightly Sancochoa kind of thin stew of boiled yucca, meat, plantains, etc. Sangrarto bleed Sangreblood Saquillo, itosmall sack or bag Sardesco, casmall (donkey or horse) (H) Sarriokind of wild goat (R) Sebotallow; fat; candle grease Secadry season Seco, secadry; dried up Secrecinsecretion Sederabrush made of bristles Semensemen Sementalstud Semillaseed Sealtick Seralarge basket Seradobaskets Sesobrain Silvestrewild Simienteseed; germ; semen; sperm Sinhuesotongue Sirlesheep dung; goat dung Sobordofreight list; manifest Sobras de algodonyearling ewe; wool; goat's hair Sobreadahalf-roasted sausage from the island of Majorca Sdico, casodium Solitariatapeworm Solomillo, solomosirloin; loin of pork Sopasop (soaked bread); soup Sopa espanlapork and beans Sorbetesherbert; water ice

Sordawoodcock (P) Substancia qumicaepinephrine; adrenalin Suciodirty; filthy; dung Sudarto sweat; perspire Sudorsweat; perspiration Suerowhey; serum (of blood) Suero para curarantiserum

Tbanohorsefly Talonheel Tamaltamale; (Peru) pork (sold in the street) Tanatebale made of hide Tngaratanager (H) Tapajerked beef; hung beef (R) Tapnbung Taranganacoarse sausage Tasajearto cut (meat) for making jerked beef Tasajojerked beef; hung beef (R) Tatabra, tatabroa species of peccary (S) Taurino, nabovine (R) Tegfleshy part of hides Tela de sacosackcloth; burlap Tendntendon Teniatapeworm, also known as solitaria Ternerafemale calf; veal (R) Terneromale calf (R) Terneruelasuckling calf (R) Ternillagristle, cartilage; nose or nostils of ox or other similar animal Terznthree-year old (heifer) (R) Testetestis, testicle Testculotesticle Tetraowood grouse (P) Tialina, ptialinapytalin Timothymus; thymus gland Tipo de nuezbird lime Tiroideothyroid


Animal Product Manual

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Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Tiroxinathyroxine, thyroxin Tizacalcined stage horn (R) Tocinosalt pork; bacon (S) Tocino gordofat pork (S) Tojosavariety of pigeon (P) Torcaz, torcazawild pigeon (game bird) (P) Trdigastrip of leather Toreobullfight Torobull (R) Torreznadaplentiful dish of bacon (S) Torreznorasher of bacon (S) Tortadameat or chicken pie Tortillapottage of broth, cheese, and eggs Trtolaturtledove (P) Tortugatortoise (O) Tostnroast pig (S) Txicotoxic Tozuelofat part of the neck of an animal Tragacetejavelin; dart Tragaderoesophagus Trqueatrachea; gullet Traquearteriatrachea; windpipe Tricahuekind of Chilean parrot (P) Trigazashort straw of wheat Tripagut, intestine, bowel; inner lining of some feathers Tripa gruesablood pudding or sausage Tripas para embutidoscasings Tripas vacunas saladassalted beef casings (R) Tripicallostripe Tripsinatrypsin Triquinatrichina, intestinal worm Trofeotrophy Trulloteal (P) Turdigastrip of hide Turmatesticle

Unahoof, claw, talon of beasts, or nail Ungulado, daungulate Untarto smear; to spread; to grease Untazafat (of animal); grease Untofat of animals; grease Ureaguano Urracamagpie (P)

Vacacow, beef (R) Vacunavaccine; immunization Vacunacionvaccination Vacuna, vapertaining to cattle; bovine Valvarvalval Valvulavalve Vaqueraox stall; cow house Vaquerocowboy Vaquilla, vaquitasmall cow; heifer (R) Vaquillonaheifer; calf (R) Vaquirapeccary (S) Vedijaentangled lock of wool or hair; matted hair Vell del becerrocalf vell Vejigabladder Vejiga hielgall bladder Vellnfleece, wool of one sheep; unsheared sheepskin; lock of wool Venavein, blood vessel Venadadoe (R) Venaditofawn, young deer (R) Venadodeer, stag; deer meat, venison (R) Venonopoison Ventrontripe (food) Vermesintestinal worms Verracomale hog or boar (S) Vescula biliargall bladder Vestfaliana, noWestphalian ham (a ham of distinctive flavor produced by smoking with juniper brush) (S) Veterinario, riaveterinary; veterinarian

Ubremammary gland; breast

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Animal Product Manual


Appendix F: Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal Product/By-Product Importations Dictionary of Spanish Words

Vboraviper Vicnaa South American ruminant (R) Vientreabdomen; belly; bowels; stomach Vilgall, bile Viscobird lime Vitaminavitamin Vveresfoodstuffs

Yackyak (R) Yaguasaa tree duck (P) Yeguafemale horse; mare (H) Yemaegg yolk Yerbagrass; weed; herb Yogurt, yoghurtyogurt Yurea Central American pigeon (P)

Zacategrass; hay; fodder Zaleaundressed sheepskin Zarandalblack-spotted (dove) (P) Zarcetawidgeon (duck of North America having brown plumage) (P) Zoolgicozoo Zopiloteturkey buzzard (P) Zumbn, naa variety of pigeon (P) Zumajuice; fluid Zurano, nastockdove (game bird) (P) Zurito, tawild pigeon (game bird) (P) Zuro, rastockdove, wild pigeon (game bird) (P) Zurriagarcowhide (R)


Animal Product Manual

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