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Cabras, Elliah Jezzilee D.

BSRT 2-2

1. D
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. C
1. From personal computers in our pockets to self-driving vehicles, today, thanks to
technology, the world is at our fingertips. Technology has progressed to many aspects of our lives,
making knowledge more available, enhancing connectivity, changing travel, and the list goes on.
While it is easy to sit back and profit from a proliferation of technological innovations, it is
important that we do not become oblivious to its effect on society. Today , society depends
heavily on technology and shows little signs of it.
2. A. Science- I think ever since man existed science existed too because it is man’s
extensive knowledge. It is where theories are proven by hypothesis. It is the systematic and
organized study of living things and of course behavior of human well-being through observation
and experimentation.
B. Technology- At its core, technologies are made to solve human problems and one way or
another we will face a throng of unfamilar problems. For example the pandemic. This kind of
crisis would inspire inventors to invent variety of medicines and novel devices in order to cope.
So for me technology serves as contributor to the well being of human kind.

3. Science came first. Because science is already present even before man. Technology is
just the result of science, technology is just the result of humans extensive knowledge. Science
gives humans the idea to create things or to invent rather. Science creates and organizes
knowledge through predictions and making it happen by explanations and by making a complex
procedure to prove a theory.
4. Well, technology has no boundaries but with the brilliancy and mind blowing
knowledge of the scientists and inventors beforehand i guess we have everything that makes our
life convenient. They might just be enhancing, upgrading or innovating the pre-existing
technology i still consider it as a new ones. It is because they came up with a new method, idea,
and of course they came up with a new product.
5. I think if ever I will invent a new technology I will make sure that it is truly bizarre. The
fact that i am into humanity I’ll create one for humanity, for the ecosystem that will make the
living and non living organisms intact and a technology that can provide shelter and oxygen to the
well being. The technology that creates homes for the homeless. Every time i go to church i see
children’s that begs for food and money. It is very heartbreaking to see kids roaming around the
whole market with messy hair, dirty and ragged clothes, toes with scars, calluses on their feets,
and beggary eyes. After realizing that maybe they're really starving, I bought them food. I gave it
to them wholeheartedly and i am not expecting for a single thank you. I am still young when i
was taught to help people and sometimes i do feeding programs and coastal cleanup. I joined a
lot of organizations until i became a young journalist despite of my broken pocket. So I might not
be able to invent one but i am hoping that someday humanity will arise.

III. Historical Antecedent of Science and Technology (15 points)

A. Under what civilization did the following technologies come from?
3. Pasteurization MODERN TIMES
5. Telephone MODERN TIMES
8. Telescope MIDDLE AGES
14. Microscope MIDDLE AGES
15. Calculator MODERN TIMES

1. I will use the technology or my mobile phone to engage with social media platforms.
The whole world is at our fingertips. That with just a simple tap of it will be able to change the
world. I’ll share with them how precious education is and we just have to help each other until
the pandemic is over then we can all be with the new normal. There is no crisis that we can’t get
through with humanity. I’ll tell them that nothing will happen if they don’t hold hands and fight
2. Id- I will take the money without telling the whole cooperative company knowing and
spend it to my mom and take it somewhere.
Ego- i have two consequences i can take it but I’ll go to jail, and i can just asked for help and
assistance and pay them back when my pocket isn’t broken at all so I’ll go tith the positive side.
Superego- don’t take it because it is not yours you can go to jail and stay there for the rest
of your life then you cannot take care of your mom ate all and nobody will be on her side until
she gets old.
3. A. It’s either i will alter and get suspended or disobey him and will be acknowledged
B. I’ll alter then get suspended then i acquired the transmitted disease
C. I’ll disobey even if he’ll hate me and make my life miserable as long as no other person
was harmed.
D. I’ll alter so that there will be no more fuss
4. A. It’s either I’ll let him die alone or obey what he wants
B. If i obey his order the guilt will kill me
C. I’ll just obey his order and talk to his family to help his sufferings end
D. Whatever he want I’ll obey it. I might be required to have empathy and sympathy but I
won’t be creating any bond between us. In short no strings attached.

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