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Govt. Technical
Chak#223 J/B Tehsil Bhowana (Chiniot) High School
Recite 3 Times “DAROOD O SALAM” [0300-7980055]
Visit Our FaceBook Page [@bismillahacademy223] for Notes & Educational Material.
Name: 39th Half Book – II 2023
Roll No. ENGLISH (Objective Part) Paper Code
Section: Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 19 8761


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1  5  9  03  07 
2  6  10  04  08 
3  7  11  05  09 
4  8  12  16  20 
You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct,
Q. No. 1 fill that circle in front of that question number. Cutting, Over-writing, using lead pencil and filling more than
one circle will result in zero marks in that question.

Choose the correct form of verb from the columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
S.# Questions A B C D
1 After you _______ I went to sleep. Had left Leaves leave leaving
2 She _______ her why we wanted to leave early. Ask Asked Asks asking
Will be
3 She ________ hard for the competition. Work Working works
4 What will you _________ at four? Do Does Done Doing
Will be
5 The meeting ________ by the time we gather. End Ended No end
Choose the word with correct spellings from the columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
S.# A B C D
6 Ambbition Ambition Ambotion Ambetion
7 Poim Poum Poem Pome
8 Davastating Devastating Devestating Devasteting
9 Tendency Tindency Tendancy Tedincy
Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words from the columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
S.# Questions A B C D
10 The word flamboyant means: colourful humble soft natural
11 The word piping means: twittering crying weeping yelling
12 The word gradually means: quickly speedily steadily hurriedly
13 Discountented means: satisfied dissatisfied attached detached
14 The word expedite means: Slow Dull Fast Improve
Choose the correct option according to the grammar from the columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
S.# Questions A B C D
15 I came earlier. Here „earlier‟ is a degree. positive comparative negative superlative
16 The pigeon flies swiftly. The undernoted word is a/an. adjective adverb gerund participle
17 I took her lifeless arm. noun verb adverb adjective
18 A relative pronoun is a word that works as: conjunction article adjective past participle
Question Subordinating
19 You may sit wherever you like. Pronoun

) ‫ چنیوٹ‬، ‫ ج۔ب تحصیل بھوآنہ‬222 ‫بسم اللہ پا ک فورسز کوچنگ اینڈ ا یجوکیشنل ا کیڈمی ( چک نمبر‬
‫ر‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ر‬
‫ائٹ فورس‬
‫می داخےل ےک رلی انٹی ٹیسٹ یک تیاری اور میٹک ےک بعد پاکستان ر‬ ‫پی اے ایف کالجز ر‬/ ‫ملٹی‬/ ‫کیڈٹ‬
‫می آٹھویں کالس ر‬
‫اسسٹنٹ(ف میل)سیلیکشن یک تیاری ےک لی ہمارے پاس ر‬ ‫ائٹ ر ے‬
‫تشیف ر‬ ‫ر‬ ‫می (میل)اوربطور میڈیکل‬ ‫می بطور ر‬‫ر‬
0300-7980055 0341-7864223

Powered by: [Bismillah Educational Project of Pakistan by Muhammad Usman Khichi]

Govt. Technical
Chak#223 J/B Tehsil Bhowana (Chiniot) High School
Recite 3 Times “DAROOD O SALAM” [0300-7980055]
Visit Our FaceBook Page [@bismillahacademy223] for Notes & Educational Material.
39Half Book – II 2023

ENGLISH (Subjective Part)

Time: 02:10 Hours Marks: 56
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) Who was appointed as the architect of the Masjid?
(ii) Where is the royal room situated?
(iii) Why do you think the madrassah and the hospice were part of the masjid?
(iv)Why is the arising of the sun so special for the author?
(v) What is an ICU in a hospital?
(vi)Why does the horse impatiently await the next move of his master?
(vii)What do you understand by the term counselling
(viii)How is construction work a cause of noise pollution?
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(iv) The Blue Masjid reflects the architectural style of both the Ottoman masjid and Byzentine church. Hagia Sophia, a masjid,
one of the wonders of the Muslim architecture, was also kept in view as a model. The Blue Masjid even today is considered
to be unmatched in Splendour, majesty and size.
(v) continued to work on Hira. But she was not making much recovery. I felt as helpless as she was to see her lie on bed in a
miserable state. Could I be able to justify my stance before the senior doctors? I did not lose hope. I continued to work with
patience and kept doing exercises with her. Gradually, I could see her making a slight recovery. One day, I was thrilled to
see, she lifted her little finger. All was not lost!
(vi) Another source of noise pollution in urban areas is the work on construction sites. Construction work in urban areas is
usually slow and time-consuming. The use of transport and equipment at construction sites, its grilling and piercing sound
is a big source of noise pollution. It not only disturbs the general public but also affects the construction workers by causing
mental fatigue.
4. Write down the summary of the poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth. OR 05
4 Explain the stanza with reference to the context:
Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5 made up, looking for , serious threat , wipe up , negative impact , new delights , at risk , with awe
6. Write a letter to your sister thanking her for a gift. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “ It is well said ‘Look before you leap’ ”OR
6. Write a dialogue between a brother & a sister concernin time
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
Early rising is a good habit as it gives us an early start of our day‟s work. We gain time while the late
risers are asleep. The early risers have another advantage also and that is that they enjoy good and sound
health. Those who are out of bed early have plenty of time to do their work carefully, steadily and
completely. They do not have to put off anything to the next day. The early riser is always happy, fresh and
smart. He enjoys his work while those who get up late find their duty dull and dry and do it unwillingly.
Early rising is therefore, a key to success in life.
(i) What kind of habit is early rising? (ii) Why can an early riser do more work than the late riser?
(iii) What kind of health do early risers have?
(iv) Why does a late riser find his work dull and dry? (v) What is the key to success in life?
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( دیمحےنااعنؾاحلصایک۔‬iii) ‫وپسیلولجسوکویکںرشتنمرکریہیھت؟‬ (ii) ‫ڈارٹکرمضیوکآراؾاکوشمرہداتیےہ۔‬ (i)
‫چن ئت‬
‫( ادیمواررپہچلحرکےکچوہںےگ۔‬vi) ‫رمضیدسٹنمےس خراہےہ۔‬ (v) ‫( اؿوعروتںےکاپسزویرںیہنںیہ۔‬iv)
‫( دادیاامںےنںیمہبیجعاہکینانسیئ۔‬viii) ‫( اہمترےاھبیئےکاپسوتسپؽہناھت۔‬vii)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “My School”.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
9. (i) She did not tell a lie. (ii) She did not write a letter to him. (iii) I shall order the carriage.
9. (iv) My teacher will help me in my studies. (v) Who will oppose you?

Powered by: [Bismillah Educational Project of Pakistan by Muhammad Usman Khichi]

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