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Estelle Darcy

Graphic Designer
I’m Estelle Darcy, I am a highly motivated
graphic designer that always aims for the
best result for every project that I receive.
Have many experiences collaborating with
companies from various fields. With a 99%
satisfaction level, I can proudly say that my
works are always successfully achieving the
EXPERIENCE goal that every client wants.
2010 - 2012
Designed the banner for the local gourmet
Class Of 2006
festival held in summer of 2010 and
High School
become viral after many guests share the
banner image on the social media. Class Of 2009
Won the world’s amateur design Borcelle University
competition held by Studio Shodwe and B.F.A Of Visual Arts
receive reward money and a year of free
design online course.
2013 - Present
Illustration, Free Hand, Sketching
Studio Shodwe 85%
Created a design for the company’s
Layout & Typography
official jacket for the online marketing 80%
department by implementing all unique
Color Theory
moments happened in the company’s
history into one single image
Collaboration Skills
+123-456-7890 80% Leadership
Eye For Detail
123 Anywhere St., Any City 85%

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