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January 13, 2024

Saturday, 1:27 PM


> and like i said to you before, you do not have to worry, everything is risk free,
if any problem will occur the bank would not have been willing to help me transfer
my funds
> they also would make sure that they contact your bank and the central bank of
your country to make all the neccessary preparation before the funds would be
transferred into your account
> i am very grateful to you for your support for me and my family at this point in
> Allah will reward you for this and many more good deeds, i too will reward you
Insha Allah
> this is just the beginning of us working together
> now i will proceed to write to the bank and inform them that you are my
beneficiary and trustee to my funds so they can start processing the funds
> we will communicate again soon Insha Allah
> i shall keep you informed
> i need you to send me a forwarded copy of the email you sent to the bank
> it is very late here now,it is past 3AM, i must take my rest
> we will correspond again soon Insha Allah
> Allah Hafiz

> how are you today
> greetings
> I got an emil from the bank. They need a copy from my ID and I'll send it to them
right now.
> As I understood from the email they need to hire a lawer to follow up the
> I need to know the cost of that service, who will pay for it and how?
> forward to me the email right now
> i told you before, always make sure you forward all conversations and emails to
me for reference purposes
> i need to read and access the situation myself
> I did please check your email
> if they say we would need a lawyer then i am happy about this, because i want
everything thing to be done in a legal way, so that there would not be any problem
for you or myself
> okay, i will check and read now, i will be right back
> Take your time. and i agree with you
> i have read the mail now
> i do not know if the bank would have to take care of the cost or not, i also do
not know if there would be any cost or if we would have to pay after the funds have
been transferred
> but do not let that be your worry now, my funds are my important than that
> Yes you are right
> please follow the bank procedure
> let us try and complete this as soon as possible, this is a good sign, everything
is working out well Insha Allah
> OK and I'll copy you too
> very well

I want you to know that i truly appreciate your support to and my family at this
difficult time in our life, my heart is full of joy, thank you for bringing back
hope into our lives
May Allah bless and reward you for all you are doing for us now especially for my
two young children who do not even know why we have been locked in here since 2012,
I also will reward you more than you can ever expect

there is something more important that i want you to , but everything must remain a
i am trusting you right now because you are my Muslim brother and i believe that
Allah sent you to help us

when i found out about the funds i made a move towards regaining our freedom again,
i spoke with the chief security officer in charge of our arrest here and he has
agreed to trade our freedom for a certain amount of money

He is asking for 2,000,000 USD, Please do not ever speak about this, no matter what

I am not worried about money, all i wish for is to be free again.

This is the most important reason why i need my funds to be transferred now

You do not know what it means to be locked up for more than five years in a house,
with no access to the outside world

since 2012 when we were brought here we have not seen the outside walls of this
no one is allowed to go out or come in, except the maid and the security guards

We have suffered too much, i am willing to do anything within my power to set my

family free again

i have already planned everything and as soon as the funds have been transferred i
will give you instructions on what to do

please stand by me, do not let me down, i promise you Insha Allah, i will reward
you very well and you will never regret meeting me

there are other businesses that we would discuss, but first let us complete this
Insha Allah

I have assets that i do not know if the UN has found or not and when we are done
with this, i will inform you of other assets of mine both in Asia and the Middle
I have assets worth 100s of Millions of United State Dollars spread across these
but due to my situation and lack of knowledge of the security surrounding these
Banks and Security Companies holding some of my assets i can not try to communicate
with them,
we shall trace all the investment also some of my mother investment and funds when
we are out of here Insha ALLAH.
One thing i will reveal to you right here and right now,is that you and your family
will always be grateful that you met me,
i believe that ALLAH sent you to help me at this time with my family, we will never
forget your good deed Insha ALLAH.

Allah Jazak Khair

please try and communicate with the bank with the necessary requirement as soon as
you can
now i must take my rest, we shall communicate again Insha Allah


Yes, i saw that in the mail that the consultation fee is $3000.
[10/21/2016 8:34:06 PM] Dr. Ayesha Al. G: But i read also that there two option to
[10/21/2016 8:34:24 PM] Dr. Ayesha Al. G: So which one do you prefer to choose?

Now, i am confused because i don't expect that there is going to be a fee, because
i was hoping it will be after the transfer. Now i don't know what to do because the
transaction can not proceed without this lawyer fee

i was expecting that any fee whatsoever would be deducted from my funds before it
would be transferred to your account, i was not expecting that there would be any
charges now before the lawyer can proceed.

i will write to the bank and inform them, they should deduct this amount from my
funds and give to the barrister so that he can complete the change of ownership
process as soon as possible

i want everything to be done as quickly as possible so that my funds can be


you know my situation,i do not have any money with me here and even if i do there
is no way that i can send money from here due to my present state of affairs. The
only option right now in regards to the payment of the fees is for me to write to
the bank to deduct this amount and give to him

yes, i will write to the bank and inform them to do that right away
yes, give me some few minutes, let me write a mail to the bank

i think you should write to him or call him and inform him that option two is
better for us and we will get back to him in regards to the fees, or if it is
possible for him to go ahead and provide the documents so that we can pay him
afterwards then he should go ahead

Elnour: I also received an email from him asking me to pay for his fees ($2500) is
that OK and reasonable? please advise.
Dr Ayesha AI G: what does the barrister need that money for ?
[5/7/2015 10:57:57 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: to cover his expenses
[5/7/2015 10:58:15 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay
[5/7/2015 10:58:53 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Do you trust him?
[5/7/2015 10:59:51 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: yes as far he was recomended by the bank,yes
he can be trusted
[5/7/2015 11:00:47 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: So you agree to give him tht
[5/7/2015 11:02:05 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: you know my situation here now and their is
no way i can raise such money here
[5/7/2015 11:03:00 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: You want me to transfere that
amount to him?
[5/7/2015 11:03:44 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: what if he did not finish his
job for any reason?
[5/7/2015 11:03:56 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: How i can get my money back?
[5/7/2015 11:05:47 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: if there is a way i can raise that amount of
money i will raise the money and send to you but there is no way for me to do that.
[5/7/2015 11:07:17 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: OK i understand. Will you let
me collect that money from your money when I receive them?
[5/7/2015 11:07:57 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: yes, you can.
[5/7/2015 11:08:16 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: OK, let me answer him back and
copy you
[5/7/2015 11:08:32 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay i wait
[5/7/2015 11:15:34 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Please check your email
[5/7/2015 11:15:54 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay
[5/7/2015 11:16:02 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: let me check now
[5/7/2015 11:18:04 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: there is nothing in the email you sent, can
you resend to me again?
[5/7/2015 11:18:41 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: What do you mean?
[5/7/2015 11:18:48 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Did you receive an empty email?
[5/7/2015 11:19:33 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay, i have seen the email you sent
[5/7/2015 11:19:53 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: we have to wait for the reply of the
[5/7/2015 11:43:28 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: let me know when you receive any reply from
the barrister
[5/7/2015 11:43:42 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: will do
[5/7/2015 11:43:59 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay
[5/7/2015 11:45:27 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i have to take my leave now,i need to attend
to my children
[5/7/2015 11:45:43 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: OK
[5/7/2015 11:45:57 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: One mpre question please
[5/7/2015 11:46:12 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Can I ask how old are you?
[5/7/2015 11:46:41 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i am 39 years old
[5/7/2015 11:46:51 AM] Dr Ayesha AI G: we will correspond again soon Insha Allah
[5/7/2015 11:46:59 AM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: OK
[5/7/2015 8:44:06 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: salam
[5/7/2015 8:44:16 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: how are you my brother
[5/7/2015 8:44:28 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: any news yet from the barrister?
[5/7/2015 8:56:17 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Hello
[5/7/2015 8:57:02 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Yes he sent an email with wire
transfer instructions.
[5/7/2015 8:57:15 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: I answered him back and copied
[5/7/2015 8:57:23 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Please check your email
[5/7/2015 8:58:23 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay let me check now
[5/7/2015 9:12:30 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: salam
[5/7/2015 9:12:38 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i have read the mail
[5/7/2015 9:13:05 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: who's name did he ask you to pay the money
[5/7/2015 9:15:18 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: TIMOTHY EMECHO
[5/7/2015 9:15:38 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: who is he?
[5/7/2015 9:15:55 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: I have no idea
[5/7/2015 9:16:07 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: did he not tell you who he is?
[5/7/2015 9:16:10 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: May be he is working for him
[5/7/2015 9:16:39 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: where is the mail he sent to you with the
name to pay the money? send it to me now let me have it also for reference purpose
[5/7/2015 9:16:44 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: No he did not
[5/7/2015 9:17:31 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: ok
[5/7/2015 9:18:43 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: I forwrded it to you
[5/7/2015 9:18:54 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay, i will check now
[5/7/2015 9:22:09 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i have not received it
[5/7/2015 9:22:41 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: now i have received it, i will read it now
and get back to you
[5/7/2015 9:27:29 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i have read the mail
[5/7/2015 9:27:48 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: he said you should send the money through his
[5/7/2015 9:28:07 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: that is the name of his secretary
[5/7/2015 9:28:19 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: ok
[5/7/2015 9:28:51 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: well, we would wait or him to reply your mail
to him, but if you read the mail you just sent to me now, you would see where he
said it is his secretary's name
[5/7/2015 9:29:16 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: yes i got it
[5/7/2015 9:29:55 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: I'll check with Western tomorrow
if not it will be on Sunday morning
[5/7/2015 9:30:07 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: okay
[5/7/2015 9:30:24 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i am very grateful and thankful
[5/7/2015 9:30:38 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: you do not know what you are dong for me and
my family now
[5/7/2015 9:30:53 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: no problems
[5/7/2015 9:31:10 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i am looking to the day i would be able to
stand before you and thank you in person
[5/7/2015 9:31:51 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: we will discuss that in details
[5/7/2015 9:31:54 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i never knew we would ever be free again, but
here we are, you have changed the story of our lives and soon Insha Allah we would
be free again
[5/7/2015 9:32:12 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: yes, we would discuss that and many more in
[5/7/2015 9:32:46 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: for now i am going to send for the Chief
security officer, i will request for his presence so that we can discuss more on
our plan
[5/7/2015 9:32:59 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: and how he would want his money
[5/7/2015 9:33:31 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: yes it is the time to do that
[5/7/2015 9:33:47 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: so that i can make all the arragmenets down
and as soon as your have transferred the funds i will give you further instructions
on how to get his money through to him
[5/7/2015 9:34:09 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: ok
[5/7/2015 9:34:12 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: I have everything figured out and once we
leave here no one would be able to locate or know our whereabout
[5/7/2015 9:34:42 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i am a house in an undisclosed island, i have
everything we would need there
[5/7/2015 9:35:06 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i will tell you more before we finalise
everything here
[5/7/2015 9:35:11 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: thank you for everything
[5/7/2015 9:35:51 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: i think you may need a husband
to take care if you and your family too
[5/7/2015 9:37:37 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: that is not a priority to me now,
[5/7/2015 9:37:54 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: i have to make sure that my family is well
[5/7/2015 9:38:24 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: ok
[5/7/2015 9:39:13 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: how is your family?
[5/7/2015 9:39:34 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: they all are ok
[5/7/2015 9:40:02 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: masha Allah
[5/7/2015 9:40:18 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: it is late here now, i have to take my rest
[5/7/2015 9:40:27 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: we would correspond tomorrow
[5/7/2015 9:42:40 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: ok
[5/7/2015 9:43:22 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: Good night
[5/7/2015 9:43:27 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: Allah Hafiz
[5/8/2015 5:46:43 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Hello
[5/8/2015 5:46:54 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: How R U today?
[5/8/2015 5:47:00 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: I have some good news
[5/8/2015 5:47:14 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: I transfered the money 2 hours
[5/8/2015 5:47:27 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: I sent an email to Mr. mark and
copied you.
[5/8/2015 5:47:32 PM] Osama A. Hassan Abou Elnour: Please confirm
[5/8/2015 6:53:58 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: salam
[5/8/2015 6:54:59 PM] Dr Ayesha AI G: yes i saw the e

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