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PeTa 2.

Uses of Organic Compounds ( include the names and structures)
•2 examples for each of the following:

1. Hentriacontane

Hentriacontane, with a formula CH3(CH2)29CH3, represents a solid, long-chain

alkane hydrocarbon containing a total of 31 carbons.

Hentriacontane is found naturally in a number of common plants and foods
including the common pea, carrots, garden tomatoes, grapes, watermelons,
papaya, coconuts, and sunflowers. It also comprises about 8-9% of beeswax.
Hentriacontane has also been found to be a major component of Candelilla
wax.Candelilla wax is used as a food additive and is used as a glazing agent. It is
also used in the cosmetic industry, as a component of lip balms and lotion bars.
Hentriacontane is also thought to have antitumor and antimicrobial activities

PubChem. (n.d.). Hentriacontane. PubChem.
Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Hentriacontane
(HMDB0030092). (n.d.).
Showing compound Hentriacontane (FDB001480) - FOODB. (n.d.). FooDB.
Ouellette, R. J. (2015). Alkanes and cycloalkanes. In Elsevier eBooks (pp.

CAS No : 630-04-6 | Product Name : N-HentriaContane. (n.d.).
2. Polyethylene (plastic)

Polyethylene (IUPAC name: ethene) is the most widely used commodity plastic
represented by the molecular formula (C2H4)n. Polyethylene is classified as a
homopolymer due to the fact that it is made from repeated units of one single
type of molecule, ethylene. Ethylene molecules are essentially made up of two
methylene units which are linked together by a double bond between the two
carbon atoms (CH2=CH2). This double bond can be broken by placing the
molecule under the influence of polymerization catalysts. The resulting extra
single bond can be employed to link another carbon atom to the ethylene

Use (need to rephrase):

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is used in toys, garbage containers, ice trays,
and other houseware. The versatility of this plastic makes it ideal for a wide
spectrum of applications. HDPE is also used in ropes, fishing nets, agricultural
nets, and industrial fabrics. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is widely used in
the production of squeeze bottles, garbage bags, laminations, and food
packaging due to its high flexibility and low cost. LDPE is also used in pipes and

Xometry, T. (2023, November 9). Polyethylene (PE): structure, properties, and

applications. Xometry.
BYJUS. (2022, August 3). What is Polyethylene? Monomer, Types, Properties,
Applications (with FAQs).
1. Ethene

(Need to rephrase) Ethene, also known as ethylene, with a formula (H2C=CH2) is

a gas that occurs naturally in the environment. It is a colorless, flammable gas
having a sweet taste and odor.

(need to rephrase) It is a high volume industrial chemical that is manufactured for

use in certain industrial settings. Worldwide, ethene is primarily used as a
monomer in plastic production, to produce other chemicals and as industrial fuel
gas. Natural sources of ethylene include both natural gas and petroleum; it is also
a naturally occurring hormone in plants, in which it inhibits growth and promotes
leaf fall, and in fruits, in which it promotes ripening.

Health Canada. (2014, January 13). Ethene public summary.
Carey, F. A. (2023, November 30). Ethylene | Structure, Sources, Production,
uses, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

2. 1,3-butadiene

(need to rephrase) 1,3-Butadiene, with a formula CH₂=CH-CH=CH₂ or C4H6, is a

colorless gas at room temperature with a gasoline-like odor.

(need to rephrase) It is used to produce synthetic rubber products, such as tires,

resins, and plastics, and other chemicals. Exposure to 1,3-butadiene mainly
occurs in the workplace, including the following industries: synthetic elastomer
(rubber and latex) production, petroleum refining, secondary lead smelting, water
treatment, agricultural fungicides, production of raw material for nylon, and the
use of fossil fuels.
1,3-Butadiene - Cancer-Causing substances. (2022, December 5). National
Cancer Institute.
1,3-Butadiene - Overview | Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.).
File:1,3-Butadiene Structural Formula V1.svg - Wikimedia Commons. (2020,
April 13).,3-Butadiene_Structural_Formul

1. Ethyne

(need to rephrase) Acetylene (IUPAC name: ethyne), the simplest and

best-known member of the hydrocarbon series containing one or more pairs of
carbon atoms linked by triple bonds. Its formula is C2H2 and it is a colorless gas
with a garlic-like odor.

(need to rephrase) In cutting and in oxyacetylene welding, acetylene gives the

fastest preheating and piercing times of any of the other fuel gas combinations. It
is also a raw material in the synthesis of many organic chemicals and plastics

Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1998, July 20). Acetylene | Description, Properties, &

Uses. Encyclopedia Britannica.
BOC (n.d.). Facts About Acetylene.

2. Propyne
Propyne is an alkyne having the chemical formula CH3C≡CH, also known as
methylacetylene. It is created as a byproduct of cracking propane, which yields
propene, a crucial fuel for the chemical, often an undesirable byproduct. A less
harmful alternative to the widely used MMH/NTO (monomethylhydrazine/nitrogen
tetroxide) liquid rocket propellant combination has been investigated by European
space companies: light hydrocarbons combined with liquid oxygen.

According to their research, propyne would be a very useful rocket fuel for
spacecraft that are meant to operate in low Earth orbit. It is highly flammable and
colorless. It is utilized as a welding torch fuel, as a specialized fuel, and chemical
intermediate, just as acetylene.

Propyne | Gas Encyclopedia Air Liquide. (n.d.).
What is Propyne, CAS No 74-99-7 Guide - ECHEMI. (n.d.). ECHEMI.
Image: Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry - Propyne. (n.d.).


1. Ethanol

Ethanol, commonly known as ethyl alcohol, can be obtained naturally by plant

fermentation or by hydration of ethylene. With the formula C2H5OH, it is an
organic compound that can be added to gasoline for automobiles, used as a
solvent, and synthesized into other organic compounds, among other uses. It is a
colorless, volatile liquid which has a strong odor and is toxic when consumed.
It is used in alcoholic beverages, solvents, scents, flavorings, colourings,
medicines, chemical synthesis, and thermometers. It is also a valuable source of
fuel, solvent, and raw material for making other chemicals.

Singh, R. (2023, October 6). Ethanol Formula – structure, properties, and uses.

2. Ethylene glycol

(need to rephrase) Ethylene glycol (IUPAC name: 1,2-Ethanediol), also known as

ethylene alcohol, is the simplest member of the glycol family of organic
compounds. A glycol is an alcohol with two hydroxyl groups on adjacent carbon
atoms (a 1,2-diol). It is a clear, colorless, syrupy (viscous) liquid at room

(need to rephrase) Ethylene glycol is a useful industrial compound found in many

consumer products. Examples include antifreeze, hydraulic brake fluids, some
stamp pad inks, ballpoint pens, solvents, paints, plastics, films, and cosmetics. It
is used as an ingredient in shoe polish and in the manufacturing of some

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2021, October 21).
Ethylene Glycol: Systemic Agent. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
BYJUS. (2022, December 5). What is Ethylene Glycol? (C2H6O2) - Formula,
Structure, Properties & Uses.
Wade, L. G. (1998, July 20). Ethylene glycol | Properties, Uses, & Structure.
Encyclopedia Britannica.
Yartsev, A. (n.d.). Ethylene glycol and its toxic acid metabolytes. Deranged

1. Citronella 3,7-dimethyloct-6-enal

(need to rephrase) Citronellal (IUPAC name: 3,7-dimethyloct-6-enal), with a formula

C10H18O, is a main component of citronella oil which gives it its distinctive lemon

(need to rephrase) Citronella oil is often used as an insect repellent. Citronellal is

used in small amounts for scenting soaps and detergents. Its principal application is
in the preparation of isopulegol, citronellol, and hydroxycitronellal.

Seladi-Schulman, J., PhD. (2019, August 14). What you need to know about
Citronella essential Oil. Healthline.
CITRONELLA OIL: Overview, uses, side effects, precautions, interactions, dosing
and reviews. (n.d.).
PubChem. (n.d.). Citronellal. PubChem.
Wikipedia contributors. (2023, November 7). Citronellal. Wikipedia.

2. Retinal

(need to rephrase) Retinal, also known as

or vitamin A aldehyde; retinaldehyde, is a powerful skincare ingredient belonging to
the retinoid family.

(need to rephrase) Retinaldehyde works by increasing cell turnover and stimulating

collagen production, which improves skin's overall appearance and health. It also has
anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce acne and other skin concerns.
Desk, D. (2023, April 24). Doctor’s guide to using retinaldehyde in skincare products.
Migala, J. (2022, June 7). What is retinaldehyde? benefits, side effects, and more.

1. Acetone

Propanone is another name for acetone, which is a colorless liquid. At certain

concentrations, it is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) because of its low
toxicity and strong flammability. This substance works well as a solvent in many
home and industrial applications since it evaporates fast and mixes easily with

Nail polish remover, furniture or car lacquer, textile product degreaser or gummer,
and plastic manufacturing are a few typical applications. Acetone is generally
safe to use as an indirect food additive in adhesives and coatings that come into
contact with food, according to FDA regulations. It is naturally present in many
products such as fruits, vegetables and many dairy products.
Acetone - chemical safety facts. (2022b, October 14). Chemical Safety Facts.
Bao, P. (2023, March 8). What is Acetone? Uses and chemical properties.

2. Acetophenone

Acetophenone, sometimes referred to as methyl phenyl ketone, is a colorless

liquid with an orange-like flavor and smell. Acetophenone is used as a flavoring
agent in food, a solvent for polymers and resins, and a scent in soaps and
fragrances. Humans may have temporary ocular damage and skin discomfort
from acute (short-term) exposure to acetophenone vapor. Regarding
acetophenone's long-term (chronic) effects on human reproduction, development,
or cancer, there is no evidence available.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (2024). PubChem Compound

Summary for CID 7410, Acetophenone. Retrieved January 19, 2024 from
Acetophenone - Methyl phenyl ketone, Acetophenone. (n.d.).
-carboxylic acids

1. Lauric acid

(need to rephrase) Lauric acid, also known as dodecanoic acid, has a formula
C12H24O2. It is a white solid with a slight odor of bay oil. Lauric acid is a
saturated fat. It is found in many vegetable fats, particularly in coconut and palm
kernel oils.

(need to rephrase) Lauric acid is a powerful substance that’s sometimes

extracted from the coconut for use in developing monolaurin and psoriasis.
Monolaurin is an antimicrobial agent that’s able to fight pathogens such as
bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. Lauric acid is also used for treating viral infections
including influenza (the flu); swine flu; avian flu; the common cold; fever blisters,
cold sores, and genital herpes caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV); genital
warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV); and HIV/AIDS. It is also used for
preventing the transmission of HIV from mothers to children.

Lauric acid: health benefits, side effects, uses, dose & precautions. (2021, June
11). RxList.
PubChem. (n.d.-c). Lauric acid. PubChem.
Osborn, C. O. (2019, March 8). What is monolaurin? Healthline.

2. Pelargonic acid

(need to rephrase) Pelargonic acid, also called nonanoic acid, is an organic

compound with structural formula CH₃(CH₂)₇CO₂H or C9H18O2.

(need to rephrase) Pelargonic acid is present in many plants. It is used as an

herbicide to prevent growth of weeds both indoors and outdoors, and as a
blossom thinner for apple and pear trees. It is also used in lacquers,
pharmaceuticals, plastics, and in esters for turbojet lubricants.
Pelargonic Acid (217500) Fact Sheet. (n.d.). US EPA.
7500_01-Apr-00.pdf (n.d.). Nonanoic acid - Stratech.

1. Diisopropyl ether

Numerous applications exist for diisopropyl ether. Since oil-based solutions

dissolve in it, its most frequent usage is as a solvent. For many paints, waxes,
dyes, and resins, this makes it the perfect base. Additionally, paint thinners and
stain removers employ it as a solvent.

In metallurgy, for instance, it can be utilized as an extraction agent to remove gold

from a nitric acid solution. In the fuel sector, it is also used as a component for
gasoline blending, which raises the octane levels of gasoline when added.
Because it is a solvent, chemical manufacturers also utilize this in organic
synthesis to analyze substances. This is advantageous for chromatography.

Diisopropyl ether anhydrous, 99 , contains either BHT or hydroquinone as

stabilizer 108-20-3. (n.d.-b).
What is Di Iso Propyl Ether? | Chemical Supplier | Solventis. (n.d.).

2. Methoxyflurane

Methoxyflurane is an anesthetic for inhalation. These days, methoxyflurane is

rarely utilized for anesthesia related to surgery, childbirth, or dentistry. If used in
this way, it should be combined with nitrous oxide to produce a relatively mild
anesthetic, and it should be given at the same time as a neuromuscular blocking
medication to produce the desired level of muscle relaxation.

A general inhalation anesthetic used for both induction and maintenance of

general anesthesia is methyloxyflurane. By modifying tissue excitability, it causes
muscle relaxation and lessens the sensitivity to pain. It accomplishes this by
modifying the activity of the channels that support the action potential and
reducing the degree of gap junction-mediated cell-cell coupling.

Methoxyflurane: Uses, interactions, mechanism of action | DrugBank Online.

(n.d.). DrugBank.
Methoxyflurane - Optional[19F NMR] - Chemical Shifts - SpectraBase.
(2024b). SpectraBase.

1. Butyl acetate

Butyl acetate, also known as n-Butyl ethanoate with the formula

CH₃CO₂(CH₂)₃CH₃ or C6H12O2, is a colorless, flammable liquid derived from
n-butanol and acetic acid.

(need to rephrase) It is used in photographic films, nail polish removers, lacquers,

perfumes, oil, and resins. It also occurs in bananas and is used as food
preservatives, inks, and printing processes.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2024, January 16). Ester | Description, Types, &

Reactions. Encyclopedia Britannica.
PubChem. (n.d.). Butyl acetate. PubChem.
Pic: Wikiwand - Butyl acetate. (n.d.). Wikiwand.

2. Isopentyl acetate
(need to rephrase) Isopentyl ethanoate (IUPAC name: 3-Methylbutyl ethanoate),
with a formula CH3COO(CH2)2CH(CH3)2 or C7H14O2, is commonly known as
isoamyl acetate. Iso-amyl acetate is an oily liquid, colorless, and has a
banana-like odor. It is flammable and mixes with water.

It is used as an additive to aerosols and cosmetics and to fit-test respirators. In

alcohol solutions, it is as a pear flavor in mineral waters and syrups and as a
solvent for old oil colors, for tannins, nitrocellulose, lacquers, celluloid and
camphor. It is also used as a flavoring agent in soft drinks, chewing gum, and

Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2024, January 16). Ester | Description, Types, &

Reactions. Encyclopedia Britannica.
PubChem. (n.d.). Isoamyl acetate. PubChem.
Howard, P.H. (1990) Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for
Organic Chemicals, Vol. II, Chelsea, MI, Lewis Publishers, Inc., pp. 273-278

1. Amphetamine

Amphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant that affects chemicals in the

brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. Healthcare
providers may prescribe amphetamines to people with ADHD or narcolepsy.
Providers may also use amphetamines to treat obesity, though this is less

Wikiwand - amphetamine. (n.d.). Wikiwand.
Professional, C. C. M. (n.d.). Amphetamines. Cleveland Clinic.
Amphetamine Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & Warnings. (n.d.).

2. Ethylamine

Ethylamine is an important raw material in the production of various chemical

compounds. It is used as a building block in the pharmaceutical industry for
synthesizing drugs such as procainamide and ranitidine. It also has applications
in the manufacture of pesticides and rubber accelerators.

Furthermore, ethylamine serves as a useful pH regulator in the textile industry,

and as a solvent and acid gas scrubber in various industrial processes.

Admin. (2018, February 13). Ethylamine. SIELC Technologies.
Admin. (2018, February 13). Ethylamine. SIELC Technologies.


1. Paracetamol [N-(4- hydroxyphenyl) acetamide]

Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic drug that is used to temporarily relieve

mild-to-moderate pain and fever. It is commonly included as an ingredient in cold and flu
medications and is also used on its own. It can be bought over the counter in
pharmacies, supermarkets and other shops.
Paracetamol. (n.d.). Healthdirect.
Paracetamol uses, dosage, side effects, warnings. (n.d.).

2. Polyacrylamide [poly(2-propenamide)]

Polyacrylamide, also briefly referred to as PAM, is commonly a polymer with acrylamide

monomers bonded by end to end configuration; it is a hard glassy solid at room
temperature. Because of the difference in production methods, the products can be
white powder, translucent beads and flaky like.

Polyacrylamide is a synthetic polymer widely used in the field of water treatment. Its
unique chemical properties make it an effective tool for improving water quality by
removing impurities and reducing turbidity. It is also used in wastewater treatment,
particularly to reduce the amount of flocculant. Under the premise of achieving the same
water quality, the amount of flocculant can be greatly reduced by using polyacrylamide
as a coagulant aid in conjunction with other flocculants.

polyacrylamide. (n.d.). Wikidata.
CAS 9003-05-8 Polyacrylamide - Alfa Chemistry. (n.d.).
Bedarkar, Y. (2023, March 21). "Polyacrylamide: a versatile solution for water treatment.
Wei, N. (2020, January 10). What’s the application of Polyacrylamide in the wastewater
treatment field?

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