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University Avenue, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City Tel. No.

(082) 297-8035

Basic Education Department

Senior High School

First Semester SY 2020-2021

Week 7-8 Day 9 - 12

Lesson Title Intersubjectivity

Time Duration 4 hours

Consultation Time Wednesday 3:00 – 4:00 P.M.

Christine Carmela R. Ramos, PhD (2019). Introduction to the
Philosophy of the Human Person. Rex Book Store, Inc. 856 Nicanor
Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc, Manila.

Title: We Ran The Circumference of Earth (24,901 miles)


Title: 365 DAYS OF DISCOMFORT - Yes Theory Rewind 2019


Learning Intent: The students can;

a. examine that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and not imposing on others;
b. explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are different from themselves; and
c. performs activities that demonstrate an appreciation for the talents of persons with disabilities and those
from the underprivileged sectors of society.


Think-Pair-Share. Examine the traits listed below and pick 3 traits most helpful in your dealing with other people.






Instructional Strategies

A. Context
In this era of multiculturism, we become more aware of our differences yet at the same time it gives us the
opportunity to use our differences in connecting each other. In this module, we will journey discerning the foundation of
connectedness that we feel with each other.
B. Concept Notes

Dialogue - It is a deep and genuine relationship between person.


Seeming Being
Speechifying Personal making present
Imposition Unfolding


Love is historical because the other is a concrete particular person with
his/her own being history
Love is total because persons are indivisible.
Love is eternal because love is not given only for a limited period of time.
Love is sacred because in love, persons are valuable in themselves.

Guided Practice
Video Analysis. Take time in watching the videos below. Link is provided for those who can access the internet. For
learners who cannot access the internet please refer to ATTACHMENT #1 entitled What I Learned About Living The
“Impossible” From Watching Yes Theory By Marc Angelo Coppola

Title: We Ran The Circumference of Earth (24,901 miles)


Title: 365 DAYS OF DISCOMFORT - Yes Theory Rewind 2019


Please refer to ATTACHMENT #2

C. Independent Practice

Please refer to ATTACHMENT #3


Please refer to ATTACHMENT #4


Connectivity has never been this big, social media brings each one of us even closer. Your task is to create an
30MINS. ONLINE SHOW. It is up to the group to select your content. Just remember that your main objective is to bring
people together and share the moment.

What I Learned About Living The “Impossible” From Watching Yes Theory
By Marc Angelo Coppola -April 9, 2020

1-Having a strong sense of “why?” even in the face of adversity is truly rare and empowering in this world
So many people have the resolve to do something great – but the second they are met with the barriers blocking the
entrance to their dreams, they shy away. Perhaps, we point the fingers at others in our lives, like our parents who don’t
approve or perhaps we feel like outsiders who don’t have access to the people, places and resources that can make our
dreams happen. Yet, if you watch Yes Theory videos you recognize that all these points are only excuses. To watch
Ammar (one of the founders of Yes Theory) stay dedicated to his dreams regardless of his family’s disapproval of his
lifestyle choices makes you realize how powerful a commitment to an idea bigger than yourself can make you. The guys
find creative ways to make something happen out of nothing or sneak backstage into sold out events reveals just how
amazing this world can be when you decide the “impossible” is worth a try.
So whether you decide to face your fears of the cold through breath work with Wim Hof or you dare to quit your day job to
pursue your dreams of being an artist, one thing remains clear: having a motto or a strong sense of “why?” behind your
mindset is so important. The Yes Theory crew created a way to interrupt the pattern for themselves by slowly but surely
leaning into their motto of seeking discomfort. This is what led to the lifestyle they get to enjoy today. It didn’t start with
giant leaps of faith but more so with incremental gains that confirmed that every time they leaned in – they would
somehow shatter their fears and recognize the thrill that is on the other side. Do this enough and, through the power of
positive reinforcement, you begin to paint the world with a whole new shade of possibility as your life’s motto need be
more than just a meme on Instagram or a “saying” but more so a lifestyle decision you fully commit to in all facets of your
2 – On the other side of the fear of rejection is a blue ocean of opportunity
I hate to admit how many times I have shied away from an idea that would have been fun or in my highest excitement but
was also going to break the barriers of social norms. Surely you can relate? I mean give it a thought? How often are you
letting the uncomfortable stand in the way? Perhaps it’s approaching someone you find cute on the dance floor or going to
that party where you know nobody. Maybe you have larger goals like getting into Harvard or, in Yes Theory’s case,
challenging Will Smith to bungee jump over the Grand Canyon! But the truth is, we all have dreams or ideas in our minds
no matter how big or small that we shelve because of fear. Fear of pushing boundaries that society has set or worse yet
the ones in our own mind as we build walls of limitations into our reality daily without always recognizing it. As children we
had such vivid imaginations but we grow up to believe less and less in the magic this world has to offer. We grow up to
believe that the “anything is possible mindset” is unrealistic. I acknowledge that there is real privilege in the world but I
also would ask that you recognize just how wild your life can be if you believed you could push the boundaries of your
reality no matter where you start from.
3 – Nothing builds bonds and a family like tribe than overcoming obstacles together
A more subtle component of what the Yes Theory crew have been incredible at demonstrating is the power of going at it
together. So many people want to create an extraordinary life without recognizing that life is really a team sport. Those
who you choose to surround yourself with make the biggest impact when it comes to pushing through the resistance that
inevitably surfaces no matter what stage of the game you’re at. There is nothing that can replace the power of having a
supportive group of friends to help hold you accountable to your commitments and help you recognize any gaps in
integrity you might be overlooking. That meaningful commitment to grow together lead to something that in my mind is
significantly less likely to be achieved on your own. It ends up translating into a real community of people leaning into this
same palpable force that we are seeing on display. I can honestly say that as an entrepreneur myself I have come up
against this edge so many times and it took me a while to fully learn this lesson. But it’s clear to me now that building a
culture of community is the most powerful force in the universe. There is nothing that can match the force of love for your
fellow brothers and sisters. The fastest way to get ahead is to propel those around you further ahead as your ability to
lead is measured in your ability to be a great supporter as well. Many of us are so good at being supporters of others
while we struggle to apply that same energy to our own selves. However, by being in a tribe that also encourages and
supports you, the power of believing in yourself also spreads.
Therefore, I also tip my hat to the many people who are behind the faces we see in inspiring videos. The managers
(shoutout to Zack), talent agents, editors, mentors, clothing company managers and so many more, are also a huge part
of what makes the YES movement a force of nature. This philosophy is felt in their call to action to get their community
involved, the power of their Facebook group and so much more!

Guide questions:
1. What do you think is the vision of the YES theory community?

2. How does this video presentation connect to intersubjectivity?

3. What discomfort in you life that you want to say “yes” to it?
Essay. Apply what you have learned from the class. Make a 150 words essay reflecting the “yes” this generation should
make in relation with one another.

The YES in this Generation

True or False.

________ 1. Most people with disabilites are hopeless and cannot work.
________ 2. People with disabilities want to be respected and have the same opportunities as
people without disabilities.
________ 3. Apolinario’s disability deterred him from achieving his goals.
________ 4. Accodring to Buber, the thou and you is something that you encounter.
________ 5. Intersubjectivity refers to our relation with people, not emphasizing experience.

Venn diagram. Compare the concept of a “human being” to the “Human person”

Formulated by:

Ramon S. Vencio Jr.

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