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Dictionary English-Garhwali-Hindi (Contains about 8,000 English and around 40,000 Garhwall and 32,000 Hindi equivalents) Dr. Achlanand Jakhmola svayneyoi0y ou ~ 28enfue} pue aunyno ay. 128104 ayaaso1 Aaszouy seme e suoneiauaé aaniny pue yuasaid ay, a paresypaq, vjounpye{ peuepeysy iq da (pup semquey-ysyi8ug) Areuop tg ove 2 Md wooseysyesseures: gam ‘wooyteuumpssyeuu: jepuo posesoz SET lunpesyo ‘our meg ‘ST vAvysyes eAEUIES. sowing y soysnang 902: wontpa st Frouupre{ peureyay 10@ 1-9T-01898-18-926 : Nasi Why This Dictionary? ‘This work has distinctive purpose. had started collecting Garhwal words ‘with their English equivalents and vice-versa, just after the publeation of ny book ‘Kosh Vidha” (Art of Dictionary Making) in 2004. This proces, however, gota flip aftr the bringing out ofthe voluminous ‘Gorhwol ‘ina-EngishOetonary’, prepared under my chet ectorship and published bythe Government of Uttarakhand in 2034, Afr that received numerous cals from people of Garhwall origin, who were educated in English medium institutions and now Iving in towns and ties of india and abroad, uring meto make dictionary that would pavide Garhwali equivalents for Engen ‘wore. Ironically the majority among theee comprised the youth fom the arhwal region itsel, say inluding my progeny. They expressed 3 keen desire toleaen Garhwalland further saying that they were fly conversant with the English language but hesitant to speak in thele mother tongue Garhi Besides ts notice that ater the emergence of Ustaraknandin 2000, there isa grat surge inthe educated Garhwal youth to learn the language of ‘ther forefathers which s withering dy by day. Evan the basic Kinship and _ronominal terms of Garhwallae forgotten. Further ts deeply distresing {that UNESCO's ‘Alas of Wor Languages in anger designates Garhwal 35a language inthe ‘unsafe’ catogory. Analysts have assigned numerous reasons fortis alarming state, one very important cause of which the on-avalablty of suitable bilingual ditonaries ‘My tryst with leseography, which began in 1958 aftr the University of Allahabad actigned me this subject fur doctoral degree, Was instrumental in introducing me to this genre. Thereafter, my intrest in the technique of making lexicons, as dlscussed in the aforesaid book “Kosh Vidho’ in addtion to the practical experience of compiling a ictonary, enthused me to undertake the present venture | thought worthwhile to contribute my mite, bycratinga bilingual dionaryinwtich, slong with common English words, would be provided ther Garhwall ‘euivaents and thus lhe void of non availabilty of stable detonate. {was alsoaware ofthe fat that every educatd person Gachwal ancestry Ibeonversant with Hindi as wel, Ae sa large number ef words of Hind have been assimilated in Garhwal, albeit with sight phonetic varlatons ‘Therefore, inclusion of meanings in Hind would make the dctionatymore ‘vantageous in two ways: Fly, t would pve the Garhwal readers a wider seape to comprehend Garhwali words easly and secondly, the Aetionary would alsobe useful to English Hindireades Istarted making plan for this dictionary and my fst and foremost priority asthe dentieation, selection and collection of such English words, which ould be relevant and usefulto the present generation andtheeafteto find ther equivalents having commonality of meaningin Garhwal and Hind, Iwas aware of what C.K Ofden and LA, Rcharde had sald lang back in “The Mezring of Meaning’: No two words convey the same meaning However, this formula doesnot apply strict in the context of bisingual Aetionaries,parteualy inthe case of visible objects, features functions ‘nd activites Ina wider sence, some words or phraeshaving similarity in sense, ida, perception, tend, purpor, tenor gt connotation, eucication, orinterretation of purpose, are alka included inte dictionary a clanfy ‘meaning During the process of collecting words |ahwayskeptin mindthe cetum of the great Sanskrit lxicographer Mallineath Suu who had ordained that baseless, unwanted obsolete andirelevant words be avoided 7 ea ‘amis west). Accordingly, | focussed on those common words of Englishlangvage, whose equialntsinGarhwal would be useful far dato ay neds or activities ofthe populace, besides meeting the soil cla and if possible, the professional quirements ofthe present generation, For this, although thad already collected quite numberof words eae | decided to augment the vocabulary. scanned the abridged or student eons of renowned English icionsrie ke Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers, Collins, and Macmillan etc. In addon, | also pored over the bisingval Engi Hind dictionaries, portculaly of Dr Raghuvia, Or Hardav Bahai, ‘the Bhargava, Oxford Englih-Hind and some Garhwal-Hnd,Kumaon Hind And Rajasthani-Hind! dictionaries. Latest in this series was the aforementioned ‘Garhwal-Hind Engl’ citonary. The present dictionary 's however, compiled with an altogether diferentabjective, diverse plan, rangement, approach treatment, methodology and vocabulary, ‘Once the collection was over, arrange the English words i alphabetical ‘order and started puting the Gara and Hind words aga each, In my _assmblage found considerable number of Garhwall words of Enlish org, Some of which albeit modulated by icalphonetic tendencies, These words ‘normaly pertained to basic eduction sectoreg. school master copy penal, blackboard, cass, pas, ail popular sports such a ball elke, hockey: tementary entertainment rd, transit television, cneme; cal rave ticket, bus, rood, cyl, motorcycle, cay, ruck; objects of dally use: phone, coat, pont, shi, tie, cup, pte, gas, cylinder elections and general administration: vote, member, judge, governor, collector, transfer, posting, file; commonly used terminology of defence forces and the Tike. have inci ther inthe dictionary in way they ate spoken in Garhwa. However, found that 2 huge numberof English words inthe pil, had no equivalents in Garhwal. Such wards normally pertained to madern and Sdvanced subjects such as information techodlogy engineering, multiple branches of scence and medicine. Again twas dificult to find Garhwall, ‘correlatives ofa numberof English words connected with varous segments {af sports, nuances of pais, higher education, history, entertainment, literary and conversational terms, loge philosophy, lv ifferent fds of hhuman knowledge andactty rerio thought, fasion, numerous facets of modernity ete. Therefore, all English words concerning these subjects had to be let out, Garhwalls essentially is language of hil folks Ivingin rural areas ands such, closely associated with farming, animal husbandry and pastoral, Activites, The region is blessed with highly cch flora and foun for Which corresponding English words were non-existing, It was quite Challenging to find correlating English words for numberless gods, goddesses, gologs, goblin, dels, objects of worship, concepts of, and belits, rituals, rites, traditions and ceremonies. Besides, there were countless tems connected wth routine chores of peoples day ta day and community life, family patterns, dimensions of human thes, means of veld; dlzeases and methods of ther treatment, Soclal customs, practices, rules of etiquette, attitudes; behaviour and actions of the populace largely inhabiting the vilages of Garhwal for which English equivalents could nat be found and therefore had tobe handoned, ‘The layout ofthis tionary is very simple. Flesty the maln entry ar atch word of English indicated bold: thenis denoted is pasion a partof Speech ox grammatical for, ans thereafter are provided many Garhwal ‘words in tales and Hind equivalents. n certain cases could not id 3 proper Garhwall word conveying the same meaning as in English, For Instance polygamy’ and polyandey’amatrimonial custom, so prevalent ‘many border areas of Garhwa ila fv years back, had no equivalent in Garhwal In such cases had to coin new phrases inthe least posible letters. have not ventured giving explanation or elaboration of words tithes as ednot want to land myselin controversy ashappened with Samuel ohnson, the progenitor f English Dictionary, when he explained ‘the word oas ins Oiionaryof the English Longuage a “grin used for Inrsesin England but for people Scotand” which created furore inthe British patient. Exgencies of space and paucity of resources didnot warrant inclusion of other features provided in some larger or omprehensive iionaries, Inti lctlonary the Garhwalwocds ae recorded in ther spoken formas thislanguage snot yet standardised. have ried my bestto maintain the peculantes and tendenciesof the Garhwali language nits origina forte 'simportanttobearin mind that dueto varying physographica conditions, Cathal has many dais, sub-dalcts and sub-su-dilectseeaching about twenty five. In many cases there are ferent dalectalvarlationsin Stress, tone, modulation, pronunciation and terminology or the dential objet, dea or activity, Furthermore, owing to diversities in climatic conditions, the vowels are pronounced ifferently even at smal distances. Short and long vowel. ‘aaa! (4a, A (¢-4, "Ua! (8-5) and some consonants ke ¥(. Wi(a) ane “ea (9) gC) a8 In. He=—FFa7H (rainy seacon), are Interchangeable. Notably thereis a neutral vowebetwoen a! (and aa* {ar phonetically transcribed asin Garhwal the use of which makes @ lotof semantic diference There's predominance o's for retolex'N' (in place of dental” (2) and (a) for‘ (a, The sound‘ (ms {generally pronouncedas (2), "as( "and 38 (°F) Among the cates, the alphabet’ i preferred to ‘sh’ (x) and Sh (i. The eter“ Is pronounced (‘aJinsomeares. (Other tendeney of Garhwall is predominance f shot vowels Way back und 200 BCE, sage Bharat Muni inhi Napa Shastra had noted thatthe language of Hinant(Gashval epion) is “serena fe tending towards "Wor"! (4 Inthe regin, the inl vow ina large numberof words, parculaynoons and verbs, tends towards "u” (9. us (8) of" (3), ‘which are iter-changesble. Fr sundadisstion [have yelled the ast vowel of ll infinitive verbs in his dictionary as ending in uu! (0) eto o), BH to go), emo eat ete. Again inthe use of voiceless unaspirated ‘consonant, in place of voiceless aspirated consonants, is aso prevalent, ‘eg. dd (3) place of dau (eh Le milk, and haat (ein place of haath (ere. band in ayotax and a major part of grammar, Garba is seacaly similar Hin [Not to exaggerate, it sometimes appears thatthe Garhwal has something special init fertile soi. Te rch Vocabulary of Garhwali reveals that ts sons ke the ret Kali, are very sensitive, emodional and nature-lving. ‘They alo exhibie a Shakespearian insight for penetrating into the human ‘mind to depict all posible situations, predicaments, mannerisms and ‘behavioural tats or gestures in diferent situations. Forexample the single [English word ‘coquetry has seven varants in Garhwal: save. T= sone owere Tare ty aoe | wanted to acqulnt the English educated present generation with some distinctive vocables of Garhwal such as aoa? Gra org vod gfe geTand a number of ther unique words, but could not find an apt or matching single word fey entry’ or main entry’ in Engsh In this dictionary, in the case ofa majority ofEnlish main entries, have endeavoured to enlist 5 many equivalentsofGarhwalland Winds possible, slanting the same mearing, purport, sense idea, action or activity, To give ‘nly thee samples from ths dictonary, forthe English word hastily 20 ‘eulvalents of Gachwalarelised: a Here stare TO aR EE Herm EC EO NG. CEL EME TET feo (or 77 thewordpleree’ has 18 variations: slaw, oi 9% sy gm. garg ey ey on, erry ae, gor, gol ge, fz and theterm Blow has 21: abve amg amg Sie yew wm, i em a erm er FE BET, FU IE MEN OT AEG TE, MN 1 AS Seen here there arenumerous Garhwalvarantsforasingle English word ‘Tha st very long Similar, 2consierable umber of Hind equivalents of mostofthe Enlsh entries have also been give. inthis way tis roughly estimated thatthe rato of Enlish-Garhwal Hind ‘wards should be 15: 0r50, thus, formere than 8,000 of English, about £40,000 words of Garhwaliand nearly32,000equvelentsofHindihave been inciudedin this aetionary. 'Makinga dictionary stike constructinga bulldng Despite considerable pre planting and the taking ofal possible precautions duringits coming uP @ numberof shortcomings and drawbacks are bound to be noticed after its completion. No ditionary can claim tobe perfect and compete. This one Is the work ofa singe person without any outside support. havetried to Inakeit as useful as posibie within my limited resources, Nevertheless, ‘onemay stil find eros and defects. can onlyrequest the indulgent users {opoin out the shortcomings and suggest improvements ar Fa ea ee TE | vet Sree HERA OMT | Before conciuding| have to express my deep appreciation of my wife Smt Shall, for smilingly ignoring my octogenarian eccentricities and wholeheartedly giving me her constant cooperation, encouragement and loving care, besides looking after me during my multiple illnesses. ‘The cet of inating this work goes to my son Roopak, who paved the ‘nay forts preparation. My daughter Rachna, irrespective of her Busy Schedule, came to my rescue whenever | needed her help, and diligently Supervised the editing and revisions. My granddaughters Sharanya and Tara, helped me in learning how ta use the computer and getting me ast numerous bottlenecks, whenever I was stk, ‘extend my grateful thanks to Smt. Raanu Bisht, the siful proprietor of the prestigious Somaya Sakshyo, for printing and publishing this ‘work and Shri Praveen Kumar Bhatt, the knowledgeable C0. ofthis publshinghouse for competently completingthe ene organising setting, ‘composing and printing ob in a short period, Last | cannot forget Shi Suresh sha, who, while siting by my side, asiduousltyped and etyped this aieuonaryin tive profs or long months without demur, Aehlonand athe Abbreviations Used sit Adjective ever ually vere forexample exclamation thats aun(mascuine, feminine) prepositon sui verb tanstve/ineanstive) abe fan en wee fe see seceen owt fe atm Aya te first letter of the En- lish alphabet Bad) om wh ww, os, a, woe i aback adv re Su Ree lo, 38 a abandon v. gehy gory er, Sheen, Rea se abandoned ad). gat mz ot tee wer, ser abase y. tn 87 He ae, mA we, eee eT basement n. feof son, Fra, sinez) bash v. ae a, war ty vat By sare # ote, ea wen, er abaskn. sewntt = om a 4s abate v.07 we ery 4 a, oH ore we) abatement n. "ye. sre abattoirn, te aan es ria, rks abbess n. a se, = ry abbey n.m7 & ay foe x5) abbot none a 1 ee ET) abbreviate. af exe ay th ira wer, ay FT) abdicate w exrnige story sam, saiet abdication. sori at = ame eres er, os ST abdomen n. we age te te sie we, | abode abdominal ad. sah Rove Te werd e311 abduct v stg aot ate ary age a gr ae abed adj. we aberrant ad, af wi wey aberration n. gory went er, weave | abetment n. 5200 re aT) abhor vem fury, shen, scr eH abhorrence n. sm Sst yo fra abhorrent adj. ote fear abide v. Ff ey ar ary, ee a, ae ability. fey are a ee er, wore, a, he, a, sia, 2 abjectad). ag Mara, 1 6 RR a abjection n. gee rer able adj. ots, srw arp ita, ata, ofaa ablush acy. arare @ ah ge i RI abnegate v. 7 Say sry abnormal adj. #7" arin, TER, Fs) aboard adv/prep.orer ar mar ves aera a1 A TER abode n. gan uy te etse oe Bg, seh em, FA eH, boll absolutely absolve accompaniment 1 Her, tary abreast adv. dne—atnes. 78 ah ae, gem: Res, we. | accelerate v Wer wary it Se aboll aq). seat ah & wacen | wee er Hofer A 7 ee Be rare, say, eke en = abridge v Bag Bry tes 7, absolve. gor yom garment, | accent n. str ly & sen em abolish v.80 Aarl & sr ayy ost Fr abolition n. sem sre HE sr raft abominable adj. fee era dl abominate si, Weer 575m en, bere] abominatinn, sir Over gm, Ba aboriginal nad), 7% i safer abort var Peng mm Be, te Pre abortion n. ger mesa mic abortive adj. ge srw Pers, a abound are, fe cry om Som, He, BRN about adv/prep. a1, eft eta eon ohare ren RH ATR, Pore, Ie above adv./prep. so str af er ay, Re, A | above-all adu/prep. eer a are fare, ate, ee He above-board adv. gare, fen va ww $1 abrade vera Pui arate geo, era Fer, FE eT] abrasion n, or, ene, 7, ¥en abrasive adj, eae aig. rt = gh ae abridgement n. gag oi, abroad adv. se ary veter ar we fam me gana abrogate v # fa # err ay fh Pr ah et we abrupt adj. ex Say ras, ane, Gee abruptly adv serra sere Som, Care| abscess. ar wor that) abbscond v. a 7h mer ah ae a, rg aed ae absconded ad rear mre, el absconder ad. ix, oxy ach seg. TT absconding n./ad). ega7e7, re a, absence. art amas aes absent ad) ten ef a rea, Fe absentee. sare a anern var absent-minded adj. ara Fors are, Fa absolute adv. at git a7 ae =7 ear Fags, wa ae, Frege absolutely adv. Axe. Fuze. ote absorb va aon ear re wn eg ter we, ey, er re meres we absorbed adj. 90% 49, a, ‘erry absorption n, gest a ger sexe, fro sac, absorvent adj. way 7g ge gts | abstemious adj. 7 ror arg: iret, were sre abstinence n. wor veka um, Peer absurd adj. se—vets, afew eng. st ea gen, Pr, pag, aw, Bees abundance n, at Ave ste star se, erga ae a, sor Rr gE e abundant adj 1 of Sor re ord on age, 9s, vo TEI abuse n. 0 gary ara, ash a ga Te, eT abuse v gy i arch en Siskel ‘abuser nro oe arch ae abusive ad). satay ah ara] abyss. set 7207 even, se fg, ama 7 | accede n, 7 a7 a ang a, ee BT) ‘ar, 31 ‘accent n. fer eh sta gem, cat aceentrien fad), wear si et oe fa re, aa, sre aT accept egy si suse gy Ry oy avers, ater, BET Hr, ar acceptable ad). a7 whan sare ara wets acceptance n. 235, 7 same ioe epi wea, Ae access n. oy of obs, arr accident, seem er, accidental a} rarer: roe, wren accidentally adv. wze7e, sree, sree Becidly vm eT et a See wey acclaim v. stove aR ae, pasa wet acclvty n.a era) accommodate v. fan fam, ‘Pog Part, Pea ee ‘accomadation n,n oo aie arte be, ore fu, a accompaniment n. ste en 90, ast aOR ey aoa, see, er, ageless | accompany ‘accompany v. 775 by, ere ey, er dap re Ba, de BET accomplice n. sore? crea sem re 23 a accomplish v. fom gre eins sere Be, FH, TAT) accomplished access n./ad), are PE, eT, Ta acknowledgement aR we, aa Se accuracy n. gee gir Se, Wa accurate ad). are ee? Sh, aa, accusation niet me ae se, ae 2 ‘ces v. re ermy lr 2a a acne. adaptation faene n, ig aise gare Hera) | across aduprep. ame wreTe ‘corm nr ress. Se | roe sea, HH MY was act, Rare wrrarr eARe e acoustic ad). gv ae an ira | Fem. AH fe, ca, ce act. ar a tir oy a TT acquaint vo omy out hy, | rea, aT we ‘ase, ar, ara ot acting . sah ease, fet) acquaintance n, sfeverar | acting nad ew sehr 2. accor v. Hem oe Pr, “fry 21 accordance ng HFT geen accordingly ad). 2 ei 9 are eR, 4, we eR A aceost vm 95 ESA pt account ner ee, ee, egy arr ah SET] accused adj. #777 af, wR sr, aT ‘accustom v, Hay Zap accustomed ad). if seh sr ‘offen, ef, aa ace n, 38 arate sanyo oa or sem oe ae a8, ne | a a 1. Te, a2 fiw, of ot acquainted adj. syaf-vrarea,| action n. ere wiht orem ante orgs: are, ae, | | a, GE, TEE acquiesce ver? vey a sig a7] active ad). we get vet denis ver, gar wen waren | whe, wed ae, aA, fa acquiescence n, cr, sma | activity n.dsafer 8 et att account vara sry a ae era ae, TA, TT acerbity ne = ‘rer acetic ad) eg et, sFa ache n. a st Ms gar seer accountable a. tar se accountant 2, Pe sr} ‘aecount-book n. 38 eg "ee, ‘eve fea accounting n. ere are Are aerate accredit v, ger? Frere, seas we, ere ET accretion n. rage ore re ew regia accumulate v ivy toy wie ey aay FoR BET, SH T, ‘ae wen, BHT accumulation n. #2 gus gu ae Be, oe, 4, Oe, AT achieve w. oy pure wen, a achievement noi of aw, sa, er eid neve a rer Oe we AA, SH, ATT acid ad, sare ere, ag, a2 Te acidity n. soi eile wer, eam! acknowledge v zr my an ee Oa, doy nem ae, eee, fixie tan acknowledgement n. or rai ‘erg, eh as aah rare, oH, wed, eer, acquire v. emmy ory ey eaer| AAR, be uy sfooee we, ree, aA | actor n. aA, ew we a ATE, eat a acquisition n.fad). wero, | actually adw. sroar are ee rr a, 1 | ers ei, 1 acquit, gear aig a? sig gewra | actuate warery SrA wwETyE 4, eit ore sf, re wee, SAT) acquittal n,go777 Gem, gan | actuation 9. gerIy wr 7 A acquitted ad 7%, Re, ars | ato eof a | | a adage n, Pt fe, ay 7, | | : acrid ac, fi oz igs, tem, | acute ac. or ea aeriity eae: wore res, | et Ge ere adamant ad) way Geese TES ‘acrimonious adj, Bere sown | 8 aba, ft tea, wee, en pernge tan adapt v. amy Moy ey stem actimony n.crrere, rea: | eran wen, Raft gee sr sisi-eah se, eaec | adaptable ag), Reon. ocr acrobat fad), 9 ae me] erate omar He, Fe adaptation 9, et sr Mam ane aad cgay, Sa, wy Aa) aly oe ob oy Ary ste ate wen rT aedendum n.shs ce a ste aaer 1 chy amp 2 og ot stage 3. a, hehe, 2 ‘ater ar ty addet n/ad) gf eR: 8 addicted ad) goof fH ‘at sa, a8, are addiction n, gaa fart we am addiction nce as ste, she BD additional aj, fm ore, ae Re, afb, ee addle a). ei as aor sg ta, ta See! address nt 05 2:09 1. 2 adduce v. dry Per 2a 3 wean wT] adept ac). gare Aa, romp wm, eal adhere v. army Porgy fovery: awe wer, Rew, Fe HH adhesive adj. Mvfty. sere sarah eset fa, Peart adieu n. esc wre ent ar ee TE aaa adjacent ad. 9 wnt rare admonition sea a pm adjournment a. ers—reFa ‘ef 9 enter adhudge wom fer Pe wer Fea we adjust wate owe try sen fren eras eer adjusted adj, og erg crafter, eat, we adjustment n. ger, ¢o-Aat sey sre administer. ga wg do ae Woe TT we, TE administration 9, cr wr@re administrator, oe admiration n. 72 se, sae admission ng sar se, eg aden. a at ee ay ey oT ay or sen ooh en er en admitted ad). act se om anderen. ef fA oe Pract admonith v srry Remy sion Admonishment n, Aram, fe seri aimention n. gare cere ore atdotescence ae, tae Adolescence n. site oar. stern aime Adopt v. stor te ay stern Ate, eto we et we adopted ad). hr eres ce efi ‘alorable ad. ore ate: a, fern adoration n. gor yore ere ae 1 adorn v sera, ay scm, Coad wer rer adorned ag), wmf wong Se gfe. ster adornment. Ae stem Hm es era a, me, WIT, HE ait 9) ac 7c oe ara oon) reer gm axa Adulatation n. wre fee ne ae ger, gC Sule nfal. doe oor ger er Bec ae are afar advance n adj. ert erg x2 at advance v, ser wamy are? imp ach ag, 8 eT advancement 1, 3 as ‘wo, SRT advantage n. er dey ore are a, rer, a, we, GPT advantageous ad), #2 amar, seh adventure n. 29 @ am star a ae wr, ie adventurous ad}. /il@ Mera are hfe, rer, ea adversary n. itecrg, 4% grr ere af adversity n, efter gem et rae ar, ee, sf, Py aoa, rz advice n, se ea, gt sma ‘ware, rd, 02, Ta ctdvine vith 2 x ny ‘err, gare tt) adulterate v. mary cary whore| adze n. gare wey, wey AE Fe Pare Page ae tye we adulterated adj. ary. Aexi2, Fa, snes Adulteration 1. vty cara, Pass Pre ‘adulterous n.fad). frre, are gets, ge tea, eka adultery 0, af eal REA, eae, are ped, TERT ‘Boon 1. 9, WT erate v. for eye me, Ker = aerial a). ee, aren aeroplane o. si np eas se, a3 afar adj.fadv. ere arm ae ore, aE a affabie _againand-sgsin aginst aimless affable aj omega | He agsnst dj. Av oe gow | ogo ah od. 9 Am free gt, Pag affluency 0, eee 4 agave ac oe Pg re Pg | He after rng ro, wi, | owe ge eT | aren. ae Fe agonize 30 or wy call affray n. srg, rede: eT, lagen. 1. ore 2 OT wag wart. | tH, we ta) affect w ae sry atv a ar] ene ae 9 38 2, 3H agony npr gat ge omy wee eH, ain eH, Be affectation n. wh ase east rm ree, Rear, GPT affection n. sary a7er er ah (ee Rm, eg, affectionate a. sae re erg ‘aera, A, ae affectionless ac, 7 Aten, seve, PEA affiance n. amare kgs sre, ‘eae, den affidavit n, eerrag, stows eT affinity n, at fe geen sir see, RE, TM, TE aff, cary, Pt, or amy eH, MATA aH I, fer afficed ad), Rear som tet at Prarie ea, Pe ee, FRET RT afflict v. ger be, gemy gr wey sg, et sr, ae, fr ‘ser Fa afflicted ad), nt soars en, affront n. teva Pree, Reon, ser) affront v dewar are Reeore ‘Feat, Pree Be) aflame adj/adv. en, crate, ‘ar or era afloat v.09, ray erm, sais afoot adj /ady. dae teat te case, thei, ate aforesatd adj. tga tare ge ‘eer afraid adj. sp} woe, xe, Se et afresh adj. sab 4 ag gee om, Fe IRR, ge afterad.Jady. te Mot Rone fore ea 8, 8, aftergrowth n. ard a, are 2B after ite n. grea orca a fer her afternoon n fad. 5a cha er rere, Aer afterwards adv, tee Rot or wot OR Rota 4, 98, or again acy. a 2 gm gue aged ad). 2p a9 wary eert| af of fer OM yw. we, He. i st, ga, wer ‘Rea, mr, Be, we, UAT ageless ad. of year gary | agrarian ac. Aare ave me gM 439 a) wey ‘agent n, gare ere aoe are| agree v. wi sty ge wreL AE fs, Riera wae, gue) | ater ome et, oo ee, re aggrandize v. ate wey acini | weren ay ait ven, Sern agreeing ad) 6% mba, cae aggrandizment n, avy, aslo | oma, CoG, we HY a si agreement n. 2a aH HEH aegress «Zeer Rory te) eror| uceaitw went, qs, wer, arg a er, se sare wee || eT aggression n, ca? > vate, ser | agreutturen, rt, ea A, Siw Sa or aggressive ad), cavers wove su, | agricultuist n. rar, frre ah one, Gar, Tee oar, gee, aes aggressor n. sg, Yornvr| ahead ady. ea Gor wrt at ara, Te nf, 3 aaerieve v. G24 ew wy we] alan. Ae Hee ae uA as, Sa Hor, she eT rer aggrieved ac, sft, Rawr acai | aid vex 2m and ty ore op 48; ‘mere eH, er, RT| agile ad. wet. erst age wig | all v. are ay ge aby Ae eng Ae, 4 FU a, do aH ‘agility n. we e27e) war | allment n. xe om fem@ Xm slo) ‘tort, en sree) agitate v, sorry gwar eee | alm n. Bre Fare NE. area we ee, ET cafe, TE affliction nur ah, atts rar, foe, aa, ‘again-and-again adv. a7 FS, we, are, i Rote, arom, | Pe gH, EY 2 tation n, as. arava, | aimless ad}. fadw arse era arate, rae, erage, sare | Roker ot 2 air ‘almanac Almighty amenity ale n. ae A ea, a, eR | alke ad). Fw a Bw RL Tw Almighty 8. eh oe ‘sae oon fe wren, ten, rm, a ‘edefto, or ew, ee! | although con). vers rey air cor gore aor gre | re [almond n, 2a ty, ae aireratt n.d ara tard JE, | alent ae arent met gem | ale n. sho, ce. etn, ar, | altogether ad Jad ge er HI 05, he, SR eect ep we are wer) airgun a, ef egw ea qe | allven Jad. fre i, Fe, aloen, wre: gaa ay | alum, eae Fear airs ni, ate: Pear sift | win, Ta BT) e aloft adv. start iy aft or, | Frew) ale adh ewer, ere ere} alla et ee ote are are # te) always adj/, wi we, aisle ud ng rt aera, |, eH HM, HC alone ad). a mgt ag ser | wie eine. em, wie, eh are a wrt Te of a sudden adv. arersrea, Wey my wom wa, oe, Fes, | Per akin a ema Rete: wit, | gos ree. fo amv ot 8) ewe allover n. 9 ae ioe &) alongadk ev enstert 0a | amaranthus nar alabaster n.2-ag ig aren allegation n. sare ae, ext Ba eat) amass v. eee, gi 7 HE ‘ater, fread ae, sre alongwith adv. ea ersten | east wer alacrityn. ison, emett | allge v og stn hewn, | amaze, a er alarmn.servact deca ct we, et ee eT fore) = far a, ea, | alleviation , #0; Paes oveet| aloof ad. /adx, rah econ | amazed aj. az fre fo dent ere alley n, etry gor me wet Pe eng wer, se, | Ew-a00, eee ale. off cot @ eft wens | mah ea piri, eo, tert ambiguous ad), fovea 77-20, alert aj. tory ter aoc erg | alligator n. re re seas = aloofness, ete ot Gt meng toma, are, tt | alloatey. sem, Bear weg Mee, TT alert. scm, aah we, | Fone we, Pe eT [alpnabet n, ora eee eo ee wen allocation, eg Ben fren er Fe, S| ambrosia ne, 21 alertness n.a-0Te, ee-orer| allot ey et re, em, et ———_alteadyady. 2 2 sw, | ambush m2 ESE ‘BeR, wher, softer) a é eat) ambush v. hr rary ener rey. allen ade Ra Sm Ager | allow va oy aE Oey ete ————_als-adv/con. A at. ae she | ee eee em age re || eas aa ameliorate v. ner yore, gore AMlenation n. 2x7 ican | allowance n. ver, gf en, altar, a AR 381 ey ere, Sk wT ar ee alkene are em, te, | amend, ey SH alight var arg sr arg | allure v. wate, sean weby ea, seme sen we! ter sre yh we oe sev, eer, BN, AT alteration n. eae: afta, | amended ac. gre if align v.absene sere, er arate | eee, RPTL 0 seri amendment n, ger. Waren, fir con, tare | aluslon nr ree, vibes alereaton n, exer, cag | eta alignment, cre irae | almanac nf sr? ee amenity, gar so- 3 hie 2 te, Re Tee Yaered ag). aecta, xeon go, | me ou a t 2» es amiable amiable adj. aor Prone Sr sar yeh TT amicable aj. 3 Pro fraerem amid prep, arma ha et cH amissadj fad get are wa gaa) amity. 27g tet era Pen ammunition 9, "9737-a tae among prep /con), fas. 7c anor ger a Bate al amorous aj ep ga he Bra, athe, ag ede. A ‘te. eo, IE amount o,f, eR 1 ample n, gy og ge er amputate vy sit-in en angel ato oR wera, oR I anger n,n ome yea Je ate ee anh ht, are, ot angle n. 2h nim angry a6. foe se re ae, A, Se, | anguish nse Are: fae FS we, gt te, Re, TT animal nt sre oy 7 ay oF! animate Jad). carrer fore See ot te, ea animated ad), oye at rae te, oe, er animation so a. A chee anim. re ir meat rad gee. ST, Te HA ‘announcement announcement. gor & xem ‘ae, wer annoy v. ity, Reviny, ec Roce Ree we, RH, ATT annoyance n. c= arerf, se, aA | annoyed ac), 770 seer stem err annual adj. ram, arora at, annul v Remy Rory ce ory ‘wea erm ‘anonymous ad). 97m aa another pron. 2% 25m 73 ora meth another's adj. ery, zavre el answer. 7 Ee, SARI, STI answer vce a, sae appease (Pra Prat, as, ea, oe, carga, ie anyious ac. oeaf re sr hz soar RP, 4, aT Any pron /adu. weft af: ot anybody n/pron. aft Ei anywhere pron. a/&7 ar ait, we we a ae, wel A) apart adj. ref cw mem, ae, Pot pathy ns st see Pega ape n. a weft ae) aperture n, g03 GI TE a. Was, Teer aphorism n. sa she apiece adv. xt ot cangm & EPH, OHH TS apologize v 08 orey Bar sap amulet ire mic at, rai | re 8 Ee ‘we, oR PTT are sera, aren we mar, | ankle n. Taya Pos, ow se ant, ferry apostle n, rari go gm, Eee Pray ec, wert we. || Oe wr ce, A ng 2 oe 4 Sa EST Tw amusement n are i RST, POTS, ST, GH anad), cm wf Ge, Ea! ancestor n, yeu Re gear. fa ancestral ag). $e4% x7; r= ang ancestry n. ara srqaifr 9, verge ancient adj. gery. gir wr and con) 2 ee te. en) anklet n. orgy, eter sare ote, a ash, EE annex. iy Aary sem. -5e7, Perr annihilated v. ware are em seer ea, oe, EAT] annihilated adj. ware aoa, eGR HEA, HEMET, FATE annihilation n, et ny 327 ‘ere, ae announce v. (ary wey zac ron ae, a a1 antagonism n, Jer gray ge? dette he gee, ET antagonist 9. ser 4 48, 7) antelopen. fe, Aer rare. fe apparatus n fare or, eH apparel n. se SIS, ‘apparent adj wa vere, wee ng, ve; es, a, A, anticipate v. ararar ee, orpors| a ts, wemy 6 8 are Sa, eT eH appeal, Arar afte, gia antiquated adj 77 Ze srs, | appearancen, sare met aM sarefte anus n, CC ON, GI anviety. $e a5 Eee, ee er ea, aT, Te Fr See tr er pe ee appease vce ot ety ep er ye rer arom v7 appeasement appeasement 1. ge2i"—aeam, geror gere| appetite ne, xe er oy a sree IE, applause cere ate sree an aM TER, FE eR EY, eal apple n. iz fr ay #3) appliance n, stare era ef Sar application n, sr sane: ah sree wa, weer apply v.77 ety a, am ‘re, eer, eT] appoint v. aa or vary Page appointed adj. am: gn, ere apportion v 2 same apportioned ad. fe: Pn, apposite adj. few ae. are ‘ag, an appraise v. ors, atte: oman ret 2) appreciate wa? ay ace me ae em, as ary re, He appreciation n. 2 vey aE, ate Pprehend v, rg ae wey vere we, Ree, er xr apprehended adj, Aver Frei a archaie ‘apprehension n, i rst JEP, Rese etm, SP, sR, sete, a, Re appropriatead, te: # 2 fer approximate ad). teat ser sen ite approximately adv. ete orem sn apricot n. gant gey GTA Borin. soi ee apron tox ae wer ee ated. oer oft he de, ae et) aptitude n, rat onc te, ret coger, me aqua ore aaueduetn, er ec cmt aquline a. 3g 68 3 rer arable a, sa toto Je es or arbiter no 200, $e Fr abiteary ag, roary. ee sorwe arbitrate ong aac arbitration n. 498 rae oe wiv arbitrator, seme du fe areade adj ry tae et fem prt chin A ae Age archale adh gogo are archer se) Behe ene archery n. ata wafer) architecture n AS Pet mag re ardent a reo ft 07 og tr og emp, Sr ardour ce oa ari Srdvousad ee a wey rr rie area, Oe so om re es o,f argue rg som oe wy ser arm sew a argument mt goo of ef argumentation nr ton et sae argumentative a), 7% = ‘rand, were : = ahar ne ase seta soon ye aise ry eo a Py aristoerat nee tara Stan et arkmeten at are see a aun 8 oes ng oe Seema) armistice = a A eon ge ayo aetna ee 29 armoury 1. 38% Fea nerst OTe, EAN eM armpit. aye ES FIC cera are, at arms n. a gear aaa anmside n. 33, | army n. Goer SH wtae aroma n. eh ge gre HE, oy aromatic adj. ager erat aromatize v. geiger am are er) around adv. gaf—rat. fale Bee, a ay arouse. ay Rarer Toy ess eke sr, we, Ae 8 er arrange, sey to ina 3m, are I EE eT a1 arranged adj. olf wef am oer eee, ala arrangement n. g0r% #275 Rare: ae Aa rae rer, FoI, eave, SST) arrant adi. qv got ge, Page array se a, PFET | array n. 38, sft feet a, Pama SH em arrearn ad). 2 ae at art veh rd ah, fie, sor aqrarti arrest arrest n. Area Pree, oe, a arrest v. Prva wey tee, A arrested ad}. rere Prev, artval, oe aor aft = sr, eRe arrive, ory am em Sr, arrogance n. iz us, Param He Po, aor, we, tel, eT arrogant ad) se ef 17g por ee ere T98 IE EA, To tesBare TR, HEH, srs, a, HG, AMAT SN arrogate v. wacchtr Ew sro, ay eR, egy, rae eT em arrow n, 861, Ak, aE wR, ae atsen. 1.95) 2 0 1, Pil, aot arth, ofa at a, mea aH, Be, TA artery 9. 2 Al ashore antficern. weer wrt, Pre fraser antficial adj ee wat: ert ‘gin, wre, wf, Rae | artisan n, se, Ae ett, ‘ref, fear artist n Jad). 85 ce ware artless adj, #5—a74, "975 trae, ster aru 9, Reng we, si, t Re astronomer no 197 ara pte Te astronomy 0, ute rsa aa st fe astute ad). 9 TIPO mR Te, eat asunder adv. sorry, at ‘ars, fifa aswell-as adv. @ cif oh. @ anita) as-yet adv. oi ace at A, aa) asylum n, eer ea) atprep.fconj es gars mr rear ram * oe, ate. I reprfcon. re we ar Fe hege a cra Re ver at-best prep.fcon). sar # ater Sy sa we a atest prep. /con cep A we, se, a, attachment wan athleticad). ne ope ge athletes 9. dso ware ra a athome nad.» ce a 2 ce se a, 2, reer athwart prep. a smear fees ser A ga & ee a atlas n. tf As oh 30) atmosphere n. sf area ree atonce adv. ve were we @ eH a, Ue, ETO, Si. ATE seme ee, Re Be PH TH oH atone A@ we acon ay ea atonement n. 8 oat srt, a atrocious ad). out os owe ft ye, aE atrocity n. gar era, se ‘eit Seu attach. aieg a aey er gat wey, sry Mo, se, eS, scales aa are wig wen, Wie | astray n, ABET TOM PATE, al ere assortmenat n. 2, ear/ele:| fre, meal athelam n, 97977 eae vere attache n, ga coe eT puto, 1 astray vray Meo: MeN, oH seers, ae yah wpe wee assuage. wary gevhy gra ag) we) atheistic ad) srt aah vere] attached ad. af rt fe, fa, re || astray) 3 a, FR ag afters aft ar) 1 assume v. wer ai? ey 59 aT; | H-NET © athirstad), ce arg rr, seg | attachment n. ory ar tre, 645 Sr, iso wee EMT | astride ad. even | atieten. dare scare ae oh | Heer woe a, 32 ' 3 attack Be Fe STH, TL auspicious ree aig, a Ree a, HT, eto ne 8 eae Ea, so | FTA attack v7 attain, aes sy EE a, A ‘wen, ph et) ‘ttainmentn, £6 STA, THT attempt. ie He FORTIS se wee, attempt v. BRT eH SeTUTA oy 378 HEH, CT STL attend v iar wey nes, poy, ew, a we, AN an endance n, eft sty so pas. Ba zeeT sttendantn. gfe rere get ae ER, A, LEE ATO attention n. oy ge Fam itentive adh. try etre ra St ere =| attentiveness 1. 27% eect, em attenuate v fr aaa er Son gle Be WP FT attest ea attire n, dra dg, 1 attitude nat ai 99 aor & fe ere, APT attorney 0. {27a7e, FBIATE saa sttomeyship n. rot amt tractive ad. ee ta, favary | attribute n, ar 1¥, sont fret fare, wer, PT attrition n 27 ste; TORT attune vg Pree action a. are, Arar Ar a audacious ad 5 te ges ve, Be audacity n, edi erg OPE gem. games, tg ‘auaible ad. gr ‘uence ng gers ea RTT gaa! pugern, oA, Am THE TT augment v 3m aa? my ‘urmentation n, 78 zoo I aug pg en OL HT feet augury n. gy ser SA Srey et, ave | August ere ret #1 ESTE august ad) Area stra, aunt. 5% a at mest a “a a A, EM, A a aural adj 5 see wo TT Guristn, yah seer ATL fsurum n. game ‘auspicious ad. gor ge mF rt austerity azure Hep ate, ge, wore, an austerity n. aver wre ge Fea, eee author n, frare ere, ree San itso BRUTE authorise v. site sig ofr. SH eH! authority n. wie raree afer. aire TR fautocracy n. swegrat PORT autocratic n, 9a waft, cr, fee autonomy n. gers STATS ea TT! autumn a. 97a ACG ES availablity. 95% ote ecorer ere! available a) fee ee, em avalanche n. are gi Ere, freer Gvenge nate: ta ACA. TCT Se cen ese HT, See ‘avenge v, xe o,atst | average ac. shore "ee eT fash dem version, esa, se re P apr a gr ee A, see, ER ETI avert. ceo conte, at OT any Beh Hey em, PT, TE, ear vocation n. 7m eT per are, ee, eG avoid ery Ey OTE fvoidance nose i rs anvow veg, a og we sro wait eran. gre ey Sen, me ae, UT awake ad), Peg. PT I awake rr, Of OT soy) awakening song ay eas fe re award. ea09-fare, POAT re FE AAT aware adj, 37re BOTS, A way adv inter) 72 9 wil awe od. 3° oe-72 rah ae, Pet, PT we sc, ee Sor TH awestruck al, =f "2-20 otal ach eae weer, ea nmin re re, eT ane ne Sree GU BOE HTT een eee ale nT ae, i, at 8. io oars, larure adj ig fot et, A, ix 007 AST B,b the second letter of the English alphabet babble w. ery serey 2 rory ban bad nad). ge at ma qT gat er, ages, Fe, Aa badger v. ay we 4H badly adv have RARER SAE banality banality n. waa dere gee emer banana n, rar sap a, wee a base Fm, SESE +. BF. Sat 2 ‘te, sites, a. cabal aE 4 ger, SH TAT barbarian ad). owe aug Are roar 37 wore wer | pag der oy er 2 band 1 soe oer | ih er, Se EET wT Pa et, a aro babbler ad). se, er, eran a babbling. srxo, ome gx 2 2-2 rare Pres we baboon n. 2 mit 1 baby n, ee tara ae AT, va rg! bachelor n, a, sere fara yeu rai inacen. se: one fg ee ore hs, 9 A, THR, A, OH, ‘ts back v, dee omy ae cog 2m era be eH, GB ee Boepine nes bare ‘ee weed Ball on we bait, se ree et. os Bake tes gory oot Balance n fod #2 es x6 ee Galance mS wo! Balcony. Pea oat Bald Joh a ge teren area fe bandage n 08 a 98, en) banditn. sw we-gea, we aq Dane nor fee Fn, aor, Bango, sr ag coe, en, he st) bang x gay wry, Rey ore, ea, er bangle ng srs ah 42 orl banish wr AP Reory sem fae pry OR AGE aT, Ber, barbed ad. kf oreo barber ng 78, B= bard no argh ter fe wf bare adj. Mowe got in sto, see, barely. se ee ee ST) bargain v. sta ny ty a, ie 6, a4 BET bake. tomy go rn, er bark a1 OTe a Te ey re A, LT TT barley not ts) bbatn n. 1 SUM 2 ES TRG 2 en ae are 4 a 2 Dackbite v. 5 are eH, ror ven backbiter nad. gee, fara aT, i, AN, GA, free backbone. af ae ae te fe, er sR backing n. wt; WER, ES, "RE backside n, i Moi 8 ‘em, 7 aT baldness. oh were! bole n. gar 120 7 balk ay sey oa ery al ball, A% eae Ty ae ballad n.d ere Ae, cafe balloon n. ere, T= balm, at gant ces wet se ae, ee PRE fe bamboo n. ae a) backward ac), eg Met Ron | pan 'n eore dar Pare. ay a, ‘gt 881 ‘te, Pr bhadwardsadu or rg SH | han. err Sap an ave a aR, gE eA fs a ‘weet, 2, er eT 36 bank. 1. Roa oe 2-H He 4 are 2 ae) bankrupt n./ad). erg. erat ear, Ratton bankruptey 9, fears, fora: Fae: Banner, se 3% Prom th ag, are, rh banquet nc, are Fe an bantam 9. genre ee genre anyan n, ate sey om eR a barn 1 tad os 2 dy 2 zag | a 2.7aR BSR aM barrage n. a sew, wa) barren n fad x sith 2 a typ 1. on, Per 2 ae, , barrier n. sy ey wary 35 Ser aren, sn, SNE, Ty, IT barter n. wer af: wig tare: cars, 3a Pa, SHAT, barter v. wer, weer, 2% Seana eT, ao basen. gre eer se me af ab; as se, eee a asless beast beat. beginning ‘sem fe ig Hg GES “a sia Dedeck. ig rR oe eI haselessacl. art are Prom, | bawd nfad, gir oi at as best v. osigr wewtyy arety | bedevil. gm-err aey Ir am al fh get, ger i eeciae reome sarg y basementn, aa-a7e age-siae,| awl ve, ary Rroar, tamy Bhs cory seer eer sem wad ero fees, era ore me He ten ae a te bashful ad) jo. | bayonet si a 2am ‘tit we | bedstead n. 223, se fe, sot whit si seer So wane, SET bashfulness n. sve sro, ‘yom, stay base ad. rm sate, =Prare. sre basin gv ge bask. or remy ge eo basket n. wit gue atu® gu aerg et oath aM aH ait cog Hie sie Cw wee od. aa bastard a. ore er Ba ty bayonet» ft whe ary sie, eT bazar. sare 9, te, bev. een bead ne sar pap ra Fa beak. ai aig aa bean n, ge wt gen dec de em. Oe SAR, SI, 3A, fe earn. er Re fee me, 1 bear v. Arey ey eI oy, beating 9. 77 sea cic, Re. mg fed arr, 1 | beatingdrum n. 2 cst em, ‘ene beaun. or vt. Wari beautiful a. ve rite at He asin, wget Tee oo Bia, IR, ATT, sree, Suet ore, ee beautify. ger wen, omy oI Fane, oer, eo, aT been, sam sie i mer stares sage, re beet n. hee ree beehiven ses ws ao ra, et TT, we, area! beer n. 5% afd ere ee ch re, beet n. re OR beetlen. sang naas rte ater befit v. ae ay rorya a arg ste eg | beauty. 7 erg ae, ee |, en akin! m1 =a $1 befool v wrx gy sory ov batn. 1. fit #2 «| bear a hand vex ayy aera beaver n. 152 co 2 ae ea 2 we! a caeftenn batch. sr ane, ea, 2 bath n. ser sar FH] bear away v. ay ser beardown v. scary ei scot} ecauseady ats at ot 2 wl ei, ae oA, ect before ad) adv. 42 ar ar a, 8 aM, wea, Defoul v5 my Hel Be) bate er bathroom n. georarg a gore ‘eer, eT battalion. sre eee, em a batter v. gary Rey Mey the sr, 38 8 ser, ea battle no a ed, set yore) battle-axe n. ox gu gene bear in mind or sed ce, ear bearable ac. oh wit or a cook, gr eee beard 2 bearded ac). ue xen) bearer. ci for ay hee al bearoot adr dear AM er i Rong sea beast noo op STI Us el “becoming n. exer se fos oe beckon #7 ema 7H) edn. Beart mm re a Rea 2 90a 3 108 a en, ce, an 2 to sn 9 8 a ae bedbugn. drt are sexs, =H) bedding n. arr Mea fee ote, ee beg v. of ry Ran i, sn beget v. ova set eT beggar n, vers sm, Prey ‘rma, sre, Rese, PE, begin sor say sear. rae Fg eH, ae eT beginner n. vaiar vats ate a aie, WEA TAT beginning 9. vate, gx rare begone ee a, HN, STA, SI begone inter. fe ar! or! wf sah on! ot el ote Fe! beguile v. czar ay wt Meare, grey Reg ee, ATH se em behalf adv re mew oem a Hake a aus aa, Doehave vem ey sn eH, jour n, ava areas oe, atte, ett er bent bellicose ad). serene were sree tar, 3 ae bellow v. sry ny sen st vw Reorer belly n. acis ackg alge ay ea oe be, ee) belongings. a wine eevee ‘aoe, we se beloved. air wi say en gee One, A, TET, BA, A, atm belowady. 9 rat aise oc ot 5 eee bbenumb 2a Ren! benumb v. gor wee, STI “geet ae, Hern TT bequest n. sez char berate v. vere orang ere orn se, Te Siew, eA! bereavement, arora: 09 Fa, aio em, berry n, 2% ae 3% 8, Reet nn berth, srr stems ome, ‘sitet biscuit am, a aH, a A, eT, aa betwixt adu/prep. at ay sr ran bewilder v sfisamy orem mE a, | bewildered adj, wernt x ext aig, FT| bewitchv o7g-ehy rp a2 beyond prep. @ ew oe ee A AR, aT AR, HE gat wort | give gore et est do beside orep. aa | bleyele ne ri ase, a, AR | A, ARN Ae, oA are ares Fre, & art | biennial ac), Para at, eT at woe a belt. omen ie We veer cee 31 bier n ray aR a wees behest. see wap ate, rary | 3c, once 2 besides adv/orep. ay orst ate | bituratev. ai a fey ese behind ade. tee fon vor | bench n cota roe 250 site, Rrra, afer cae, eras aie) 0, ee, OFA beehloden adj, arene sete, behold. 2 dary er, every belch n, ere Bare wae belch v. seve sore 30) belie v. go remy sien sat, 2. we a) end, Hare naan, soy gy sty ary cre AT, A, RT, ‘gern, gow em, toa, aT] bend nad). soy nis gx Ply ag, 2, Re, Sra, er soseommceaimeies besiege w. exer sary ir omy a sre, se TT besmearv my eter, Seay best ac). siee arch Bar a 51 57) bestridev, sary, ware Se etn ay aba a chert ah ee 18, EF, FER bike n, ev eb ste ene bile es fsa re, Fae billion nse et tg # oN bily-goat n. axe aizewr gre bind v. sey =e, tomy beneath adv. fe 1 ers a a et Delite ei ae | ara, te, ase, AS tee aM betake rea, cae, Yo, omg es A eam sete, Pree, aT believe v wey army rahe ay feo, Ren wer, MT) belie adv. =? > wate, | bell. wt we belladonna n. «er sa) belle av fries oud eh, GeO benediction n, snare, arte sada, eR beneficence n, 7 vw, ear Gora vend, SHOR, ET} benefit, or orxer ar, sae, fea bent n, say sar gare a1 bent adja aft ars betel-nut n. gor ga betray v. oar 2% ex gory eter we, Feels eT bird, ergy og ese ey Fen, sh, oe birth, oH a9 3 weft Detroth v. atzor weap Pe wr] birthday nme ae, aha we, AAT BET boetrothaln sor rf wt ng sft, ies birthplace n. seriyf® ar enh ore eT oetween aduforen. ier | biscuit. Re: Peeme bisect bisect v Bars ory fear we bien, ca cree hat, ee! bitch n. gar opie afters bite var wey Feat a, grey eral ie 8 wre Eo eT, SL A biter ad). gest dt oy ig: ‘Fea, wy as dra bittergourd n. mig. rae wet) block blanket n. wry A, on, go a, att blaze n. wre, stor mas ari, aig at aw, sr, ae, aia blatew asey afr ore we, beat. fear sae, hy RAT, ae blemish n. arr ae si block Block vv ey aey He wer, en! blockade n. ziost, stra, oe aed a, blocked ad). v= erg eg, 51. waPT Blood nett st ere rm ig Bloodshed n. werner rare Ie. EET, ST bolster 2, SH, eT bluster. gry eee oi fe ond, yea, este boar n. ge 2a are ee wi board, eae esr ah ea boast. sa ie ame, sao 2, se, eh TTT boastful a. arene Tog se rah, eb et rca blabber n fad). goa'eu sae, eo | black ad gaat gag re ‘a, em a, ep et blackearts n. go-cacwr ogc blackberry nary fey arp wr oi) blackman, ee, saree ‘Bea, ses blacksmith, ae gure sear black-soyabean n, #7 +2¢, vier bladder n, ert ase bladen. xix ros fats Asie <5} blame. sia er ar ee oer afer saree, a ee a. eH blame, Perv shr ra a og a r,t eT blameworthy n./ac). er ei 2, grt ort blandizh v mae Sey fo tere blank adj. wre ta, Fe, eteduataeks er Sy a went Bend Aor eg arg ar Soe er, Hore ea Blended ag) e-e Reara ‘er Blessed adj. cea, sree, sree Blessing. opr ree rei: meee, ete, blind nfo). se wry acre sere ei, se, Sy, Re blink n.sare, sare, ere wR blink vray, eae, wom bss a sre, em blissful ad ene arr afters Distern. afr og ora gwe ae the, Dlockn. 1 go are Reto 4. go a. ee, bloom. fer =r ss, reer, fa a) bloomed ao. ee Fert ga | Blot were ar eer we, aaa sort) blotch n. ste erm, aH, ta, ‘rome wee, ra blown. ci sag om si em eam, Ber ee wee, a aE were ae, BIE Heer eer wrens ra, ETE; ais, se, ae, a, Me, eg, BN, HL AT, BI Here, IVs, ser, Gee, AR | Blow mor res oy sen she set blue adj tg. eh ten, sey bluff ers te, re bluffing n. far gorse tt, eh, ot eae blunt adj. gs eresere sar: Beod wy vob or, 9, hea, wa blushy. sry emg seep aa ‘ive re, re, seer boasting n. Aart cas fst fg ote, ere ea ra en TET, TORT, vg, it fry, wh ot, BA boat nf gg, sy body ne 203 ce a al bogie n. sxc sar bogus). 278 at sre rere a, re, Ea bol. se eorer FO FOG Aer Fe a, Ta boll sate Soy um ra toy oxy er SR, ETA boisterousness n. are exe eae ag, ATEN bold ad stow ary Asc ‘oe Pie, Fe ft olay ad ar uta oe auaeeEe, forest boldness nse ease RR ‘eos, reg PE bolster nang afar afar) EE MS ott bowels bowl tthe olen i weer Seg Sm | borrow noe oi iy dpm | bowl n. we, wc ge or | ec, eh se Meet eh weet a et | ee (oe reer ae ow ae posomn, ga gag soci re) | box, aver ame gw, ago | eet, Se, Fe bolt seat army wear err | boss, we et Bat 8 oxen am O58 bravo inte) aro a rere bomb n, 2s, 28 ot eT sae, fe, A, | bombast 9. ara, rent, | both w. ern erm err Salar, bond nF, STH (te er both nfad tse ae bondage n, sara; Gens, sare, | bother vue rr ory tem, wat Set SE, eT CTY bone n. 529 say me are ref | hotheration n. rr Free she ol aa-avihs, wate, set, Fever, bony adj. sey seem revhan,| Reah weed, wae, are, Af wer book n, ser si fare eh, grey, Pers, ar ‘boon n. Far a AT ste, Fe bottle n. sta sf st, ae bottlegourd n. ra is teh bottom ns a5 eS at boost waren rary are dey ana] AE ate. oe ans wom, 7, TEE, ep a, sea aor, ere at | Be TEE Doostingn. afer rr, STE, | bough n, of of of an een boot na 91 ach boulder n, ag mee ay me border n sear Mom six. ser | sere te eh ge aE Fa ME | bounce n, ereaPy wort fore oe Ho we bore nf fs feet bow ges ory fig A ‘eee ben A, ee bound v. grate ary eo, Bs | gery sow, AT! boundary. cca ara erg et ae oh, gy wre Rr ae pee, a, eh AT boredom n. sme seat war | bouquet n. ree Wt Te | Fao, mre: St, were, SATS, | bow n. 1. eh 2 wa Ma “ee, Tae, Pe age 2, sey, Se, afar Doreen. oh whe cen, rm) | bow. ty At Romy ert, en born ad. orf ae er gan, ra | =e eT Pt Dowels, fA te, sh ve, a 8 boy n. dem gon ag gag sem, ne 9, Bere bracelet eg ere gg 3 bag v. rey rae braggaren/ad. 19276 ate avon ees, 2H me et Grageingn. 37% Mee a8, Safin, beh ower rad. ct ot ti 88) ae, xa) braid yg a fe mea eva ern bralded ad. mr ge Seng fen brain n, sie Are fore rh, P,P Brainlessn. ee Zr 9667, 9 bran. mere Bie rere wha, branch, 31 off 8 2 se brandy. sey a0 brand-coatn. eof ware se brandy n, ce) brass fog fray brat. ofg a ae: p01 sire brave a. Rae age a3 A mgt 4s brawl n. agra cam eae, ere, ere, amare, REE, erg rar at Fre, Fo, fer, Om, HE, SHER, TTA seat, 8381 brawny adj. gare Ar ore ve ho. eer braving n. 2-29: 09 #1 rer brazler n. 1 amg ever omg, 2. SPH + ee 2. deh bread n. 0 ptt ee th wah breadth n, ef a breaker. st, vy fe, er) break. gem eee, veh Bee One A AE EA, eT, ee, Te we we GOES rer, often, ET Ineakable ac govt ceo ental breakfast nares 7H cri, gee 2 TOT breath, re, sf er breed n, 7c = breeze n. af ear eer rare sem, wR, Ea, gL brewery erat ese 6 bribe n. get Row cent Re bubble bury brick ‘rm Fea athe, Pw et brick n. #6 fe) belek, ZF ger fe biden, af #2 geen, 2-341 bridegroom n, 2su wet teat x bridge nase or 9 $e, I bridle. ret es eum, fem brigadier n. esa fefewe 1 (paragon, er broil, a 7a Rr, see broil v.197garm arr wT I 2 wee, a2 wy 1. HO, 2 arent, Rare we broken agi. Ze. aise sir, ger a STB broker n. ae aes Fare as eee, Fee brookn. wr 79° 7% bubble vise Rate, Rory bucket n. six, we 181 buckle n, regar g, te bud n. amc eg, wae St butfalon, se re a are buffoon a.retit what sof butfoonery n.aarg, saaift: bug n. weg. meg deg eco bounde n, #231 7% fe, he bundlen. 22% gore Beare re reer gg fey Oey Pe ret goer ror ot ee, ea, bungalow 9. #101 wi: set wa boungle n. gserxs sr boungle v. ar wey ene are bunglern fad. Burr aR bungling. aimee geror eat brent adh. eg ag FE So ge aoe brit. ear branes, ar en, sa 31 brim a. rer re = Dring v. sr ay ro, & so bring up v. arom, heyy, sare rors, RT Drinjal nt re, Pe et briny ag). go = brisk ad. gh yer en ee a briskly ad, seer a, AE ete Tee, MT Tae bristles, err ee ae 781 brittle ad). ok se gee gH broad ad iy ea ws, wera broom n. omy ame WE ag : broom v. ag agp werd we. all brother n. yor ear ar Ueto ett brotherhood n, #arer Aereft rae a a, a, sata brother aw nm A 2 ae oes, a, sar Aa + “a, Ge ar ng 2, TE 26) af a, brother-sister nt cog sae bruise n. ere, est het ate conte rt, ey, 1s, he, he bruise v. ergy. eer ar er, brush n. geet gr ere. or, a, mm brush v op ETE brute ag), Fee: een ee = buen. ge go gs. RR, Dull, oe aorta, ee build v. esg fmm ar, Pre bullding n. eg ore 4, cme) bull n. eg aor tom weg, HI bulge v gw gear voy ET. Dull ory as, fa, 21 bull n. ets near ae es, ye bullet nt ie tga ay bullock n, wax wee tt bully nad). 20%, ce ait HAR. A, er, TET, Duly. sary ony Pavey oer ap venti wet, sc efi | bunch. 3951 sem ge gi 9, 8, | burden n, aa va ar, aa R FF burden. aay, sey oem san, brian, coe co, Fa A car fier burial ground n. rare Bear burlesquen fa). he ahs ewicar waa CROP, ER, FO, ara burly ad). is-geis, cemr—ute, buen w. sory oy a ny roe, TT, OT Durning no cove ef, cme burnt adj. af on gan burrow nf ev Pe burst, ci Mao fete, mete burst. gay wy, Meany cee “5, om, eT broaden y srry fe er bubble n. 709 FG. SET bury seg wg i, Oy we. pun ae sce eer push ee oe Sea Purine 9. EO, TT Cre ae we eH Seige een sree OT SH Pnnessman fa? 1 Sf ened on ee So Foren Ae ME wr Tn prep Jeon. eH ‘awe et rt ee See aiese fo Dutcher n, af gs, SRO, TT, re utter nsf 9 ar ge sao, | butterfly n. soet oe oe byre fara buttermik n, of afer ort oF xg, 03 buttocks n. or button a. xem et #041 buttress. sco" 7 ses, by, se buyy. Rg oy enteg OT buyern. ao, Rare Ret, ere ‘ang hey Co, SER, REA NA, ari bureau, oot, Pate fort oe, Re BT tourer ERE oF fraee Ee, we touting. ae Er RE JE re, se, FT by adu/prep. 7% ofa: & eT bbyre non Te, TE C,C the third letter of the English alphabet cabin n. we gat wht abinetn fe 6 et acts n, eRe TO TES rip ere. 81 age ne ge ree er fei faltttn fad. fy oe gS oe gem tail i hx sort ey sory an SC, FEST, sor falamityn. sft ot. 3, Ser tem,e faleloey. ry oy ore oe Sr er sr, sep we) falelation nas ahve. Pa ar, rare Re ar Fh, se rs, eRe fall re 55 ge a, OR soi, ss. x08 call. pm re ae Pr, ou, Src Her Gllvrcay ¢ an gory ty Ae ore Te, SH, HT i) calling 0, 1 <7 4 Bre HAL Sarr allows ad, core, Art wR frites alm oe ge, eh Galen aah. fe sR gree BO, sagt, fee capital ‘alurany near over PRS ssh ‘eampn. 2 drat ett) canal 1. 980 TR BE AE, POR we candid ad). c6 oy aeent se, Fe, Pre candlestick n. raft see andy a. 27%, ace, ae, end, Pst cane, wer wee a), A, Hat) canister ree ee HE, Ty cannabis 9. 7g) we, ar we, ate, sto cannon ne #0) ‘eannon-ball 73g =a am ie anoodle y 2% ey aR we, gare canopy ad). arian ocr ea 195, fea cantonment of sr oh feanvas n. ee Pra apn, 270 om evar eng. eh 219-281 capability 0. Hm Rs ar ee eee, FT, TE capablen fa) a, sem ces iva, aft, SHORT, A, TT ‘apacityn, sem shi Bt eee ee. ET, eae, fre capitaln, 1 yom 2 pra A ‘hema 9m 1, TA, 2 ae wy capitalist Gen ape GA, wee, te, are capitalist wee 8 et ETT oe ard, wTGITE H, sor TE caprice n, #4, go AO, TH teapricious adj. ear, 7A seh, afer, ee, ae capsicum n, af ae fra 7a fee Fr capsize v ‘seem captain n, are ee captivity. 2) 5, TCT capture cos, ar A TT sao, wa en, He TTL captured ag. Mover Pree, #1 arn, om er ae, oR TET carcass 1 ASR SE FOE TH am, 3, ee TR cardi, ea em, card. oe, wy oT, ‘form, Sara wT teardarnons 9. 79% ee cardboard n. sore ae 3 we ea cardingn. gt nel cards na 0a 1 SN care n, gare Pome ded Ter Fale he eae, ee, Ft, carefree n.fad). Shem 70S. cae en, HA, eT, IEE tareful adj, Par Aero gee omer wes, SAS, TACT fede cartridge cartaly ain Se oot Sy ae earth 8 or ora Cartes Oo TE Sas woah I eae tess. eS Se Seas noch, ga ST. Sere re aly, Graney, oP, BA Fea eee ert a= zen! Caressingn JE 5 STA rome Seder ns Aa eT ee carpenter n. Mane um aH, | al carpet 2 aff far 8 a, a carriage 178; 067. 81 carrot 1 7 ATR carry v, Seay rainy, OH coreg ah ee, aL ET, ‘ar, a1 cart n, 746, deo Bat carton n, tat ear 7 1 Fea fartoon n. eae ara F a cartridge n. agar rye A eh SEH fave vere geo RTT as, wee a, ate cho eascaden. stoarr deg Bourg wee cauliflower ng #1 cause n, 86a, wot ae a, ar a, AR. 3G I cauterze v.57 =| caution not ae gia rvs ee caution v. 97% some we rer cautious n, sty. wag. et ¢ ‘eee, ee, eT, we, TT cautiously adv data; sient caragts aera HR cave, 7 TIT FEF te cavity. Sg et ee Be ceasetiren. ste eR celebrate v.71 TH Se ee, wees eT celebrity ng rr Re txlveten fad. sera a gre ‘eer, ate, era cellars ye se So, HE A cement ne ae) conse v. gay gr ey phe veti cansern. ga gong 8 ger censure n. PRE yg HM | see, Ree, Pret | censure v. Rory teen, NET chase haneed oh eal Shonen, CHET Ghose ore oe ‘hee See, Te eR, chaotic ag}. sar rooney startet, sreyeet Chapter va wo 3 ere tn ae hare goog SSN ON! oso ee Te gta A te Shoracerstes 9.9m" a ao cre am Poh ee —_— son fre ore 21s centipeden, wth, rahe SET centre nad) fait fey ry, fg a cereal n, rr TH STE, ceeremony n. wire ard rT SSgeF, Tae, ET certain ad) so ag ae ot ray ee, FREER, Feo certificate no TH, M7 aot en) cheerfuness n. gi we ware Soe SO OT, ST, FA eheersn, dare dere rt sree cheers. tae wey, tee ory ee eH EE TT cheese ne ee cheque n. 6, te, ete hess esc chest n. 1 on om fe ae 2 er em ai. ew, dona ett it arena chew. Fam Ta wah TT chick ne chide v. sew seg Rewer erm certified nat 1 chaff ns ge ATC OH IE LE Foe go He He, HHA, See een Pe Re a cone oe eo a= a acca a ee Se eee ai, aig vom ery ee ETT | att toe charred adj-reref er oT A i a ee ee “aR rac “ hain, ra of nae, A, oH TB, vteea chairs gfe chalk, aft aan ata Ghallenge n. 3 sre are Fr, eT, SCTE Enver ee ot chamois. gfe ari rsd fren chance n, et ai a See sa 8, ae, SPT change n. 1. i ager tae 2 raf am 2 xe, oT ange. ce, Feary SO WT seed eT “Be nearer ea, eH e-ge eT! hat, Fa eg ge BE A “er, fre, er ehieftan here er re, sy a, foe chiblan n,m? el oer ia Child ny Ri ea Se. ware ehildhood nr wre et rao) ehilaessn fal. roe, Fras. Py, Petty Presa, Pete, sire ater children, ser ver rar $a meee et chin, ey ae 8 cco hil fee chimney chimney n. Gert Gent gate, ke Fe a chin n.3f8. 378 ot hy oh oF Bae Tage, a BB chine. ft Ze a Be, eR chirp v. get re wee, RA re tert chirping n.crvat fare, st sree chisel n, ear sa the BA. ah rer, ve choke. ov yen, wate, wet sem ven ae oer TH YET choked ad. a sere sa cholera n a 3 ef choose v. Sey vie chopper fa ing a es wi chubby a6). gare germ re sea ter chuck v sry er chunk n. gag gost egy SS churn v. shor amy meen, Re churn-staffn. af er) latter lecular adh Aaron ETE SER FER ciccumambulation nora er soko ar, Fa, Fee i dreumference n. et tare Fe AR ireumstance 9. 77 ce T= eRe, HE, SAT CAT cdstern ns F851 sity. wee Te lvlized Jad, re mA, HH, Fe claim ng at ent er em, ge, TET claimant na eo vn Rg, ote EER amour n. ne, are, art ‘a, Ree, A damp n. evi, Ron, Sra 1 ae camp vary 8 ay ey aA, ae, ate ann, #20 gee He, “te dap n, 7 ae, ee ea aw Sore usta, were, cae Sehaw ng cir og, = law vay shy sho, ty, “get sre -dlay ng fe dean adj, ere ere erm -deaned adj. ay ge Aon GH “ae, ste ea oud eM fad), ea sO wel asm case, ots: vind ward, eet Set mE, fet] climb v.67 ET ling , Avo, Ag Resa, ee, fer inky oy ea, OAT dipw ‘vem lod. 1 dee rg 2 fag a sae 2 amt aon Peal dog v. eaten, wary, arerry: rem, ee eT logged ad). aay, rrr a lose v fy Hey wy ‘ven, et dose av. rar og hy we A EH 8 ste dloseby ad ade or ere, ‘es Bere closed nad. 7% 4%, oes, cigarette nr Rete Rte cdndern, ohm ony 2860 Sg 7 ate cinema na, a, Ac Fe, aft diphern. se Bree ere, Arg het sare, PRET dicen, de mse TT dreutn ara 8 eT oer lap oi et aR we) lapping n. mi or) clarified butter n. 1 clash n, met sre Bs, ee clash v, cory Ay corr, dad ‘we, ET cass na ea a fea sow, o,f, res latter n. ris, freer EE lathe v yor doy sary ar dothes n.gesr grat are aire ee, xe, CE, dothing n. geor gram are ae 8, ET elothemill nA 58 wr FCAT loud n. area, are me, 1 cloudless loudlessn. 5 ag Avo HEI flown ns eT, REE hun. er Be, 35 ET, AH. cb ee fet ae, er due n, Be, TH ‘i cdamsy ac, 5, 9, se ‘dung ag), 8 BEI luster n. yey 70, coe 5 FS JO OTA. IST qo dluteh om SS coagulant nr me EH Sent ene coagulate tg x8 HT coagulated a). 2 9 coal, afc ae agp S| toate 9 ee Sea coarse a). re eG. eT coast. 97 FT| coat. w= eI com Sh, TE APT TA eve TET cobbler noe 2 efor, febrero cobweb n. my Hed Tt ‘ret cock. gus 8s OO It te {phe EEE! cockroach no fe ee i coconut nf aa eH st caer ie 8, TH cocoon, ar ee, wt colony cod RB, ee merce x. ag SH Re ‘rem we we coffin n, 59 Fe fein. P,P I fincidence 06 ake seen, ee, Fa cold a 2 see gr For 3 es, WE, TH tehessn i ot colic n, Gm; eA, wes colleague n. 2% seh, we calle. a7 we FRO pogo wee hy het te, Sey COE IT THT Coa et TI eT, OT, Sper on Re STL area collection n. ot amg och wet Srgeeome eet a AL Be Collective ag}. oe, 31m, seg i wt tollector n. see, rel ‘Free ren coli voir oy een, en eT fallisionn, 27 ZL TE eal cere Ret cally 9, 3%, ET ge wom colony ad ara a ah, a oo 36 colour colourn, &% Hy colour v Fy 1 ‘coloured ac. #f- En) colourful adj. stir. dae a rs, ee, coman, gry RI APT combo, wing of 898, Gat Rare 6 1 comb v afeyy oh wen) combatant n. 5, aia, ene, | ey Reg a, Pa we = combined af). 20 of sie “eames. sry sts 381 omen re wie Eo aa comfort n, sere areata, ah, “gi ae, a, fr fmfortable 20). 1015, sce: © sana, gee, uP, gear “comlen /ad)- mayan maigae fer comma n, sar sett s7 compassion ‘commission, 1.5 aetet G 2a, 1 athe, ‘ord, ge 2 ard commitment n. #g 702 area ae, ET, i committee n. aii aie am “af, | commodity. srs arse, ‘ref, we, a, AN common ads arg a Fm be we a OT, see, a, IEE, Te, wa, saa commotion n. carey wart earls ET SA TIE TATE ao ar 1 eee, TT TET communication n. é WH, are tere we community n. eye oi ger woe compact ad). ro) me Mee, oH Bie Ce NEON, TH RTH ‘companion . #25 ee ae ee, ‘aa, Fs, a company 0, 4% ae es Teh rae RL, ee, £48, 2h comparatively adv. #7203, ae, ST, TA compare v. er ary ech RT se, Perr comparison n. aera qa om eat compassion n. ear car eH compatible conceal concealed confluence ‘Re eas wen wm, HT, | er Iw, TTY wen aa a complicate v. Gaa7™, Fer;, easier get zy concubine n. cate. ate we, Compatible. reese, gene | Seta, feat TT, STAT gah cot ge fo gr, 30, sr, | BIC cempeled 2c) Ae sre srac| complicated ad), 2 oR; | TRL ame! ‘a, Pee, RI sx, EET conceit nants wrist CCeypensate dare erg | complication nee aware, | a, US WHE Ie, sige ren, yt we oe FIER THEN en compensation n, wt, avorg | ware, ese, ww, FETT conceited ad. sop erg ast Cpiiy atta wight | comply v $0 AP ST ME Zompetev. amy saxty ers went | ware #7 IR AT Pcre8 tore aft, va saxti ert compose 7 Ger SH TL eancentrate eee cr Fy Trnpetence n. wo/t, sear | composer n. frsare. rsa, || amr rare fe, ea, a | bee. PARE, concentration n. 7 Pe Competent adj. size. o | composition 9, amie te: ee, corre, ar, at Sree, ees, ea | a, ea concept n. fre ee ee, Competition n. weet. wovshe| compound n. &ar er atm rer rove eae woe oe | are. ms, RTL concern ne fare et eh, ares, | compound ad). Ae ei a et, Pa site, fren ‘ae, Pre RS oaaveen a competitor n. E7zf% (ef | compound v. ere enn wy oncering ad) ar me aPecst Span stheat oftarh, Fret | Pree, Pe, vA wen tet complaint n. Pray Are cota | comprehend v. concession n. ft ge Rar, metre ee gr ea, | EH, HET at gre Ree, Compromise n. cure erat | eoneNn. He, TH Complete ah 7 wr Fe | Ht Ho, eM ATT conchshelln. #1 ay ge TL | HRT ‘onclision sor 7 944 9 oe compulsory ag). or sexe, Ss complete 0 ay Peng PAH “concoct v.59, om ey coy seg Py, Py OT. ara or fer er Se, re et, Pe concocted ad). Pole wai completely av. a ANE =H | conn. oie oT Ol sense, veers, Pee ge Pre, opt oH ony 1 20 ote 2 gO Eres Frpleton ns ght mewn | ere gk sees wen 2. seat] gancord n, Her are gc yo Crone ce, omen, 1 | conceal v. ge go Fer “fre, et Complexion nad), cro ne | goo foun, eam sma se. ws | eoneordance n, ora are concur v. sf ey am ES ‘a er condemnation n. gy Mee ‘Re, wee Rowe, Pa FRCeR condiment n. rarer Pere 4, erg, we condition. 1 sft se eri ce sane ae 2. ER 1. eee, ‘ea, eft, eras hy, 2 eh Bs ag 0 condolence n/a? wie: mE sh, ren, ge ore, ge conduct. 9-27 are re rho aa sre he a TET. STEM, rae, oan, ca, aa ace, we confess. ror we confidence n. vin, iy te rae, eT, A, aT confident ad). Aeon, oes eer, te a, sere confine v7 2% =| confiscate v. sx, may IS ‘ve, went 4 a1 confiscated ad), orm =| cones n 2079 Br 7 5 ger, eae, PRT confluence, er a0 eM,

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