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83-Year-Old Woman With Abdominal Distention and Constipation

Mohammad Albaba, MD,* and Paul Y. Takahashi, MD†

A n 83-year-old woman with Alzheimer dementia pre-

sented to the emergency department with abdominal
distention. Her husband provided the history. After having
cult blood and 1+ protein. Abdominal plain radiography
showed prominent gaseous dilatation of the transverse co-
lon and redundant sigmoid colon without distinct signs of
constipation for 1 week, she developed a progressively dis- obstruction or free air.
tended abdomen in the course of 2 days, with anorexia but
1. Which one of the following is the most likely cause of
no vomiting, melena, or hematochezia. She had no history
the abdominal distention in this patient?
of fever, rigors, dyspnea, or weight loss. Her medical his-
a. Acute diverticulitis with secondary ileus
tory was remarkable for hypertension, coronary artery dis-
b. Ileus secondary to acute pyelonephritis
ease, and impaired fasting blood glucose levels. Despite the
c. Acute pancreatitis with associated ileus
recent symptoms, she had no history of gastroenterologic
d. Obstructing colon cancer
symptoms, cancer, abdominal surgeries, or colon screen-
e. Pseudoobstruction of the colon secondary to electrolyte
ing studies. She lived with her husband in the community
derangement and constipation
and was dependent on him for her activities of daily living
except for ambulation with a walker and feeding herself. Diverticular disease is commonly encountered in older
She was a nonsmoker and nondrinker. Her medications adults, who often present with abdominal pain of several
were 60 mg/d of isosorbide mononitrate, 325 mg/d of as- days’ duration, low-grade fever, and mild leukocytosis.
pirin, 2.5 mg/d of amlodipine, 20 mg/d of atorvastatin, and Patients often have symptoms of constipation, abdominal
a combination of 37.5 mg/d of triamterene and 25 mg/d of distention, nausea, and/or vomiting.1 Acute diverticulitis
hydrochlorothiazide. was an unlikely diagnosis in our patient who had no fever
On examination, the patient appeared to be in mild dis- or leukocytosis.
tress with abdominal distention. Her vital signs were as fol- Acute pyelonephritis usually presents with fever and py­
lows: temperature, 36.6ºC; blood pressure, 154/89 mm Hg; uria and may be characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms,
regular pulse, 84 beats/min; respiration rate, 20 breaths/ such as abdominal pain, anorexia, and/or ileus. Patients
min; and oxygen saturation, 94% while breathing room air. frequently describe flank pain as well as urinary frequency.
Abdominal examination revealed marked distention with The results of our patient’s urinalysis and the lack of urinary
diminished bowel sounds and moderate discomfort with symptoms made acute pyelonephritis unlikely.
deep palpation of the left lower quadrant, but no peritoneal Patients with acute pancreatitis experience severe ab-
irritation signs, Murphy sign, McBurney point tenderness, dominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. With severe inflamma-
abdominal bruit, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, or palpable tion of the abdomen, acute pancreatitis might be associated
mass. Rectal examination revealed no stool in the vault and with ileus. Biochemically, most patients have an elevated
no obvious mass. lipase and/or amylase level. Our patient did not report se-
The patient had normal levels of hemoglobin, white vere abdominal pain. Her lipase values were within normal
blood cells, platelets, chloride, bicarbonate, creatinine, range, making acute pancreatitis unlikely.
blood urea nitrogen, troponin, and lipase, as well as a pro- The risk of colon cancer increases with advanced age;
thrombin time within the normal range. She had a serum so- thus, cancer is always a concern. Clinically, patients with co-
dium of 126 mEq/L (reference ranges provided parentheti- lon cancer often have changes in bowel habits, hematochezia,
cally) (135-145 mEq/L), a potassium level of 2.5 mmol/L abdominal pain, and/or iron deficiency anemia. Colon cancer
(3.6-4.8 mmol/L), and a blood glucose level of 198 mg/ obstruction usually follows a period of worsening symptoms
dL (70-100 mg/dL). Urinalysis was positive for trace oc- of partial obstruction, such as abdominal distention, pain,
*Fellow in Geriatrics, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo
and constipation. Our patient had no melena, hematochezia,
Clinic, Rochester, MN. anemia, or symptoms of progressive colon obstruction. Ob-
†Adviser to fellow and Consultant in Primary Care Internal Medicine, Mayo structing malignancy was an unlikely diagnosis.
Clinic, Rochester, MN.
Pseudoobstruction of the colon is defined as substantial
See end of article for correct answers to questions.
colonic distention in the absence of an obstructing lesion.
Individual reprints of this article are not available. Address correspondence to
Paul Y. Takahashi, MD, Division of Primary Care Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Patients usually present with abdominal distention and pain
200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905 ( associated with constipation, nausea, and vomiting. Colon
© 2009 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research pseudoobstruction is often associated with other illnesses.

1126 Mayo Clin Proc. • December 2009;84(12):1126-1129 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2008.0450 •

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo
a Clinic Proceedings.

Metabolic imbalance and especially hypokalemia are very

common in patients with colon pseudoobstruction; how-
ever, in most cases other factors are also at work.2 Other
common possible underlying etiologies for pseudoobstruc-
tion of the colon are severe infection, trauma, shock, and
recent surgery. Our patient had severe hypokalemia asso-
ciated with constipation and poor oral intake, which was
thought to have caused colon pseudoobstruction.
The patient was hospitalized and hydrated with intrave-
nous saline with potassium supplementation. Four days lat-
er, she had a potassium level of 4.5 mmol/L and a sodium
level in the normal range. She received repeated enemas
and rectal bisacodyl. These measures were unsuccessful,
and her abdomen became more distended. Her repeated
upright abdominal radiograph is shown in the Figure.
2. Which one of the following is the most likely diagno-
sis on the basis of the new radiologic findings and the
poor response to previous management?
a. Toxic megacolon
b. Sigmoid volvulus
c. Diabetic gastroparesis
d. Severe constipation
e. Bowel perforation
Patients with toxic megacolon usually present with FIGURE. Upright abdominal radiographs on hospitalization day 4.
bloody diarrhea of several days’ duration, followed by fe-
ver, tachycardia, and hypotension. Toxic megacolon is a
of stool. Abdominal radiography shows substantial accu-
potentially fatal complication of inflammatory, infectious,
mulation of fecal material and might show colonic dilata-
or ischemic colitis that is characterized by severe segmen-
tion. No stool was revealed in the rectal examination of our
tal or total nonobstructive dilatation of the colon. On plain
patient. Her abdominal radiograph showed an extensive
radiography, dilatation involves primarily the proximal and
gaseous dilatation of the colon and “a bent inner-tube ap-
only rarely the sigmoid colon.3 Our patient had no signs
pearance”10 of the sigmoid, without any remarkable stool
of shock. Her radiograph revealed severe dilatation of the
buildup. Severe constipation and fecal impaction were un-
sigmoid colon. Given the clinical and radiologic findings,
likely diagnoses.
toxic megacolon was unlikely.
Patients with bowel perforation often have severe ab-
Sigmoid volvulus presents with severe abdominal dis-
dominal pain, guarding, and potentially rebound tender-
tention and colon obstruction in older, debilitated adults.
ness. Radiography will often show free air in the upright
On plain radiography, the colon appears severely distend-
or left lateral position. As our patient did not have such a
ed, and the dilated sigmoid forms an ahaustral loop in the
clinical presentation and had no free air in the abdomen,
shape of an “omega sign.”4 Because of obstruction at the
bowel perforation was unlikely.
sigmoid level, radiography usually reveals gas paucity in
On the basis of findings on abdominal radiography, we
the rectum.4 Our patient’s radiographic findings were con-
concluded this was a sigmoid volvulus and initiated a man-
sistent with sigmoid volvulus.
agement plan.
Gastroparesis is a chronic condition characterized by a
delay in stomach emptying, which leads to periodic symp- 3. Given the patient’s diagnosis, which one of the following
toms of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort, as is the most appropriate next step in her management?
well as marked gastric dilation on radiography. Because a. Conservative management with intravenous hydration,
our patient’s radiograph did not show gastric dilation, gas- bowel rest, and watchful observation
troparesis was unlikely. b. Urgent surgical resection of the sigmoid colon
Severe chronic constipation might present with abdomi- c. Laparoscopic resection of the sigmoid colon
nal pain and distention. Fecal impaction can cause colonic d. Endoscopic reduction of the sigmoid volvulus
obstruction. Rectal examination may reveal large amounts e. Intravenous antibiotics

Mayo Clin Proc. • December 2009;84(12):1126-1129 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2008.0450 • 1127

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo
a Clinic Proceedings.

In sigmoid volvulus, the blood supply to the involved vulus and cancer of the sigmoid have been reported, no
gut is compromised. The bowel may become gangrenous, clear causal relationship exists between the 2 entities. No
leading to perforation, peritonitis, and potentially fatal sep- association is known between sigmoid volvulus and mitral
sis. Immediate detorsion is required with volvulus to re- regurgitation.
store the compromised blood perfusion. Recurrence of sigmoid volvulus is very common. After
Conservative management with rehydration and bowel endoscopic reduction alone, the recurrence rate can be more
rest will not release the volvulus and restore blood flow to than 50%.6 Risk factors that predict recurrence have not been
the sigmoid and is therefore inappropriate. Surgical resec- established. After performing the endoscopic reduction and
tion of sigmoid colon does not meet initial treatment goals decompressing the obstructed colon, a surgical correction of
of relieving the volvulus and restoring blood perfusion. the underlying anatomy is needed to prevent volvulus recur-
For patients who have developed irreversible ischemic rence. One randomized trial suggests performing Hartmann
bowel injury, resection of the affected colon may become operation (resection of the sigmoid with closing of the rectal
a life-saving procedure. The clinical and biochemical find- stump and colostomy) for patients who develop gangrenous
ings made bowel gangrene unlikely in our patient. There- sigmoid. If the reduced bowel is not ischemic, the sigmoid
fore, neither open surgical nor laparoscopic resection was colon could be resected with primary anastomosis. Mesosig-
indicated. moidopexy (surgical repair and fixation of the mesentery of
Endoscopic reduction of the volvulus relieves the obstruc- the sigmoid flexure) is less successful than resection of the
tion and restores the blood supply to the affected sigmoid. sigmoid colon.7 In selected patients, qualified surgeons can
Once sigmoid volvulus is suspected, endoscopic reduction perform sigmoid resection laparoscopically.
should be performed immediately, before the volvulus bow- The hospital team discussed the findings of the colonos-
el sustains irreversible ischemic injury. During endoscopy, copy with the patient’s family. The physician explained
the clinician can also visualize the colon and determine if the the likelihood of recurrence and the different procedures
patient has developed bowel ischemia.5 Endoscopic reduc- that may prevent future volvulus. Because of the patient’s
tion of the sigmoid volvulus was the most appropriate next impaired cognitive and functional status, her husband re-
step in the management of our patient. quested conservative management. He elected not to pro-
Intravenous antibiotics are an important adjunctive ceed with any further operative procedure. The patient re-
treatment in patients with peritonitis. Because our patient covered gradually, and the colonic decompression tube was
had no signs of abdominal infection and the primary goal removed. She was discharged to her home.
was to restore adequate blood flow to the bowel, antibiotic Three months later the patient was seen in the emergen-
therapy was inappropriate. cy department with a presentation similar to that of her pre-
Our patient underwent colonoscopy, which revealed an vious admission. Emergency colonoscopy was performed.
apparent volvulus at the rectosigmoid junction. By gently Unfortunately, it revealed recurrent sigmoid volvulus with
twisting and advancing the scope, we reduced the volvulus necrotic bowel.
and passed the scope into a dilated sigmoid. Inspection of
5. Which one of the following is the most appropriate
the colon revealed no other lesions or ischemia. A decom-
next step during this admission?
pression tube was left in the colon.
a. Arrange for a care conference with patient’s family and
4. Which one of the following statements regarding this power of attorney immediately to discuss findings, prog-
patient’s condition is true? nosis, patient’s wishes, and plan of care
a. The patient’s children have a high risk of developing b. Because of advanced age, functional decline, and de-
sigmoid volvulus mentia, patient should receive hospice and comfort care
b. Sigmoid volvulus is a risk factor for developing colon only
cancer c. Start broad-coverage intravenous antibiotics and fluid
c. Sigmoid volvulus is usually associated with mitral resuscitation; refer patient for emergency surgical re-
regurgitation section of the necrotic bowel
d. After endoscopic reduction alone, future recurrence of d. Initiate intravenous antibiotics
sigmoid volvulus is rare e. Perform laparoscopic sigmoidectomy
e. After successful endoscopic reduction, the sigmoid co-
The 4 basic tenets of medical ethics are beneficence (act
lon should be resected
in the best interest of the patient), nonmaleficence (do no
No genetic factors are known to increase the risk of hav- harm), autonomy (patients have the right to choose or re-
ing sigmoid volvulus, and therefore children would not be fuse treatment), and justice (health care resources should
at increased risk. Although a few cases of combined vol- be equitably distributed).

1128 Mayo Clin Proc. • December 2009;84(12):1126-1129 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2008.0450 •

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo
a Clinic Proceedings.

The clinician should explain clinical findings, diagnosis, U” or “omega sign.”4 Clinicians often observe a lack of
and prognosis to the patient and family (when permitted by gas in the rectum distal to the obstruction and dilated de-
a competent patient) in all situations. This principle par- scending colon.4 Typical computed tomographic findings
ticularly applies when one faces a serious or life-threaten- include a “bird-beak appearance” and a “whirl pattern” of
ing situation. All reasonable approaches and their potential the dilated twisted sigmoid.4
risks and benefits should be discussed with the patient and The appropriate management should relieve the volvu-
family. The health care professional should help the fam- lus, reestablish the blood perfusion to the affected colon,
ily, with the patient’s input, choose the approach that best and prevent possible future recurrence. The presence of
meets the patient’s wishes (shared decision making). In our gangrenous bowel is a major predictor of mortality. Endo-
case, the family made decisions given the cognitive status scopic reduction of sigmoid volvulus alone is associated
of the patient. Arranging for a care conference with the pa- with a significant risk of recurrence; hence, sigmoid resec-
tient’s family would be the most appropriate next step. tion with coloproctostomy or end colostomy should follow
Although the patient had a poor prognosis and a high endoscopic decompression. Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy
risk of perioperative complications because of her ad- minimizes surgical complications and shortens recovery
vanced age and poor functional status,8,9 comfort care alone time.11 It provides a promising alternative for elderly pa-
would have been inappropriate without discussing the find- tients with chronic illness.
ings and the different management options with her fam-
ily. If the family is available, proceeding to surgery and
intravenous antibiotics would be inappropriate without
conducting the appropriate discussion and making shared References
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Mayo Clin Proc. • December 2009;84(12):1126-1129 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2008.0450 • 1129

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo
a Clinic Proceedings.

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