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Tourism Promotion

Meaning of Tourism Promotion

Tourism promotion means stimulating sales through the dissemination oI inIormation. It
means trying to encourage actual and potential customers to travel.

According to Salah Wahab, the objectives oI promotion are:
1. To make the tourist product widely known.
2. To make it very attractive in order to encourage many people to try it.
3. To make the message attractive without being dishonest.

Promotion and Communication
Good promotion is a good communication. Essentially, developing the promotional mix
is an exercise in communication.
The communication system is made up oI:
The 803/07 (the travel organization) transmits certain inIormation that will change
people`s attitudes and create in them a desire to use the product or service.
The 70.0;07 is the potential tourist.
The 2088,0 can be verbal, visual or written.

InIormative promotion is more important during the early stages oI the product liIe cycle
when owners oI new resorts and other attractions will seek promotional outlets to inIorm
the public oI the Iacilities and amenities that would make their vacation experience
!ersuasive promotion is used when an attraction is in its early stages oI growth, so its
owners put very much promotional eIIort in devising persuasive messages and sending
them through several channels.
#eminder promotion is important upon reaching a mature stage. Owners will then remind
people oI their positive experiences.

#elationship of Promotion to Marketing
InIormative promotion is important to tourist at the attention and comprehension stages
oI buying process. !ersuasive promotion tries to change attitudes, develop intentions to buy and
then initiate the purchase. #eminder promotion is used aIter the purchase has been made.

Figure 5 Goals of Promotion and the Travelers Buying Process

Promotion Planning
!romotion planning determines the objectives or goals the organization should strive to
accomplish and the plan oI action to attain these goals.

According to G.A. Schmoll, the Iollowing are the results oI the planning process:
1. The objectives oI promotion that are consistent with the general marketing plan
2. The identiIication oI the market group to which the promotion is targeted
3. The identiIication oI the speciIic advertising, sales support and public relations programs
to be organized
4. The budget allocation to the various market segments and target groups
5. The methods to be used to control and assess the eIIectiveness oI the promotion

Goals are important in developing promotional strategies. To be eIIective, goals must be
speciIic, quantiIiable, measurable, realistically attainable and have a time Irame. They should be
written clearly and concisely and be as speciIic as possible.

Some examples oI the goals are:
a. To create and measure the awareness oI a particular tourist attraction in a speciIic market.
b. To communicate a speciIic tourism appeal in your promotion to a speciIic market and
then determine how many people can recall it.
c. To communicate a basic campaign theme to a speciIic market and then determine how
many people can restate the premise without aided recall.

Market Targets
A common theme is necessary in establishing a market target. !romotion would be
useless iI the plan assumed that all people had the same travel inclinations.
Segmentation provides the necessary guidelines Ior isolating target markets. It identiIies
people according to their socio-economic status, social inIluences, personality Ieatures, attitudes,
values, motivations and expectations.

The Message
The message which is chosen Ior the advertisement Iollows the goals and objectives oI
the promotion plan. It should be understandable, distinctive, and believable. It`s purpose is to
create an awareness oI the attraction.

Promotion Mix
The major types oI promotion mix are:
!ersonal Selling
Sales !romotion
!ublic #elations

Advertising uses several Iorms to attract attention, arouse interest, convey inIormation,
and encourage the potential tourist to act in a speciIic manner.

Some Iorms oI advertising are:
Newspaper Advantages oI newspaper advertising are; it Iacilitates geographic
segmentation because markets Ior distribution can be clearly deIined, the cost oI
newspaper is relatively low, most newspapers are daily newspapers, newspapers have
extensive coverage, it is quick and easy to schedule an ad in newspaper, and most Sunday
editions have a travel section.
- The major disadvantage oI newspapers is the quality oI the ad and the short liIe span.
irect Mail although expensive, ranks high as an advertising medium. irect mail are
sent to people who will most likely use the service oIIered.
rochures are smaller in size than a travel catalog but oIIer more inIormation than a
leaIlet or Iolder.
Travel Catalogs present a complete travel program with lists oI many destinations,
services, accommodations, activities, excursions, and inIormation about the destinations.
eaIlets or Folders are usually single sheets which provide minimum inIormation.
Television is a very eIIective audio and visual medium when wider coverage is
required. Thus, television makes use oI repetition in order to strengthen memory
Magazines oIIer high quality print and graphics, are kept longer then newspapers and
are used in waiting rooms.
#adio is more Ilexible and cheaper compared to other Iorms oI mass media.
ellow !ages gives inIormation to those requiring service.
Outdoor Advertising Much oI the communication is through symbols and pictures
rather than words.
!oint-oI-Sale Advertising uses windows, Iloor displays, counter displays and literature

Personal Selling
!ersonal selling takes place in direct contact with prospective tourists, either Iace to Iace
or by telephone. Oral presentations take place in travel agencies, in large or small meetings,
either Iormally or inIormally.

Sales Promotion
Sales promotion have become very common at present such as Iree tickets to special
events, trade shows, exhibits and Iree trips.
Travel shows are also a common Iorm oI sales promotion.

Public #elations
The objectives oI public relations is to build a strong positive image oI an organization
Ior the public.
Three principal characteristics oI public relations:
a. The purpose oI public relations is communication to potential customers in methods other
than normally-paid advertisement channels or direct sales eIIort
b. It recreates a public awareness in order to enhance advertising and sales
c. !ublic relations creates a positive image Ior a product, service or destination in the minds
oI those who make public opinion such as journalists, travel writers and those who act as
intermediaries such as travel agents and tour operators

The major Iorm oI public relations is news release. Other Iorms are public appearance in
radio and television talk shows. !rint news releases are more acceptable to newspapers than
Table 3 Tourist Promotion Budgets

The principal costs in the budgeting process are the cost per message, the cost per reader
and the cost oI repeated messages. In constructing a budget, the impact, appeal, retention,
readership and costs oI advertising are taken into account.

Major Issue of Promotion
The major considerations oI promotion are accuracy and reliability oI inIormation on one
hand and Ialse and misleading advertising on the other. In many instances, the travel agency
creates a high expectation oI an attraction that it oversells it, thereby creating problems.

False, deceptive and misleading advertisement can lead to legal action by national
government. Some examples oI unIair or deceptive practices are:
1. False, oral or written statement, which has the capacity or tendency oI misleading
consumers made in correction with the oIIer Ior sale, lease, rental or loan oI consumers
goods or services.
2. #epresentation that the consumer goods or consumer services have a sponsorships,
approval, characteristic, ingredient, use, beneIit or quality which they do not have;
consumer goods or consumer services are oI a particular standard, quality, grade, style, or
model which they are not.
3. Failure to state a material Iact iI the Iailure deceives or tend to deceive
4. isarrangement oI goods, services, or business oI another day by Ialse or misleading
representation oI material Iact
5. Advertisement or oIIer oI consumer goods or consumer services without the intention to
sell them as advertised

- Group 4

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