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Edition by Campbell
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(eBook PDF) Macroeconomics 21st Edition by Campbell


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To Mem and to Terri and Craig, and to past instructors
CAMPBELL R. MCCONNELL earned his Ph.D. from the University of
Iowa after receiving degrees from Cornell College and the University of
Illinois. He taught at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln from 1953 until
his retirement in 1990. He is also coauthor of Contemporary Labor
Economics, eleventh edition, and Essentials of Economics, third edition,
and has edited readers for the principles and labor economics courses. He
is a recipient of both the University of Nebraska Distinguished Teaching
Award and the James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award and is past pres-
ident of the Midwest Economics Association. Professor McConnell was
awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Cornell College in
1973 and received its Distinguished Achievement Award in 1994. His pri-
mary areas of interest are labor economics and economic education. He has
an extensive collection of jazz recordings and enjoys reading jazz history.

STANLEY L. BRUE did his undergraduate work at Augustana College

(South Dakota) and received its Distinguished Achievement Award in
1991. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He
is retired from a long career at Pacific Lutheran University, where he was
honored as a recipient of the Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement
Award. Professor Brue has also received the national Leavey Award for
excellence in economic education. He has served as national president and
chair of the Board of Trustees of Omicron Delta Epsilon International
Economics Honorary. He is coauthor of Economic Scenes, fifth edition
(Prentice-Hall); Contemporary Labor Economics, eleventh edition;
Essentials of Economics, third edition; and The Evolution of Economic
Thought, eighth edition (Cengage Learning). For relaxation, he enjoys in-
ternational travel, attending sporting events, and going on fishing trips.

SEAN M. FLYNN did his undergraduate work at the University of

Southern California before completing his Ph.D. at U.C. Berkeley, where
he served as the Head Graduate Student Instructor for the Department of
Economics after receiving the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor
Award. He teaches at Scripps College (of the Claremont Colleges) and is
the author of Economics for Dummies, second edition (Wiley), and coau-
thor of Essentials of Economics, third edition. His research interests
include finance, behavioral economics, and health economics. An accom-
plished martial artist, he has represented the United States in international
aikido tournaments and is the author of Understanding Shodokan Aikido
(Shodokan Press). Other hobbies include running, traveling, and enjoying
ethnic food.


1.2 The Production Possibilities Curve 11

2.2 The Circular Flow Diagram 38
3.6 Equilibrium Price and Quantity 57
7.1 Total and Marginal Utility 141
9.2 The Law of Diminishing Returns 186
9.5 The Relationship of the Marginal-Cost Curve to the
Average-Total-Cost and Average-Variable-Cost Curves 190
9.8 The Long-Run Average-Total-Cost Curve: Unlimited
Number of Plant Sizes 193
10.3 Short-Run Profit Maximization for a Purely
Competitive Firm 209
10.6 The P = MC Rule and the Competitive
Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve 212
11.6 Long-Run Equilibrium: A Competitive Firm and Market 226
12.4 Profit Maximization by a Pure Monopolist 241
13.1 A Monopolistically Competitive Firm: Short Run and
Long Run 260
14.2 The Kinked-Demand Curve 273
17.3 Labor Supply and Labor Demand in
(a) a Purely Competitive Labor Market and
(b) a Single Competitive Firm 333
26.2 Trading Possibilities Lines and the Gains from Trade 525
27.1 The Market for Foreign Currency (Pounds) 549


What’s New and Improved?

One of the benefits of writing a successful text is the oppor-
tunity to revise—to delete the outdated and install the new, to
rewrite misleading or ambiguous statements, to introduce
more relevant illustrations, to improve the organizational
structure, and to enhance the learning aids.
We trust that you will agree that we have used this op-
portunity wisely and fully. Some of the more significant
changes include the following.

Separate Presentations of
Monopolistic Competition
and Oligopoly
In response to instructor feedback, we have split the material
on monopolistic competition and oligopoly that had together
comprised a single chapter in previous editions into two sepa-
rate chapters. The separated chapters have been made modular
so that skipping either or covering both will be equally viable
options for instructors. This should be particularly helpful to
instructors who want to spend more time on oligopoly.

Onboarding of Web Chapters

and COI Material
Welcome to the 21st edition of Economics, the best-selling Economics is everywhere, so the 21st edition continues our
economics textbook in the world. An estimated 15 million commitment to providing instructors with accessible and in-
students have used Economics or its companion editions, tuitive coverage of a wide variety of economic subject areas.
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. Economics has To that end, we are happy to report that we have been able to
been adapted into Australian and Canadian editions and pull material that appeared only online in previous editions
translated into Italian, Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish, into the printed book. That includes what were previously
Portuguese, and other languages. We are pleased that two full-length Web Chapters as well as a large fraction of the
Economics continues to meet the market test: nearly one material that had been posted online as Content Options for
out of five U.S. students in principles courses used the Instructors (COIs).
20th edition. “Technology, R&D, and Efficiency,” which had previ-
ously been a Web Chapter, is now Chapter 15, while “The
Economics of Developing Countries,” also previously a Web
Fundamental Objectives Chapter, is now Chapter 42. Those chapters as well as the
We have three main goals for Economics: material on “Previous Exchange Rate Systems” that had been
posted online as Content Options for Instructors 2 (COI2) are
∙ Help the beginning student master the principles
now integrated directly into the printed book, the latter be-
essential for understanding the economizing problem,
coming an appendix to Chapter 27 (The Balance of Payments,
specific economic issues, and policy alternatives.
Exchange Rates, and Trade Deficits). The only online mate-
∙ Help the student understand and apply the economic rial that was not brought into the book was COI1, “The
perspective and reason accurately and objectively about United States in the Global Economy.” That content largely
economic matters. duplicated material that appeared in other chapters and was
∙ Promote a lasting student interest in economics and the not much used, so it will no longer be supported either online
economy. or in print.
Preface xi

Modernized Presentation of Fixed LAST WORD

Exchange Rates and Currency Interventions Antitrust Online
For this new edition, we have reorganized and rewritten large The Internet Has Presented Antitrust Authorities with Both Old and New Causes for Concern.

parts of Chapter 27 (The Balance of Payments, Exchange The Airline Tariff Publishing case was the first important example

Rates, and Trade Deficits). The key revision has to do with our of how digital communication platforms could be used by busi-
nesses to engage in price-fixing. In the late 1980s, U.S. airlines be-

presentation of fixed exchange rates. We now show with gan to post both current and future prices for airline tickets on a
centralized computer system known as the Airline Tariff Publishing
Company. The system was set up so that travel agents could com-
greater clarity that under a fixed exchange rate regime, changes parison shop for their clients. But the airlines used the system’s abil-
ity to list start dates and end dates for ticket purchases as a way of
in the balance of payments generate automatic changes in both colluding.
As an example, suppose that American Airlines and Delta

foreign exchange reserves and the domestic money supply that Airlines had both been charging $200 for a one-way ticket between
New York and Chicago. American could then post a higher price of

then have to be dealt with by a nation’s central bank. Our new $250 for the route with the stipulation that nobody could start buy-
ing tickets at that price until the next month. Delta could then re-
© grzegorz knec/Alamy Stock Photo

presentation uses China as an example of these forces and how

spond by also saying that it would start selling tickets at the higher
price next month. In that way, the two airlines could tacitly coordi- The most recent threat to competition spawned by the Internet is
nate their price setting ahead of time so as to collude on a major the rise of collusion via pieces of software that use pricing algo-
they often lead to “sterilization” actions on the part of the cen- price increase.
The antitrust authorities at the U.S. Department of Justice stopped
rithms (automatically applied rules for setting prices) to constantly
adjust a company’s the online prices in response to seeing what rival
tral banks that are engaged in currency pegs. Our new presen- this practice in 1994 by getting the airlines to agree to the behavioral
remedy that any fare changes would have to become immediately
firms are charging for similar products. The problem for regulators
is that the pricing algorithms of different firms could end up inter-

tation also clarifies the relationship between trade deficits and available to consumers. Airlines could no longer use suggested future
prices as a way of signaling each other about how to collude.
acting in ways that collusively raise prices for consumers. This is
especially true for pieces of software that use artificial intelligence

foreign exchange reserves under a currency peg. The monopoly power gained during the 1990s and early 2000s
by online giants such as Microsoft and Google has also led to busi-
to learn how to achieve preset goals. Two such pieces of software
could each be programmed to try to maximize profits and, as they
ness practices that have raised the ire of antitrust authorities. interacted with each other, “realize” that the best way to do so is by
We have inserted additional examples into our presenta- Microsoft, for example, was fined $2.7 billion after being convicted coordinating rather than competing.
v­ ignettes, each accompanied by a photo, illustrate key
in 2000 of using the near-monopoly (95 percent market share) dom- That possibility is especially challenging because, given the way
tion of flexible exchange rates and have introduced a new inance of its Windows operating system software to coerce com- antitrust laws are currently written, firms can be prosecuted for col-
points in a lively, colorful, and easy-to-remember way. We
puter makers into favoring Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web lusion only if they make an anticompetitive “agreement” with each

Last Word on optimal currency areas to give students insight browser over rival browsers such as Netscape Navigator. other. If the algorithms come to collude on their own, there is no

have added 10 new “Consider This” boxes in this edition.

More recently, Google was indicted in 2015 by European Union such agreement to prosecute. In fact, the behavior of the two pieces

into some of the European Monetary Union’s current prob- antitrust officials for allegedly using its 90 percent share of the mar- of software could just as easily be interpreted as independent paral-

Our “Last Word” pieces are lengthier applications or

ket for Internet searches in Europe to favor its Google Shopping lel conduct rather than coordination since they don’t even directly

lems and how they relate to the fact that a monetary union is
price-comparison service over price-comparison services run by ri- communicate with each other. And, in addition, should asking a

case studies that are placed near the end of each chapter. For
val firms. For example, if a person in Germany types “prices for piece of software to try to figure out how to maximize profits be il-
used iPhones” into Google’s search bar, the top of the search results legal just by itself?
equivalent to simultaneous multilateral currency pegs. For page will feature images of several used iPhones for sale on Google These issues are still very much up in the air but being faced
example, the “Last Word” section for Chapter 1 (Limits,
Shopping. By contrast, anyone wanting comparison prices for used squarely by U.S. regulators, who made their first prosecution against
instructors who wish to give a larger historical perspective, iPhones that are listed on other price-comparison sites will have to the collusive use of algorithmic pricing software in 2015 and who
Alternatives, and Choices) examines pitfalls to sound
click on links further down on the search-results page to get to those established the Office of Technology Research and Investigation as

we have created a brief appendix that covers the gold stan- other sites and their respective lists of used iPhone prices. Google part of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer

­economic reasoning, while the “Last Word” section for

faces up to €6.6 billion in fines if convicted. Protection that same year.

dard era as well as the Bretton Woods period. This material

Chapter 4 (Market Failures: Public Goods and Externalities)
was previously available in Content Options for Instructors 1
examines cap-and-trade versus carbon taxes as policy re- 433

sponses to excessive carbon dioxide emissions. There are 7
new “Last Word” sections in this edition.
New “Consider This” and
mcc23224_ch21_420-436.indd 433 12/22/16 2:04 PM

If you are unfamiliar with Economics, we encourage you

“Last Word” Pieces to thumb through the chapters to take a quick look at these
Our “Consider This” boxes are used to provide analogies, highly visible features.
­examples, or stories that help drive home central economic
ideas in a student-ori-
ere designed for our ances- ented, real-world man- Enhanced Coverage of Game
Thus, we often have diffi-
and decisions that involve A Bright Idea ner. For instance, a Theory and Strategic Behavior
d the future. Two of the ma-
and time inconsistency.
In sunny areas, a solar
panel can make up for
“Consider This” box The online economy and the tech sector present students with
the cost of its installation titled “McHits and many high-profile examples of oligopolistic firms and indus-
in just a few years by
edness, refers to a defect of greatly reducing or even ­McMisses” ill­ustrates tries. A grasp of strategic behavior is consequently more im-
eliminating a household’s
s appear fuzzy, out of focus,
omists use the word myopia Source: © Federico Rostagno/ electricity bill. After consumer ­sovereignty portant than ever for principles students. To that end, the 21st those years of payback
s have a hard time conceptu- are finished, there will be through a listing of edition features extended coverage of game theory and strate-
with the present, the future almost nothing but benefits because the solar panel will
rd to see. continue to provide free electricity at only modest mainte- successful and unsuc- gic behavior. The new material covers topics related to se-
e very good at weighing cur-
in order to make immediate
nance costs. Consequently, nearly every household in sunny
areas could rationally profit from installing solar panels. cessful products. How quential games, including backward induction, the game-tree
seem “future blind” when it
uture costs or future benefits.
Unfortunately, myopia discourages most people from
wanting to reap the net benefits. Because people are myo- businesses exploit (extensive form) representation of strategic games, and sub-
luating possibilities that will pic, they focus too strongly on the upfront costs of installing
solar panels while at the same time discounting the long-
price discrimination is game perfect Nash equilibrium.
months into the future.
myopia is that when people
run benefits from being able to generate their own electric-
ity. The result is major inefficiency as most homeowners
driven home in a In previous editions, a substantial portion of our game
omething that will generate
hat won’t yield benefits for a
end up foregoing solar panels.
A company called Solar City has figured out a way to
“Consider This” box theory coverage appeared in an appendix to a chapter that
strong tendency to favor the
ample, imagine that Terence
work with rather than against people’s myopia. It does so by
offering leasing and financing options that eliminate the
that explains why ball- covered both monopolistic competition and oligopoly. With
nd on a vacation next month
need for consumers to pay for the upfront costs of install-
ing a solar system. Instead, Solar City pays for the upfront
parks charge different the material on monopolistic competition now located in a
ve great difficulty imagining costs and then makes its money by splitting the resulting admission prices for separate chapter, we have been able to eliminate the appendix
at he will be able to enjoy in savings on monthly electricity bills with consumers.
On the other hand, it is very This arrangement actually benefits from myopia because adults and children but and fully integrate the game theory material that had a­ ppeared
consumers get to focus on instant savings rather than initial
un he could have next month
a result, he will be strongly
costs. The same strategy can also be used to promote other only one set of prices there with the treatment of oligopoly that had appeared in the
investments that would normally be discouraged by myopia,
ey next month. With myopia
g-term option, the short-term
such as installing energy-efficient furnaces, air condition- at their concession main body of text. The result is our new Chapter 14, which is
ers, and appliances.
active. stands. These brief titled, “Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior.”
stick with a diet or follow an
e immediate and clearly vis-
normally do. But when your alarm goes off the next morning
ts or hanging out, the future
at that earlier time, you loath the concept, throw the alarm
ercising consistently are just
across the room, and go back to sleep. That switch in your
to be very attractive.
xii Preface

This integrated presentation facilitates student compre- Peer Instruction was pioneered by Eric Mazur of Harvard
hension of both game theory and oligopoly because strategic University’s Physics Department. It is a student-focused, in-
­interactions are always presented in an accessible, intuitive teractive teaching method that has been shown to massively
­context. Students already understand that Google’s actions increase the depth of student understanding across a wide
affect those of rivals like Facebook, and vice versa. So inte- ­variety of disciplines. It works by having students, in groups,
grating oligopoly with game theory illuminates both sets of ponder and discuss questions about challenging scenarios
material. ­before their instructor steps in to clear up any lingering
­misconceptions. Along the way, students first answer each
question individually before voting as a team after a discus-
New Discussions of Unconventional sion. Those two answers—individual, then group—provided
Monetary Policy and Interest-Rate the evidence for the effectiveness of Peer Instruction.
Normalization As explained by Harvard psychologist Stephen Pinker,
Our macroeconomics chapters on monetary policy have been the group discussions lead to a deeper and more intuitive un-
rewritten in many places to reflect the historically unprece- derstanding of concepts and theories than can usually be
dented monetary policy regimes that have been instituted by achieved with lecture-based instruction. That is the case be-
central banks since the Financial Crisis. Thus, for instance, cause beginners are often better than experts at explaining
we have included material that will allow students to compre- challenging ideas to other beginners. The problem with
hend the negative interest rates that are now common in ­experts—that is, instructors like you and me—is that the pro-
Europe. Also necessary was a revised treatment of the federal cess of becoming an expert rewires the brain so that the ex-
funds rate to reflect the fact that monetary policy has been pert can no longer think like a beginner. Our own expertise
implemented in recent years in the United States by means of makes it difficult to see where students are getting confused
open-market interventions aimed at quantitative easing rather and it is consequently very useful to unleash the power of
than open-market interventions aimed at lowering the federal Peer Instruction to help beginners tackle new material.
funds rate, which has been stuck near the zero lower bound The effectiveness of Peer Instruction depends, however,
since the Great Recession. on the quality of the questions and scenarios that students are
We have also been sure to include intuitive coverage of asked to ponder. Developing good questions and effective
the monetary policy tools that the Federal Reserve says it will scenarios is highly time intensive and often a matter of ex-
be using in coming years to “normalize” monetary policy and perimentation; you just don’t know how well a question or
raise short-term interest rates in the context of massive excess scenario will work until you try it. It is not a surprise, then,
bank reserves. To that end, we have truncated our coverage of that today’s busy instructors often shy away from Peer
the federal funds market because the Fed has stated that it Instruction because of the high start-up costs and the time
intends to normalize via the repo market and the interest rate required to develop truly effective questions and scenarios.
that it pays banks on excess reserves (IOER). We cover those Fortunately for you, we did all the work. Author Sean
mechanisms in detail and explain how the Fed intends to use Flynn and Todd Fitch of the University of San Francisco have
them in coming years. field-tested hundreds of questions and scenarios for effective-
ness. So with this 21st edition of McConnell, we are ready to
offer a fully supported set of Peer Instruction material tied
Tested Content for Peer Instruction directly to each of the learning objectives in Economics. The
Economics has been at the forefront of pedagogical innova- questions and scenarios, as well as resources to help organize
tion since our first edition, when we debuted the first separate a Peer Instruction classroom can be found in Connect.
student study guide and the first explanations next to each If you have ever been in a situation in which more experi-
figure so that students could understand what was going on enced students helped to teach newer students, you have seen
without having to hunt around in the main text for an explana- the power of Peer Instruction. Our new materials bring us
tion. Successive editions have brought additional firsts, from back to that paradigm. So while we are first once again with
being the first with prepared overhead slides to being the first Peer Instruction in economics, credit belongs to the pioneer-
with SmartBook and adaptive-learning technology. ing work of dedicated teachers like Eric Mazur and Stephen
While technology has made learning with Economics Pinker for making this method available across disciplines.
more efficient for the individual student, we wanted to of-
fer new methods to enhance the effectiveness of the class-
room experience as well. We are consequently proud that Full Support for Flipped Classroom
we are now going to be the first textbook to offer Peer Teaching Strategies
Instruction materials that are highly effective, comprehen- We have also designed our new Peer Instruction materials to
sive, and ­classroom-tested. facilitate flipped-classroom teaching strategies, wherein
Preface xiii

s­ tudents learn basic material at home, before lecture, before expanding and disappearing U.S. jobs; oil and gasoline
being challenged in class to reach higher levels of under- prices; cap-and-trade systems and carbon taxes; occupa-
standing. In K-12 math programs, for example, students tional licensing; state lotteries; consumption versus income
study short videos on new content at home before coming to inequality; the impact of electronic medical records on
class to work problems. That sequence of learning activities health care costs; the ­surprising fall in illegal immigration
assures that an instructor is present at the stage where stu- after the 2007–2009 recession; conditional and uncondi-
dents encounter the most difficulties, namely, when they at- tional cash transfers; the difficulty of targeting fiscal stimu-
tempt to apply the material. By contrast, the traditional lus; the rapid rise in college tuition; the slow recovery from
(non-flipped) method for teaching elementary math presents the Great Recession; ballooning federal budget deficits and
new content in class before sending students home to work public debt; the long-run funding shortfalls in Social
problems by themselves. That sequence leaves students with- Security and Medicare; the effect of rising d­ ependency ra-
out expert help when they are most vulnerable to misunder- tios on economic growth; innovative Federal Reserve
standings and errors. ­policies, including quantitative easing, the zero interest rate
We have designed our new Peer Instruction materials to policy, and explicit inflation targets; the massive excess re-
facilitate the flipped-classroom method by leveraging the serves in the banking system; the jump in the size of the
adaptive learning materials that are already available in our Fed’s balance sheet; the effect of the zero interest rate pol-
Connect online learning platform. In particular, students can icy on savers; regulation of “too big to fail” banks; trade
be assigned new material before lecture via SmartBook, adjustment assistance; the European Union and the
which is an adaptive-learning technology that tutors students Eurozone; changes in exchange rates; and many other cur-
through the basic concepts and skills presented in each sec- rent topics.
tion of the book. We also recommend that students work be-
fore class on end-of-chapter problems and LearnSmart
(which also come with adaptive feedback thanks to Connect). Chapter-by-Chapter Changes
Those pre-class activities will allow students to master the Each chapter of Economics, 21st edition, contains updated
lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning objectives— data reflecting the current economy, revised Learning
things like remembering and understanding—before they come Objectives, and reorganized and expanded end-of-chapter
to class. They will then be ready to attack the higher levels of content. Every chapter also contains one or more Quick
Bloom’s Taxonomy—things like applying, analyzing, and Review boxes to help students review and solidify content as
evaluating. That’s where our new Peer Instruction material they are reading along.
comes in. Students who have each already worked their way Chapter-specific updates include:
through the lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy come together Chapter 1: Limits, Alternatives, and Choices features two
in class under the instruction of an expert—their teacher—to refreshed Consider This pieces as well as revised new exam-
work in unison on the higher levels of understanding that are ples and working improvements to clarify the main concepts.
the ultimate goal of economics instruction.
We are consequently happy to be offering students and Chapter 2: The Market System and the Circular Flow con-
instructors yet another first, namely, the first high-quality, tains updated examples and a brief new introduction to the
proven, flipped-classroom package available for principles of concept of residual claimant.
economics classes. Not every instructor will choose to use Chapter 3: Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium in-
this material, but we are confident that those who do will cludes a new Last Word on how student lending raises college
wish that it had arrived much sooner. For those instructors tuition as well as data updates and updated examples.
who are new to either Peer Instruction or the flipped-­ Chapter 4: Market Failures: Public Goods and
classroom method, we will be offering extensive complimen- Externalities features updated examples and a new Key Word
tary training and support via online seminars and message on Pigovian taxes.
boards. If you are eager to try these new methods, we will be Chapter 5: Government’s Role and Government Failure has
happy to help you get going and keep going. a new Consider This on government agencies violating gov-
ernment laws, several new examples, and wording revisions
Current Discussions and Examples for increased clarity.
The 21st edition of Economics refers to and discusses many Chapter 6: Elasticity contains several updated examples.
current topics. Examples include surpluses and shortages of Chapter 7: Utility Maximization incorporates updated ex-
tickets at the Olympics; the myriad impacts of ethanol sub- amples and a new Consider This vignette on consumers ap-
sidies; creative destruction; applications of behavioral eco- plying maximizing behavior to the calorie data that are now
nomics; applications of game theory; the most rapidly printed on restaurant menus.
xiv Preface

Chapter 8: Behavioral Economics contains a new Consider Chapter 18: Rent, Interest, and Profit incorporates wording
This piece on the myopia-busting business model employed improvements, data updates, and a new Consider This on the
by Solar City as well as a new Last Word describing the ac- subject of profits.
tivities of the Behavioral Insights Team. Chapter 19: Natural Resource and Energy Economics has
Chapter 9: Businesses and the Costs of Production incorpo- extensive data updates and a new Consider This boxed piece
rates a few wording updates to facilitate rapid comprehension. on how the current limitations of electricity-storage technol-
Chapter 10: Pure Competition in the Short Run features ogy stymie the wider adoption of renewable energy sources
several wording changes to improve student understanding of such as solar and wind power.
the end-of-chapter questions and problems. Chapter 20: Public Finance: Expenditures and Taxes con-
Chapter 11: Pure Competition in the Long Run contains tains extensive data updates and several new examples.
several updated examples to keep the content relevant for Chapter 21: Antitrust Policy and Regulation has a new Last
­today’s students. Word that covers both antitrust prosecutions against human
managers who intentionally engage in anticompetitive prac-
Chapter 12: Pure Monopoly has a new Last Word about indi-
tices as well as the newly evolving area of price-fixing by ar-
vidualized online price discrimination as well as updated
tificial intelligence algorithms that unintentionally collude to
fix prices when they interact with each other.
Chapter 13: Monopolistic Competition was previously part
Chapter 22: Agriculture: Economics and Policy features
of a chapter that covered both monopolistic competition and
­extensive data updates as well as a new section on the
oligopoly. We have split that chapter into two parts for the
Agricultural Act of 2014.
21st edition so that instructors who wish to skip either set of
material may easily do so. Chapter 23: Income Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination
contains a new Consider This about welfare cliffs as well as
Chapter 14: Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior was previ-
­extensive data updates and several new examples.
ously part of a chapter that covered both monopolistic com-
petition and oligopoly. The material on oligopoly constitutes Chapter 24: Health Care contains many data updates as well
the basis for this stand-alone chapter, which also extends the as a completely revised Consider This on the problems that
game theory material found in the previous edition. Our ex- have been encountered during the implementation of the
tended coverage of game theory and strategic behavior in- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
cludes extensive-form (game-tree) representations of Chapter 25: Immigration contains several new examples
sequential games and the concept of subgame-perfect Nash about the economic contributions of immigrants as well as
equilibrium. As with prior editions, all game theory material comprehensive data updates.
is kept concrete by presenting it in the context of strategic Chapter 26: International Trade contains new examples and
behavior among oligopoly firms. data updates.
Chapter 15: Technology, R&D, and Efficiency was previ- Chapter 27: The Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates,
ously a Web Chapter available only online. It has been and Trade Deficits is heavily revised for this edition. There
brought into the main body of the book and contains exten- is an entirely new presentation of fixed exchange rates and
sive data updates as well as several new examples. how the balance of payments under a fixed exchange rate
Chapter 16: The Demand for Resources incorporates determines the direction of change of both foreign exchange
light data updates as well as an entirely new Last Word on reserves as well as the domestic money supply. This pre-
capital-labor substitution. This discussion uses ATM ma- sentation is illustrated with a new Consider This on China’s
chines as its main example, just as the Last Word in the currency peg as well as a new Last Word on whether com-
previous edition did. But an update was required because mon currencies (which are implicit pegs) are a good idea.
recent research indicates that the main premise of the old This chapter also has a new appendix that includes the ma-
Last Word no longer holds true: ATMs did not in fact re- terial on previous (pre-Bretton Woods) exchange rate sys-
place human tellers in the aggregate, at least not after tems that was previously presented in Content Options for
managers adjusted to the new technology. The new Last Instructors 2 (COI2).
Word updates the story.
Chapter 17: Wage Determination features extensive data up-
dates, improved wording for clarity, and a new Last Word on Distinguishing Features
how unnecessary occupational licensing requirements are re- Comprehensive Explanations at an Appropriate Level
ducing employment opportunities. Economics is comprehensive, analytical, and challenging yet
Preface xv

fully accessible to a wide range of students. The thorough- micro and the macro sections of the text include issue- and
ness and accessibility enable instructors to select topics for policy-oriented chapters.
special classroom emphasis with confidence that students
can read and comprehend other independently assigned ma- Stress on the Theory of the Firm We have given much
terial in the book. Where needed, an extra sentence of expla- attention to microeconomics in general and to the theory of
nation is provided. Brevity at the expense of clarity is false the firm in particular, for two reasons. First, the concepts of
economy. microeconomics are difficult for most beginning students; ab-
breviated expositions usually compound these difficulties by
Fundamentals of the Market S ystem Many economies raising more questions than they answer. Second, we wanted
throughout the world are still making difficult transitions to couple analysis of the various market structures with a dis-
from planning to markets while a handful of other countries cussion of the impact of each market arrangement on price,
such as Venezuela seem to be trying to reestablish output levels, resource allocation, and the rate of technologi-
­government-controlled, centrally planned economies. Our de- cal advance.
tailed description of the institutions and operation of the mar- Emphasis on Technological Change and Economic
ket system in Chapter 2 (The Market System and the Circular Growth This edition continues to emphasize economic
Flow) is therefore even more relevant than before. We pay growth. Chapter 1 (Limits, Alternatives, and Choices) uses the
particular attention to property rights, entrepreneurship, free- production possibilities curve to show the basic ingredients of
dom of enterprise and choice, competition, and the role of growth. Chapter 15 (Technology, R&D, and Efficiency) pro-
profits because these concepts are often misunderstood by vides an explicit and cohesive discussion of the microeconom-
beginning students worldwide. ics of technological advance, including topics such as
invention, innovation, and diffusion; start-up firms; R&D deci-
Extensive Treatment of International Economics We sion making; market structure and R&D effort; and creative
give the principles and institutions of the global economy ex- destruction.
tensive treatment. The appendix to Chapter 3 (Demand, Sup-
ply, and Market Equilibrium) has an application on exchange Focus on Economic Policy and Issues For many
rates. Chapter 26 (International Trade) examines key facts of ­students, the micro chapters on antitrust, agriculture, income
international trade, specialization and comparative advan- inequality, health care, and immigration, along with the
tage, arguments for protectionism, impacts of tariffs and sub- macro chapters on fiscal policy and monetary policy, are
sidies, and various trade agreements. Chapter 27 (The where the action is centered. We guide that action along logi-
Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates, and Trade Deficits) cal lines through the application of appropriate analytical
discusses the balance of payments, fixed and floating ex- tools. In the micro, we favor inclusiveness; instructors can
change rates, and U.S. trade deficits. effectively choose two or three chapters from Part 6.
Chapter 26 (International Trade) is constructed such that
instructors who want to cover international trade early in the
course can assign it immediately after Chapter 3. Chapter 26 re- Organizational Alternatives
quires only a good understanding of production possibilities Although instructors generally agree on the content of prin-
analysis and supply and demand analysis to comprehend. ciples of economics courses, they sometimes differ on how to
International competition, trade flows, and financial arrange the material. Economics includes 11 parts, and thus
flows are integrated throughout the micro and macro sec- provides considerable organizational flexibility. We place mi-
tions. “Global Perspective” boxes add to the international fla- croeconomics before macroeconomics because this ordering
vor of the book. is consistent with how contemporary economists view the di-
rection of linkage between the two components. The intro-
Early and Extensive Treatment of Government The ductory material of Parts 1 and 2, however, can be followed
public sector is an integral component of modern capitalism. immediately by the macro analysis of Parts 7 and 8. Similarly,
This book introduces the role of government early. Chapter 4 the two-path macro enables covering the full aggregate ex-
(Market Failures: Public Goods and Externalities) systemati- penditures model or advancing directly from the basic macro
cally discusses public goods and government policies toward relationships chapter to the AD-AS model.
externalities. Chapter 5 (Government’s Role and Government Some instructors will prefer to intersperse the microeco-
Failure) details the factors that cause government failure. And nomics of Parts 4 and 5 with the issues chapters of Part 6.
Chapter 20 (Public Finance: Expenditures and Taxes) exam- Chapter 22 on agriculture may follow Chapters 10 and 11 on
ines taxation and government expenditures in detail. Both the pure competition; Chapter 21 on antitrust and regulation may
xvi Preface

follow Chapters 12, 13, 14, and 15 on imperfect competition this edition uses a consolidated test bank with advanced tagging
models and technological advance. Chapter 25 on immigra- features that will allow instructors to choose familiar questions
tion may follow Chapter 17 on wages; and Chapter 23 on from Test Banks I and II or create new assignments from the
­income inequality may follow Chapters 17 and 18 on distrib- full variety of questions in each chapter. Each test bank question
utive shares of national income. for Economics also maps to a specific learning objective. Randy
Finally, Chapter 26 on international trade can easily be Grant revised Test Bank I for the 21st edition. Felix Kwan of
moved up to immediately after Chapter 3 on supply and de- Maryville University updated Test Bank II. All Test Bank ques-
mand for instructors who want an early discussion of interna- tions are organized by learning objective, topic, AACSB Assur-
tional trade. ance of Learning, and Bloom’s Taxonomy guidelines.
Test Bank III, written by William Walstad, contains
more than 600 pages of short-answer questions and problems
Pedagogical Aids created in the style of the book’s end-of-chapter questions.
Economics is highly student-oriented. The 21st edition is also Test Bank III can be used to construct student assignments or
accompanied by a variety of high-quality supplements that design essay and problem exams. Suggested answers to the
help students master the subject and help instructors imple- essay and problem questions are included. In all, nearly
ment customized courses. 15,000 questions give instructors maximum testing flexibility
while ensuring the fullest possible text correlation.
Digital Tools
Adaptive Reading Experience. SmartBook contains the Computerized Test Bank Online TestGen is a complete,
same content as the print book, but actively tailors that content state-of-the-art test generator and editing application software
to the needs of the individual through adaptive probing. In- that allows instructors to quickly and easily select test items
structors can assign SmartBook reading assignments for points from McGraw-Hill’s test bank content. The instructors can
to create incentives for students to come to class prepared. then organize, edit and customize questions and answers to
rapidly generate tests for paper or online administration. Ques-
Extensive Algorithmic and Graphing Assessment.­ tions can include stylized text, symbols, graphics, and equa-
Robust, auto-gradable question banks for each chapter now tions that are inserted directly into questions using built-in
include even more questions that make use of the Connect mathematical templates. TestGen’s random generator provides
graphing tool. More questions featuring algorithmic varia- the option to display different text or calculated number values
tions have also been added. each time questions are used. With both quick-and-simple test
creation and flexible and robust ­editing tools, TestGen is a
Interactive Graphs. This new assignable resource within complete test generator system for today’s educators.
Connect helps students see the relevance of subject matter by You can use our test bank software, TestGen, or Connect
providing visual displays of real data for students to manipu- Economics to easily query for learning outcomes and objec-
late. All graphs are accompanied by assignable assessment tives that directly relate to the learning objectives for your
questions and feedback to guide students through the experi- course. You can then use the reporting features to aggregate
ence of learning to read and interpret graphs and data. student results in a similar fashion, making the collection and
presentation of assurance-of-learning data simple and easy.
Videos New to this edition are videos that provide support
for key economics topics. These short, engaging explanations AACSB Statement The McGraw-Hill Companies is a proud
are presented at the moment students may be struggling to corporate member of the Association to Advance Collegiate
help them connect the dots and grasp challenging concepts. Schools of Business (AACSB) International. Understanding
Math Preparedness Tutorials. Our math preparedness as- the importance and value of AACSB accreditation, Economics
signments have been reworked to help students refresh on im- has sought to recognize the curricula guidelines detailed in the
portant prerequisite topics necessary to be successful in AACSB standards for business accreditation by connecting
economics. end-of-chapter questions in Economics and the accompanying
test banks to the general knowledge and skill guidelines found
Digital Image Library Every graph and table in the text is in the AACSB standards.
available in the Instructor’s Resource section in Connect. This AACSB Statement for Economics is provided only
as a guide for the users of this text. The AACSB leaves con-
Three Reorganized Test Banks The Economics test banks tent coverage and assessment within the purview of individ-
contain around 14,000 multiple-choice and true-false questions, ual schools, their respective missions, and their respective
many of which were written by the text authors. While previous faculty. While Economics and its teaching package make no
editions grouped these questions into two separate test banks, claim of any specific AACSB qualification or evaluation, we
Preface xvii

have, within Economics labeled selected questions according their coursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning
to the eight ­general knowledge and skills areas emphasized process more accessible and efficient.
Learning Management System Integration
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Supplements for Students and Instructors

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Study Guide One of the world’s leading experts on ­economic available to use with any learning
education, William Walstad of the University of Nebraska–­ management system. McGraw-Hill Campus provides single
Lincoln, prepared the Study Guide. Many students find either the sign-on to faculty and students for all McGraw-Hill material
printed or digital version indispensable. Each chapter contains an and technology from within a school’s website. McGraw-Hill
introductory statement, a checklist of behavioral objectives, an Campus also allows instructors instant access to all supple-
outline, a list of important terms, fill-in questions, problems and ments and teaching materials for all McGraw-Hill products.
projects, objective questions, and discussion questions. Blackboard and Canvas users also benefit from McGraw-
The Guide comprises a superb “portable tutor” for the Hill’s industry-leading integration, providing single sign-on
principles student. Separate Study Guides are available for the access to all Connect assignments and automatic feeding of
macro and micro editions of the text. assignment results to the Blackboard grade book.

Instructor’s Manual Shawn Knabb of Western Washington Tegrity Campus: Lectures 24/7
University revised and updated the Instructor’s Manual to ac- Tegrity Campus is a service that
company the 21st edition of the text. The revised Instructor’s makes class time available 24/7 by
Manual includes: automatically capturing every lecture
∙ Chapter summaries. in a searchable format for students to review when they study
and complete assignments. With a simple one-click start-and-
∙ Listings of “what’s new” in each chapter. stop process, you capture all computer screens and corre-
∙ Teaching tips and suggestions. sponding audio. Students can replay any part of any class with
∙ Learning objectives. easy-to-use browser-based viewing on a PC or Mac.
∙ Chapter outlines. Educators know that the more students can see, hear, and
experience class resources, the better they learn. In fact, stud-
∙ Extra questions and problems. ies prove it. With Tegrity Campus, students quickly recall key
∙ Answers to the end-of-chapter questions and problems, moments by using Tegrity Campus’s unique search feature.
plus correlation guides mapping content to learning This search function helps students efficiently find what they
objectives. need, when they need it, across an entire semester of class
The Instructor’s Manual is available in the Instructor’s Resource recordings. Help turn all your students’ study time into learn-
section, accessible through the Library tab in Connect. ing moments immediately supported by your lecture.
To learn more about Tegrity, you can watch a two-
PowerPoint Presentations A dedicated team of instruc- minute Flash demo at
tors updated the PowerPoint presentations for the 21st edi-
tion: Stephanie Campbell of Mineral Area College and Amy McGraw-Hill Customer Care Contact
Chataginer of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
Each chapter is accompanied by a concise yet thorough tour Information
of the key concepts. Instructors can use these presentations in Getting the most from new technology can be challenging. So
the classroom, and students can use them on their computers. McGraw-Hill offers a large suite of complementary support
services for faculty using Economics. You can contact our
Product Specialists 24 hours a day to set up online technology
Digital Solutions instruction. Or you can contact customer support at any time
by either calling 800-331-5094 or by visiting the Customer
McGraw-Hill Connect® Economics Experience Group (CXG) Support Center at www.mhhe.
Less Managing. More Teaching. com/support. They will put you in touch with a Technical
Greater Learning. Connect Eco- Support Analyst familiar with Economics and its technology
nomics is an online assignment and assessment solution that offerings. And, of course, our online knowledge bank of
offers a number of powerful tools and features that make Frequently Asked Questions is always available at the
managing assignments easier so faculty can spend more time ­just-mentioned website for instant answers to the most com-
teaching. With Connect Economics, students can engage with mon technology questions.
xviii Preface

Acknowledgments We are greatly indebted to an all-star group of profes-

sionals at McGraw-Hill—in particular James Heine, Virgil
We give special thanks to Ryan Umbeck, Peter Staples, Lloyd, Trina Maurer, Harvey Yep, Bruce Gin, Tara
Peggy Dalton, and Matt McMahon for their hard work up- McDermott, Adam Huenecke, and Katie Hoenicke—for their
dating the questions and problems in Connect, as well as the publishing and marketing expertise.
material they created for the additional Connect The 21st edition has benefited from a number of percep-
Problems. Thank you Jody Lotz for her dedicated copy edit- tive formal reviews. The reviewers, listed at the end of the
ing of the Connect end-of-chapter material. Laura preface, were a rich source of suggestions for this revision. To
Maghoney’s expert revision of the SmartBook content and each of you, and others we may have inadvertently over-
consultation on many other elements of this project were looked, thank you for your considerable help in improving
invaluable. Thanks to the many dedicated instructors who Economics.
accuracy-checked the end-of-chapter content, test banks,
and Instructor’s Manuals: Per Norander, Ribhi Daoud,
Gretchen Mester, Erwin Erhardt, and Xavier Whitacre. We Sean M. Flynn
offer our deepest gratitude to the amazing Laureen Cantwell Stanley L. Brue
for her research assistance. Finally, we thank William Campbell R. McConnell
Walstad and Tom Barbiero (the coauthor of our Canadian
edition) for their helpful ideas and insights.
Richard Agesa, Marshall University
Carlos Aguilar, El Paso Community College, Valle Verde
Yamin Ahmad, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater
Eun Ahn, University of Hawaii, West Oahu
Miki Anderson, Pikes Peak Community College
Giuliana Andreopoulos, William Paterson University
Thomas Andrews, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Fatma Antar, Manchester Community College
Len Anyanwu, Union County College
Emmanuel Asigbee, Kirkwood Community College
John Atkins, Pensacola State College
Moses Ayiku, Essex County College
Wendy Bailey, Troy University
Dean Baim, Pepperdine University
Herman Baine, Broward College
Tyra Barrett, Pellissippi State Community College
David Barrus, Brigham Young University, Idaho
Jill Beccaris-Pescatore, Montgomery County Community College
Kevin Beckwith, Salem State University
Christian Beer, Cape Fear Community College
Robert Belsterling, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona
Laura Jean Bhadra, Northern Virginia Community College, Manassas
Priscilla Block, Broward College
Augustine Boakye, Essex County College
Stephanie Campbell, Mineral Area College
Bruce Carpenter, Mansfield University
REVIEWERS Tom Cate, Northern Kentucky University
Semih Emre Çekin, Texas Tech University
Suparna Chakraborty, University of San Francisco
Claude Chang, Johnson & Wales University
Amy Chataginer, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College–Gautier
Shuo Chen, State University of New York–Geneseo
Jon Chesbro, Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Amod Choudhary, Lehman College
Constantinos Christofides, East Stroudsburg University
Kathy Clark, Edison College, Fort Myers
Wes Clark, Midlands Technical College
Jane Clary, College of Charleston
Jane Cline, Forsyth Technical Community College
Patricia Daigle, Mount Wachusett Community College
Anthony Daniele, St. Petersburg College–Gibbs
Rosa Lee Danielson, College of DuPage
Ribhi Daoud, Sinclair Community College
Maria Davis, Indian River State College, Central
William L. Davis, University of Tennessee–Martin
Richard Dixon, Thomas Nelson Community College
Tanya Downing, Cuesta College
Scott Dressler, Villanova University
Brad Duerson, Des Moines Area Community College
Mark J. Eschenfelder, Robert Morris University
Maxwell Eseonu, Virginia State University
Michael Fenick, Broward College

xx Preface

Tyrone Ferdnance, Hampton University Pete Mavrokordatos, Tarrant County College–Northeast Campus
Jeffrey Forrest, St. Louis Community College–Florissant Valley Frederick May, Trident Technical College
Richard Fowles, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Katherine McClain, University of Georgia
Mark Frascatore, Clarkson University Michael McIntyre, Copiah-Lincoln Community College
Shelby Frost, Georgia State University Robert McKizzie, Tarrant County College–Southeast Campus
Sudip Ghosh, Penn State University–Berks Kevin McWoodson, Moraine Valley Community College
Daniel Giedeman, Grand Valley State University Edwin Mensah, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Scott Gilbert, Southern Illinois University Randy Methenitis, Richland College
James Giordano, Villanova University Ida Mirzaie, The Ohio State University
Susan Glanz, St. John’s University David Mitch, University of Maryland–Baltimore County
Lowell Glenn, Utah Valley University Ramesh Mohan, Bryant University
Terri Gonzales, Delgado Community College Daniel Morvey, Piedmont Technical College
Michael Goode, Central Piedmont Community College Shahriar Mostashari, Campbell University
Moonsu Han, North Shore Community College Stefan Mullinax, College of Lake County
Charlie Harrington, Nova Southeastern University, Main Ted Muzio, St. John’s University
Virden Harrison, Modesto Junior College Cliff Nowell, Weber State University
Richard R. Hawkins, University of West Florida Alex Obiya, San Diego City College
Kim Hawtrey, Hope College Albert Okunade, University of Memphis
Glenn Haynes, Western Illinois University Mary Ellen Overbay, Seton Hall University
Mark Healy, Harper College Tammy Parker, University of Louisiana at Monroe
Dennis Heiner, College of Southern Idaho Alberto Alexander Perez, Harford Community College
Michael Heslop, Northern Virginia Community College, David Petersen, American River College
Annandale Mary Anne Pettit, Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville
Calvin Hoy, County College of Morris Jeff Phillips, Morrisville State College
Jesse Hoyt Hill, Tarrant County College Robert Poulton, Graceland University
Jim Hubert, Seattle Central Community College Dezzie Prewitt, Rio Hondo College
Greg W. Hunter, California State Polytechnic Joe Prinzinger, Lynchburg College
University, Pomona Jaishankar Raman, Valparaiso University
Christos Ioannou, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis Natalie Reaves, Rowan University
Faridul Islam, Utah Valley University Virginia Reilly, Ocean County College
Mahshid Jalilvand, University of Wisconsin–Stout Tim Reynolds, Alvin Community College
Ricot Jean, Valencia Community College–Osceola Jose Rafael Rodriguez-Solis, Nova Community College,
Jonatan Jelen, City College of New York Annandale
Stephen Kaifa, County College of Morris John Romps, Saint Anselm College
Brad Kamp, University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee Melissa Rueterbusch, Mott Community College
Gus Karam, Pace University, Pleasantville Tom Scheiding, Elizabethtown College
Kevin Kelley, Northwest Vista College Amy Schmidt, Saint Anselm College
Chris Klein, Middle Tennessee State University Ron Schuelke, Santa Rosa Junior College
Barry Kotlove, Edmonds Community College Sangheon Shin, Alabama State University
Richard Kramer, New England College Alexandra Shiu, McLennan Community College
Felix Kwan, Maryville University Dorothy Siden, Salem State University
Ted Labay, Bishop State Community College Robert Simonson, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Tina Lance, Germanna Community College–Fredericksburg Timothy Simpson, Central New Mexico Community College
Sarah Leahy, Brookdale Community College Jonathan Sleeper, Indian River State College
Yu-Feng Lee, New Mexico State University–Las Cruces Jose Rodriguez Solis, Northern Virginia Community College
Adam Y.C. Lei, Midwestern State University Camille Soltau-Nelson, Oregon State University
Phillip Letting, Harrisburg Area Community College Robert Sonora, Fort Lewis College
Brian Lynch, Lake Land College Maritza Sotomayor, Utah Valley University, Orem
Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi, Winston-Salem State University Nick Spangenberg, Ozarks Technical Community College
Laura Maghoney, Solano Community College Dennis Spector, Naugatuck Valley Community College
Vincent Mangum, Grambling State University Thomas Stevens, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Benjamin Matta, New Mexico State University–Las Cruces Tamika Steward, Tarrant County College, Southeast
Preface xxi

Robin Sturik, Cuyahoga Community College Western–Parma Jeff Vance, Sinclair Community College
Travis Taylor, Christopher Newport University Cheryl Wachenheim, North Dakota State University–Fargo
Ross Thomas, Central New Mexico Community College Christine Wathen, Middlesex County College
Mark Thompson, Augusta State University Wendy Wysocki, Monroe County Community College
Deborah Thorsen, Palm Beach State College Edward Zajicek, Winston-Salem State University
Michael Toma, Armstrong Atlantic State University Sourushe Zandvakili, University of Cincinnati
Dosse Toulaboe, Fort Hays State University

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Preface x PART FIVE

Tables xxxii Microeconomics of Resource
Markets and Government
PART ONE 16 The Demand for Resources 312
Introduction to Economics and the Economy 17 Wage Determination 329
1 Limits, Alternatives, and Choices 1 18 Rent, Interest, and Profit 357
2 The Market System and the Circular Flow 27 19 Natural Resource and Energy Economics 376
20 Public Finance: Expenditures and Taxes 399
Price, Quantity, and Efficiency PART SIX
3 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium 47 Microeconomic Issues and Policies
4 Market Failures: Public Goods and Externalities 76 21 Antitrust Policy and Regulation 421
5 Government’s Role and Government Failure 102 22 Agriculture: Economics and Policy 437
23 Income Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination 455
PART THREE 24 Health Care 479
Consumer Behavior 25 Immigration 500
6 Elasticity 122
7 Utility Maximization 139 PART SEVEN
8 Behavioral Economics 159 International Economics
26 International Trade 517
PART FOUR 27 The Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates,
Microeconomics of Product Markets and Trade Deficits 544
9 Businesses and the Costs of Production 179
10 Pure Competition in the Short Run 202 Glossary G1
11 Pure Competition in the Long Run 220 Index IND0
12 Pure Monopoly 234
13 Monopolistic Competition 256
14 Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior 267
15 Technology, R&D, and Efficiency 292

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
city, membership in which now, I was informed, amounted to
10,000. The chief organizer was a shrewd mestizo, a former
close companion of Aguinaldo, by whom he had been commissioned
to perform this work. He was a friend and associate of some of
our officers; was engaged in organizing the clubs only, as he
stated, to give the poorer classes amusement and education;
held public entertainments in athletics to which our officers
were invited, and in which our soldiers were asked to
participate. Gradually arms were being secretly introduced and
bolos were being manufactured and distributed. The arms were
kept concealed in buildings, and many of them were
subsequently captured. The Chinamen were carrying on a
lucrative business in bolo making, but the provost-marshal had
cruelly seized considerable of their stock. These clubs had
received military organization and were commanded by cunning
Filipino officers regularly appointed by the Malolos
government. The chief organizer departed after organization
had been perfected and thereafter became a confidential
adviser in Malolos affairs. This organization was the subject
of grave apprehension, as it was composed of the worst social
element of the city, and was kept under police supervision as
closely as possible. … The streets of the city were thronged
with unarmed insurgent officers and enlisted men from the
numerically increasing insurgent line on the outskirts, proud
of their uniforms and exhibiting matchless conceit, amusing to
our men, who were apparently unconcerned observers, but who
were quick to take in the rapidly changing conditions. …

"Greater precautionary measures were directed and taken in the

way of redistributing organizations throughout the city, in
advancing and strengthening (though still far within our own
mutually conceded military lines) our posts of observation,
and for the quick response of the men if summoned for
defensive action. Otherwise no change in the conduct,
condition, or temper of the troops was observable. So quietly
were these precautions effected that Filipino citizens,
noticing the apparent indifference of our men, warned me
repeatedly of the danger to be apprehended from a sudden
simultaneous attack of the insurgents within and without the
city, and were quietly informed that we did not anticipate any
great difficulty. Another very noticeable proof of
premeditated intent on the part of the insurgents was
perceived in the excitement manifested by the natives and
their removal in large numbers from the city. All avenues of
exit were filled with vehicles transporting families and
household effects to surrounding villages. The railway
properties were taxed to their utmost capacity in carrying the
fleeing inhabitants to the north within the protection of the
established insurgent military lines. Aguinaldo, by written
communications and messages, invited his old-time friends to
send their families to Malolos, where their safety was
assured, but Hongkong was considered a more secure retreat and
was taken advantage of. A carefully prepared estimate showed
that 40,000 of the inhabitants of the city departed within the
period of fifteen days."

Report of General Otis, August 31, 1899

(Message and Documents: Abridgment, 1899-1900,
volume 2, pages 1075-88).

The counter-proclamation of Aguinaldo, referred to above by

General Otis, was issued on the 5th of January, 1899, from
Malolos, addressed to My brothers, the Filipinos, all the
honorable consuls, and other foreigners." It said:

"Major General E. S. Otis's proclamation published yesterday

in the Manila papers obliges me to circulate the present one,
in order that all who read and understand it may know of my
most solemn protest against said proclamation, for I am moved
by my duty and my conscience before God, by my political
obligations with my beloved country, by my official and
private relations to the North American nations.
In the above mentioned proclamation, General Otis calls
himself 'Military Governor in the Philippines,' and I protest
once and a thousand times, with all the energy in my soul,
against such an authority. I solemnly proclaim that I have
never had, either at Singapore or here in the Philippines, any
verbal or written contract for the recognition of American
sovereignty over this cherished soil. … Our countrymen and
foreigners are witnesses that the land and naval forces of the
United States existing here have recognized by act the
belligerency of the Philippines, not only respecting but also
doing public honor to the Filipino banner, which triumphantly
traversed our seas in view of foreign nations represented here
by their respective consuls.

"As in his proclamation General Otis alludes to some

instructions issued by His Excellency the President of the
United States relating to the administration of affairs in the
Philippines, I solemnly protest in the name of God, root and
source of all justice and all right, who has visibly acceded
me the power to direct my dear brethren in the difficult task
of our regeneration, against this intrusion of the United
States Government in the administration of these islands. In
the same manner I protest against such an unexpected act which
treats of American sovereignty in these islands in the face of
all antecedents that I have in my possession referring to my
relations with the American authorities, which are unequivocal
testimony that the United States did not take me out of Hong
Kong to make war against Spain for their own benefit, but for
the benefit of our liberty and independence, to which end said
authorities verbally promised me their active support and
efficacious co-operation. So that you all may understand it,
my beloved brothers, it is the principle of liberty and
absolute independence that has been our noble ambition for the
purpose of obtaining the desired object, with a force given by
the conviction, now very widespread, not to retrace the path
of glory that we have passed over."-

United States, 56th Congress, 1st Session,

Senate Document 208, page 103.

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: A. D. 1899 (January).

Appointment of the First Commission to the Philippines
and the President's instructions to it.

On the 20th of January, 1899, the President of the United

States addressed the following communication to the Secretary
of State: "My communication to the Secretary of War, dated
December 21, 1898, declares the necessity of extending the
actual occupation and administration of the city, harbor, and
bay of Manila to the whole of the territory which by the
treaty of Paris, signed on December 10, 1898, passed from the
sovereignty of Spain to the sovereignty of the United States,
and the consequent establishment of military government
throughout the entire group of the Philippine Islands. While
the treaty has not yet been ratified, it is believed that it
will be by the time of the arrival at Manila of the
commissioners named below. In order to facilitate the most
humane, pacific, and effective extension of authority
throughout these islands, and to secure, with the least
possible delay, the benefits of a wise and generous protection
of life and property to the inhabitants, I have named Jacob G.
Schurman, Rear-Admiral George Dewey, Major General Elwell S.
Otis, Charles Denby, and Dean C. Worcester to constitute a
commission to aid in the accomplishment of these results. In
the performance of this duty, the commissioners are enjoined
to meet at the earliest possible day in the city of Manila and
to announce, by a public proclamation, their presence and the
mission intrusted to them, carefully setting forth that, while
the military government already proclaimed is to be maintained
and continued so long as necessity may require, efforts will
be made to alleviate the burden of taxation, to establish
industrial and commercial prosperity, and to provide for the
safety of persons and of property by such means as may be
found conducive to these ends.
"The commissioners will endeavor, without interference with
the military authorities of the United States now in control
of the Philippines, to ascertain what amelioration in the
condition of the inhabitants and what improvements in public
order may be practicable, and for this purpose they will study
attentively the existing social and political state of the
various populations, particularly as regards the forms of
local government, the administration of justice, the
collection of customs and other taxes, the means of
transportation, and the need of public improvements. They will
report through the Department of State, according to the forms
customary or hereafter prescribed for transmitting and preserving
such communications, the results of their observations and
reflections, and will recommend such executive action as may
from time to time seem to them wise and useful. The
commissioners are hereby authorized to confer authoritatively
with any persons resident in the islands from whom they may
believe themselves able to derive information or suggestions
valuable for the purposes of their commission, or whom they
may choose to employ as agents, as may be necessary for this

"The temporary government of the islands is intrusted to the

military authorities, as already provided for by my
instructions to the Secretary of War of December 21, 1898, and
will continue until Congress shall determine otherwise. The
commission may render valuable services by examining with
special care the legislative needs of the various groups of
inhabitants, and by reporting, with recommendations, the
measures which should be instituted for the maintenance of
order, peace, and public welfare, either as temporary steps to
be taken immediately for the perfection of present
administration, or as suggestions for future legislation. In
so far as immediate personal changes in the civil
administration may seem to be advisable, the commissioners are
empowered to recommend suitable persons for appointment to
these offices from among the inhabitants of the islands who
have previously acknowledged their allegiance to this

"It is my desire that in all their relations with the

inhabitants of the islands the commissioners exercise due
respect for all the ideals, customs, and institutions of the
tribes which compose the population, emphasizing upon all
occasions the just and beneficent intentions of the Government
of the United States. It is also my wish and expectation that the
commissioners may be received in a manner due to the honored
and authorized representatives of the American Republic, duly
commissioned on account of their knowledge, skill, and
integrity as bearers of the good will, the protection, and the
richest blessings of a liberating rather than a conquering


Report of the Philippine Commission, January 31, 1900,

volume 1, exhibit 2 (page 185).


PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: A. D. 1899 (January-February).

Causes of and responsibility for the outbreak of hostilities
between the Americans and the Filipinos.

"The Philippine Information Society," organized for the

purpose of "placing within reach of the American people the
most reliable and authoritative evidence attainable in regard
to the people of the Philippine Islands and our relations to
them," has published in Number VII of the First Series of its
pamphlets a carefully made collection of information, from
official and other sources, relative to the circumstances in
which hostilities between the American and Filipino forces
came about. On this as on other subjects which the society has
investigated it seems to have pursued its inquiries with no
aim but to learn and set forth the truth. Its conclusions,
resting on the evidence which it submits, are stated in an
introduction to the pamphlet as follows:

"It will presumably he admitted that the important question

with regard to the Outbreak of Hostilities, February 4, 1899,
is not, who fired the first shot, but who was responsible for
the conditions that made it evident to every observer weeks
before the clash came that a single shot might bring on war. …
The situation may be briefly explained as follows: We believed
that the Philippine Archipelago was and ought to be ours, and
we were moving to take possession as rapidly as possible. The
Filipinos, or at least Aguinaldo's government and followers,
believed that the country was theirs and they resented every
effort on our part to occupy it. We considered it ours through
cession from Spain and right of conquest. They claimed that
Spain no longer held possession of the country and therefore
had no right to cede it to us; moreover, that by right of
conquest we were entitled only to temporary occupation of
Manila. We wished to extend our sovereignty throughout the
Archipelago with all possible dispatch. They desired
independence, or at least a protectorate which, while securing
them from foreign aggression, should leave them control of
their internal affairs. While a discussion of the justice of
either position does not come within the limits of the present
inquiry, it is important to remember that from the first a
minority in this country urged that the Filipinos were
entitled to a promise of ultimate independence, and that a
resolution of Congress, similar to that passed in the case of
Cuba, would avert all occasion for war. This course having
been rejected by our country, the question arises, did the
assertion of United States sovereignty render war inevitable? …

"No doubt most Americans believe that left to themselves the

Filipinos would soon have lapsed into anarchy, while a few
maintain that with temporary assistance in international
affairs they would have developed a government better suited
to their peculiar needs than we can ever give them. Still
others who are familiar with the Filipinos and kindred races
believe that their aspiration for an independent national
existence was not deep rooted, that had we adopted an
affectionate, admiring tone to their leaders, had we
recognized their government and approved of it, we could soon
have made their government our government, could have been as
sovereign as we pleased, and had the people with us. Whatever
view one may hold, it must be admitted that if we were to
establish our sovereignty by peaceful methods it was essential
to win the confidence and affection of the Filipinos. … There
is every indication that the Filipinos were prepared, at
first, to treat us as friends and liberators. General Anderson
tells the following interesting story: The prevailing
sentiment of the Filipinos towards us can be shown by one
incident. About the middle of July the insurgent leaders in
Cavite invited a number of our army and navy officers to a
banquet. There was some post-prandial speech-making, the
substance of the Filipino talk being that they wished to be
annexed but not conquered. One of our officers in reply
assured them that we had not come to make them slaves, but to
make them free men. A singular scene followed. All the
Filipinos rose to their feet, and Buencomeno, taking his
wine-glass in his hand, said: We wish to be baptized in that
sentiment. Then he and the rest poured the wine from their
glasses over their heads. After the very first, however, the
cultivation of intimate relations with the Filipino leaders
seems to have been considered unimportant or inadvisable.
General Merritt states that he never saw Aguinaldo. Social
intercourse between our officers and the Filipinos was
discouraged by General Otis. In fact after the surrender of
Manila General Whittier seems to have been the only one of our
superior officers who ever had a personal interview with

"Certainly after the proclamation of January 4, [see above: A.

D. 1898-1899 (JANUARY-FEBRUARY)] war could only have been
avoided by a decisive action of Congress promising ultimate
independence to the Filipinos. That proclamation of January 4
raised the issue and provoked the counter proclamation of
January 5, which so stirred the people against us—a
proclamation in which Aguinaldo once and a thousand times and
with all the energy of his soul protested against American
sovereignty, and which closed with the words, 'upon their
heads be all the blood which may be shed.' …

"Aguinaldo's proclamation was followed by a series of

conferences of which General Otis reports 'It was one
continued plea for some concession that would satisfy tho
people.' On January 16th he cabled to Washington, 'Aspiration
Filipino people is independence with restrictions resulting
from conditions which its government agree with American when
latter agree to officially recognize the former.' Finally on
January 25th he sent word to the insurgent commissioners that
'To this dispatch no reply has been received.' From this time
General Otis states, the insurgents hurried forward
preparations for war. Contemporaneous with these events in the
Philippines the Treaty of Peace was pending in the United
States Senate where it had been assigned for a vote on
February 6th.

"With regard to the actual outbreak of' hostilities, there is

a sharp difference of opinion. The United States press
dispatches announcing the outbreak, and the contemporaneous
newspaper statements by the Filipinos … are of interest as
evidence that from the very first each side claimed the other
to be the aggressor.
As to which of these opposing claims is borne out by the
facts, the editors would say that after careful study of all
the accessible evidence they find that according to the most
authoritative statements the outbreak occurred as the result
of a trespass by four armed Filipinos on territory admitted by
the Filipino in command to be within the jurisdiction of the
United States. The number of Filipinos has been variously
estimated. The editors follow the report of General MacArthur
in command of the division in which the firing began, which
agrees with the report of Second-Lieutenant Wheedon of the
First Nebraska U. S. Volunteer Infantry, stationed at Santa
Mesa. The action of the Filipino trespassers seems to have
been an instance of bad discipline in the insurgent army.
Certainly it was not ordered on that date by the insurgent
leaders, although there are some indications that the leaders
had planned to attack in a few days. The claim that our forces
instigated the attack for the purpose of securing the votes
necessary to ratify the treaty is absolutely unsupported by
any evidence which has come to the attention of the editors."

Philippine Information Society,

Publications, First Series, VII., Introduction.

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: A. D. 1899 (January-November).

Attack on American forces by the Tagalos.
Continued hostilities.
Progress of American conquest.

"No definite date had been set for the attack [by the hostile
Tagalos], but a signal by means of rockets had been agreed
upon, and it was universally understood that it would come
upon the occurrence of the first act on the part of the
American forces which would afford a pretext; and in the lack
of such act, in the near future at all events. Persistent
attempts were made to provoke our soldiers to fire. The
insurgents were insolent to our guards and made persistent and
continuous efforts to push them back and advance the insurgent
lines farther into the city of Manila. … With great tact and
patience the commanding general had held his forces in check,
and he now made a final effort to preserve the peace by
appointing a commission to meet a similar body appointed by
Aguinaldo and to 'confer with regard to the situation of
affairs and to arrive at a mutual understanding of the intent,
purposes, aims, and desires of the Filipino people and of the
people of the United States.' Six sessions were held, the last
occurring on January 29, six days before the outbreak of
hostilities. No substantial results were obtained, the
Filipino commissioners being either unable or unwilling to
give any definite statements of the 'intent, purposes, and
aims of their people.' At the close of the last session they
were given full assurances that no hostile act would be
inaugurated by the United States troops. The critical moment
had now arrived. Aguinaldo secretly ordered the Filipinos who
were friendly to him to seek refuge outside the city. The
Nebraska regiment at that time was in camp on the east line at
Santa Mesa, and was guarding its front. For days before the
memorable 4th of February, 1899, the outposts in front of the
regiment had been openly menaced and assaulted by insurgent
soldiers; they were attempting to push our outposts back and
advance their line. They made light of our sentinels and
persistently ignored their orders. On the evening of the 4th
of February, an insurgent officer came to the front with a
detail of men and attempted to pass the guard on the San Juan
Bridge, our guard being stationed at the west end of the
bridge. The Nebraska sentinel drove them back without firing,
but a few minutes before 9 o'clock that evening a large body
of insurgent troops made an advance on the South Dakota
outposts, which fell back rather than fire. About the same
time the insurgents came in force to the east end of the San
Juan Bridge, in front of the Nebraska regiment. For several
nights prior thereto a lieutenant in the insurgent army had
been coming regularly to our outpost No. 2, of the Nebraska
regiment, and attempting to force the outpost back and
insisting on posting his guard within the Nebraska lines; and
at this time and in the darkness he again appeared with a
detail of about six men and approached Private Grayson, of
Company D, First Nebraska Volunteers, the sentinel on duty at
outpost No. 2. He, after halting them three times without
effect, fired, killing the lieutenant, whose men returned the
fire and then retreated. Immediately rockets were sent up by
the Filipinos, and they commenced firing all along the line, …
and continued to fire until about midnight; and about 4
o'clock on the morning of February 5 the insurgents again
opened fire all around the city and kept it up until the
Americans charged them and drove them with great slaughter out
of their trenches."

Philippine Commission, Preliminary Report

(Exhibit 1.—Report, January 31, 1900,
volume 1, pages 174-175).

"They [the insurgents] were promptly repulsed in a series of

active engagements which extended through the night of the
4th, and the 5th, 6th, and 10th days of February. Our lines
were extended and established at a considerable distance from
the city in every direction. On the 22d of February a
concerted rising of the Tagalogs in the city of Manila, of
whom there are about 200,000, was attempted, under
instructions to massacre all the Americans and Europeans in
the city. This attempt was promptly suppressed and the city
was placed under strict control. The troops composing the
Eighth Army Corps under General Otis's command at that time
were of regulars 171 officers and 5,201 enlisted men and of
volunteers 667 officers and 14,831 enlisted men, making an
aggregate of 838 officers and 20,032 enlisted men. All of the
volunteers and 1,650 of the regulars were, or were about to
become entitled to their discharge, and their right was
perfected by the exchange of ratifications of the treaty on
the 11th of April. …

"The months of the most intense heat, followed by the very

severe rainy season of that climate, were immediately
approaching, and for any effective occupation of the country
it was necessary to await both the close of the rainy season
and the supply of new troops to take the place of those about
to be discharged. Practically all the volunteers who were then
in the Philippines consented to forego the just expectation of
an immediate return to their homes, and to remain in the field
until their places could be supplied by new troops. They
voluntarily subjected themselves to the dangers and casualties
of numerous engagements, and to the very great hardships of
the climate. They exhibited fortitude and courage, and are
entitled to high commendation for their patriotic spirit and
soldierly conduct. …


"No attempt was … made to occupy the country, except in the

vicinity of Manila, and at such points as were important for
the protection of our lines. Such movements as passed beyond
this territory were designed primarily to break up threatening
concentrations of insurgent troops, and to prevent undue
annoyance to the positions which we occupied. On the 11th of
February the city of Iloilo, on the island of Panay, the
second port of the Philippines in importance, was occupied.
After the capture of Iloilo the navy took possession of the
city of Cebu, on the island of Cebu, and on the 26th of
February a battalion of the 23d Infantry was dispatched to
that port for the protection of the inhabitants and property.
On the 1st of March a military district comprising the islands
of Panay, Negros, and Cebu, and such other Visayan islands as
might be thereafter designated, to be known as the 'Visayan
Military District,' was established and placed under the
supervision of Brigadier General Marcus P. Miller, commanding
1st Separate Brigade, Eighth Army Corps, with headquarters at
Iloilo. The 3d Battalion of the 1st California Volunteer
Infantry was thereupon ordered to the island of Negros, under
the command of Colonel (now Brigadier General) James F. Smith,
and took possession of the city of Bacolod, on that island,
without resistance. On the 5th of May Brigadier General James
F. Smith assumed temporary command of the Visayan military
district, and on the 25th of May Brigadier General R. P.
Hughes, United States Volunteers, was assigned to the command
of the district. On the 19th of May the Spanish garrison at
Jolo, in the Sulu Archipelago, was replaced by American
troops. By the 31st of August the number of troops stationed
at Jolo and the Visayan Islands, including a small guard at
the Cavite Arsenal, amounted to 4,145. …

"All of the forces who were entitled to be discharged as above

mentioned have now [November. 29, 1899] been returned to this
country and mustered out. The new troops designed to take the
place of those returning to this country, and to constitute an
effective army for the occupation of the Philippines, have
been transported to Manila. … The troops now in the
Philippines comprise 905 officers and 30,578 men of the
regular force, and 594 officers and 15,388 men of the
volunteer force, making an aggregate of 1,499 officers and
45,966 men, and when the troops on the way have arrived the
total force constituting the Eighth Army Corps will be 2,051
officers and 63,483 men.

"By the 10th of October the process of changing armies and the
approach of the dry season had reached a point where an
advance toward the general occupation of the country was
justified. At that time the American lines extended from the
Bay of Manila to Laguna de Bay, and included considerable
parts of the provinces of Cavite, Laguna, and Morong to the
south and east of Manila, substantially all of the province of
Manila and the southern parts of Bulacan and Pampanga,
dividing the insurgent forces into two widely separated parts.
To the south and east of our lines in Cavite and Morong were
numerous bands occasionally concentrating for attack on our
lines, and as frequently dispersed and driven back toward the
mountains. On the 8th or October, the insurgents in this
region having again gathered and attacked our lines of
communication, General Schwan with a column of 1,726 men
commenced a movement from Bacoor, in the province of Cavite,
driving the enemy through Old Cavite, Noveleta, Santa Cruz,
San Francisco de Malabon, Saban, and Perez das Marinas,
punishing them severely, scattering them and destroying them
as organized forces, and returning on the 13th to Bacoor. On
the north of our lines stretched the great plain of central
Luzon extending north from Manila about 120 miles. This plain
comprises parts of the provinces of Manila, Pampanga, Bulacan,
Tarlac, Nueva, Ecija, and Pangasinan. It is, roughly speaking,
bounded on the south by the Bay of Manila: on the east and
west by high mountain ranges separating it from the seacoasts,
and on the north by mountains and the Gulf of Lingayen.
Through the northeast and central portion flows the Rio Grande
from the northern mountains southwesterly to the Bay of Manila,
and near the western edge runs the only railroad on the island
of Luzon, in a general southeasterly direction from Dagupan,
on the Bay of Lingayen, to Manila. In this territory Aguinaldo
exercised a military dictatorship, and with a so-called
cabinet imitated the forms of civil government, having his
headquarters at Tarlac, which he called his capital, and which
is situated near the center of the western boundary of the

"The operations commenced in October involved the movement of

three separate forces:

(1) A column proceeding up the Rio Grande and along the

northeastern borders of the plain and bending around to the
westward across the northern boundary toward the Gulf of
Lingayen, garrisoning the towns and occupying the mountain
passes which gave exit into the northeastern division of the

(2) An expedition proceeding by transports to the Gulf of

Lingayen, there to land at the northwestern corner of the
plain and occupy the great coast road which from that point
runs between the mountains and the sea to the northern
extremity of the island, and to proceed eastward to a junction
with the first column.

(3) A third column proceeding directly up the railroad to the

capture of Tarlac, and thence still up the road to Dagupan,
driving the insurgent forces before it toward the line held by
the first two columns.

These movements were executed with energy, rapidity, and

success, notwithstanding the exceedingly unfavorable weather
and deluges of rain, which rendered the progress of troops and
transportation of subsistence most difficult. On the 12th of
October a strong column under General Lawton, with General
Young commanding the advance, commenced the northerly movement
up the Rio Grande from Arayat, driving the insurgents before
it to the northward and westward. On the 18th the advance
reached Cabiao. On the 19th San Isidro was captured, and a
garrison established; on the 27th Cabanatuan was occupied, and
a permanent station established there. On the 1st of November
Aliaga and Talavera were occupied. In the meantime
detachments, chiefly of Young's cavalry, were operating to the
west of the general line of advance, striking insurgent
parties wherever they were found and driving them toward the
line of the railroad. By the 13th of November the advance had
turned to the westward, and our troops had captured San Jose,
Lupao, Humingan, San Quintin, Tayug, and San Nicolas. By the
18th of November the advance had occupied Asingan and Rosales,
and was moving on Pozorrubio, a strongly intrenched post about 12
miles east of San Fabian. General Lawton's forces now held a
line of posts extending up the eastern side of the plain and
curving around and across the northern end to within a few
miles of the Gulf of Lingayen.


"On the 6th of November a force of 2,500, under command of

General Wheaton, sailed from Manila for the Gulf of Lingayen,
convoyed by ships of the Navy, and on the 7th the expedition
was successfully landed at San Fabian with effective
assistance from a naval convoy against spirited opposition. On
the 12th the 33d Volunteers, of Wheaton's command, under
Colonel Hare, proceeded southeastward to San Jacinto, attacked
and routed 1,200 intrenched insurgents, with the loss of the
gallant Major John A. Logan and 6 enlisted men killed, and one
officer and 11 men wounded. The enemy left 81 dead in the
trenches and suffered a total loss estimated at 300. In the
meantime, on the 5th of November, a column under General
McArthur advanced up the railroad from Angeles to Magalang,
clearing the country between Angeles and Arayat, encountering
and routing bodies of the enemy at different points, and
capturing Magalang. On the 11th it took Bamban, Capas, and
Concepcion, and on the 12th of November entered Tarlac, from
which the enemy fled on its approach. Meantime, parties,
mainly of the 36th Volunteers, under Colonel J. F. Bell,
cleared the country to the right of the line of advance as far
east as the points reached by General Lawton's flanking
parties. On the 17th of November McArthur's column had
occupied Gerona and Panique, to the north of Tarlac, On the
19th, Wheaton's troops, and on the 20th, McArthur's troops,
entered Dagupan.

"On the 24th of November General Otis was able to telegraph to

the Department as follows: 'Claim to government by insurgents
can be made no longer under any fiction. Its treasurer,
secretary of the interior, and president of congress in our
hands; its president and remaining cabinet officers in hiding,
evidently in different central Luzon provinces; its generals
and troops in small bands scattered through these provinces,
acting as banditti, or dispersed, playing the rôle of
"Amigos," with arms concealed.' Since that time our troops
have been actively pursuing the flying and scattered bands of
insurgents, further dispersing them, making many prisoners,
and releasing many Spanish prisoners who had been in the
insurgents' hands. On the 23d General Young's column had
reached Namacpacan, 30 miles north of San Fernando, in the
province of Union, and passed north into the mountains; and on
the 24th Vigan, the principal port of the northwest coast, was
occupied by a body of marines landed from the battle ship
Oregon. Wherever the permanent occupation of our troops has
extended in the Philippine Islands civil law has been
immediately put in force. The courts have been organized and
the most learned and competent native lawyers have been
appointed to preside over them. A system of education has been
introduced and numerous schools have been established."

Annual Report of the Secretary of War, 1899

(Message and Documents: Abridgment, 1899-1900,
volume 2, pages 735-741).

General Young, whose movement is referred to above, reported

to General Otis from Pozorrubio, on the 17th of November:
"Aguinaldo is now a fugitive and an outlaw, seeking security
in escape to the mountains or by sea. My cavalry have ridden
down his forces wherever found, utterly routing them in every
instance, killing some, capturing and liberating many
prisoners, and destroying many arms, ammunition, and other war
impediments." On the 30th, Major March was sent by General
Young, as he expresses it, "on Aguinaldo's trail," and
encountered the forces of the Filipino General Pilar in the
Tila Pass. The following is Major March's report of the fight
which then occurred, and in which the Filipino commander fell:
"The trail winds up the Tila Mountains in a sharp zigzag. The
enemy had constructed a stone barricade across the trail at a
point where it commanded the turns of the zigzag for a
considerable distance. The barricade was loopholed for
infantry fire and afforded head cover for the insurgents. On
passing on beyond Lingey the advance was checked by a heavy
fire from this barricade, which killed and wounded several
men, without having its position revealed. I brought up the
remainder of the command at double time, losing two men
wounded during the run up. On arriving at the point, I located
the insurgents' position with my glasses—their fire being
entirely Mauser and smokeless powder—by the presence of the
insurgent officer who showed himself freely and directed the
fire. On pushing forward, the number of my men who were hit
increased so rapidly that it was evident that the position
could not be taken by a front attack, when the trail only
allowed the men to pass one at a time. On the left of the
barricade was a gorge several hundred feet deep. On its right,
as we faced it, was a precipitous mountain which rose 1,500 feet
above the trail. Across the gorge and to the left front of the
barricade was a hill, which, while it did not permit of flank
fire into the barricade, commanded the trail in its rear, and
this point I occupied with ten sharpshooters in command of
Sergeant-Major McDougall. He lost one man wounded in getting
to the top, and when there rendered most effective assistance.
I then ordered Lieutenant Tompkins to take his company (H) and
proceeding back on the trail to ascend the slope of the
mountain under cover of a slight ridge which struck the face
of the mountain about 150 feet from the summit. From there he
had a straight-up climb to the top, where the men pulled
themselves up by twigs and by hand. The ascent took two hours,
during which the enemy kept up an incessant and accurate fire,
which they varied by rolling down stones on our heads. When
Tompkins' men appeared upon the crest of the hills over their
heads, he had the command of the two other trenches which were
constructed in rear of the barricade, I have described, around
a sharp turn in the trail, and which were also held by the
insurgents. He opened fire upon them and I charged the first
barricade at the same time, and rushed the enemy over the
hill. We found eight dead bodies on the trail, and the bushes
which grew at the edge of the gorge were broken and
blood-stained where dead or wounded men fell through. Among
the dead bodies was that of Gregorio del Pilar, the general
commanding insurgent forces. I have in my possession his
shoulder straps; French field glasses, which gave the range of
objects; official and private papers, and a mass of means of
identification. He was also recognized personally by Mr.
McCutcheon and Mr. Keene, two newspaper correspondents who had
met him before.
The insurgents' report of their loss in this fight is 52,
given to me after I reached Cervantes. My loss was 2 killed
and 9 wounded. I reached the summit at 4.30 P. M. and camped
there for the night. … At Cervantes I learned that the force
at Tila Pass was a picked force from Aguinaldo's body guard,
and that it was wiped out of existence. Aguinaldo with his
wife and two other women and a handful of men were living in a
convent at Cervantes, perfectly secure in his belief that Tila
Pass was an impregnable position. It was the insurgents'

Report of Lieutenant-General Commanding the Army, 1900,

part 4, page 331.

Mr. McCutcheon, one of the newspaper correspondents referred

to by Major March, gave to the "Chicago Record" a graphic
account of the fight in Tila Pass, and wrote feelingly of the
death to the young Filipino General Pilar:

"General Gregorio del Pilar," wrote Mr. McCutcheon, "was the

last man to fall. He was striving to escape up the trail and
had already received a wound in the shoulder. A native was
holding his horse for him and just as he was preparing to
mount a Krag-Jorgensen bullet caught him in the neck, and
passing through came out just below his mouth. The men of
Company E, rushing up the trail, caught the native, who was
endeavoring to secure the papers which the general had in his
pockets, and a moment later captured the horse. At that time
no one knew who the dead man was, but from his uniform and
insignia they judged that he was an officer of high rank. The
souvenir fiend was at once at work and the body was stripped
of everything of value from the diamond ring to the boots. …
Many letters were found, most of them from his sweetheart,
Dolores Jose, who lived in Dagupan. A handkerchief bearing her
name was also found in his pocket. One letter was found from
the president of Lingay and gave the exact number of soldiers
in March's command. Pilar's diary, which ran from November 19
on to the day of his death, was of remarkable interest, for it

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