Syllabus ARTT100 summer online 2024 Use this (2)

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FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)

ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

Quick Links (click to jump to section)

Course Outcomes & Gen Assignments &
Basic Info & Welcome Finding Resources Grades & Policies
Ed Status Schedule

Welcome to ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts

We Start: 06/12/2024 We End: 08/08/2024 We Meet: Fully Online (asynchronous) Blackboard

Our Classroom is: Fully Online (asynchronous) Blackboard Extra Fees to Know About: NA

Greeting, my name is Ivy Chevers, and I will be your instructor for this section. My contact info is below:

Email: Phone: 301-846-2477

Office Room Number: F136 Mailbox: 234
Office Hours: Online by appointment

Course Description
Introduces students to the areas of visual arts, dance, music, and theater through an exploration of representative works with a
global perspective. The study of the creative arts will develop critical appreciation for the arts, enhance self-expression, and provide
a better understanding of the human experience. Attendance at an art museum or a live performance is required OR USE THE
The course meets the Maryland state approved Associate of Arts in Teaching degree.

Welcome Message
Welcome to ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts. I am looking forward to a rewarding semester teaching and learning in the
arts with you all. I hope we all have some fun and gain considerable knowledge this semester covering the incredibly rich and diverse
forms of art.

About FCC’s Commitment to Equity

It’s FCC's mission to serve students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives; to address students’ learning needs; and to
respect students' identities, inclusive of sexuality, gender identity and expression, disability, age, religion, socio-economic status,
ethnicity, race, and culture.

While I will do my part to ensure that all students are seen, heard, and valued, your suggestions of how to make this class an
inclusive space are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you
personally or for other students or student groups. In addition, if any of our class meetings conflict with your religious events, please
let me know so that we can make arrangements.

What You Will Need for This Course

Textbook: Perceiving The Arts, 11th Edition, Dennis J. Sporre (required) ISBN: 020599511X

Other Learning Materials: Online readings and videos.

Other Required Equipment or Materials: FCC Email; FCC Blackboard access; ability to stream video and audio from the internet.

FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)
ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

How to Find Resources at FCC

If you need any of the supplies listed above, a good place to start is the FCC Bookstore. But that’s not all! FCC has a wide range of
resources available to you – from advising and tutoring, to mental health resources and food lockers, to a writing center and support
services, and everything in between. Explore the options online, in Navigate, and in Blackboard, and don’t be afraid to use them;
they’re here to help.

FCC’s also committed to making sure all students can get the most out of our courses, including those with disabilities (including
learning, attention, hearing, vision, psychological, chronic medical, and more) in need of accommodations. If you have an
accommodation plan, be sure to share it and discuss your needs with your instructor. Do this as soon as possible - the
accommodations don’t happen until the plan is shared with your instructor. If you’re not yet registered for a plan and/or want more
information on accommodations, you can learn details, find contact information, and request services at our website.

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Core Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

1. Students will demonstrate college-level communication skills.

a. Through demonstrating knowledge of the key vocabulary of each discipline.

b. Through critiquing in written or oral form, a work of art using vocabulary and criteria from this course.

2. Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills.

a. Through the analysis of a live cultural/aesthetic presentation.

b. Through written or oral evaluation of artistic performance and exhibitions, demonstrate an understanding and appreciation
for the connections among dance, theatre, visual arts, and music.

3. Students will interpret and apply academic, professional and civic ethics.

a. Display academic honesty, properly documenting source material, valuing the responsibility of the individual and
understanding the need for lifelong learning.

b. Identify and follow commonly accepted ethical standards in academic professional and civic contexts.

4. Students will understand and interpret social and educational values.

a. Students will understand the need for lifelong learning and its applicability to their educational goals.

5. Students will make informed critical responses to the arts and to the human values expressed in all
art forms.

a. Through personal reflection and recorded analysis of the social impact of a work in terms of its subject, form and content.

b. Through developing a presentation that demonstrates relationships among selected works of art.

6. Students will be able to discuss basic technical aspects and historically contextualize
representative works from various artistic genres and time periods.

a. Students will display general knowledge and historical awareness of artworks.

b. Through the comparison and contrast of selective periods, cultures and genres in the history of visual/performing arts.

FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)
ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

Additional Course Info

This course can also satisfy these Gen Ed requirements (if two are listed, it can only satisfy one or the other):

Gen Ed Type 1: Yes, Arts Gen Ed Type 2: Yes, Arts and Humanities
FCC Cultural Competence? Yes
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Additional General Education Core Learning Outcomes (if applicable)

By successfully completing this course, you’ll also be able to:

a. Produce effective and appropriate oral, written, and visual information for a specific subject, discipline, purpose, audience,
and context.
b. Interpret and synthesize information from oral, written, and visual texts.
c. Apply active listening skills.
d. Differentiate among facts, opinions, and inferences.
e. Analyze information from various sources.
f. Recognize and develop alternative perspectives or solutions.
g. Evaluate alternatives to make sound judgments.

What’s Getting Graded?

Tests/Papers/Projects/Participation Outcome(s) Being

Point Value Final Grade Scale
(as appropriate) Assessed
Blackboard Discussion Activities (6) x 30 900-1000=A
1,2,3,4,5 & 6 180
pts each 800-899=B
Quizzes (4) x 75 pts each 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 300 700-799=C
Midterm 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 150 600-699=D
Final 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 150 599 or below=F
Peer Review of Final Paper 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 20
Art Museum or Performance Critique
1,2,3,4,5, & 6 200

Total: 1000

Participation Policy and Expectations

Note: Your instructors are required to report student attendance at the beginning of the session and report no later than the day
after the 100% refund date (you can find that later in the syllabus). FCC won’t disburse Federal Student Aid to students until your
instructor confirms your attendance.

Students are expected to participate fully in all course activities. This includes, but is not limited to, completing assignments,
regularly logging into Blackboard and responding to emails and feedback from the instructor.

(1) While the inherent testing component of the course requires participation, the participation policy will include a Participation
Activity in the form of a professional online or live, concert, dance, theatre, critique or major museum visit which will
comprise 20% of the student's final grade. This course requires attendance virtually or in person to an approved, professional
musical event (jazz or classical), theatre performance, major art museum, or dance (ballet, contemporary, or traditional
world) performance during the course dates. The critique paper will be based upon the museum or performance event
viewed online or live.

(2) In case of serious illness, emergency, religious holidays or participation in official college functions, students remain responsible
for completing the requirements of the course.

(3) At the end of the course, students are expected to complete the course evaluation. Student feedback is anonymous.
FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)
ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

(4) The course level class participation policy is designed to support the learning process.

(5) To maintain the highest quality of academic work, the course level class participation policy

encourages and expects the student to participate fully in all course activities.

Assignments: Check the Announcements and Weekly Assignments in Blackboard (Bbd) regularly for assignments. Content is
organized by week and new assignments for each week will usually be posted on Monday afternoons. A week is defined as Monday
afternoon through Sunday evening beginning with the first day of classes. The topical outline attached to this syllabus lists in detail
the subjects, assessments and supplemental assignments corresponding to each week. Use the topical outline and Blackboard in
tandem. Printing the topical outline and using it as a checklist for assignments is highly recommended. This course is not self-paced.
Any changes to the topical outline will be announced through Blackboard ( Plan
to log into Bbd multiple times each weekday and to check your FCC email regularly.

Content: The required textbook will be supplemented with online resources, powerpoints, PDF files, etc. to provide the content for
this course. Reading and writing assignments, listening exercises, artwork observations, Blackboard activities, live-performance
attendance and tests will be assigned.

Assessments and Grades: Weekly Discussion learning activities in Blackboard, a Midterm Exam, a Final Exam, and a Final Critique
Paper based on a live or online performance or museum visit comprise your grade for this course. Please note:

Extra, non-graded assignments may be given to facilitate learning. Such activities may include observing videos, researching extra
topics, and/or posting on the discussion board.

Student grades are posted online and are not mailed. Check for help.

Planning Your Time: The reading assignments and activities will take time to comprehend. Re-reading material is often necessary. It
is crucial that you allocate specific time each week to complete work for this course. To enforce this aspect of the course,
assignments and tests will be "closed" at particular points in the schedule. See the topical outline for assignment due dates. This
course is NOT self-paced.

Computer Competency: Basic computer skills are necessary for participation in this course. These skills include, but are not limited
to, using word processing programs such as Microsoft Word, downloading and viewing PDF files, streaming audio and video from
weblinks, navigating websites and using Blackboard.

Instructor Response and Grading: I monitor my email frequently and will set specific times during the week when I will be available
to answer emails and post on the course Discussion Board in Blackboard. Your emails are welcome. However, please make sure your
emails are necessary, specifically related to the course content and worded in a professional manner. I WILL ONLY ANSWER EMAILS
FROM YOUR FREDERICK.EDU ADDRESSES. Additionally, I would like to encourage the use of the Discussion Board in Blackboard to
answer general questions about course content.

Contact the instructor as soon as possible if you have an emergency that prevents you from submitting an assignment on time so
that arrangements can be made for you to keep up in the class. Timely communication is a best practice.

No assignments will be accepted after the semester closes at 11:59 PM, August 8, 2024.

Use of ChatGPT (or other similar tools or software that generate suggested text) is not allowed in this class for any part of a graded
assignment, including the generation of ideas, writing of text, or rewriting your own work. Doing so is considered a violation of the
Academic Integrity section in the Code of Student Conduct. Violations could result in failure of the assignment or failure of the
course and a notation on your transcript.

Since writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of the learning outcomes of this course, all writing assignments should be
prepared by the student. Developing strong competencies in this area will prepare you for a competitive workplace. Therefore, AI-
generated submissions are not permitted and will be treated as plagiarism.

FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)
ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

College-Wide Expectations
As an FCC student, you’ll be expected to abide by the Code of Student Conduct. Basically, we expect you to act with integrity,
treat others with respect, and avoid plagiarism, cheating, and other academic dishonesty (visit the link, page 7, to see some
examples of what counts).

And you can expect to be treated honestly, fairly, and respectfully, as well. Your records will stay private (see our FERPA
protections), you’ll be free from discrimination in all we do, and you’ll always be empowered to participate and give honest
feedback on your experiences. Thank you for helping make our FCC community one where everyone is able to thrive.

Tracking How You’re Doing in the Course

I will maintain grades in Blackboard’s Grade Center – you will be able to keep track of them by using the “My Grades” tab in
Blackboard. You may receive alerts about your progress from me to help you identify and address issues interfering with your
success in the course (those will be sent to your FCC email, and advisors will also get a copy to help ensure your success). However, it
is important to remember that it is your responsibility to communicate with me as soon as possible if you have any questions
regarding your progress. The sooner we can talk about an issue, the easier it usually is to address it.

Contacting Your Instructor

When you enrolled at FCC, you received a myFCC email address – be sure to set up that email if you haven’t done so already. You’ll
need to use that email when you’re communicating with your instructor or other FCC employees, and it’s the one they’ll use to
contact you too. In addition to being listed above, you’ll also be able to find your instructor’s email in Blackboard. (Your classmates’
myFCC emails will be there as well.) You should expect your instructor to respond to regular email messages in about 24-36 hours if
you’re in an online course, and about 48 hours if you’re in a hybrid or in-person course.

IMPORTANT: All College email communication will use your myFCC email address, so be sure to check it often.

Final Grades

When your instructor submits your final grade, the Registrar's Office will post it in the records of your PeopleSoft student account.
You can use that student account to see your grades, view your transcript, or request an official transcript at any time. The grades
that appear in PeopleSoft—not the ones in Blackboard—are your official grades.

Thinking of Withdrawing?

If you’re considering withdrawing from the course, be sure to talk to your instructor, an advisor, and financial aid about it before you
do! There are important deadlines that help determine what effect it might have on your transcript and whether you get a tuition
refund. Withdrawing also doesn’t automatically stop you from being charged for the class; there are a lot of details that matter. Let
us know your situation as soon as you can, and we can help make sure you’ve got all the information and support to make the best

Last Day for 100% Refund: 06/17/2024 Last Day to Withdraw or Audit: 07/17/2024
The course will no longer appear on your transcript. If you withdraw, you’ll get a “W;” if you audit, an “AU.”
Last Day for 50% Refund: 06/24/2024
You’ll get a “W” on your transcript.

How to Submit a Complaint

My hope is that all students have a positive experience in this class. If you have a negative experience, we’d love to learn more about
what happened – feedback is an important part of making our courses better for everyone. Your first step should be reaching out to
your instructor to try and resolve the issue. If you can’t find a solution with them, your next step is contacting your Program
Manager or Department Chair. Their contact information is:

Name: Wendell Poindexter Role: Program Manager

Email: Phone: 301-846-2513
Office Room Number: F123

FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)
ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

If you still can’t find a good solution, we also have an official complaint process that’s open to all students. We also have a specific
procedure if your complaint is related to Title IX issues (discrimination, harassment, etc. based on sex or gender), and another if your
complaint is related to discrimination for any other reason.

No matter what the result, thank you! We appreciate you taking the time to talk to us about the challenge.

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How Much Time Should You Expect to Spend on this Course?

Time Required Frequency During Total Out of Class Time

Out of Class Work Summary
(Estimate) Term (Estimate)
Chapter reading, at home note taking 4 hours 7 times 28
Discussion Boards 4 hours 6 times 24
Performance / Museum Event 6 hours 1 time 6
Paper Writing 4 hours 3 times 12
Quizzes, Midterm, and Final 3 hours 6 times 18

GRAND TOTAL: 88 hours / 8 weeks = 11

average hours per week

Course Outline and Assignment Schedule: What’s Happening and When?

Please know that your instructor may change this schedule if the need arises. If that happens, they’ll let you know what’s changing
and why.

Week 1 Chapters 1 & 2, Pages 1 – 62 First post to the discussion
June 12-16 What are the board must be made by
arts and how FCC Safety & Security Video Messages: June 14. Replies to
do we respond College Emergency Response: classmates must be posted
to them? by June 16.
Visual Art
Review Syllabus/Course Policies/ Timeline/ Introductions.
Arts in our Society Introduction to the elements common to the
four arts: Concepts/vocabulary/ cultural influences, etc.

General Course Overview and Introduction.

Introduction to visual art. Basic vocabulary, examples, methods,
themes, etc.
1st Blackboard Discussion Who is Who? Due

FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)
ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

Week 2 Visual Art / Introduction to sculpture. Basic vocabulary, examples, methods, First post to the discussion
June 17-23 Sculpture themes, etc. board must be made by
Chapter 3 Pages 63 – 83 June 19. Replies to
2nd Blackboard Discussion and Quiz 1 Due classmates must be posted
by June 23.
Week 3 Music Introduction to music. Basic vocabulary, examples, methods, Quiz 1 is due by June 25.
June 24- 30 themes, etc.
Chapter 5 Pages 114 – 127 First post to the discussion
3rd Blackboard Discussion Due board must be made by
Quiz 1 Due June 26. Replies to
classmates must be posted
by June 30.
Week 4 Music Basic vocabulary, examples, methods, themes, etc. First post to the discussion
July 1 - 7 Chapter 5 Pages 127 – 140 board must be made by July
3. Replies to classmates
4th Blackboard Discussion and Quiz 2 Due must be posted by July 7.
Midterm Open Quiz due July 7.
Week 5 Theater Introduction to theater. Basic vocabulary, examples, methods, First post to the discussion
July 8-14 themes, etc. board must be made by July
Chapter 7 Pages 164 – 185 10. Midterm due July 12.
5th Blackboard Discussion and Midterm Due Replies to classmates in
discussion must be posted
by July 14.

Week 6 Dance Introduction to dance. Basic vocabulary, examples, methods, Quiz due July 17.
July 15 - 21 themes, etc.
Chapter 9 Pages 206-214 Rough draft of final paper
Begin work on rough draft of final paper due for peer review on July
Quiz 3 Due 21.
Week 7 Dance Basic vocabulary, examples, methods, themes, etc. Complete peer review by
July 22- Chapter 9 Pages 214 – 223 July 24. Final paper must
July 28 6th Blackboard Discussion Due be submitted by July 28.
Final Paper Due
First post to the discussion
Course Evaluation Open board must be made by July
24. Replies to classmates in
discussion must be posted
by July 28.
Week 8 Final Exam Quiz 4 and Final Exam Due Quiz 4 Due July 31.
July 29 –
Aug. 8 Final Exam Must be
submitted by August 8

Important Date(s) Description

On-Campus Emergency Drills [Can be found on Security drill schedule]
Wednesday, June 19 Juneteenth Observed - College Holiday
Thursday, July 4 Independence Day - College Holiday
June 17 Last Date to Drop with a 100% refund [Can be found on Academic Calendar]
June 24 Last Date to Withdraw with a 50% refund [Can be found on Academic Calendar]
July 17 Last Date to Withdraw/Audit the Course [Can be found on Academic Calendar]
FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE – Communication, Arts, & Languages (CAL)
ARTT100 Introduction to the Creative Arts – Summer 2024, ONL1, 8W1 – 3 CREDITS

Course Evaluation Dates [Check with Online Learning & Instructional Innovation (OLII)

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