Flare Gas recovery (FGR)

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Practical flare gas recovery for

minimising flaring
Brian Blackwell, Trevor Leagas and Greg Seefeldt Zeeco, Inc.

lares play a critical role as a safety device in EPA to develop technology- based standards that
refineries, and in most oil and gas producing apply to specific categories of stationary sources.
or processing facilities. Flares provide a safe, These standards are referred to as New Source
effective means for the destruction of Volatile Performance Standards (NSPS) and are found in
Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other gases 40 CFR Part 60. Subpart J and Subpart Ja of the
during plant emergencies, upsets, and normal NSPS deal specifically with petroleum refineries.
operating conditions. Historically, the flare has While NSPS Subpart Ja (40 CFR 60;
served as the vapour “sewer” for the facility, §60.100a-§60.109a) has a much broader appli-
collecting and burning all of the unwanted gases cation than just the reduction or elimination of
and system leakage. routine, or non-emergency, flaring, the standard
In recent years some refinery owners and does directly address reducing routine flaring
operators decided to recover the potentially high overall.
heat-value gasses existing in their flare systems Three applicability triggers in NSPS Subpart
due to normal operations in lieu of flaring. Flare Ja are directly related to flare systems: construc-
gas recovery offers some real and tangible tion, modification, and reconstruction:
benefits: Construction is the erection of a new flare on
• Recovered flare gas can be re-used in plant or after June 24, 2008. Construction is, of
process heater burners and boiler burners course, any new flare built in a refinery.
• Reduces the amount of natural gas purchased Reconstruction is defined in the NSPS General
by the facility Practices §60.15(b) as having occurred when the
• Less purchased gas means a fairly short return current-day capital cost of all flare-related capi-
on investment for the cost of the flare gas recov- tal projects over any two-year period is greater
ery system than 50% of the current-day capital cost to
• If the flare tip is an assist-
type, employing flare gas
recovery reduces the consump-
tion of steam or air while
increasing the life of the flare
Flare gas recovery provides
some intangible benefits, as
well. Reducing the amount of
flaring overall reduces the visi-
bility of the flare, improving
public perceptions of the
Flaring in the United States is
addressed by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in
Section 111 of the Clean Air Act
of 1970, which authorised the Example of a Zeeco Flare Gas Recovery System

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totally replace the flare with a comparable new Subpart Ja present both a cost to refineries as
flare. well as potential cost savings over time. Once
Modification of a flare, for the purposes of refinery operators can quantify the amount of
meeting Subpart Ja, commences (1) when a gas being burned in the flare on a regular basis,
project that includes any new piping from a they can identify cost-effective flare gas minimi-
refinery process unit, including ancillary equip- sation or recovery projects to improve
ment, or a fuel gas system is physically operational profitability by capturing high ener-
connected to the flare (e.g., for direct emergency gy-value gas. The H2S and Total Reduced
relief or some form of continuous or intermittent Sulphur continuous monitoring is included for
venting); or (2) when a flare is physically altered environmental reasons to reduce the occurrences
to increase the flow capacity of the flare. of exceeding the 162 ppm H2S in a three-hour
However, only a few specific exceptions exist to rolling average, or 500 lbs of S02 emitted in a
the “new connections” passage to the flare rule, 24-hour period.
and refinery operators should familiarise them- While enforcement lies at the discretion of the
selves with the ruling or seek expert assistance. regulator, (and penalties for failing to comply
Basically, if a refinery has constructed a new with the provisions of NSPS Subpart Ja are still
flare, reconstructed a flare, or modified its exist- not clear), the EPA’s “Enforcement Alert, EPA
ing flare system since June 2008, NSPS Subpart 325-F-012-002” was sent out in August 2012
Ja will apply to that flare. announcing that penalties under the Clean Air
• New or reconstructed flares must comply with Act for violations of US federal requirements can
all portions of Subpart Ja upon startup of the result in fines of as much as $37,500 per viola-
flare. tion, per day.
• Modified flares must comply as follows:
■ 162 ppmv H S (three-hour rolling average)
Likely Outcomes of Flaring Regulations
limit at startup of the flare with exceptions While flaring and emissions control regulations
allowed as follows: (1) modified flares not previ- vary worldwide, they are in general becoming
ously subject to the H2S limit in 40 CFR 60 more and more stringent. Even operators in
Subpart J; (2) modified flares with monitoring areas not yet required to have flare mitigation
alternative as defined in subpart Ja; or (3) flares plans or flare gas recovery options in place can
complying with Subpart J as specified in a benefit from the economic, environmental, and
consent decree. In these cases the flare will need public perception benefits of reducing routine
to comply with the 162 ppmv requirement by flaring through a flare gas recovery system. In
November 13, 2015. the United States, the potential for costly fines
■ Compliance with all other portions of or even plant shutdowns makes investigating
Subpart Ja by November 13, 2015. this option a far better short-term time invest-
■ The 162 ppmv H S limit does not apply to ment with the November 2015 compliance date
the combustion in the flare of process upset looming. Other economic and intangible benefits
gases. for installing flare gas recovery include reduction
Subpart Ja also contains specific design, equip- in purchased gas for the refinery, reduced utility
ment, work practice, or operation standards that consumption by the flare, extension of the life of
apply to any owner or operator of an affected the flare tip, reduced noise produced by the flare
flare. §60.103a states that each owner or opera- during normal operations, reduced visibility of
tor who operates a flare subject to this subpart the flare by neighbours, and improved percep-
shall develop and implement a written flare tion of the facility within the community.
management plan no later than November 11,
2015 or upon startup of the modified flare, Step by Step System Design
whichever is later. Requirements for continuous Feasibility Study
flow monitoring, H2S concentration monitoring In most situations, the initial step to introduce
and Total Reduced Sulphur monitoring for any flare gas recovery is the completion of a feasibil-
affected flare, whether constructed, recon- ity study. This study should include an extended
structed or modified are also a part of the rule. period of flare gas flow metering to help identify
The continuous monitoring requirements in the true flow rates of gas to be recovered. Zeeco

2 January 2015 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001051

recommends a monitoring
minimum time of three weeks,
although engineers prefer to
evaluate months’ or even years’
worth of flow data, if available.

Flow Meter Output

Flow metering of the gas to be
recovered is but one part of the
study. Consideration should
also be given to the type of
technology that will be utilised;
comparing the technology’s
suitability in respect to the inlet
and outlet conditions of the Flow Meter Output
system; and assessing the
economics of each technology and flexibility in and making upgrades to equipment that feeds
operation. into the flare system on a day-to-day basis (i.e.,
Once the flow metering data and other techni- non-emergency release), the end user should
cal considerations are addressed, the supplier and review its flaring management policies. This
end user should then discuss the technology review should include an assessment of which
options and the selection of a flow rate suitable flares are used for which service, and how they
for the technology and the refinery. Due diligence could be used more efficiently or upgraded to
upfront should prevent systems from being over- accommodate a change in flow or different
sized, resulting in a poor return on investment. gases. Zeeco’s extensive history in flare system
If the end user can make available the cost of design and supply allows its engineering team to
fuel gas, utilities, and other critical information, provide assistance to end users in development
the feasibility study also can predict the likely of their flare management plans.
payback time and other cost benefits.
Once the feasibility study is completed and the Deep Liquid Seal Systems: Modifications to Improve Flare
project costs are identified, the end user should Gas Recovery Economics
then determine any changes that need to be Ensuring a reasonable system back-pressure is
made to the flare’s current operation. As part of crucial when installing a Flare Gas Recovery
this, consider where possible maintenance or unit. Zeeco recommends the application of a
upgrades should be applied to reduce the flare deep seal drum to achieve this. Zeeco’s deep seal
load created by each item of plant: drums were developed after years of extensive
• Block and bleed valve sealing research and development to offer an advanced
• Header sweep gas flow rates design that improves FGR efficiency and ensures
• Installation of flare purge reduction devices to the flare operates without pulsation or surging –
reduce continuous purge rate issues that are common with standard liquid seal
• Replacement of leaking PSVs that relieve to drums.
the flare header In addition to increasing the efficiency of the
• Replacement of leaking control valves that FGR operation, these deep seal drums provide a
relieve to the flare header higher level of safety in the overall system
Once these considerations have been design. Should the turndown control on the
addressed and the flaring reduced as much as Flare Gas Recovery system malfunction, the
possible without affecting the refinery’s opera- compressors could potentially begin pulling a
tion, the study can be re-assessed and recovery vacuum on the flare header. A deeper seal drum
rates can be adjusted as necessary. will allow a greater amount of vacuum to be
pulled before the seal is broken and air can enter
Flare Management Plan through the flare tip (causing an explosion
In addition to completing the feasibility study hazard). A deeper seal drum therefore provides a

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on the system requirements, a number of tech-
nologies may be available – each with its own
merits and limitations. The following offers a
brief summary of the most common technology
for Flare Gas Recovery systems:

Sliding Vane Compressors

Sliding vane compressors are simple machines
that do not follow any API standard. They can
operate with a variable speed drive unit and can,
therefore, offer high efficiency. Sliding vane
compressors can be offered with a built-in 3:1
The maximum outlet pressure of sliding van
compressors is ~150 psig and the heat of
compression is passed into the gas so gas
after-cooling is required.
The advantages of sliding vane compressors lie
in their efficiency (65 to 75%) and the resulting
low power usage and flexibility in operation.
Disadvantages include their materials of
construction being ductile iron and an inability
to meet stringent standards.

Zeeco Deep Liquid Seal Drums Liquid Ring Compressors

These have become the industry standard for
longer amount of time for the turndown issue to Flare Gas Recovery systems. They are good for
be fixed or the system to be shut down before discharge pressures up to around 150 psig but
any safety hazards occur. their efficiency isn’t as good as other technolo-
gies with them working at around 25 to 30% at
FGR Design full load.
Following the completion of the feasibility study These compressors work by mixing gas with
and/or identification of the design recovery flows liquid (normally water) and, therefore, require a
of flare gasses, the following information also separation vessel post compression.
will be needed before the FGR design can be These compressors have the advantage of
completed: being able to accept some liquids and particles
• Inlet flare header pressure in the gas, plus they operate at relatively low
• Inlet gas temperature speeds and have low maintenance demands.
• Required recovered gas outlet pressure
• Required gas outlet temperature Oil Flooded Screw Compressors
• Technology preference These compressors can reach discharge pres-
• Available cooling water supplies sures well above 150 psig and higher efficiencies
• Site space availability than liquid ring compressors (60 to 80%) An
• Range of gas compositions internal slide valve is used to turn the compres-
• Utility availability sor capacity down.
• Required system turndown The main disadvantage is that oil contacts the
• Location of FGR within the refinery and process gas and will eventually become contami-
distance to the takeoff point from the flare nated. The frequency of required oil changes is
header. dependent on process conditions.
Once this information has been obtained, the
FGR system will be custom-designed and Dry Screw Compressors
tailored to the process application. Depending These compressors can reach discharge pres-

4 January 2015 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001051

sures well above 150 psig; however, since there completed by shell and tube or plate and frame
is not any oil in the compression cycle to remove heat exchangers, assuming the end user has a
heat, all of the heat is transferred to the cooling source available or by using a stand-
compressed gas. This high heat of compression alone air-cooled heat exchanger.
results in the need for multiple stages of Depending on the compressor technology
compression with intercooling. VFDs are used to used, the gas inlet requirements may alter. For
turn them down to approximately 75% capacity. example, the gas must be clean and dry for the
Oil contamination is not a concern, since there is screw compressors and the sliding vane
not any oil in the compression cycle. compressors but this is not as critical for the
The main disadvantages are the high noise liquid ring units. In some cases a suction scrub-
levels due to the high speed of operation (>8000 ber may be necessary to remove liquids or
rpm), the need for multiple stages with inter- particulate before the gas enters the compressor.
cooling, and the high compressor cost. The ancillaries required downstream of the
compressors will be determined by the refinery’s
Reciprocating Compressors requirements in respect to the recovered gas.
Reciprocating compressors are typically not Dry screw, sliding vane, and reciprocating
preferred for FGR applications, primarily due to compressors pass the heat of compression into
their high maintenance requirements (as a result the gas and, as such, the recovered gas will need
of the many moving parts). However, reciprocat- to be cooled after the compressor discharge. For
ing compressors have the advantage of creating the liquid ring technology and flooded screw
a high pressure ratio in a single stage and can compressors, most of the heat is passed into the
supply recovered gas to a pressure of >300 psig. service liquid and, therefore, only the service
The more modern, lower-maintenance machines liquid needs to be cooled before being recycled
should be applied if the choice is made to use a back into the system.
reciprocating compressor. They also tend to be All Flare Gas Recovery units will require a
lower cost than the screw compressor technolo- control system. This can be via a stand-alone
gies and site operators/technicians tend to be PLC, or alternatively, the system control can be
more familiar with working on recips than other accommodated within the site.
compressor technologies. Some end-users prefer that FGR systems be
supplied pre-assembled as single skid units.
Eductors/Ejectors Within reason this can be achieved on smaller
If a refinery has a high-pressure motive force Flare Gas Recovery systems. However, for larger
available (which can be gas, water or steam), the systems the units are supplied in many pieces to
application of an eductor or ejector can be be stick--built on site, or as several larger
considered. An eductor offers an excellent low modules that are tied together at the site.
cost solution. The criteria for using an eductor
system is significantly different than for a regu- Case study
lar flare gas recovery package, but should be Zeeco had the opportunity to provide multiple
considered as an option or a partial system stages of support for several Flare Gas Recovery
option during the feasibility stage. The main systems for a major European refinery. This
drawback of eductors is the large amount of project included verification of the original feasi-
motive force (i.e., utility requirements) needed. bility study, FGR design and engineering, flare
system modification, and supply and commis-
Required Ancillary Equipment for FGR sioning of the FGR system.
The ancillaries needed for operating a Flare Gas The end-user’s requirements for the project
Recovery system depend on the technology were to reduce H2S flaring at the refinery to
choice. For any compressor technology where a satisfy local regulators and to conserve fuel to
service liquid (water, oil, etc.) is mixed with the help ensure the long-term financial viability of
gas, the liquid then needs to be separated and the plant. The end-user operated two separate
recycled, which requires a separator vessel. The flare systems located in different areas of the
service liquid collects the heat from compres- refinery. The project:
sion, and as such needs to be cooled. This can be 1. Determined during the feasibility stage that

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two separate “packaged” flare gas recovery units Conclusions
were the preferred solution. Subpart Ja regulations will continue to impact
2. Discovered that the recovered gasses on both the US refining industry for the next several
systems contained large concentrations of H2S years, and similarly tightening regulations will
(>50% in some cases), so a downstream H2S affect flaring worldwide. While some refineries
scrubbing system was utilised to clean the gasses already have implemented the necessary changes
for re-use in the plant. to comply with these regulations, other facilities
3. Modified both existing flare liquid seal drums are farther behind and run the risk of non-com-
to provide approximately 0.5 psig of suction pliance. Zeeco continues to encounter end-user
pressure at the FGR inlet. Control of the FGR confusion in the industry about the necessary
systems was from stand-alone PLCs. changes needed at each facility and recommends
4. Designed both Flare Gas Recovery systems choosing an experienced flare and flare gas
based on a similar design using a common engi- recovery expert to best understand the impact
neering concept, and supplied them as single regulations have at each facility.
skid units ready to “plug and play” as required.
5. Both units used liquid ring compressor tech- The information contained in this paper reflects Zeeco, Inc.’s
nology, and the systems were supplied with a opinions and interpretations of Environmental Protection
100% recycle lines for operational flexibility. Agency regulations; accordingly, information in this paper is not
promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete, and should
6. Installed and commissioned the flare gas
not be considered an indication of future results. Zeeco, Inc.
recovery systems in March 2014, and both FGR
expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not
systems have run smoothly since.
taken based on any or all the contents of this paper.
7. Calculated an original payback period for
continual operation of the systems of approxi-
mately 14 months. However, the actual normal
gas flow rate during refinery operation is higher
than expected, which will likely shorten the
payback period. Links
The end-user is experiencing the following
benefits from its FGR systems: More articles from: Zeeco Inc
• Reduced H2S flaring More articles from the following categories:
• Improved visual image on the plant Combustion Engineering
• Reduced smoking of the flare, since the normal Design, Engineering & Construction
flow rates in the utility flare are now recovered Emissions Control
• Compliance with local regulatory Energy Efficiency/Energy Management
requirements. Fired Heaters Gas Processing/Treatment
LNG/GTL Petrochemicals
• Reduction in the amount of purchased fuel gas
Power Generation Process Chemicals
in the plant, since recovered gas is used.
Safety, Health, Environment and Quality
• Expected increase in the longevity of flare tips

6 January 2015 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001051

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