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Forensic Investigation in Mobile Cloud


Nouha Samet1,2, Asma Ben Letaïfa1,2, Mohamed Hamdi2, Sami Tabbane1,2

MEDIATRON, University of Carthage
Higher School of Communications of Tunis, Sup’Com
Ariana, Tunisia, asma.benletaifa/mmh/

Abstract— Cloud computing is changing the way we use overview of mobile cloud forensics. In section III, we present
mobile application by offering a powerful, scalable and on- challenges faced by investigator when dealing with mobile
demand computational resources to mobile users. However, this cloud infrastructure. In section IV, we conduct a comparative
new paradigm is a challenging issue for forensic investigators study among some proposals for mobile cloud forensics.
since it combines two different environments. The adoption of Finally, section V concludes this paper and explores the future
Mobile Cloud computing solutions is increasing rapidly, so it is works.
necessary for digital investigation applications and procedure to
be adapted to this new environment. This paper provides an II. MOBILE CLOUD FORENSICS
overview of mobile cloud forensics including challenging issues
and some existing proposals in order to overcome these Mobile Cloud computing inherent from the Cloud
challenges. computing advantages and help mobile devices to overcome
problems faced by traditional mobile applications; especially
Keywords—Mobile Cloud computing, digital forensics, mobile in term of data storage and processing capabilities. Cloud is
cloud forensics. then considered to be a promising solution for mobile
computing by improving data storage capacity and processing
I. INTRODUCTION power, improving reliability, extending battery lifetime,
Mobile Computing becomes a powerful trend in the providing dynamic provisioning and scalability and ease of
development of IT technology; latest generation of mobile integration [2]. As application execution is partitioned
communication networks offers to the user a rich experience between the terminal and the cloud server, mobile cloud
of mobile Internet and applications. However, the variety of forensics should take on consideration these two different
environments. Consequently, investigations should be made in
mobile devices and their limited resources is hampering
two levels: mobile level and cloud level.
some sophisticated applications that require large processing
and storage capabilities. The cloud extends the performance of Mobile phone forensics is the science of recovering digital
mobile terminals and enable applications previously not evidence from a mobile phone under forensically sound
feasible to find their way to mobile users. This is called conditions using accepted methods [3]. Mobile data evidence
"Mobile Cloud Computing" which is increasing rapidly; cloud can be extracted from the user mobile device; Subscriber
computing based mobile software and application are expected Identity Module (SIM) card, internal memory, external
to rise by 88% per year between 2009 and 2014[1]. memory card. Data collected is related to call or SMS history,
Internet browsing history, Emails, multimedia files. Other
Mobile cloud computing is now offering to mobile phones additional information provided by the Network Service
large connectivity options, storage and processing capabilities, Provider may be useful like historical call records, messages
which can be a way to abuse digital crimes. The growth of information, and user localization over the time. According to
mobile device use is not only increasing and diversifying the Brother in [4], there are three main extraction methods used by
data to be analyzed, but also complicating investigations. forensics investigators for mobile data acquisition. These
Regarding Clouds, the task is more difficult given the changes methods are classified in a layered pyramid; manual, logical
in the way information is created, stored, accessed and and physical extraction methods. Going up from the bottom
managed. Digital forensics is facing specificities of Mobile layer to the top layer, the extraction procedure produce a more
Cloud environment such as, terminals proliferation, loss of forensically sound memory images, require longer analysis
control over data, lack of access to physical infrastructure and time and involve more technical expertise and training.
lack of tools for large distributed and virtualized systems.
Cloud forensics has been defined as “the application of
Mobile cloud forensics is about a very rich research area. digital forensics science in cloud computing environments.
This paper aims to present challenging issues for Mobile Technically, it consists of a hybrid forensic approach towards
Cloud forensics and give a look into some works that deal the generation of digital evidence. Organizationally, it
with forensic problems within this environment. The rest of involves interactions among cloud actors for the purpose of
the article is organized as follows: section II provides an

978-1-4799-5874-0/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

facilitating both internal and external investigations. Legally we discuss in details challenges forensic investigator are
it often implies multi-jurisdictional and multi-tenant experiencing within cloud environment.
situations.” [5]. Cloud forensics is still a growing area of
research, so few works has defined forensic process in cloud Data acquisition is the most crucial step in investigation
environment. In [6], cloud forensics is presented as a four step process; any error that occurs during collection can cause
process that applies the principles of digital forensics with the doubt about the data integrity and authenticity so it can’t be
challenge of combining different physical and logical admissible evidence in low court. Acquisition process
locations; client-side and Provider-side. involves data identification, access, seizure and preservation.
Due to the dynamic nature of cloud computing systems,
III. MOBILE CLOUD FORENSICS CHALLENGES knowing the exact location of data at a specific time is very
hard. Hence, physical inaccessibility makes collection harder
In this section, we present challenges faced by considering the fact that existing tools and procedures assume
investigators when dealing with mobile cloud infrastructure, that we can physically access to computers in order to perform
as discussed in current research literature. Regarding the evidence acquisition. In general, in cloud environment,
nature of mobile cloud architectures, forensic challenges are investigators have less control over the evidence than in
associated to both mobile networking specificity and traditional digital forensics, depending on the cloud service
distributed cloud environment. model. This loss of control has an impact on crime scene
The main problem faced by analyst in mobile phone reconstruction and causes difficulties to sequence crime events
investigation is the lack of standard method for data extraction and establish timelines. Moreover, in such virtualized
and internal memory analysis for smart phones. This problem environment, data can be easily lost if we turn off virtual
is even accentuated with changes in technologies, multitude of machine and we don’t dispose of instance’s image. Data
manufactures with different methods for storing and collection should be done in a specific order according to the
processing data in the mobile equipment. As discussed volatility of the data; highly volatile data, such as registry
previously, physical extraction methods extract more entries and temporary files, should be collected first.
forensically sound data but require high technical expertise Furthermore, dependency on a Cloud Service Provider is an
and longer analysis time. However, logical extraction methods important issue in investigation process. Investigators will rely
cause problem with data integrity; data can be remotely on a third party in order to collect data from clouds. That’s
contaminated (destroyed or changed), via network connection, why data collection process should follow a methodology to
since the mobile should be active and connected during preserve data integrity with clear duties segregation between
acquisition [8]. Moreover, most of the commercially available the client and the provider and without breaking law or
forensic tools do not provide solutions to deal with physically compromising confidentiality of other tenants sharing the
damaged mobile phones; so deleted data can only be same resource. Further, performing forensic data collection in
recovered using physical acquisition. The loss of data on clouds involves downloading VM instance’s image via
mobile device can be the result of the absence of the SIM card network. VM size will increase with data contained and used
or the use of another SIM card. Furthermore, identifying the by that VM, which requires large bandwidth to complete
mobile user is an important action in mobile forensics evidence collection in a timely manner.
procedure; Mobile Service Provider (MSP) needs to be One of the most important characteristics of cloud is the
consulted for proper identification of the subscriber. In fact, if rapid elasticity; cloud resources can be provisioned on
we consider the case of the Mobile Number Portability demand. Hence, cloud investigation tools should be elastic
(MNP), when a mobile subscriber retain his mobile number too. Traditional static and live forensic tools are required in
when changing from one mobile operator to another, the most cases, providing that they should be adapted to large
identification process will rely on the MSP. More important scale systems. However there is an urgent need for new tools
aspect challenging the identification of the user is the and procedures, which deal with virtual infrastructure, to be
possibility of changing the International Mobile Equipment developed. These techniques should facilitate investigations in
Identity (IMEI) for few mobile handsets with the use of Virtual environment, mainly virtual machines forensics data
flashing tools. This illegal activity will result on wrong collection facilities and hypervisor analysis.
identification of the mobile user [4]. A standard and strong
identification scheme should be used through mobile networks Essential information for investigation is contained in log
and cloud environment in order to be able to identify files, such as process logs, network logs, and application logs.
malicious activities and users during forensic investigations. However, gathering this crucial information in cloud
infrastructure is more complex than in traditional computer
In cloud environment, challenges are strongly related to systems. In fact, logs are decentralized among multiple
the virtualized and distributed architecture of clouds, mainly in locations; multiple users’ logging may be co-located or spread
forensic data collection, lack of cloud-based forensic tools, log across multiple servers. Also, logs are volatile (due to
analysis, maintaining a chain of custody. Ruan at [9], has virtualization); all the logs will be unavailable if the user
extended the definition of cloud forensics across three power off the VM instance, so logs will not be constantly
dimensions: technical, organizational and legal. According to available. Besides, cloud architecture relies on several layers
this definition, dependency on CSP and multi-jurisdiction, are and tiers, each producing valuable logs for forensic
not typically technical problems, but are related to the investigation. These logs need to accessible to different
multidimensional aspect of cloud forensics. In the following, stakeholders of the system, e.g., system administrator, forensic
investigator, and developer. Hence, there should be some
access control mechanism, so that everybody will get what difficulties in Multimedia images recovery. Moreover, the
they need exactly in a secure way. In addition, dependence on developed solution faces some problems with locked phones.
the CSP is complicating the task; the availability of the logs
varies depending on the service model and consequently on In [16], Dezfouli et al. propose a new approach for
the provider. Over and above that, there is no standard format memory acquisition of mobile phones that provides an
of logs. Logs are available in heterogeneous formats appropriate method in order to preserve the volatile data inside
depending on layers and service providers. This can lead to the memory of mobile devices from being contaminated and
lack of crucial information for investigation purpose in logs. preserves as much evidences as possible during acquisition
process. This solution is designed to include any types of
One of the most essential parts of the digital investigation mobile phones such as windows mobile phones, android
process is the chain of custody. It provides useful information mobile phones and iPhones. In fact, the solution consists of
about the digital evidences studied using a certain forensic preserving the volatile data in a reserved part in mobile
process by answering these questions: When, Who, Where, device’s memory, called the backup. This backup is updated in
Why, What and How [10]. In traditional forensic procedure, it a certain period of time with the volatile data in order to store
starts with gaining the physical control of the evidence, such all the processes that are running on the mobile phone. This
as computer or hard disk, but this cannot be possible with approach allows the mobile to manage the backup space and
cloud forensics. In a cloud, investigator can acquire the collect the appropriate volatile data. Seeing the limited storage
available data from any workstation connected with the space in mobile device, the backup space only stores data such
internet. Due to the multi jurisdictional laws, procedures, and as logs and the data that are considered as evidence to forensic
proprietary technology in cloud environment, maintaining investigators. The process of storing the volatile data inside
chain of custody will be a real challenge. the backup folder and updating it, is totally invisible to the
user and is done automatically without user awareness.
Beside technical challenges, investigators face the fact that
cloud involves different parties (consumer, provider, In [11], Quick and Choo studied the case of data collection
eventually a third party). An organizational structure is needed from cloud storage services and explore whether the files
to carry out investigation efficiently. CSPs and most cloud contents and the timestamps information could change during
applications often has dependencies on other cloud providers, data collection process. In fact, the study suggests that
therefore an investigation may depends on one of the links in examiner has legal access to a cloud storage account, and that
the chain. Essential communications and collaborations forensic software for data collection from cloud storage
through this chain need to be facilitated by organizational accounts is not available. Research was undertaken exploring
policies and SLAs. The chain of cloud provider and consumer a process of accessing and downloading data using a browser
also has to communicate and collaborate with law and client software, and by examining three popular public
enforcement, third parties, and academia in order to facilitate cloud storage providers, namely Dropbox, Google Drive, and
effective and efficient forensic activities [9]. Microsoft SkyDrive. Results have shown that the file contents
were not altered during the process of uploading, storing, and
Multi-jurisdiction and multi-tenancy is identified as the downloading files. The associated file timestamps were
most important legal issue in digital forensics context, and are different to those of the original file, and varied depending on
accentuated in the cloud since data centers are spread all over the process undertaken and the service used.
the world. There is an urgent need for regulation and
agreements to be developed. Cross border legislation should In [14], Marty addresses the challenges related to metadata
facilitate investigator life; they will be confident that laws are and log files in cloud environment. This work proposes a
not violated during forensic process, from evidence collection logging framework and guidelines to ensure that the data
to presentation in law court. Moreover, rules should be set up needed for forensic investigations has been generated, stored
in order to make sure that privacy of other tenants sharing the and collected properly. In addition, these guidelines ensure
same resources will not be compromised during investigation. that investigator can easily analyze, process, and correlate the
emitted log records. The contribution is about providing
IV. EXISTING PROPOSALS guidelines for developers to efficient implementation of
Collecting data from mobile device or cloud server in logging depending on the use case; it’s mandatory to know
forensically sound manner is among the major challenge for when logs are to be generated, what information logs should
investigators in case of mobile cloud based crime. In this include and how log records should be organized.
section, we will discuss some researches related to forensic Within the same aspect, Zawoad et al. at [18] introduce a
investigation in Mobile Cloud environment. new method, called Secure-Logging-as-a-Service (SecLaaS),
In [15], Chen et al. aim to develop and implement digital which stores virtual machines’ logs and provides access for
forensic software for smart phone. The developed tool forensic investigators. In fact, the solution propose a scheme
performs logical acquisition on mobile device that extract data of revealing cloud users’ logs for forensics investigation while
such as calls record, messages, photos, contacts, SIM preserving the confidentiality of users’ logs from dishonest
information, and uses mechanisms to recover old and deleted cloud provider and external entity. He introduce a tamper
data. This research was restraint to iPhones and provides a evident scheme, called Proof of Past Log, to preserve the
quick access to the device. However the developed tool shows integrity of logs by disabling manipulation after the incident;
some restrictions in collected data types and presents any modification of the log by the CSP, the investigator or the
user can be detected during the verification process.
In [17], Poore et al. dressed the challenge faced by VI. CONCLUSION
investigator in virtualized environment. This research This paper deals with forensic investigation in mobile
proposed the use of virtual machine introspection (VMI) with cloud environment where the combination of two different
traditional digital forensics in order to conduct investigation in architectures is a challenging issue for investigators, such as
virtual environment. In fact, VMI is a virtualization technique virtualized environment, physical inaccessibility and mobile
that is used to monitor a virtual machine through its volatile data. We have shown throw this paper that tracking
hypervisor or a privileged virtual machine. It allows extracting identity in forensic process is neglected by existing proposals.
information from a virtual machine without affecting its As an extension to this work, we will focus on investigating
functionality or memory state. The proposed solution takes user identity in mobile cloud environment and defining an
advantage from the VMI and combined it with common identity management scheme that can facilitate malicious
forensic tools. Result has shown that this method can reduce users’ identification during forensic investigation process.
the impact of the limitations of traditional forensics tools
abilities during a live forensic process. REFERENCES
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V. DISCUSSION 44th Hawaii International Conference on, 2011
Table I summarizes major technical issues faced by [8] Zhu Meng, “Mobile Cloud Computing: Implications to Smartphone
forensic investigators in Mobile Cloud environment presented Forensic Procedures and Methodologies”, Master Thesis, Auckland
University of Technology, 2011.
in the aforementioned references. Proposals deal principally
[9] Ruan K., Carthy J., Kechadi T., Crosbie M., “Cloud forensics: An
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service or cloud applications, or on mobile device. Moreover, [10] W. Kurse and J. Heiser, “Computer Forensics: Incident Response
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from different sources, e.g., network, process, and database cloud storage services”, Journal of Digital Investigation, volume 9 pages
81-95, 2012
constitute a rich source of evidence, yet it is challenging to
collect logs from cloud since dependency of CSP is still [13] G. Grispos, W B.Glisson, T. Storer, “Using Smartphones as a Proxy for
Forensic Evidence contained in Cloud Storage Services”, CoRR journal,
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into account problems related to the combination of two [14] R. Marty, “Cloud application logging for forensics”, Proceedings of the
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mobiles during their investigation process [12, 13]. Mobile forensic software for iPhone”, 8th Asia Joint Conference on Information
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Indeed, throw the mobile cloud architecture we see the Volatile memory acquisition using backup for forensic investigation”,
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[17] J. Poore, J. Flores, T. Atkison, “Evolution of digital forensics in
which complicate the forensic task. Moreover, tracking Virtualization by Using Virtual machine Introspection”, Proceedings of
identity among heterogeneous wireless networks and cloud the 51st ACM Southeast Conference ACMSE, 2013
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carrying out investigation, seeing that it originally causes for Cloud Forensics”, CoRR Journal, 2013.
problem in mobile networks and requires the support of MSP.
TABLE I. Overview of some technical issues considered mobile cloud forensics

Environment Technical issues

Mobile device Cloud Mobile cloud Virtualization Volatility Acquisition Recovery Logging Identity Forensic tool

[11] - - - -  -  - -
storage service

 
[12] - - - -  - - -
Storage service Expoit traces

Exploit traces in

[13]  - - -   mobile device that - -
Storage service
accessed the cloud
storage service

[14] - Cloud - - - - - - -
Logs management
 
 Not all type of Limited
[15] - - - - - - -
iPhone device data were Do not support
extracted locked phones

[16]  - - -   - - - -

 Traditional
[17] -  - Using VM -   - - forensic tool
Introspecton were used

[18] -  -  - - -  - -

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