Ancient History - English

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Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109


1. Bharhut Stupa is found in which state and it was built by by which

dynasty ?
2. Borobudur Stupa is located in which country?
3. What is the meaning of bubble shaped stupa, what does it signify?
4. what is the meaning of five pillars found at the entrance gate of stupa ?
5. What is the difference between chaitya and Vihar ?
6. What do you understand by Prati Moksha?
7. Who wrote the book Vinay Pitika ?
8. Sut pitka is Written by whom ?
9. What is the difference between mahayana and hinayana Buddhism? In
which Buddhist council they were separated?
10.who is known as Martin Luther of Buddhism and why?
11.Nalanda University was established by which king?
12.Dharampal of Pala dynasty founded which university ?
13.Buddha was considered as Avatar of Vishnu, which number of Avatar?
14.second biggest dome of the world?
15.What is the time duration of first Ice Age that is pleistocene ?
16.First and the earliest hominid was named as ?
17.In which stone age the spinal cord of human become erect and the
bipedalism become easy?
18.Bhimbetka caves are found in which state? Borra caves are found in
which state?
19.Evidence of oldest hand axe belonging to paleolithic time was found in
which place in Tamilnadu?
20.What are microliths and in which age they were found?
21.What is the one major advancement that happened during
Neolithic age that changed the human evolution? one Neolithic cultural site in Jammu and Kashmir?
23.Which neolithic site is survived for the longest period of all and is the
first culture to establish contacts with Mesopotamian Civilization?
24.What is the extension of copper age, bronze age and iron age in B C ?
25.Name the four village culture found in Balochistan belonging to pre
Harappan period ?
26.Write the East West North South Extension and boundaries of Indus
Valley Civilization?

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

27.Harappan site was found at the banks of which river and was excavated
by whom?
28.What do you understand by citadel?
29.What is the meaning of Mohenjo Daro?
30.the great granary is found at which Indus Valley site?
31.Seals made up of soft rocks are found at Mohenjo-daro they are called
32.Pashupati seal was found at which Indus Valley Civilization site?
33. what is the only Indus Valley Civilization site which is without Citadel?
34.It is an important site where bangles and beads were manufactured,
situated on the banks of river ghaggar in Rajasthan, fire altars suggesting
worship of Agni were found, list burial practice was followed, name the
35.banwali is situated in which state and is found at the banks of which
36.Maximum number of Indus Valley Civilization sites are located in which
state of India?
37. first known dockyard which was artificially built was found at which
Indus Valley Civilization site? the another port city which was found in Gujarat along with
39.Famous site for rice cultivation in Gujarat was?
40.Indus valley society was predominantly patriarchal or matriarchal?
41.Name the person who worked extensively on the burial practices of
Indus Valley Civilization
42. the practice of urn burial where Ashes were kept in the pot and buried
was found at which Indus Valley Civilization site?
43.what kind of burial practices were followed at Harappa?
44.why did the Greek gave the name senden to Indus valley ?
45.What was the major item which was imported from Mesopotamia and
sumeria respectively ?
46.which number and its multiples formed the the basis of metric system in
Indus valley civilization ?
47.what was the form of governance found in Indus valley civilization?
48.What was the name of only male God of Indus Valley Civilization? the mythological hero of Mesopotamia which was worship in
Indus valley civilization whose body was comprising half of men and half
of lion ?

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

50.What is the most common presentation found in the seals of Indus

Valley Civilization ?
51.The pictographic script used by the people of Harappa is known as?
52. the pictographic script is claimed to be deciphered by whom?
53.The term Aryan represents a racial connotation true or false?
54. what was the language which was spoken by Aryans?
55. what is the study of comparative language called as?
56. who is a indologist?
57.What is the name of classical text of Iran which record the name of
Aryan Gods namely Indra varuna and Agni?
58.Kesselite Inscription is found in which country which records the
presence of Aryans?
59.The name vitista refers to which river?
60. river Ravi was referred by which name in Indus valley civilization?
61.The name of river Chenab in Indus valley civilization?
62.what was the name of mountain peak in Himalayas that is mentioned in
Rigveda and was considered as the source of soma ?
63.The Rigveda regarded India to be located on which dweep ?
64.The battle of ten Kings was fought on the banks of which river, and it
was led by whom ?
65.Name the most powerful tribes during Aryan period
66.Village was headed by?
67. a group of villages was headed by?
68.Title Purohit was given to ?
69. title senani was given to ?
70. what do you understand by bhaga , bali ?
71.Sabha was General Assembly which was open for including the women?
72. the Assembly of elders and head of families was known as?
73. what was the nature of society during Aryan period patriarchal or
74. the head of the family was known as?
75.What were the two parameters for classification of varna system?
76.Which hymn of tenth Mandala was the most important source of varna
77.During early Vedic period there were no restrictions on women in social
life and there were no social evils like child marriage dowry or Sati/
78.who composed the famous Upanishad brihadaryanka ?
79.Yaganavalkya the greatest scholar of the Rig Vedic time belong to the
court of?

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

80.What was the theme of upanishad which was translated by T S Eliot has
wasteland which got him the Nobel Prize?
81.What is the difference between dasa and dasyus ?
82.Vrihi Is the name given to Which crop?
83. Wheat crop was known by the name of ?
84. Gold and silver were used in the transaction as currency what was the
name given to them respectively
85.The religion during the Rig Vedic period was polytheistic
86.what was the name of the God who was also called as Purandar
87.Maximum number of Shloka in the Rig Veda address to which god/
88.In zend avestha God varuna was called as arunamzda ?
89.The title Agnihotri was given to?
90. what was the name of God of Herbs and medicine
91. what was the name of God of nourishment
92.the most sacred Mantra Gayatri Mantra was addressed to which god, it
was composed by ?
93.the only goddess which was referred in the rig Veda was?
94.Rudra was the only known Aryan got accepted by the Aryans, true or
95.what was the time duration of later vedic age?
96. during the later vedic age the main centre of Aryan settlement was
shifted from Sab Sindhu to Ganga Yamuna Doab?
97.the battle of Mahabharata was fought around……… B C in Kurukshetra
whose capital was Hastinapur
98.Title bhagadugga Was given to chief tax collector?
99.Balisadak title was given to officers who collected voluntary offerings?
100. What was the title of an officer who was superintendent of
gambling house?
101. The fourth Varna was acknowledged only during the later Vedic
period before that only 3 varnas were recognised?
102. Name the four Ashrams for stages of life mentioned in varna
aashram Dharma
103. Varna Ashram Dharma was first mentioned in which Upanishad?
104. Why shudras cannot get Moksha in the varna system?
105. What do you understand by dwija system and which varnas were
considered into this system ?
106. What is the difference between anulom and pratilom type of
marriage ?
107. Children born under the marriage of pratiloma were called as?

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

108. Who were antyaja ?

109. what was the name given to the the uncivilized forest tribes?
110. Krishna ayas is the term associated with which metal
111. Association of Merchant and craft mens was called as?
112. what is the title given to the head of Merchant guild?
113. which type of pottery was found during later Vedic period?
114. What is the name of first text in the world literature and the first
text in the indo-european language?
115. the priest who recites Rig Veda was called as?
116. the first text to deal with Indian music was?
117. the priest who recites Shyam Veda was called as?
118. Which Veda dealt with rituals in the ceremonies?
119. the breast who recites yajur Veda was known as?
120. Name the Veda which was entirely composed by non Aryans and
included witchcraft and evil spirits?
121. Which Veda deals with Indian medicine?
122. ganit Shastra Veda deals with science of…………?
123. which Veda deals with geometry?
124. Arankayas are the text relating to the forest life that is
vanaprastha ashram?
125. Which Upanishad is in the form of dialogues between Nachiketa
and lord of death yama?
126. Eso Upanishad deals with the creation of universe?
127. Satyamev Jayate our national slogan is a part of which Upanishad?
128. chandogya Upanishad talks about childhood of Krishna?
129. which Upanishad talks about Goddess Parvati?
130. which Upanishad define Shiva for the first time?
131. Nirukta Vedanga deals with?
132. which vedanga deals with rituals?
133. which Maidan guardians with grammar ?
134. Which vedanga deals with pronunciation that is phonetics?/
135. Who were saramanas ??
136. Snakhayasashtra Was founded by?
137. Patanjali founded which philosophical system?
138. Uttar mimansa and purv mimansha philosophical systems were
founded by ?
139. Gautama founded which philosophical system?
140. Vaisheshika philosophical system was founded by ?
141. Mahavamsa was written by?

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

142. what was the childhood name of Gautam Buddha ?

143. name the birth palace of Gautam Buddha, and the year also?
144. What was the name of chariot driver and the favourite horse of
Gautam Buddha?
145. what do you understand by mahabhinishkramana?
146. For how many days did the meditation of Gautam Buddha lasted
before he got enlightenment ?
147. Who Witnessed the enlightenment of Gautama Buddha?
148. what was the name of 2 Gurus of Gautam Buddha?
149. Who was the first disciple of Gautama Buddha
150. first Sermon was given at which Place by Gautam Buddha?
151. What is the name of the place where Buddha died
152. what are the arya satya of Buddhism
153. Buddhism believed in Karma Siddhanta but did not believed in
transmigration of souls.?
154. Gautam Buddha denied the existence of god?
155. How many meals per day were allowed to the Buddhist monks?
156. what is the difference between bikshus and upasaka in buddhism?
157. Name the places where four Buddhist council held?
158. Name the persons who patronised the four Buddhist councils?
159. Buddhism got divided into mahayana and hinayana Buddhism in
which Council?
160. abinam pitika book was written by tissa during which Buddhist
161. Name the two sects which formed during second Buddhist council
162. Mahayana Buddhism followed the local language Pali?
163. in which form of Buddhism was Buddha worshipped as a God/
164. Kanishka made the Buddhism popular in which region of Asia?
165. the dialogue between menander and nagasena were recorded in
which text ?
166. Harshvardhan was converted into mahayana Buddhism by whom?
167. the place of worship constructed on the relics of Buddha is known
168. where is the oldest Stupa located ?
169. Where is the biggest Stupa located ?
170. Mathura school of art was developed by which dynasty?
171. Gandhara school of art was developed by whom?
172. Amaravati school of art was developed by which dynasty

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

173. what is the meaning of various signs in Buddhist art elephant,

horse, tree, wheel?
174. prakrit language which was used by Buddha was?
175. who is known as Einstein of India one of the greatest scholar of
Buddhism ?
176. Buddha Charita was written by?
177. Madhyamika Siddhant was written by?
178. Who is the author of abhidhammakosha?
179. Jataka stories are related to the life of WHOM?
180. How many tirthankaras are there in Jainism?
181. who founded the four principle of Jainism truth, known normal,
non possession, non stealing?
182. where did Vardhaman Mahavira was born?
183. Vardhman Mahaveer belongs to which Clan?
184. who founded the ajivika sect
185. what is the meaning of kaivalya?
186. Vardhaman Mahavira attained kaivalya on the banks of which
187. What is the meaning of JINA?
188. Panch anuvrat principles are related with which religion?
189. Name the three ratnas of Jainism
190. Who pronounced the Jain philosophy of Shayadwad or
191. Non violence cannot be compromised at any cost in Jainism?
192. Mahavira declared that the God exist but is not responsible for
the evolution of Universe universe according to him evolved on its own?
193. Vardhman Mahaveer was survived by 13 disciples they were
called as?
194. where did the first and second Jain Council was held?
195. in which Council did the Jainism got divided into shwetambar and
Digambar sect?
196. Who converted the Chandragupta Maurya into Jainism?
197. Sallekhana was performed by Chandragupta Maurya at which
place ?
198. Which dynasty was the last great patrons of Jainism/
199. who was the author of famous book Ratna Malika and Kaviraj
200. Buddhism or Jainism, which religion was related first to the
development of cave architecture?

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

201. Badami Caves are found in which state?

202. Jain temples are also known as?
203. dilwara temple is situated at………………. it and is built by Bima 1
of………………. dynasty ?
204. statue of Bahubali also known as gomateshwara is located at
which place
205. what are ghatikas?
206. to the reaction of popularity of Buddhism and
Jainism Brahminism emerged in the form of…………………?
207. Who is considered as founder of bhagavatism?
208. What is the meaning of Bhakti , prapatti and nishkama Karma ?
209. Which Indian god was called as Hercules by Greek?
210. who composed Bhagavad Gita
211. Why did Bhagwatism became popular among the foriegn races ?
212. Hilodorous, a follower of Bhagavatism installed Garuda pillar
inscription at which place in Madhya Pradesh?
213. Who introduced the pancharatra system in Bhagwatism?
214. What do you understand by panchratra system?
215. Bhagatism was transformed into vaishnavism during the period of
which dynasty?
216. What is the basic difference between alvars and nayanars?
217. Which is the oldest sect of India?
218. The Kashmir shaivism where the form of worship is only in the
form of Mudras not Mantra is called as?
219. which text is also known as Dravid Veda?
220. Veera saiva Is founded in Karnataka by?
221. Aradyasaiva was founded in Andhra Pradesh by
222. the oldest Shivling in India is found at which site?
223. Om Namah Shivay the second Mantra was first mentioned in
which epic?
224. who wrote the Tamil epic silappadikaram?
225. Devotional literature in Tamil on vaishnavism is called as
226. saptanga theory was given by…………….?
227. And of which century Magadha emerged as full fledged state
228. What was the first capital of Magadha
229. haryanka dynasty was founded by
230. who is known as the first physician in Indian history?
231. Sishunag dynasty was founded by
232. Nanda dynasty was founded by

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

233. Who is the author of earth Shastra and what is the main theme of
the book
234. mudrarakshasa was written by
235. Chandragupta Katha was written by
236. who wrote Indica
237. The first dynasty to issue the punched mark coin
238. Which bird is representative of Mauryan dynasty
239. what were the names given to the gold and the Silver coins
respectively in the mauryan dynasty?
240. Who is the founder of Maurya dynasty, what was the name by
which Greeks called him?
241. Who was the first king to take the title of Priyadarshi?
242. what was the nickname of Bindusara ?
243. Bindusara was the follower of which sect?
244. Ashoka has mentioned about the detail of Kalinga war at Dhauli in
one of his famous Rock addict what is the number of that rock addict?
245. What was the name of 5 years old child who was responsible for
the change of heart of Ashoka
246. What was the name of last mauryan who was killed by his chief
commander pushya Mitra sunga
247. In the Maurya and administration king was assisted by The council
of minister which was called as?
248. how many departments were there in the mauryan
administration and how many of them were without Adhyaksh?
249. Name the capitals of four provinces of modern administration
250. The governor of the provinces were called as
251. the title Rajuka was given to
252. What were the names given to the Civil courts of laws and the
criminal courts in the mauryan empire?
253. Who were gudapurusha?
254. Tax on plough share was called as
255. What is vetti/ visti
256. Loha Adhyaksh was incharge of ?
257. ‘the games of craftsmen and merchants were called as…………. in
Maurya Empire
258. what was the name of the officer who maintained the standards
in Gold currency
259. What is the name of the important port in the east coast during
mauryan Empire

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

260. Sudama and lomas Rishi cave are found in which state
261. Who was the first to decipher Ashokan inscriptions
262. what was the language used in kandhar inscription
263. Which dynasty was the first to issue gold coins
264. which dynasty was first issue gold coin in large numbers
265. Saka Era was started in which year
266. Kushan Kingdom was founded by?
267. Who wrote malavikagnimitram
268. Kanwa dynasty was founded by
269. The first assembly of Sangam was convened by whom?
270. Tholkappiam was written by?
271. Who is the author of mannimeghalai
272. Title yavanapriya was used for
273. Allahabad inscription was composed by………….. and it talks about
greatness of……?
274. First recorded evidence of Sati was found in which copper plate
275. Mehrauli Iron Pillar inscription talks about the greatness of
276. Mrichakatikam Was written by
277. Nitisar also known as Arthshastra of Guptas was written by
278. Who is the first king of Gupta dynasty
279. Which Gupta king is known as Indian Napoleon
280. Fa hien The Chinese Traveller visited the Gupta Court during the
reign of?
281. What is the meaning of these terms which are related to the land
grants , brahamdeya, agarhara
282. Nagara style of architecture was introduced by
283. Who wrote the Panchatantra stories
284. what was the field of work of Aryabhatta
285. Surya Siddhanta was written by
286. who gave the theory of gravitation even before Newton
287. Who is the father of surgery
288. Who founded the pushyabhuti dynasty
289. Harsha Era was founded in which year
290. Harsha was defeated in the battle of Narmada by
291. Si-yu-ki Meaning the expression of Traveller was written by?
292. What was the main reason behind the dynasty was among the
chalukyas and Pallavas

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

293. aihole inscription was composed by………... and it talks about the
greatness of………….?
294. who founded the rashtrakuta dynasty
295. who constructed the 7 Pagoda temple and the Shore temple at
296. Kiratarjuniyyam Text about the fight between Arjuna and Shiva
was written by
297. Which dynasty is the founder of dravida style of architecture
298. who founded the Pallava dynasty
299. Veshara Deccan style of architecture was introduced by which
300. Harsha conducted the Buddhist conferences at Prayag they were
called as
301. Who is the father of history?
302. Gautama Buddha was born and died in?
303. Alexander the Great was born in?
304. when did various Era started, Vikrama Era, Gupta, Saka , Khali
and Harsha
305. Delhi Sultanate Period started in which year and ended in which
306. What is the composing timing of Rig Veda and in which region it
was composed
307. What is the composing timing of other Vedas and in which region
they were composed?
308. the best learning population is para Vidya what is the meaning of
para Vidya?
309. Who wrote Nitisar in 4th and 6th century a.d. which throws light
on the Gupta Empire
310. What is the name of Grammar book written by Panini?
311. Who is the author of book mahabhashya?
312. Chand bardai was the court poet of?What is the name of book
written by him
313. megasthenes belongs to which country
314. Demiacus of a Greek and best sent by antiochus 1 the ruler of
Syria to the court of?
315. Periplus of erythrean sea was written by
316. Tarikh e hind / Kitab ul Hind was written by
317. Who is the author of book Re Hala

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

318. Who is considered as the first Arab Traveller came during the
reign of pratihara king Mihir Bhoja 1
319. Asiatic Society of Bengal was founded by
320. who is considered as father of Indian archaeology
321. what is known as numismatics ?
322. what is study of of inscriptions in known as
323. Write down the name of inscriptions in which the word Ashoka
was used
324. Armiac script was used in which region of India in Ashokan
325. Which type of pottery was found in Harappan civilization
326. which type of pottery was found in later Vedic ages
327. First phase of Ajanta Caves was during Satavahana Kingdom and
the second phase was during Water Kingdom true or false?
328. Bagh cave resembles Ellora Caves
329. Elephanta Cave resembles to Ellora or Ajanta Caves?
330. which kingdoms were associated with Ellora Caves
331. Narsinghgarh cave paintings of earlier times were found in which
332. Lakhudiyar caves are associated with which state of India
333. which technique was used to make bronze or metal sculptures
during Indus Valley Civilization
334. Which of the following animals does not found in the seals of
Indus Valley Civilization , tiger,, elephant, lion, cow, Unicorn, buffalo?
335. The Trinity of Brahma Vishnu Mahesh replace the Indra and Agni
during which period
336. Kharosthi script was brought into India from which country
337. In which of the major Rock edict does Ashoka states that through
conquest is by piety and virtue
338. Who were appointed by Ashoka to spread the Dhamma in various
parts of the world?
339. Name the four animals which are found on the national emblem/
340. Yaksha and yakshini figures belongs to which religion Hinduism
Buddhism Jainism
341. Bairat Stupa was found in which state
342. Buddha was shown as a human figure in sunga art ?
343. The pathway found around the Stupa for circular movement
around the structure is known as
344. The pillars found at the Gateway of super are known as?

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

345. The famous tripartite struggle happened in the central India in

which kingdoms
346. Kanheri Caves and Karla caves are found in which state of India
347. Junnar cave excavation found in which state?
348. three storey buildings are found in Ajanta or Ellora
349. Ellora caves are related to which of the following relations
Hinduism Buddhism Jainism
350. Which form of Buddhism has been depicted in Ajanta and Ellora
351. Monolithic kailashnath temple was built by which dynasty rulers?
352. Mahesh Murthy image of Shiva in which Shiva is shown as three
headed it with the heads of Shiva, Bhairava and Uma was found in which
353. which religion flourished mainly during the Gupta period
354. What is the location of the dasavatara Temple built during Gupta
355. Udaygiri and Khandagiri caves are found in which state which
belongs to Jainism
356. Sadak e azam Was built by?
357. Womens who composed hymns during Rig Vedic period were
known as
358. The text which were written in the forest and are concluding part
of the brahmanas are known as
359. what is the meaning of Upanishad
360. what are the four basic component of Hindu philosophy
361. the word Om is contained in which Upanishad
362. Who is the author of nyaya Sutra?
363. Manav Dharam Shastra is another name of which text?
364. who is known as modern Manu
365. what is the name of first tirthankara of Jainism
366. Which is one of the most oldest monotheistic religion of the
world from which both Christianity and Islam developed
367. Zend avesta Is holy book of which religion
368. Dhakma Structure is related to which relation and what is its
369. what is the name of the scheme launched by Indian government
to improve the the population of Parsis
370. what is the meaning of Nirvana

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

371. In the Buddhism Philosophy the world is set to be annica and

anatta , what are the meanings of both terms
372. The oldest surviving Buddhist School of Philosophy is known as
373. what does empty chair depicts as a symbol in Buddhism
374. Dipavamsa related to Buddhist literature belongs to which country
375. Name the three pitakas of Buddhism and the matters contained in
376. The Buddhist literature which was compiled by Buddhist nuns is
known as
377. Madhyamaka School of Philosophy was founded by
378. where did the fifth and sixth Council of Buddhism held
379. What is the meaning of term jina
380. The teaching of trithankars before Mahavira are known as
381. What is the name of mother of Vardhman Mahaveer
382. Kalpsutra holy book of Jainism religion was written by
383. in Jainism god is placed even lower than jina , true or false
384. according to Jainism the world has been created not by God but
385. what is the meaning of symbol minayugal in Jainism
386. What is the meaning of principal anekatavad in Jainism
387. Monasteries established by gents were called as
388. gurumukhi was introduced by which Sikh guru
389. Guru Granth Sahib was compiled by
390. Prophet Mohammed please Islam in Arabia during which century
391. the songs of alvas were compiled in Divya prabandhan by
392. Philosophy of advitya was given by
393. philosophy of vishisht advitya was given by
394. philosophy of dvaitya was given by
395. What is the location of 4 mathas established by Shankaracharya
396. Philosophy of pushtimarg or Shuddh advitya was given by
397. Kabir, Namdev, Ravidas and sain belongs to which profession
398. Dadu Dayal a Bhakti Saint belongs to which state
399. Ulatbansi and bijak Har creation of which Bhakti Saint
400. Who was the Guru of Shivaji and also the author of dasbodha ?
401. Chaitanya Prabhu belongs to which state of India?
402. KIRTAN style of music was introduced by?
403. satnami socio religious movement was founded in Chhattisgarh

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

404. who was the famous vaishnavite Gujarati poet whose songs were
used by Gandhiji in his everyday prayers
405. Who is the author of katha sarita Sagar
406. the word Sufi is derived from suf which means
407. Sufism preached spirituality through music and their music
gatherings were called as
408. what do you understand by pir murid
409. what is khanqah in sufism
410. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti is the founder of Chishti Movement in
India and is also known as Garib Nawaz
411. Who is the author of aine e Akbari
412. Satari Silsila was founded by
413. Surawadi Silsila was founded by
414. Dara shikoh was follower of which Sufi Silsila
415. one of the most famous writer who wrote in hindawi and also the
follower of Nizamuddin Auliya was?
416. Aajivika sect was founded by
417. what is the basic philosophy of ajivika Sect
418. who is the founder of charvaka School of Philosophy?
419. What is the meaning of sul-e-khul in din-e-ilahi religion?
420. How many followers were there of din-e-ilahi religion?
421. The form of Buddhism which is also known as tantrik Buddhism
and through out off in fusion of tribal ideas was
422. Badami caves are related to which Kingdom pandyas ,chalukyas,
chers, chola
423. Shore temple at Mahabalipuram were built by which Kingdom
424. udaygiri and Khandagiri caves of Odisha belong to Jainism were
originally built by karavela king of Kalinga
425. hathigumpha inscription is related to which Caves
426. sittanavasal caves of Tamilnadu are related to which religion
427. udaygiri caves of Madhya Pradesh are related to which religion
428. ahom style of architecture is related to which state of India
429. the principal part of the temple of dravida architecture is Vimana
or sikhara /
430. what is garbhagriha ?
431. Mahabodhi Temple is located at
432. the lady holding a branch of tree are one of the prominent feature
of Stupa sculpture called as

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

433. the largest Monolithic statue of Lord Bahubali of Jainism is located

434. Dilwada Temple at Mount Abu built in pure white marble under
the patronage of which rulers
435. there is no proof of Temple building found during Harappan
436. Buddha was first given human form during kushana period
437. Bamyaana Buddha of Afghanistan was an example of Mathura
school of art
438. Abhaaymudra in Buddhism signifies
439. which colour of sandstone was used in Gandhara School of
440. Which colour of sandstone was used in Mathura School of
441. Virupaksha Temple is located at
442. Panch Pandav Caves showing Krishna lifting govardhana Parvat is
located at
443. Pala school of art is related to which state of India
444. famous Raja Rani temple is located at
445. third eye of Natraj represents what?
446. Meenakshi temple is located at and is dedicated to which god or
447. Somnath Puram keshava temple is related to which style of
448. Khajuraho Temples were built by by which dynasty during which
449. Vitthal Swami temple of Vijayanagara architecture is located at
450. Alahi Darwaza was built by
451. Double dome architecture was introduced in India during which
452. where is the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is located
453. Nishant garden in Kashmir were developed during the time
period of which Mughal ruler
454. Mughal architecture reached its Zenith during the reign of which
455. what was Ibadat khana
456. Bulund darwaja was made for the victory of akbar over which
state of India
457. Shalimar Bagh in Lahore was built by which Mughal Emperor

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

458. Who is the author of Kamasutra

459. Mughal miniature paintings reached at their genic during the reign
of which emperor
460. ragamala paintings are related to the which school of painting of
461. the famous painting Bani Thani is related to which school of
462. Who is the painter of Bani Thani painting
463. Who is the author of geet Govind
464. what is the main theme of Pahari paintings
465. Basholi paintings are related to which state of India
466. who is considered as India's first modern Indian artist
467. Who founded the Indian society of Oriental art in Kolkata in 1907
468. the famous painting bride's toilet painted by -
469. Cheriyal School of painting is related to which state of India
470. Kalm kari style of painting is related to which state of India
471. Kalighat paintings are associated with which state of India
472. Madhubani painting are associated with which state of India
473. Paitkar scroll paintings are associated with which state of India
474. Phad paintings are associated with which state of India
475. Warli paintings are related to which state of India
476. Natya Shastra was written by
477. Who is the author of Abhinav Bharat
478. what is the difference between Tandava and Lasya form of dance

479. Bihu dance is associated with which state of India
480. Thang tha , kalairipattu , chollia dances are related to which state
of India
481. Kathak form of dance is associated with which region of India -
East West North South
482. Lucknow Gharana of Kathak was came into existence mainly in the
court of
483. Kathakali is related to which state of India
484. Kuchipudi is associated with which state of India
485. Mohiniattam is it traditional South Indian dance of which state
486. Tribhanga posture is associated with which dance
487. Devdas is associated with which one of the following
dance Odissi, mohiniyattam, Bharatanatyam,

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

488. Bharatnatyam dance is associated with shiva and Kuchipudi is

mainly associated with Vishnu. true or false?
489. Sattriya dance in Assam was created by…………… in 15th century
490. Bhavai dance is associated with which region of India
491. Bidesia dance is related to which state of India
492. Fugadi dance is associated with which state of India
493. Jhumar Dance is performed only by women and is associated with
which state
494. Write the name of three plays written by Harsha
495. Who is the author of Kadambari, and he was a court poet
496. who is known as father of modern Hindi Literature
497. Nakul Folk theatre is related with which state of India
498. Yakshagana folk theatre is related with which state of India
499. Kathputli puppet theatre belongs to which state
500. Who is the author of sangeet ratnavali
501. Khayal form of music is related with which famous figure
502. Who is known as father of Carnatic music of India
503. name the three great musician was known as Trinity of Carnatic
504. Amir Khusro was poet and musician of God of…….?
505. Bidriware The type of metal handicraft that has been originate in
which state of India
506. Bagh embroidery is famous in which state of India
507. chikan embroidery is related to which city of India
508. Pashmina wool is related with which state of India
509. what is the name of weapon based martial art from Punjab
510. what is the name of martial art from Himachal Pradesh which
dates back to Mahabharat
511. Silambam martial art is related with which state of India
512. Prithviraj Raso was written by?
513. Who is the author of hitopdesh
514. The earliest book which mentions Pythagoras theorem and the
use of Pie was
515. Francois bernier is related to which European country
516. who is the composer of Heer Ranjha
517. Who is the author of Prem Vatika on the life of Lord Krishna
518. Who is the author of shah naama which is translated as book of
Kings and is a national epic of Iran

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

519. Hindu festival Onam is related with which state of India

520. Technique of pietradura was first used in which country
521. The name Bharata was given to the people who are living in the
the Southwest region of India
522. Why manuscripts were called as manuscripts
523. The name of Kings and Queens were enclosed in a little frame in
the ancient times this little frame is known as
524. Bhimbetka Caves found close to the valley of which river?
525. Large quantities of ostrich egg were famously found in which
district of Maharashtra?
526. the first crops which were grown in and the first animal which
were domesticated were
527. Pit dwelling houses were famously found in which place of
528. Mehargarh site was located near which pass which is one of the
most important route into Iran
529. one of the famous near natak site catal huluk was found in which
530. The artificial material which was used to make beads bangles
earrings during the Indus valley civilization was
531. The precise weight stones found in Harappan Civilization was
made up of which material?
532. What do you understand by Oracle bones found in China?
533. Write the name of two main rivers which flowed through
Magadha Empire
534. Digha nikaya A famous religious book belongs to which religion
535. Buddha belongs to which gana?
536. Megasthenes was sent to the court of Chandragupta by a Greek
ruler named
537. the Bull which is placed in Rashtrapati Bhavan belongs to which
mauryan pillar
538. Poduca and arikamedu are the name associated with which Indian
539. Kaveripatnam port or puhar boat is related to which Kingdom
540. Buddh Charitra biography of Buddha was composed by which
541. The person who has attained enlightenment in Buddhism but they
remain in the world to teach and help people are known as

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

542. Varah Temple of Vishnu is found in which place of Madhya

543. Aryabhatta was associated with the court of which king
544. Silapathikaram a famous Tamil epic talk about a story related to
which King?
545. Mahabharata was compiled by ?
546. Harappan site of shortughai is found in which country
547. Which Harappan location was almost exclusively devoted to craft
548. Ganeshwar jodhpura Culture is associated with which state of
549. the story of Indian archaeology was written by
550. Who deciphered the Brahmi and the kharosti script
551. what is the meaning of Janpad ?
552. Study of inscription is known as
553. which lake of Gujarat was repaired by Shaka ruler Rudraman ?
554. Inscriptions which records the gifts made to religious Institutions
were known as?
555. Which tribal republics of Punjab and Haryana issued coins during
first century
556. the first coins to bear the name and images of rulers were issued
557. The title PatiVedaka used at the time of Ashoka is related to
558. What is the practice of marriage called when a woman is having
several husbands
559. Biography of a saint or religious leader known as?
560. The term nibbanaa in Buddhism means
561. The domestication of animals began during which period
562. the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian subcontinent comes
from Which site
563. what is another name of chalcolithic age
564. the evidence of burying a dog with human body is found at which
565. Archaeological Survey of India comes under which ministry
566. where is the national human Museum situated
567. In which of the Harappan site Terracotta of plough was found
568. Dadheri is the late Harappan site of which state of India
569. and Ivory scale in Harappan context was found at which place
570. the first metal used by man was

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

571. which Harappan city is divided into three parts

572. The famous Bull seal of Indus valley civilization was found at the
573. first ancient civilization to develop the art of writing in a proper
system was
574. the river mentioned most in the early Vedic literature is
575. the word yava mentioned in Rigveda is used for which agricultural
576. how many Puranas are there in Hindu literature
577. who composed Gayatri Mantra
578. satyakam jabal the legend which challenges the stigma of being
an unmarried mother is mentioned in which Upanishad?
579. Gautam Buddha's mother belongs to which Clan
580. who was the last person to get enlightenment from Gautam
581. The first Buddhist conference after the death of Buddha was
presided over by
582. Gautam Buddha gave maximum Sermon at which place
583. Mahayana form Buddhism emerged during the reign of
584. The bodhi vriksha in Bodhgaya belongs to which generation of its
585. The entry of women as bhikshuni into the Buddhist Sangha was
allowed at which place by Gautam Buddha
586. Who is called as crypto Buddhist
587. AshoKaram monastery was situated at
588. Who is known as Light of Asia
589. Who advocated Neo Buddhism
590. the first human statue worshipped in India were those of
591. In mahayana Buddhism the bodhisattva avalokiteshvara was also
known as
592. Which Indian Buddhist monk was sent to China during the first
century a.d.
593. Vallabhi University an important Buddhist learning centre was
situated at
594. Who has pronounced the doctrine of momentariness
595. Who is a future Buddha yet to come to save the world, known as
596. Mahaveer Swami was born at.
597. Sthanakvasi Sect belongs to which religion
598. Samadhi maran Is related to which religious philosophy
599. who built Gomateshwara statue at Shravanabelagola

Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

Dr. Amit IAS/HCS Academy, Mejban Chowk, Charkhi Dadri

Haryana, Pin: 127306, Contact no. 9996337109

600. Mattamayura sect belongs to which religion

601. Which Upanishad primarily mentions Krishna the son of Devaki
602. the earliest known epigraphic evidence of Bhagwatism is found at
603. What was the ancient name of Ujjain?
604. by whom the first Republic of world was established in Vaishali
605. By which name Chanakya was known in his childhood
606. Who constructed the Sanchi Stupa
607. The language used in the inscription of Ashoka was
608. The last mauryan emperor was
609. in which inscription Chandragupta and Ashoka both were
610. Which one of the Indo Greek ruler issued lead coins
611. The largest number of copper coins in the Northern India North
West India was issued by
612. which god is found that affected on yaudheya coins
613. The Institution of child marriage started in period of which
614. Hunas invaded India during the period of which Gupta Emperor
615. What was the name given to the Guptas gold coins
616. The game of chess is said to have been originated in which
617. The term kauseya has been used for what during Gupta and later
Gupta period
618. Nalanda Vihar was destroyed by
619. Brihadeshwara temple was built by
620. Which Chola king started Naval Army
621. which Chola King conquered ceylon
622. In Sangam literature tolkappiyam is a text of Tamil poetry
623. What are the various places of first second and third Sangam and
who was the president of them


Dr. Amit: M.B.B.S (HCS 2019 Qualified / IAS – 3 times Interview)

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