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Nutritional Surveillance

Dr. Anam Aman
Assistant Professor
Food and Nutrition Surveillance Systems
• A food and nutrition surveillance system is a mechanism to transfer
food and nutrition data into action through formulation, modification
and application of the food and nutrition policy of a country.

The objectives specifically focus on the following:

• A warning system.
This is used as a means of highlighting an evolving crisis. i.e. food
insecurity of particular food
• Identification of Appropriate Strategies.
These may include non-food as well as food assistance to address the
underlying causes of malnutrition
Objectives of Food and Nutrition Surveillance
• Triggering a response.
Nutrition surveillance systems provide a trend analysis focusing on the
magnitude of change. This may trigger an in-depth assessment, which in
turn may lead to a response.
• Targeting.
Nutrition information can help target areas that are more at risk or in
greater need of assistance.
• Identification of malnourished children.
Some forms of surveillance can identify acutely malnourished children.
Methods of Food and Nutrition Surveillance Systems

Large-Scale Food and Nutrition Surveys

• The surveillance system should make an inventory of all large national
surveys related to health, food and nutrition that could act as a basis
by breaking data down at sub regional, district and village levels.

• In particular, frequent surveys such as the Demographic Health

Survey, National Nutrition Survey or National Food Security Surveys
should be considered.
Repeated Small-scale Surveys

• These are population-based surveys that use standard methods to collect

quantitative and qualitative data. They assess the type, severity and
extent of malnutrition and its causes among a representative sample of
the population (children and/or adults).

• Their purpose is to support policy-makers and managers to design

strategies and prioritize geographical areas at risk and specific types of
• Repeated surveys include national surveys, which are periodically
conducted at national level, and small-scale surveys, which are carried
out at local level to gather nutrition information at a suitable time
Sentinel Site Surveillance
Sentinel site surveillance involves surveillance in a limited number of
sites to detect trends in the overall well-being of the population. The
sites may be specific population groups or villages that cover
populations at risk.

Trends are monitored for various indicators, including nutritional

status, morbidity, dietary issues, coping strategies and food security.

Data can be collated and analysed centrally (centrally-based sentinel

site surveillance) or by trained members of the community (community
based sentinel site surveillance).
School Census Data
• Nutritional assessment is occasionally undertaken in schools, where
first-grade children are measured through censuses every two to
three years.
• The objective is to identify high-risk children with poor health,
malnutrition and low socioeconomic status.
• Results can be used to target school feeding programmes and support
policymaking in food-based strategies.
• The need for monitoring obesity among school-aged children is
becoming more important.
• School census data, supported by information on specific food
consumption patterns, marketing of healthy food and information on
physical activity levels, are very important to understand the main
causes of obesity
Growth Monitoring

• Growth monitoring is a continuous monitoring of growth in children.

• Its aim is to identify slowing or faltering of growth at the individual
level, and thus help to correct the problem promptly.
• The WHO new growth curve (weight/height or length) is now
• Growth monitoring can either be conducted by health professionals
at maternal and child health clinics (clinic-based growth monitoring)
or by trained members of the community in villages (community-
based growth monitoring)

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