Character Sheet Caracteter 1 Oneshot

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Name: Giant Skardeson

Alignment: Player:
Class:Berserker Level: 3
Background: XP:
Race: Norse Human
en g t h
S tr

13 +1 Proficiency Inspiration Threat DC Hit DC DR

+2 12(+3) 22v (+5) 3

t er i t y
D ex Saving
Speed Initiative
+3 Strength
14 +2
30 ft +3
+2 Dexterity
OR E B ON U S +5 Constitution
t it u t io -1
on s n Intelligence
Vigor Vigor Dice
0 Wisdom
16 +3 0 Charisma 36 3d12

Character Appearance
OR E B ON U S Skills

t e l l i g e n ce +5 Acrobatics (Dex)
In Wound Thresholds Control Thresholds
+2 Animal Handling (Wis)
8 -1 +1
Arcana (Int) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
+1 Athletics (Str)
OR E B ON U S Morale Injury KO Death Grab Grapple Restr. Incap.
+1 Deception (Cha)
W is o m
+1 History (Int)

10 0 0 Insight (Wis)

+1 Intimidation (Cha)
Attacks + Spellcasting Features + Traits
Name: Attack Bonus: Damage / Type: Rage
OR E B O NUS +1 Investigation (Int)
Battleaxe +3 1d8 slashing Unarmored Defense (included)
C h a r is m a 0 Medicine (Wis)
Javelin +4 1d6 piercing Reckless Attack
(range 30/120)
+1 Nature (Int)
Danger Sense
11 0 +2 Perception (Wis)
Primal Path
Performance (Cha) Path Of Galdureiði

+1 Persuasion (Cha) Rune Strike

Passive Wisdom
(Perception) +1 Religion (Int)
Sleight of Hand (Dex)
Stealth (Dex)

+2 Survival (Wis)

Other Proficiencies + Languages Platinum Money + Equipment

Proficiencies traveler’s clothes, tent, a crowbar, a pouch with coins
Armor. Light armor, medium armor, shields a hammer, 10 spikes, a shovel,
Weapons. Simple weapons, martial weapons Gold a set of dice, a whetstone,
Tools. None
Saving Throws. Strength, Constitution 33 Explorer’s pack
Skills. Choose two from Animal Handling, a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit,
Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Silver a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days’ rations,
and Survival a waterskin. 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to its side

A Battleaxe a medium shield four javelins

Personality Traits
Age: 43 Height: 1.67 m Weight: 68.7 Kg
My fellow soldiers are my family, right or
wrong. Eyes: Green Skin: Norse Hair: Blond

Allies + Organizations

You were part of the crew of Jarl Guthrum

Ideals Haraldsson but you deserted him after his Brekka
tyrannical reign. He has placed a bounty on your
Righteousness. I will do what I feel is just head with or without body still attached.
regardless of rules or boundaries. (Chaotic)
You are now fighting for your own survival and that of
your family and and your close friends and fellow
deserters. Your loyalty is now to them and to the
small settlement of Brekka you all build together.
I became a combatant to defend my home and Job: Wood worker Family:
people from harm. Wive: Revna Symbol
Child: Dagfinn Calderson


A lifetime of violence has left me cautious and

hesitant to fight.

Additional Features + Traits

Adventuring Notes
Feature: Tedium Saves Lives
Camp chores, standing watch, making and striking camp…tasks done with
practiced ease. You complete common soldierly tasks in half the time, and do
things like standing guard or digging ditches for fortifications for twice as long
without rest: efficiency born of long repetition.

Spells 1e OOOO 2e OO
Spell Save DC = 12
Spell Attack Modifier = 4
Dancing Lights a ca
Minor Illusion a ca
Word of Vigor a 1st L
Thunderwave a 1st L
Faerie Fire a 1st L
Charm Person a 1st L
Shatter a 2nd L
Zone of truth a 2nd L


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