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3.1 Research Design

The survey research method was adopted for the generation of data used in this study. According to
Okolo (2015 ) survey research is a method of collecting and analysing social data via highly structured
and often detailed interviews and questionnaires in order to obtain information from a large number of
respondents presumed to be a representation of a specific population.

3.2 Population of The Study

The population of the study is 566, 280 (amnesty international 2020). the population consist of
Facebook users who posted updates and showed posts concerning the EndSARS protest in 2020. the
figure was generated through a content analysis conducted in 2020 by social media analyst under the
aeges of Amnesty international in 2020.

3.3 Determination of Sample Size /Sampling Techniques/procedure

The sample size for this study is 400. The Taro Yameni's formula was used to select the sample size from
the population of study. The formula is given below

S= N/1+(e)²

S= 566, 280/ 1+566,280(0.05)² = 0.0025

566,280/1+566,280 x 0.0025 = 1416.7

Approximately= 399.6= 400

400 respondents were selected to make up for the sample size.

3.4 Sources of Data

The data used for the study were gotten from two sources. Primary and secondary sources

3.4 1 Primary Source of Data

The primary source of data is a questionnaire

3.4.2 Secondary Source of Data

The secondary source of data include books magazine and the internet.

3.5 Data collection

The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire. the questionnaire was used because it
was the easiest and most reliable way through which data could be gathered for the study.

3.6 Validity of Research Instruments

The questionnaire is valid because it was validated by a team of professional and statistians. The
supervisor in charge of the study also receive the manuscript before it was typed

3 7 Reliability Research Instruments

The research instrument is reliable because some sample copies were given to about 50 respondents
who fill the questionnaire and their answers were assessed. Thereafter, same number of copies of the
questionnaire were given to same number of people and their responses were same with the first copies

Chapter 4
the objective of this chapter is to analyse and interpret responses in The returned copies of
questionnaires administered. It is also a guide to the conclusion of the study and is used to give
recommendations from the research findings. 400 questionnaires were administered to the respondent
and the same number were filled and retrieved. The four 400 will be used to analyse the data gathered.

Section A

4.1 data presentation

Section A: demographic characteristics of respondents

Table I: gender representation of respondents

Variable Frequency Percentage

Male 300 75%

Female 100 25%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

table above shows that 300 respondents representing 75% of the respondents are male space 100
respondent representing 2 5% are female.

Table 2 what is the time

Variable Frequency Percentage

20 - 24 230 57.5%

25 to 29 years 35 8.75%

30- 34 years 35 8.75%

35 to 39 years 45 11.25%

40 and above 55 13.75%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

Table two shows that 230 respondents representing 57.5%

Are within the ages of 20 to 24 years, 35 respondents representing 8.75% are within the ages of 25 to 29
years and 45 respondents representing 11.85% within the ages of 35 to 39 years, 55 respondent
representing 13. 75% are 40 years and above

Table 3: marital status of respondents

Variable Frequency Percentage

Single 320 80%

Married 80 20%

Others ___ ___

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

table 3 indicates that 320 respondent representing 80% are single at respondents representing 20% are

Table 4: educational qualification of respondents

Variable Frequency Percentage

BSC/HND 200 50%

MSC/PHD 50 12.5%

OND/NCE/SSCE 120 30%

Others 30 7.5%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

table for indicate that 200 respondent representing 50% of BSC and HND qualification students
representing 12.5% have MSC and PhD qualifications 120 respondents represent 30% have OND/NCE
and SSCE qualifications while 30 respondents representing 7.5% had other qualifications.

Table 5: Work experience

Variable Frequency Percentage

0 to 5 years 300 75%

Variable Frequency Percentage

6 to 10 years 45 11.25%

11 to 15 years 25 6.25%

16 to 20 years 20 5%

21years and above 10 2.5%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

table five indicate that 300 respondents representing 75% have worked for 0 to 5 years 45 respondents
representing 11.5% have worked for 6 to 10 years 25 respondents representing six points 25% have
worked for 11 to 15 years 20 respondents representing 5% have worked for 16 to 20 years 10
respondents representing 2.5% have worked for 21 years and above.

section B: research question

Table 1: whether respondents receive news updates on social media

Variable Frequency Percentage

Yes 350 87.5%

No 50 12.5%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

Table 1 shows that 350 respondents representing 87.5% receive news update on social media 50
respondents representing 3.5% do not receive news update on social media.

Table 3: social Media platform that respondents used most often

Variable Frequency Percentage

Facebook 310 77.5%

Twitter 70 17.5%

Others 20 5%

Total 400 100%

Variable Frequency Percentage

Source: field survey 2021

Table 3 shows that 310 respondents representing 77.5% used fb70 respondents representing 17.5% to
use Twitter 20 responding and represented 5% use other social media platforms.

Table 4: how often respondents use the preferred medium

Variable Frequency Percentage

Very often 250 62.5 %

Not often 100 25%

No idea 50 12.5%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

Table 4 shows that 250 respondents representing 62.5% use their preferred medium very often and
respondent representing 25% do not often use it 50 respondent representing 45% have no idea

Table 5: how respondent rate the influence of Facebook during the EndSARS protest

Variable Frequency Percentage

High 200 50%

Low 100 25%

No idea 100 25%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

table 5 indicate that 201 don't represent a 50% raise the influence of Facebook during the exasperated
very high 100 respondent representing 25% rated it low, 100 spawn don't represent 65% have no idea.

Table vi: whether respondents agreed that social media played a vital role during the EndSARS protest.
Variable Frequency Percentage

Yes 400 100%

No ___

No idea ___

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

Table 6 indicate that all the respondents agree that social media played a vital role during the end Sars

Table 7: whether respondents are aware of police brutality and human rights abuse by law enforcement

Variable Frequency Percentage

Agree 400 100%

Disagree ___ __

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

Table 7 indicates that all the respondents are aware of police brutality and human rights abuses

Table 8: whether respondents agree that the social media can be used to create awareness about the
high rate of human Rights abuses experienced in the country

Variable Frequency Percentage

Agree 320 80%

Disagree 80 20%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

table 8 indicates that 320 respondents representing 80% agree that the social media can be used to
create awareness about the high rate of human Rights abuses experienced in the country 80 respondent
representing 20% disagree

Table 9: whether Facebook will encourage the crusade against human rights abuse if utilised.

Frequency Frequency Percentage

Yes 250 62.5%

No 100 25%

No idea 50 12.5%

Total 400 100%

Source: field survey 2021

table 9 indicate that 250 respondents representing 2.5% stated that Facebook will encourage the
crusade against human rights abuse if it's like a hundred respondent representing 25% said no 50
respondents representing 12.5% have no idea

Table x: the impact that respondents think that social media has on the national security of Nigeria

Variable Frequency Percentage

Positive 60 15%

Negative 70 17.5%

Both 200 50%

No idea 35 8.75%

None 35 8.75%

Total 400 100%

Source: fields of faith 2021

Table 10 indicates that 60 respondents representing 15% stated that the d

Social media has positive impact, 70 (17.5%) negative, 200 (50%) said both positive and negative, 35
(8.75%) have no idea, 35 % said no.
4.3 Discussion of Findings

the findings of the study has shown that the number of men who responded to the questionnaire were
higher than the female. A female had a percentage of 75% that is 300 out of the 400 respond and
sampled. People we didn't the ages of 20 to 24 years replied more with a percentage of 57.5% that is
230 people out of the 400 respondent sample. Similarly , most of the respondents are single with a
percentage of 80 respondents that is 320 of the people sampled. Majority of the respondents are BSC
and HND holders , 75% of the population sample have worked for a. of 0 to 5 years.

87.5% of respondents agreed that the receive news update on social media. This means that most of the
people use social media. at 3.5% of the respondents agreed that they receive news update on social
media. Based on data gathered , is 2.5% of respondents used social media to receive news updates very
often. Facebook was found to be the most widely used social Media platform with a percentage of 77.53
is 3 is 400 used social Media platform very often. there was a high rate of influence of the Facebook
during the protest.50% of the respondents agreed that the influence was very high. All the respondents
agreed that social media played a vital role during the end service protest. All the respondents are
aware of the issue of police brutality and human rights abuse by law enforcement agent. 80% of the
respondents agreed that the social media can be used to create awareness aboutthe high rate of human
Rights abuses experience in the country. 62.5% agreed that Facebook will allow and encourage the
crusade against human rights abuse if it's relies. 50% of the respondents agreed that Facebook has both
positive and negative impacts on the national security of Nigeria.

Research Question Two: what were the roles that social media played during the end SARS protest?

this question is answered by the data presented in table 5. The table shows that 100 respondent that is
all the respondents agreed that the media played a vital role during the end SARS protest.

Research Question Two: How can the social media be used to create awareness about human rights
abuses ? this question will be discussed with the data presented in table 8. The table shows that 80% of
the respondents agreed that the social media can be used to create awareness about the high rate of
human right abuse experienced in the country.

Research Question 3: what is the role of Facebook in creating awareness about human right abuse?

This question is addressed by the data presented in table 53 or 50% of the respondents reach the
influence of Facebook during the ends SARS protest very high.

research question four: what are the effects of human Rights abuse by police officers on the
psychological , mental , emotional and physiological life of the victims ?
This question will be addressed with the points raised by Aderenle (2014), who opined that human right
abuse by police officers have a huge effect on the lives of individuals because it causes them to lose their
self confidence and peace of mind.
Chapter 5

summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Summary

this study centres on the role of social media platform Facebook during the end such protest. The
literature secured in the study showed that the success of the exhaust protest was due to the role that
social media played during the protest. Facebook was widely used during the protest to give update
about what was currently going on. the study limited its go to Facebook post and upload made during
the protest. Facebook the popular social media networking site based in menlo Park California. it was
founded by Mark Zuckerberg along with his friends fellow roommate and student at Harvard college in
2004. it is considered one of the big five companies in the United States of America information
technology 3rd it offers the product and services beyond its social networking platform including
Facebook messenger and Facebook portal. It has also acquired Instagram , WhatsApp among others.
such as Giplay and maniplay social networks. it also allows users to share pictures music videos and
articles as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people there like (Okolo, 2018).

The study was anchored on the agenda-setting theory. the theory describes the ability of the news
media to influence the importance placed on the topics of the the public agenda.the findings of the
study showed that the role of the media in crusading against sensitive issues such as police brutality
cannot be undermined 3rd this is because the media is very instrumental in publicising violin teacher is
especially if it involves top government offices or agencies.

5.2 conclusion

From the findings , the researcher concluded that: Social media played a vital role during the end SARS
protest. The social media can be used to create awareness through various means.The role of Facebook
in creating awareness especially during the entire process was very high.

5.3 Recommendations

from the conclusion made in the study , the researcher recommends the following:

1. The social media should be utilized efficiently to avoid anything that will cause public unrest in
the country.
2. Media practitioners should not allow inexperienced journalists to destroy the integrity of
3. journalist should learn to be socially responsible with what they post online because the Post
reflect the states of the country.

5.4 suggestion for further studies

Further studies should be conducted on the following topics:

1. Media as a tool for National reform in Nigeria.

2. The impact of social media in crisis situations

3. Mass media and society in nation building (a case study of NTA Broadcast).

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