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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part G:

J Aerospace Engineering
Aerodynamic design of an ultra-highly 2019, Vol. 233(1) 240–249
! IMechE 2017

loaded booster of a high bypass ratio Article reuse guidelines:

turbofan DOI: 10.1177/0954410017728974

Yuwen Chen, Zhenggui Zhou and Cui Cui

Based on an existing high bypass ratio turbofan, this paper uses a new concept of diffusion blade profiles with large camber
and low flow losses to design a rotor for the booster, which characterizes the low wheel speed, thus achieving ultra-high
loading of the rotor, effectively increasing its stage pressure ratio and reducing the weight of the booster. A booster with
only one stage is designed by using the new blade profiles to replace the original booster with three stages. A two-
dimensional design method of S1 (blade to blade)/S2 (hub to tip) stream surfaces is applied to design the blades of the rotor
and the stator in the booster, and the two-dimensional blade profiles in the S1 stream surface are designed by means of an
optimization design method. The flow fields in the original and newly designed boosters are simulated by using a numerical
method. At the design point, the newly designed booster has nearly the same total pressure ratio and mass flow rate as the
original booster and exhibits higher efficiency than the original booster. The surge margins of both boosters are nearly
equal, and the newly designed booster can preferably match the original intermediate case.

Booster, load coefficient, aerodynamic design, flow field simulation

Date received: 16 May 2017; accepted: 7 August 2017

modifications of the blade profiles at the tip and hub,

Introduction the technique of boundary layer suction, etc.
A booster with only one stage was used for the CF6-6 Analyzing effects of the stage inlet flow angle and
high bypass ratio turbofan at General Electric to stage load coefficient on flow losses and surge margins
reduce the fan hub loading and produce a high aver- of a compressor stage, Dickens7 concluded that as
age total pressure at the inlet of the core compressor.1 the stage loading increases, efficiency decreases
Hereafter, the number of stages in the boosters and the stage would stall due to the large separation
increased to three or four, which aims to improve in the stator corner. Therefore, the stator should be
the cycle total pressure ratio and thereby the thrust relieved by increasing the stage reaction, thus shifting
of the engines.2,3 the burden to the rotor. Although increasing the stage
Like a multistage high pressure compressor, an load coefficient can increase the stage pressure ratio, it
increase in stage loading of a booster can lead to a makes the aerodynamic design of the rotor and the
higher stage pressure ratio and a smaller number of stator more difficult. Currently, the load coefficient is
stages, thus reducing the total engine weight. In the usually not higher than 0.4,8–10 and boundary layer
1990s, Wennerstrom4 wrote that increasing the stage control techniques (e.g., boundary layer suction)
pressure ratio and reducing the stage count of the should be applied to the design for a further increase
axial-flow compressor had been a pursuit of aircraft in the load coefficient.
engine designers ever since an axial-flow compressor
was first incorporated into aircraft engines. Based on Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Aerospace Power Systems, College
existing designs, Broichhausen and Zieglar5 predicted of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics
the development trend of key design parameters and and Astronautics, P.R. China
technologies of compressors with high stage loading.
Corresponding author:
Song et al.6 investigated feasible approaches to
Zhenggui Zhou, College of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing
increase the aerodynamic loading of a transonic fan University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, No.29, Yudao Street,
rotor with 195 variations of the rotor, including the Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.R. China.
use of sweep and dihedral in the blade stacking line, Email:
Chen et al. 241

The 2D design method of S1/S2 stream surfaces is W2 and the axial direction) decreases until it becomes
the foundation of the aerodynamic design of axial negative.
flow compressors. The S1 stream surface is the flow
surface of the blade to blade, namely an axisymmetric 
Lu cp T1 ðk  1Þ=k
rotary surface, while the S2 stream surface is the flow H ¼ 2 ¼ ð1Þ
surface of the blade hub to tip, namely a surface U U2
similar to the blade suction or pressure surface. The Lu ¼ UCu ð2Þ
three-dimensional (3D) flow field in the compressor
can be simplified approximatively into two kinds of Three kinds of 2 (2 4 0, 2 ¼ 0, and 2 5 0) and
the 2D flow fields. Generally, the blade is constructed corresponding velocity triangles (black solid lines) as
by several profiles in the S1 stream surface. Hence, well as cascades are shown schematically in Table 1,
this simplification is not only the foundation of the where 2 4 0 corresponds to conventional loading,
blade design but also in favor of the analysis to the 2 ¼ 0 corresponds to the maximum of diffusion,
flow mechanism. The flow is mainly 2D; nonetheless, and 2 5 0 corresponds to ultra-high loading.
it is 3D in the blade hub and tip regions, especially for Analyzing the schematic diagram of the velocity tri-
high loading designs. A 3D design method could be angle and the corresponding cascade when 2 5 0, it
used to further improve the 2D design results.11–16 can be seen that there are two advantages to using this
In the 3D design method, the blade is designed highly cambered blade profile. On one hand, it can
based on an analysis to the 3D flow field, while in increase the twisted velocity Cu , the specific work
the 2D design method, the blade is designed based Lu , and the load coefficient H,  and as a result, the
on an analysis to the flow fields in the S1 and S2 total pressure ratio of a rotor increases. On the
stream surfaces. In general, the blade can be designed other hand, the convergent flow path in rear section
by means of the direct approach, the inverse of the cascade contributes to controlling the develop-
approach,17 and the optimization design method.18 ment of the boundary layer on the blade suction sur-
The multivariable coupling optimization and the mul- face, thereby reducing the flow losses and improving
tiobjective optimization can be achieved by means of the rotor efficiency.19
the optimization design method, which is weakly
dependent on the experiences of the designers and is
Aerodynamic design of the booster rotor
strongly complementary to the direct method. The
optimization design method has been gradually The 2D design method of S1/S2 stream surfaces was
applied to practical engineering. adopted for the aerodynamic design of the rotor in the
In this paper, a new concept of diffusion blade pro- booster, which includes the through-flow design of the
files with large camber and low flow losses was used to S2 stream surface and the 2D profile optimization
design a booster rotor, thus achieving the ultra-high design in the S1 stream surface. A 3D aerodynamic
loading of the rotor and effectively increasing the design has not been conducted in this paper, because
stage pressure ratio. A booster with only one stage the aerodynamic design in the present paper is aimed
was designed by using those profiles to replace the at validating the practicality of the proposed design
original booster with three stages. The blades of method. The blade design procedure is charted in
the rotor and the stator in the booster were designed Figure 1.
by using a 2D design method of S1/S2 stream sur-
faces, and the 2D blade profiles in the S1 stream sur-
face were designed by using the optimization design
Target of the aerodynamic design
method. Moreover, this paper is aimed at validating The original booster in this turbofan engine is com-
the practicality of the proposed design method. posed of inlet guide vanes (IGV) and three axial flow
Therefore, the 3D aerodynamic design has not been stages (Figure 2). The main aerodynamic parameters
conducted. In addition, the flow fields in the original of the original booster are summarized in Table 2.
and newly designed boosters were simulated with a From the table, it can be concluded that the original
numerical method, and the performances of both booster was moderately loaded, and its total pressure
boosters were compared with each other. ratio is 1.298 due to the low wheel speed.
Additionally, as a result of the low stage pressure
ratio, the flow losses in the stators have a large influ-
Design principle ence on the efficiency of the booster; therefore, its
Equation (1) suggests that the load coefficient H efficiency is quite low.
increases with an increase in the total pressure ratio
k , while the circumferential velocity U remains
Effects of load coefficient
unchanged. According to equation (2), under a con-
stant U, as H increases, the twisted velocity Cu The effects of load coefficient on the inlet and outlet
increases and the outlet relative tangential flow parameters of the rotor were investigated by the S2
angle 2 (the angle between the outlet relative velocity through-flow calculation. With the same wheel speed
242 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(1)

Table 1. Three kinds of velocity triangles and corresponding cascades.

Velocity triangles Cascades

2 4 0


2 5 0

Figure 2. Meridional view of the original booster.

Table 2. Booster design parameters.

Parameters Values

Mass flow rate 47.64 kg/s

Total pressure ratio k 1.298
Isentropic efficiency k 0.807
Surge margin 18.5%
Inlet circumferential velocity at tip of R1 191.1 m/s
Load coefficient of R1 0.29

Figure 1. Optimization design procedure of the rotor.

ratios (constant along the blade span) of 1.1, 1.2,
1.33, and 1.4 (corresponding to the load coefficients
and mass flow rate (as shown in Table 2), as well as of 0.254, 0.483, 0.760, and 0.902), Figure 3 can be
the same meridional flow path as the original booster, obtained from the S2 through-flow calculations.
the flow fields in the S2 stream surface were calcu- In Figure 3(a), it can be seen that increasing the
lated. At the design point, given the total pressure total pressure ratio or load coefficient reduces the
Chen et al. 243

Figure 3. Spanwise distributions of key parameters for the booster rotor.

outlet relative flow angle 2 . This angle is close to respectively (Figure 3(b)). The outlet absolute flow
0 degree when the total pressure ratio is 1.2, which angles of the rotor (equal to the flow turning angle
corresponds to 2 ¼ 0 in Table 1. A further increase in of the matching stator) at the rotor hub and tip are
design pressure ratio results in a negative 2 and a approximately 50 and 55 , respectively (Figure 3(c)).
convergent flow path of the rear section in a cascade, The outlet absolute Mach number of the rotor is close
which corresponds to 2 5 0 in Table 1. Owing to the to 0.85 along the blade span (Figure 3(d)). The results
above variation of 2 with the total pressure ratio, the indicate that aerodynamic design of the rotor and its
diffusion factor first rises and then declines with an matching stator are feasible and the design difficulties
increase in the total pressure ratio (Figure 3(b)). mainly lie in the rotor tip region and full-span of the
Furthermore, as the total pressure ratio increases, matching stator.
the outlet absolute flow angle and the outlet absolute
Mach number both increase (as seen in Figure 3(c)
and (d)), which increases the difficulty of the aero-
Design of the rotor blade
dynamic design of the matching stator. Based on the results of the S2 stream surface calcula-
To achieve the equivalent total pressure ratio of the tion of the rotor that is designated the total pressure
original booster (1.298, in Table 2), the rotor total ratio of 1.33, the blade profiles of the rotor were
pressure ratio at the design point of 1.33 (the load designed with an automatic optimization method.20
coefficient of 0.760) was selected in consideration of In this method, the Bézier curves were used to
the flow losses in the matching stator for the newly describe the modifications of initial profiles for the
designed booster with only one stage. The relative profile parameters. The initial profiles were generated
outlet flow angle is approximately 20 along the by using a profile generating software, and every ini-
blade span (Figure 3(a)). The diffusion factors at the tial profile was determined by stagger angle, chord
rotor hub and tip are approximately 0.35 and 0.6, length, circle radii at the leading and trailing edges,
244 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(1)

Figure 4. Optimized blade profiles.

the leading and trailing angles, the maximum thick-

ness and its position, and the maximum deflection and
its position. The rationality of the initial profiles was
examined by a 2D flow field calculation of the S1
stream surface.
In the optimization design of a profile, seven design
variables were separately given on the suction and
pressure sides of the profile. Meanwhile, the stagger
angle and the chord length were also set as design
variables (16 design variables in all). An optimization
aimed at achieving high performance was conducted
by maximizing the following objective function.
jk  kobj j js  sobj j
F ¼ c1 k þ c2 1 þ c3 1 
kobj sobj

where F denotes the objective function; k denotes the

isentropic efficiency at the design point; k and kobj
denote the computed and objective values of the total
pressure ratio at the design point, respectively; s and
sobj denote, respectively, the computed and objective Figure 5. Working performance of the rotor: (a) Total pres-
values of the static pressure ratio at the design point; sure ratio; (b) Isentropic efficiency.
and c1 , c2 , and c3 represent the weight coefficients of
the efficiency, total pressure ratio, and static pressure
ratio, respectively. Herein, c1 , c2 , and c3 were set as should be noted that the total pressure ratio declines
50, 10, and 10, respectively. The optimized blade pro- with a decrease in the mass flow rate. This is counter
files at 10%, 50%, and 90% spans are shown in to the conventional pattern, in which total pressure
Figure 4. ratio rises with a decrease in the mass flow rate.
The optimized 2D profiles of each span were The phenomenon can be explained by analyzing the
stacked along the radial direction to form the 3D velocity diagrams in Table 1 (in the table, the black
blades of the rotor. The NUMECA software was solid lines and the blue dashed lines correspond to the
used to calculate the flow fields in the rotor by solving large and small mass flow rate, respectively). In the
the 3D Reynolds Navier–Stokes equation with a cen- table, with a decrease in the mass flow rate of an ultra-
tral spatial difference scheme and the Spalart- highly loaded rotor (i.e., 2 5 0), the inlet axial vel-
Allmaras turbulence model. The 3D grids were con- ocity decreases and the attack angle increases because
structed by the Autogrid5 module in the software, and of the constant circumferential velocity U. This also
the grid number was approximately 386,000. In the leads to a decrease in outlet relative velocity while the
calculations, the blade tip clearance of the rotor was outlet relative flow angle remains nearly unchanged.
set as 0.3 mm. The calculated performance curves of Therefore, the twisted velocity Cu decreases, which
the rotor at the design wheel speed are presented in results in a decrease in the specific work Lu and con-
Figure 5. It can be seen that the total pressure ratio sequently the total pressure ratio. In contrast, with a
and isentropic efficiency at the design point are 1.33 decrease in the mass flow rate of a conventionally
and 0.9702, respectively. Meanwhile, the surge margin loaded rotor (i.e., 2 4 0), the twisted velocity Cu
is 16.5%. Due to the use of the new profile design increases, thus the total pressure ratio increases.
concept, the rotor obtains very high efficiency and a The spanwise distributions of the total pressure
much higher total pressure ratio than the original ratio and isentropic efficiency of the designed rotor
rotor. Furthermore, as is shown in Figure 5(a), it at the design point are presented in Figure 6.
Chen et al. 245

Figure 6. Spanwise distributions of (a) total pressure ratio

and (b) isentropic efficiency at the design point.

Figure 6(a) shows that the spanwise distribution of the

rotor total pressure ratio is essentially consistent with
the objective. Specifically, the total pressure ratio is
slightly higher than the target above the middle span
and slightly lower than the target below the middle
span. Figure 6(b) indicates that the isentropic efficiency
at the design point is above 0.98 at most of the spa;
however, it decreases dramatically near the blade tip
due to the effect of boundary layer in the annular end-
wall regions and the blade tip leakage flow.
Figure 7 plots the static pressure distribution on
the 3D blade surfaces at the design point at 10%, Figure 7. Static pressure distributions on the blade surface at
50%, and 90% spans and on the 2D profile surfaces the design point. (a) 10% span; (b) 50% span; (c) 90% span.
at corresponding spans. In the figure, it is clear that
the difference of the static pressure distribution loaded rotor, which is the reason for the high loading
between the 2D and 3D surfaces is small; hence, it of the rotor.
can be deduced that the flow in the rotor blade pas-
sages is basically a 2D rotatory surface (S1 stream Aerodynamic design of the matching
surface). In addition, it should be noted that the dif-
ference of the static pressure between the pressure sur-
face and the suction surface in the ultra-highly loaded The flow parameters at the outlet of the above newly
rotor is evidently larger than that in a conventionally designed rotor at the design point were taken as the
246 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(1)

Figure 8. Meridional view of the booster.

flow parameters at the inlet of the matching stator to

perform through-flow design of the stator. The stator
blade profiles were also designed by using the opti-
mization method. The 2D profile design method of
the stator is similar to that of the rotor, with the
main difference between them being the setting of
the objective function. An optimization targeting
high performance of the stator was carried out by
maximizing the following objective function.
j  obj j
F ¼ c1 ð1  $Þ þ c2 1 
js  sobj j
þ c3 1 

In equation (4), F denotes the optimization func-

tion; $ denotes the total pressure loss coefficient; 
and obj denote the computed and objective values
of the flow turning angle, respectively; s and sobj
denote, respectively, the computed and objective
values of the static pressure ratio at the design Figure 9. Working performance of the booster: (a) Total
point; and c1 , c2 , and c3 represent the weight coeffi- pressure ratio; (b) Isentropic efficiency.
cients of the total pressure loss coefficient, turning
angle, and static pressure ratio, respectively. Herein, isentropic efficiency and the surge margin are higher
c1 , c2 , and c3 were set as 100, 10, and 10, respectively. than the objective. Therefore, the newly designed
The designed rotor, the matching stator, as well as booster with only one stage constitutes an aero-
the original IGV constituted a new booster. The dynamic improvement over the original booster with
meridional view of the new booster is shown in three stages.
Figure 8. To exam the matching performance of the newly
designed booster with the original S-shaped inter-
Analysis to aerodynamic performance mediate case, the calculated performance curves of
the booster plus the intermediate case are also pre-
of the booster
sented in Figure 9. The key performance parameters
The flow field of the newly designed booster was cal- of the booster plus the intermediate case at the design
culated by the NUMECA software. The grid numbers point are also listed in Table 3. It can be seen that the
of the IGV, rotor, and matching stator were approxi- efficiency of the newly designed booster with the case
mately 313,000, 375,000, and 322,000, respectively, is higher and the total pressure ratio is slightly lower
and the interfaces between the IGV, rotor, and than that of the original booster with the case, which
stator were set as mix planes. demonstrates that the newly designed booster can
Figure 9 gives the working performance of the match the case with nearly the same degree as the
booster. The performance parameters at the design original booster.
point are listed in Table 3. For convenience of the Figure 10(a) indicates that the total pressure
comparison between the newly designed and original recovery coefficient of the stator is above 0.98 in
boosters, the performance parameters of the original most of its blade span; however, the flow losses of
booster are also listed in the table, which are objective the stator were high at the stator hub and tip due
values for the new design. From Table 3, the total to annular boundary layers. The stator outlet
pressure ratio is near the design objective, while the flow angle in most of the blade span was in
Chen et al. 247

Table 3. Performance parameters of the booster at design point.

Boosters Boosters plus intermediate cases

Parameters The new The original The new The original

Total pressure ratio 1.293 1.298 1.268 1.280

Isentropic efficiency 0.8554 0.8070 0.7870 0.7751
Surge margin 23.6% 18.5% 31.2% 25.1%

Figure 11. Relative Mach number contours at the S2 stream

surface of the booster at the design point.

Figure 10. Spanwise distributions of (a) total pressure

recovery coefficient and (b) outlet tangential flow angle of the
stator at the design point.

range of  2 (Figure 10(b)). The relative Mach

number contour in the meridian plane is plotted in
Figure 11, which demonstrates that the flow losses
in the intermediate case mainly come from the local
diffusing in the case bottom.
According to the relative Mach number contours
in the S1 surfaces at 10%, 50%, and 90% spans Figure 12. Relative Mach number contours at the S1 stream
(Figure 12), it can be seen that the boundary layers surface at the design point. (a) 10% span; (b) 50% span; (c) 90%
on the rotor blade surfaces are thin and the size of the span.
248 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(1)

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.

The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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Superscripts and subscripts

1 rotor inlet
Notation 2 rotor outlet
cp specific heat at constant pressure

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