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Writing task

Exercise 6:

1-I don't agree, I think there is still the need to go and walk around and physically see
what we buy, clothes, food, almost everything, we need to measure our clothes.

2-I agree, but only in a fantasy world, we can work one week all at home and another
week outside.

3- I don't agree, because the phone is a very powerful tool and it needs some
knowledge to use it, because there is a lot of bad and good information that children can
get from it.

Exercise 8:

The idea of everyone working from home if they can has become very popular,
especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. This change has both good and bad side.


More Flexibility: Working from home lets people have more control over their schedule.
This can help them balance work and personal life better, making it easier to handle
personal tasks while staying productive.

Saving Money: Both employees and employers can save money. Employees save on
travel costs, work clothes, and meals, while employers save on office space, utilities,
and supplies.

Helping the Environment: Fewer people traveling to work means less pollution and
lower carbon emission. This can have a positive effect on the environment.


Feeling Lonely: Working from home can make people feel lonely because they miss
seeing their colleagues. This lack of social interaction can affect mental health and
Home Distractions: At home, there can be many distractions like household chores,
family, and pets. These can make it hard to focus on work and stay productive.

Work-Life Balance: It can be hard to keep work and personal life separate when working
from home. People might work longer hours and feel burnt out.

Technology Issues: Remote work needs good technology, like a stable internet
connection and digital tools. Technical problems can interrupt work and make things
harder, especially in places with bad internet.

In conclusion, working from home offers flexibility, cost savings, and environmental
benefits, but it also has challenges like loneliness, distractions, work-life balance issues,
and technology problems. It is important to balance these pros and cons for a
successful remote work setup.

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