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Yati, Liloan, Cebu

S.Y. 2023-2024


I. Time Frame: February 5-9, 2024
II. Subject Matter: Team Sports and Fitness: Baseball and Softball and Teams Sports and
First Aid
III. Learning Objectives:
This week, the learners are expected to:
 Identify the common sports injuries.
 Identify the importance of equipment used of the sport.
 Identify the skills of team sports: baseball and softball.
 Distinguish the difference between baseball and softball.
 Explain the nature and background of the sport.
 Explain the procedure in giving first aid in sport.
IV. Learning Materials:
 MAPEH Book
 Pen and paper
 Recycle Materials
 Scissors
 Folder
 Construction paper
 Glue

V. Learning Tasks

Week 5 (February 5-9)

Day 1 (Feb. 5, 2024)



 Picture Analysis: Students will identify an example of team sports. They will answer
the following questions:

Guide Questions:
1. What is team sports?
2. Based on the pictures presented, what are the other team sports played here in
the Philippines aside of basketball and volleyball?
Firm Up

 Highlights Video of Baseball: Students will watch a highlights video of baseball and
ponder some ideas in mind to find value of baseball sport.

Guide Questions:
1. Where did the baseball began?
2. Who were the people made history of baseball?
3. What is the equipment used in baseball?
4. What are the rules in baseball?
5. What are the skills used in baseball?

Deepen and Transfer

 Design a Baseball Equipment Set: The students will challenge to imagine they are
starting a new baseball team and need to design their own set of equipment.
Consider the materials, design, and functionality of each item to ensure it meets the
needs of the game. Students can create sketches or descriptions of their equipment set
and present their designs to the class. They will be graded according to the criteria

Originality 10
Connection of the new set equipment to the games 10
Functions 5
Presentation 5
Total 30

Day 2 (February 7, 2024)



 Think-Share: The students will think one word that describe the softball sports.
Students will randomly pick at least 4 students and share their answer in front of the

Guide Questions:
1. Why do you use that word to describe softball?
2. Does that word describe the whole concept of softball?
Firm Up

 Matching Game: The students will be given a card; one card has the fundamentals:
skills, rules and equipment while the other card will be written the definition of the skills,
rules and equipment They will be given a time to find their corresponding skills and

Guide Questions:
1. Why is it importance to know the value of skills in playing softball?
2. Why is it importance to know the value of rules in playing softball?
3. Why is it importance to know the purpose of equipment in playing softball?
4. Why is it importance to know the nature and background in playing softball?


 Graphic Organizer: Using a Venn Diagram students will compare baseball and softball
to understand their similarities and differences.

o Accurate identification of differences and similarities 10 pts.
o Clear and organized Venn diagram 5 pts.
Total 15 pts.

Guide Question:
1. What are the main differences between baseball and softball?
2. How are baseball and softball similar?


 Find-Think-Create: Class will be divided into 5 groups, students will be choosing an

equipment of softball and used their creativity by making it use an available resource
they have in that moment. Allow student to present their creations to the class and
explain the purpose and features of their equipment. They will be graded to the
following criteria:
Creativity 10 pts.
Resourceful 10 pts.
Presentation 10 pts.
Total 30 pts.
Day 3 (February 7, 2024)



 Video Presentation: The students will watch a video of the different kind of injuries
and identify the name of the injuries and write their answer in ¼ sheet of paper.

Guide Questions:
1. How many injuries you got it correct?
2. Do you experience the injuries presented? Give the scenario.
3. Do you know how to do the first in that injuries?

Firm Up

 Injury Station: The class will be divided into 4 groups each group will provide with a
set of cards. On each card, write the name of a common sports injury. Students will
categorize the cards into different types of injuries: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand,
and Knee. After sorting the cards, have each group present their categorization to the
class and explain why they grouped the injuries as they did.

Guide Questions:
1. Is the PRICE procedure being acceptable to the first aid of all the common
2. What category has the worst injuries to manage by a player of baseball and
3. Are now able to identify different kind of injuries by just witnessing a incident?


 First Aid in Action: Students will be given two scenarios and let the students analyze
each scenario and identify the appropriate first aid response. And each scenario has it’s
guide questions.

First Scenario
Continuous throwing is one of the skills needed in baseball. But doing this over
time may lead to a tear of the ligament between the lower and upper arm if you are
experiencing this, you are suffering this kind of injury.

Guide Questions:
1. What kind of injury do you have?
2. What symptoms are present that made you think that is your injury?
Second Scenario

In your baseball match, you opponent batted the ball hard. The ball traveled
toward your position. You are confident that you can catch the ball. When the ball
landed, you felt pain in your hand.

Guide Questions:

1. What kind of injury do you have?

2. What symptoms are present that made you think that is your injury?


 Designing a First Aid Kit: The class will group into 6, the students will challenge to
work with their group and design a first aid kit specifically for sports-related injuries.
They will consider the types of injuries discussed in class, the necessary supplies, and
the appropriate packaging for easy transport. Each group should present their first aid
kit design, explaining their choices and justifying their selections. They will graded to
this criteria:

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