2008 Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Rutin and Querceting From Euonymus Alatus Sieb

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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 15 (2008) 308–313


Ultrasound-assisted extraction of rutin and quercetin from

Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb
Yi Yang *, Fan Zhang
College of Science, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China

Received 1 February 2007; received in revised form 17 April 2007; accepted 1 May 2007
Available online 13 May 2007


An ultrasonic method for the extractions of rutin and quercetin from Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb was investigated. The influence
of four extraction variables on extraction yield of rutin and quercetin was discussed. The optimum extraction conditions found were: 70%
aqueous ethanol; solvent: sample ratio 40:1 (v/w); extraction time 3 · 30 min. The recovery of rutin and quercetin and the reproducibility
of the extraction method were determined. The optimized ultrasonic extraction conditions were applied to extract rutin and quercetin
from dried stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb. The application of sonication method was shown to be highly efficient in the extraction
of rutin and quercetin from E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb, compared with classical methods. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micro-
graphs provided evidence of more rapid opening of plant cells treated by UAE in contrast to maceration.
 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ultrasound; Rutin; Quercetin; Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb; Extraction

1. Introduction the consumption of a large amount of solvent and the long

extraction time [6–8].
Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb is a plant which has been The main improvements of sonication for the extractions
used as Chinese folk remedies for over 2000 years. Rutin are related to the yield and shortening of the extraction time
and quercetin from the extracts is of great importance, [9,10]. Ultrasounds produce cell disruption, particle size
mainly because they can be used as an excellent source of reduction and ultrasonic jet towards solid’s surfaces leading
pharmaceutical products for phytotherapy. Its therapeutic to a greater contact area between solid and liquid phase,
action is mainly related to the heart and kidney [1]. The better access of solvent to valuable components [11,12].
therapeutic effects of it such as antimicrobial and antihy- The enhancement of extraction yield of organic compounds
pertensive have been reported [2]. Rutin and quercetin were by ultrasound is attributed to the phenomenon called
obtained in the stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb, resulting acoustic cavitation. If the ultrasound intensity is sufficient,
in identical therapeutic potency. the expansion cycle can create cavities or micro-bubbles in
In conventional methods, the extraction of rutin and the liquid. Once formed, these bubbles will absorb the
quercetin is accomplished by heating, boiling or refluxing. energy from the sound waves and grow during the expan-
The disadvantage of this procedure is the loss of rutin sion cycles and recompress during the compression cycle.
and quercetin due to ionization, hydrolysis and oxidation The increase in pressure and temperature caused by the
during extraction [3–5]. Moreover, the methods brought compression leads to the collapse of the bubbles, which
causes shock wave that passes through the solvent, enhanc-
ing the mass transfer within the system [13–15].
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 64454599; fax: +86 10 64434898. Nowadays, sonication has been employed to extract
E-mail address: yangyi@mail.buct.edu.cn (Y. Yang). active compounds such as flavonoids [16], hydrocarbons

1350-4177/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Yang, F. Zhang / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 15 (2008) 308–313 309

[17], fatty acid esters [18–20], antioxidants [21], steroids [22] the ultrasonic bath, which contains 2.0 L of water. Water
and anthraquinones [23,24] from plant materials. So far, in the ultrasonic bath was circulated and regulated at con-
for the extraction of rutin and quercetin from dried stalks stant desired temperature to avoid the water temperature
of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb using ultrasound, no such work rise, caused by ultrasonic exposure.
has been reported in the literature. Hence, it is of interest to
investigate the effect of ultrasound on the extraction of 2.4. Instrumentation and analytical conditions
rutin and quercetin from these materials. In this paper,
the extraction conditions for extracting rutin and quercetin The HPLC system (Model 1100, Agilent, USA) com-
from dried stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb under ultra- prising the following components: system controller,
sonic have been studied and optimum condition for ultra- G1311A pump, and G1314A multi-wavelength detector
sonic-assisted extraction established. were used for the determination of rutin and quercetin.
The column used was an Eclipse XDB-C18 (Agilent,
2. Materials and methods USA) 5 lm, 150 · 4.6 mm.
For HPLC analysis, CH3OH–H2O–CH3COOH (45:55:
2.1. Plant materials 0.5, v/v) was used as the mobile phase, flow rate was
1 mL/min, the column temperature was room temperature
The stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb were collected in and sample volume injected was 20 lL. The absorbance
Liaoning Province, China. The samples were dried in an was measured at a wavelength of 254 nm for the detection
oven (24 h at 100 C) and ground (60 meshs). The ground of rutin and quercetin. Calibration curve method was used
samples were kept in a dry place before use. for the HPLC analysis of rutin and quercetin in E. alatus
(Thunb.) Sieb.
2.2. Maceration
2.5. Scanning electron micrographs
Maceration was performed with 1.0 g of dried stalks and
100 mL ethanol. The mixture was left at ambient tempera- In order to elucidate each extraction procedure and to
ture for 6 h, with sporadic shaking with a glass agitator. understand the extraction mechanism, samples were taken
Then, the extract was filtered (0.45 lm (millipore)) for at the end of the extraction processes for scanning electron
HPLC analysis. microscopy (SEM) analysis. The sectioned particles were
fixed on a specimen holder with aluminum tape and then
2.3. Ultrasound-assisted extraction sputtered with a thin coating of gold using an Emitech
K500X sputter–coater. All the specimens were examined
For the ultrasound-assisted extraction experiments, an using a Cambridge S250MK3 SEM under high vacuum
ultrasonic bath was used as an ultrasound source. The bath condition and an accelerating voltage of 20 kV.
(KQ-100DB, Kunshan Ultrasound Co. Ltd., China) was a
rectangular container (23.5 · 13.3 · 10.2 cm), to which 3. Results and discussion
50 kHz transducers were annealed at the bottom. The bath
power rating was 100 W on the scale of 0–10. The extrac- 3.1. Chromatographic results
tion of rutin and quercetin was performed by adding
0.5 g of ground dried stalks into 20 mL of solvent in a The chromatograms of standard and ultrasonically
25 mL flask. The flask was then partially immersed into extracted dried stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb are given

Fig. 1. The liquid chromatograms of standard substances and samples: (a) standard substances; (b) dried stalks extract.
310 Y. Yang, F. Zhang / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 15 (2008) 308–313

in Fig. 1. Fig. 1a shows the standard substances with reten-

tion times of 4.5 and 13.5 min for rutin and quercetin,
respectively. Fig. 1b is the chromatogram of ultrasonically
extracted dried stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb.

3.2. Effect of the solvent volume/sample weight ratio

In general, a larger solvent volume can dissolve constit-

uents more effectively leading to an enhancement of the
extraction yield. The influence of solvent volume on the
extraction yield of rutin and quercetin in dried stalks of
E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb was evaluated (Fig. 2). The results
indicated that an increase of extraction yield of rutin and
quercetin could be observed with the increase of the solvent
volume/sample weight ratio, especially when this ratio was
increased from 20 to 40. Hence, the solvent volume/sample
weight ratio of 40 was selected. Fig. 3. Effect of ethanol–water compositions on extraction yield of rutin
and quercetin from stalks of Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb.
3.3. Effect of ethanol–water compositions

The effects of ethanol–water compositions on the extrac- in both cases, the extraction yield is highly time-dependent.
tion yield of rutin and quercetin obtained after 30 min of Under sonication, the rutin and quercetin extraction yield
ultrasound-assisted extraction at ambient temperature are increases rapidly with the extraction time for the first
shown in Fig. 3. The extraction yields of rutin and querce- 30 min and slowly in the next 90 min.
tin increased with the increasing percentage of ethanol up As shown in Fig. 5, for a fixed total time of 90 min, the
to 70% ethanol. This was probably due to the relative extraction yield of rutin and quercetin is the highest under
polarity and the increase in effective swelling of the plant sonication when the sample is extracted three times for
by water, which helped increase the surface area for sol- 30 min each using fresh solvent. When the sample is
ute–solvent contact [25]. Thus, 70% aqueous ethanol was extracted twice for 45 min, the yield is also higher than that
chosen as the extraction solvent in the following studies. the extraction was performed once for 90 min. It is con-
cluded that at a fixed total time of 90 min, three-step
extraction is suitable to achieve good extraction yield of
3.4. Effect of extraction time
rutin and quercetin from dried stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.)
Sieb by sonication.
The influence of extraction time on the extraction yield
Considering the above results, the following experimen-
of rutin and quercetin from dried stalks of E. alatus
tal conditions were optimized: aqueous ethanol (70%);
(Thunb.) Sieb is shown in Fig. 4. The results indicate that

Fig. 2. Effect of the solvent volume/sample weight ratio on extraction Fig. 4. Effect of the extraction time under sonication on extraction yield of
yield of rutin and quercetin from stalks of Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb. rutin and quercetin from stalks of Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb.
Y. Yang, F. Zhang / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 15 (2008) 308–313 311

Table 2
Comparison between maceration and ultrasonic-assisted extraction
Comparison Maceration Ultrasonic-assisted
Extraction time (min) 360 3 · 30
Extractant volume (mL) 100 20
Rutin extraction yield (mg/g) 0.157 ± 0.015 0.299 ± 0.022
Quercetin extraction yield 0.009 ± 0.002 0.013 ± 0.001

maceration. On extraction yield, ultrasonic-assisted extrac-

tion is suitable for sample preparation prior to active com-
ponents analysis.

3.7. Structural changes after extraction

Fig. 5. Effect of the extraction times on extraction yield of rutin and The various extraction methods produced distinguish-
quercetin from stalks of Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb. able physical changes in E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb. Fig. 6a
revealed an SEM micrograph of the untreated stalks, which
could be compared with the structures of the treated sam-
solvent/sample weight ratio 40/1 (v/w); extraction time ples presented in Fig. 6b (maceration), Fig. 6c and d (ultra-
3 · 30 min. sound-assisted extraction). In the case of maceration
(Fig. 6b), puny damage was observed on the external sur-
3.5. Recovery and reproducibility face of stalks. Fig. 6c and d showed the typical structure
of the stalk surface after ultrasound-assisted extraction
Under the above optimized conditions, three samples of and a number of finestras were observed on the plant
the stalks with added rutin and quercetin as shown in Table surface.
1 were analyzed. The recovery of rutin and quercetin from Extraction from dried materials consists in a two-stage
dried stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb is 99.5% and 100.3%, process involving: (i) steeping vegetable materials in solvent
respectively. to facilitate the swelling and the hydration processes; and
To study the reproducibility of the ultrasound-assisted (ii) the mass transfer of soluble constituents from the mate-
extraction method for rutin and quercetin from dried stalks rial to solvent by diffusion and osmotic processes [26]. This
of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb, five samples were processed indicated that the ultrasounds induced a subsequent
under the optimized conditions. The extraction yields of change in the surface tension of the cellulose, and a number
rutin and quercetin showed a good reproducibility of of pits appeared on the surface of plant (Fig. 6). The
experiments. change of the cellulose could cause the plant to crumble
or rupture more readily. What is more, the pits could be
3.6. Comparison between maceration and ultrasonic-assisted propitious to diffusion and osmotic process.
4. Conclusions
The comparison results of extraction yields of macera-
tion and ultrasonic-assisted extraction are listed in Table Two extraction techniques for rutin and quercetin in the
2. Ultrasonic-assisted extraction gives significantly higher dried stalks of E. alatus (Thunb.) Sieb were investigated
values, while maceration yielded lower values. On extrac- and compared. Ultrasound-assisted extraction shows a
tion time, ultrasonic-assisted extraction was faster than high yield and low solvent consumption. It is important

Table 1
The recovery of rutin and quercetin from dried stalks of Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb (n = 5)
Sample 102E (mg) 102A (mg) 102F (mg) Recovery (%)
a b a b
1 32.0 1.30 10.0 0.50 41.6a 1.82b 99.1a 101.1b
2 32.0a 1.30b 30.0a 1.50b 61.7a 2.83b 99.5a 101.1b
3 32.0a 1.30b 60.0a 3.00b 91.8a 4.27b 99.8a 99.3b
E: rutin or quercetin content of the sample determined; A: the amount of added rutin or quercetin standard; F: the amount of the sample determined with
added rutin or quercetin standard.
312 Y. Yang, F. Zhang / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 15 (2008) 308–313

Fig. 6. Electron micrograph of stalks: untreated (a); after maceration (b); after ultrasound-assisted extraction (c) and (d).

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