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Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 7 (2006) 140 – 146

The contribution of flavonoid C-ring on the DPPH free radical scavenging

efficiency. A kinetic approach for the 3V,4V-hydroxy substituted members
Dimitrios I. Tsimogiannis, Vassiliki Oreopoulou *
National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, 9 Iroon Polytehniou st, Zografou Campus 157 80, Athens, Greece

Received 14 July 2005; accepted 5 September 2005


5,7,3V,4V-hydroxy-substituted flavonoids are considered as very efficient radical scavengers. This study examines the effect of the structural
elements of the C-ring, on the radical scavenging activity of these compounds. The impact of di-hydroxy substitution of A- or B-ring on the
activity of fully substituted C-ring flavonoids was also studied. Quercetin, luteolin, taxifolin, eriodictyol, rutin, (+)-catechin, ()-epicatechin,
fisetin and kaempferol were studied during the reaction with the DPPH radical; they revealed two distinctive steps of reaction, a first rapid and a
second slower. DPPH scavenging followed second order kinetics during the rapid step; stoichiometric factors and rate constants were determined.
Quercetin and fisetin scavenged four radicals by each molecule, while the other flavonoids scavenged two radicals with a consequent production
of B-ring diquinone. Also the rate constants were affected by C-ring structure. The kinetics of the slow step was much more complicated and the
contribution of C-ring was based on stoichiometry.
D 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: DPPH; Free radical scavenging; Flavonoids; Antioxidant

Industrial relevance: The oxidation of oils, fats and fat-containing foods is a major problem for the food industry, because it is directly related to economical,
nutritional, flavour, safety and storage problems. The use of antioxidant compounds can slow down the process of oxidation and thereby increase the shelf-life of the
products. Due to probable mutagenic and carcinogenic properties of several synthetic antioxidants, there is an increasing demand from consumers for their
replacement with natural compounds of similar action. Flavonoids are plant polyphenols, which display antioxidant activity as well as several beneficial
pharmacological and biochemical actions, thus could be used as natural antioxidant and upgrade the quality of a product. A better understanding of the reaction of
flavonoids with free radicals would elucidate their mode of action against peroxyl radicals. The relation of structure to antioxidant activity can enhance the recovery
of specific compounds from herbs or agro-industrial by-products and their exploitation as natural antioxidants.

1. Introduction ties (Cook & Samman, 1996; Kandaswami & Middleton, 1997;
Rice-Evans, Miller, & Paganga, 1996; Sahu & Green, 1997). In
Flavonoids are a widespread group of naturally occurring food systems flavonoids can act as free radical scavengers and
phenolic compounds in common edible fruits, leaves, seeds terminate the radical chain reactions that occur during the
and other parts of plants. The basic structure is the 2-phenyl- oxidation of triglycerides. Therefore they present antioxidative
chromane skeleton. The major subgroups are the flavones, efficiency in oils, fats and emulsions (Das & Pereira, 1990;
flavonols, flavanols, flavanones and anthocyanidins. The Madhavi, Singhal, & Kulkarni, 1996; Milovanovic, Picuric-
classification is based on the substitution pattern of the C-ring, Jovanovic, Vucelic-Radovic, & Vrbaski, 1996; Nieto et al.,
i.e. the 2,3-double bond, the 3-OH, the 4-keto group and the 1993; Roedig-Penman & Gordon, 1998; Wanasundara &
flavylium cation (Fig. 1). Shahidi, 1994). A method widely used to predict the ability
It has been proven that flavonoids display a wide range of of flavonoids to transfer H atoms to radicals is based on the free
pharmacological and biochemical actions such as antimicrobi- radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) (Brand-Wil-
al, antithrombotic, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activi- liams, Cuvelier, & Berset, 1995; Sanchez-Moreno, Larrauri,
& Saura-Calixto, 1998).
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 2107723166; fax: +30 2107723163. Although it is confirmed that flavonoids with a polyhy-
E-mail address: (V. Oreopoulou). droxylated substitution in the B-ring show high radical
1466-8564/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.I. Tsimogiannis, V. Oreopoulou / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 7 (2006) 140 – 146 141



3' OH
OH 2' 4'
HO 8 O 1' 5'
RUTIN 7 1 2 6'
6 3 OH
5 4 OH OH


Fig. 1. The studied flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, fisetin (flavonols), rutin, luteolin (flavones), taxifolin (dihydroflavonol), eriodictyol (flavanone), (+)-catechin,
()-epicatechin (flavanols).

scavenging, the effect of the structure of the C-ring is not et al., 2002) agree that the presence of the 4-keto group with
clarified. Reports on the activity of flavonoids with different a 2,3 double bond in 3-OH substituted compounds (quercetin)
C-ring structure in scavenging free radicals and retarding lipid offers maximun activity, although there are some contradic-
peroxidation are contradictory. The presence of the 2,3-double tory results (Hotta et al., 2002; Fukumoto & Mazza, 2000)
bond increases the activity against free radicals (Rice-Evans indicating that maximum activity is obtained with 3-OH
et al., 1996; Silva, Santos, Caroço, Rocha, Justino & Mira, substitution alone (catechin).
2002); the same effect was observed for canola oil by Most of the references cited above concern studies that do
Wanasundara and Shahidi (1994), but the results of Pratt and not include compounds representative of all the major
Hudson (1990) on corn oil did not present any difference. subgroups of flavonoids; therefore conclusions for the effect
However, if the 2,3-double bond is not accompanied by a 3- of all the structural elements of C-ring are not always feasible.
OH group its effect on increasing free radical scavenging Moreover, the scavenging activity was studied by using
activity becomes lower according to Benavente-Garcia, different radicals (ABTS+ or DPPH) or different solvents.
Castillo, Lorente, Ortuño, and Del Rio (2000) and Rice- The purpose of the present work was to study the free radical
Evans et al. (1996), or even reversed according to Hotta, scavenging activity of 5,7,3V,4V-hydroxy-substituted flavonoids
Nagano, Ueda, Tsujino, Koyama, and Osakai (2002). Differ- which are categorized among the most widespread in plants
ences in experimental results concerning the substitution of and efficient members of the major subgroups. Taking into
the position 3 are also reported. The results of Rice-Evans et consideration that all substances possess catecholic structure on
al. (1996) and Benavente-Garcia et al. (2000) indicate a the B-ring, we tried to clarify how the substitution pattern of C-
decrease in activity following the order 3-OH > 3-O-glyco- ring affects the reactivity of the catecholic moiety. DPPH was
syl > no substitution, while Silva et al. (2002) reported better selected as the free radical as it reacts with the flavonoids
results with no substitute compared to O-glycosyl. The through hydrogen transfer and may predict reactivity against
aforementioned results concern flavonoids with a 2,3-double lipid peroxidation.
bond, while no difference, between a 3-OH and no
substitution, was observed with compounds which lack the 2. Materials and methods
double bond (Hotta et al., 2002). The presence of the 4-keto
group in compounds without a 2,3-double bond has been 2.1. Materials
shown to decrease the stoichiometry (Hotta et al., 2002) or
not to affect it (Silva et al., 2002). However, most researchers The flavonoids used were quercetin dihydrate (Fluka 99%),
(Benavente-Garcia et al., 2000; Rice-Evans et al., 1996; Silva fisetin hydrate (Aldrich, pure), (+)-catechin (Fluka, 98%), ()-
142 D.I. Tsimogiannis, V. Oreopoulou / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 7 (2006) 140 – 146

epicatechin (ItChem), eriodictyol (Extrasynthèse, pure), rutin conjugate with the structural elements of B- and C-ring as
(Merck, Extra pure), luteolin (Sigma), taxifolin (Sigma), far as catecholic flavonols are concerned.
kaempferol (ItChem). 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical The reaction of the flavonoids with DPPH was conducted
(DPPH) was obtained from Aldrich (purity 95%). in methanol, as it is a solvent commonly used for this
reaction (Ancerewicz et al., 1998; Brand-Williams et al.,
2.2. DPPH free radical scavenging 1995; Sanchez-Moreno et al., 1998; Zhu, Wang, Wei, Lin,
Yang & Ho, 2001). Furthermore, the reactivity of flavonoids
All the DPPH scavenging measurements were held on a against DPPH in methanol is more accurate for the
digital spectrophotometer (Unicam Helios, Spectronic Unicam prediction of their reactivity in oils, compared to non-
EMEA, Cambridge, United Kingdom), according to the alcoholic solvents, such as ethyl acetate (Tsimogiannis &
method proposed by Brand-Williams et al. (1995), under Oreopoulou, 2004). The DPPH radical has deep purple color
thermostated conditions at 25 -C. 3.9 mL of a daily-prepared and absorbs strongly at 515 nm, whereas the yellowish
DPPH solution of 6.02  10 5 M in methanol was placed in a reduction product, DPPH2, does not. A reference curve of
cuvette and 0.1 ml of a methanolic solution of each antioxidant absorbance (A) against DPPH concentration in methanol
was added. The absorbance of the mixture was being recorded ([DPPH], M) was constructed and used for the calculation
at 515 nm against a second cuvette with a blank solution of of DPPH concentration at various reaction times. It is
DPPH so as to take into consideration the decomposition rate expressed by the equation: A = 11490I[DPPH]  0.0024
of the radical and correct the decrease in absorbance during the (R 2 = 0.9999).
reaction with the flavonoids (Ancerewicz et al., 1998). The The scavenging of the free radical by each compound
same procedure was followed for different concentrations of resulted in similar pattern curves of remaining [DPPH] versus
each antioxidant. The corrected absorbance values were plotted time. Fig. 2A presents the curves obtained during the
against time. scavenging of DPPH by various concentrations of taxifolin,
representatively. It was evidenced that DPPH scavenging could
3. Results and discussion be separated in two parts; a first rapid one and a second in
which the radical was being scavenged at a very slow rate. The
The structures of the studied flavonoids are presented in duration of the rapid scavenging of most flavonoids lasted less
Fig. 1. The arrows indicate the systematical changes in than 90 s, while the respective slow reactions were taking place
structure, starting from quercetin, which contains all the for at least 30 min. In the first part the decrease of DPPH
functional elements of the C-ring, i.e. 2,3-double bond, 3- concentration was 50 to 500 times more rapid than in the
hydroxy and 4-keto substitution, to compounds in which second. The stoichiometries of the rapid and slow stage are
by turns only one of these groups has been missing. In basic elements for the explanation of the antiradical activity,
addition to catecholic flavonoids, kaempferol was examined because they could reveal the contribution of the different
in this study to clarify the effect of the B-ring catecholic functional groups to scavenging reactions. The rapid stage
structure on the reactivity of the fully substituted C-ring. could be possibly attributed to the very reactive o-hydroxyls of
Also fisetin (7,3V,4V-flavonol) which lacks 5-OH was B-ring. In such case a reaction between the flavonoid and
studied in order to examine if the A-ring substituents DPPH takes place to produce a far less active quinone which

6.00E-05 1.6E+05
1.06E-06 M
2.12E-06 M
3.19E-06 M 1.4E+05
5.00E-05 4.25E-06 M
5.31E-06 M 1.2E+05
6.37E-06 M
4.00E-05 7.41E-06 M
8.49E-06 M 1.0E+05
[DPPH] (M)

1.06E-05 M
3.00E-05 8.0E+04

α = 1253.1t + 734.16
R2 = 0.9993
1.00E-05 n=1.99

0.00E+00 0.0E+00
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
t (min) t (s)

Fig. 2. A. Kinetic curves of DPPH scavenging for taxifolin at various concentrations. B. The correlation of a with time of reaction (s) for taxifolin 10 5 M. The linear
part belongs to the rapid stage and for a Primary Stoichiometric Factor n = 1.99, R 2 is optimized.
D.I. Tsimogiannis, V. Oreopoulou / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 7 (2006) 140 – 146 143

scavenges DPPH leading to a complex mixture of degradation The stoichiometries of the rapid step show that for all
products according to Eqs. (I) and (II). catecholic flavonoids, except quercetin and fisetin, the rapid
initial scavenging is accomplished by the two ortho-
Flavonoid þ nDPPH & †Quinone þ nDPPH2 ðIÞ hydroxyls of ring B, which donate their H atoms to reduce
DPPH and form the corresponding o-quinones. Alluis, Pérol,
Quinone þ mPPP H & YProducts þ mDPPH2 : ðIIÞ
El Hajji, and Dangles (2000) also distinguished the
According to Sang et al. (2003) and Brand-Williams et al. scavenging of DPPH in two steps and came to similar
(1995) the formation of quinones is governed by reversible conclusions as far as rutin and rutin derivatives are
reactions. On the contrary, the reactions that form the final concerned: they determined stoichiometries close to 2 during
products are irreversible since they involve fission of the initial the fast step, consistent with the formation of quinone
skeleton and production of radical termination compounds intermediates. Furthermore Goupy et al. (2003) reported that
(Goupy, Dufour, Loonis, & Dangles, 2003; Shahidi, Janitha, & polyphenols displaying a free 1,2-hydroxybenzene (catechol)
Wanasundara, 1992; Zhu, Huang, Yu, La Voie, Yang & Ho, gave stoichiometric values close to 2, per catechol group, in
2000; Zhu et al., 2001). agreement with the stepwise formation of quinones during
In order to avoid the reversibility of the primary reactions, the fast step.
DPPH was used in excess (even fifty-fold higher concentration Concerning quercetin, the experimental results showed that
than the antioxidant), a fact that rendered the first stage it scavenges four free radicals (Table 1). This is in complete
CDPPH 1 1 o 1 o  CAH
 ¼ kCDPPH ICAHn ` I ln I CAH  C  C DPPH  ln n
¼  kt ðIIIÞ
t o 1 o CDPPH n
n DPPH o

practically a one-way reaction. Furthermore it could be agreement with the finding of Dangles, Fargeix, and Dufour
considered that during the rapid stage the reduction of DPPH (1999). The action of this flavonoid is due to the formation of
due to the action of the quinone is not significant, given that solvent adducts (addition of two methanol molecules on the 2,3
reaction (II) is much slower than reaction (I). Practically the double bond of C-ring), thus prolonging the radical scavenging
kinetics of the two stages do not conflict. activity by means of reducing the o-quinone in B-ring. The
Data of the rapid stage were analyzed for all concentrations regenerated o-diphenol still reacts with two additional mole-
of each antioxidant to approach the kinetics of this stage. In all cules of DPPH to form the corresponding diquinone, indicated
cases a second order kinetics according to Eq. (III) performed in Fig. 3. The other flavonoids that posses a 2,3-double bond
best fit to experimental data. The plot of the left term of Eq. did not show similar behaviour, leading to the conclusion that
(III) (a) versus time is indicated in Fig. 2B for taxifolin, methanol addition to the 2,3-double bond depends on the
representatively. The parameter n of Eq. (III) corresponds to existence of the 3-OH hydrogen and the B-ring catecholic
the number of scavenged radicals per molecule of antioxidant structure. The first argument is confirmed by the reaction of
as indicated in Eq (I), i.e. the stoichiometric factor of primary rutin and Luteolin, which lack the active hydrogen and the
stage (PSF). The PSF and rate constant k for each compound whole 3-OH group, respectively, as indicated in Fig. 1, and
were calculated as the average of the determined n i and k i from scavenged two radicals during the rapid step (Table 1), in
the kinetic analysis of different flavonoid concentrations and contrast to the four scavenged radicals by quercetin. Therefore
are presented in Table 1. no methanol addition occurs. The second argument is

Table 1
Rate constants of rapid kinetics, moles DPPH scavenged per mole of each flavonoid during the rapid kinetics (PSF) and the total reaction (TSF) and the quantity of
flavonoid necessary to scavenge the 50% of the initial quantity of DPPH (EC50)
Compound tested PSF k TSF EC50
  (M 1s 1)      
molDPPH molDPPH molantiox gantiox
molantiox molantiox molDPPH KgPPPH

Quercetin 3.98 T 0.12a 6433 T 381 6.74 T 0.08 0.078 T 0.004 60 T 3

()-Epicatechin 2.04 T 0.03 1608 T 129 – 0.087 64
(+)-Catechin 2.03 T 0.04 1542 T 152 – 0.077 57
Eriodictyol 2.02 T 0.03 1304 T 210 3.30 T 0.04 0.146 T 0.003 107 T 2
Rutin 1.98 T 0.04 4707 T 185 5.32 T 0.07 0.095 T 0.003 160 T 4
Luteolin 2.00 T 0.03 7737 T 1516 4.73 T 0.08 0.106 T 0.006 76 T 4
Taxifolin 1.99 T 0.05 1239 T 91 4.09 T 0.06 0.122 T 0.006 93 T 5
Kaempferol 1.87 T 0.09 11308 T 1590 1.87 T 0.09 0.249 T 0.019 181 T 7
Fisetin 4.13 T 0.15 6738 T 374 5.59 T 0.08 0.094 T 0.004 73 T 3
Mean value T SD.
144 D.I. Tsimogiannis, V. Oreopoulou / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 7 (2006) 140 – 146



quercetin fisetin taxifolin

quinone quinone quinone

Fig. 3. The primary oxidation products of quercetin, fisetin and taxifolin, respectively.

confirmed by the reaction of kaempferol, with no B-ring The effects of the C-ring structural characteristics are also
catecholic structure (Fig. 1) that scavenged two radicals (Table expressed through the secondary reactions, i.e. the reactions of
1), whereas slow step was not observed. The slow step would the produced quinones at the primary stage. However, the
have been an indication that a weak scavenger was taking over. secondary reactions are complicated; they lead to mixtures of
Furthermore A-ring or its substituents do not influence the oxidation products and the second order kinetic model is not
primary reactions of flavonols; fisetin which lacks 5-OH not applicable. The Total Stoichiometric Factor (TSF), representing
only scavenged four radicals but also presented similar rate the scavenged molecules of DPPH per molecule of antioxidant
constant (k = 6.7  103 M 1s 1) as quercetin (k = 6.4  103 after the completion of the reaction was estimated through the
M 1s 1). These results suggest that the methanol adducts, relevant curves, as the ones represented in Fig. 2A. The
which act further against free radicals, can be formed only by scavenged DPPH of each curve at the end of the reaction was
catecholic flavonols. plotted against the initial flavonoid concentration. The corre-
Consequently the PSF of catecholic flavonoids is affected lation CDPPH – C(initial)
AHn was linear for the majority of the
by C-ring only when both 2,3-double bond and 3-OH exist compounds (apart from the two flavanols) and the slope
at the molecule. In all other cases of C-ring substitution the revealed the scavenged DPPH molecules per molecule of
molecules act identically; they scavenge two radicals. antioxidant, a value that represents the Total Stoichiometric
Unlike, rate constants of the rapid kinetics are highly Factor (TSF) and is presented in Table 1. The total antioxidant
affected by C-ring substitution (Table 1). The most valuable efficiency, expressed by EC50, which corresponds to the ratio
characteristic appears to be the 2,3-double bond since molantiox / molDPPH or gantiox / kgDPPH necessary to reduce 50%
flavones and flavonols posses much higher rate constants of the initial concentration of DPPH is also presented in Table
than the rest, saturated members. 1. Although TSFs of flavanols were not possible to be
Kaempferol exhibited the most rapid reaction with a rate determined due to the lack of linearity between CDPPH -
constant k = 1.1 104 M 1 s 1. This fact is reasonable (initial)
CAHn , the EC50 values were calculated graphically.
because at the 3V,4V-OH members, after the donation of one The stoichiometric factors concerning the slow scavenging
hydrogen atom to DPPH, a hydrogen bond is settled between of the studied flavonoids vary and it is not safe to assume the
the phenoxy radical and the hydrogen of the o-hydroxyl oxidative paths based on the observed stoichiometries,
(Zhang, Sun, & Wang, 2003). This H-bond suppresses the especially since these factors are difficult to be approximated
delocalization of the unpaired electron through which the to the nearest integer. To examine the effect of the different
donation of the second H can be achieved. Kaempferol is a structural groups of the C-ring on the scavenging efficiency
monohydroxy B-ring flavonoid and no intramolecular H-bond during the slow step, we tried to compare the observed
occurs after scavenging one DPPH molecule. The unpaired stoichiometric factors of compounds, which lack by turns only
electron becomes highly delocalized and produces 10 reso- one structural element, as indicated in Fig. 1. Rutin, luteolin
nance structures, during the reaction of kaempferol with and eriodictyol reveal that the ether bonded 3-oxygen is
DPPH which is presented in Fig. 4. All 3V,4V-OH members preferable than the non-substituted 3-C, while the loss of one
possess lower rate constant values than kaempferol. Never- further substitution element of C-ring, i.e. the 2,3 double bond
theless these values are highly differentiated, a fact which leads to an additional decrease of the slow step radical
could be attributed to the number of resonance structures since scavenging stoichiometry (rutin; 3.3 > luteolin; 2.7 > eriodic-
the higher the number of resonance structures, the lower the tyol; 1.3). In the case of quercetin a different primary
demanded energy for the formation of the free radical. For mechanism occurs, as already mentioned, which leads to
example, luteolin produces 9 resonance structures after the higher radical scavenging ability: not only the catecholic
donation of the first H to DPPH and the total rate constant for hydroxyls participate during the reactions of the rapid part but
the primary stage is 7.7  103 M 1 s 1 while eriodictyol, also the 2,3-double bond that becomes saturated because of the
which lacks 2,3-double bond, presents 8 resonance structures concurrent methanol addition at the parent molecule. Therefore
and a respective rate constant 1.3  103 M 1 s 1. Rutin the action of quercetin primary oxidation product, due to the
reacted slower than luteolin due to steric effects of the 3-O- saturated 2,3 bond, is feasible to be compared with the
rutinoside, while quercetin and fisetin had similar rate respective product of taxifolin due to structural similarities of
constants. the two compounds that can be seen in Fig. 3. A slight decrease
D.I. Tsimogiannis, V. Oreopoulou / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 7 (2006) 140 – 146 145












kaempferol quinone

Fig. 4. Proposed mechanism of DPPH radical scavenging by kaempferol.

of the slow step stoichiometry is observed in the case of relatively low molar ratios (< 0.1) the two catechins appear to
taxifolin, indicating that the 2,3-dimethoxy substitution of possess the highest stoichiometric factors in slow kinetics, as
(scavenged) (initial)
quercetin primary oxidation product might be contributing to indicated by the major slopes presented by CDPPH – CAH n
the scavenging ability. The product of primary oxidation of curves. The products of catechins oxidation are complex and
eriodictyol, which lacks one more structural element is again quinone formation is probably followed by dimerization
the least active (quercetin; 2.8  taxifolin; 2.1 > Eriodictyol; (Goupy et al., 2003). Flavanols lacking two structural elements
1.3). It is obvious from the above comparisons that the gradual at C-ring, i.e. the 2,3-doudle bond and the 4-carbonyl could be
loss of structural elements of C-ring decreases the radical compared with quercetin and taxifolin. The fact that flavanols
scavenging action of the 5,7,3V,4V-flavonoids. On the other show increased slow step stoichiometry compared to quercetin
hand the comparison of the slow step stoichiometric factors of and taxifolin is a paradox since it does not obey the rule of
luteolin and taxifolin (2.7 and 2.1, respectively) indicates that decrease of antioxidant action with the loss of the C-ring
the 2,3-double bond offers a slightly higher scavenging ability structural elements.
compared to the 3-OH group. According to the total stoichiometric factors or the EC50 the
(+)-Catechin and ()-epicatechin, the only flavonoids that classification of the flavonoids is quercetin > fisetin > rutin > -
lack the 4-carbonyl group, shown identical action to other luteolin > taxifolin > eriodictyol > kaempferol. Catechin and epi-
flavonoids, as far as the stoichiometric factors of the rapid step catechin are classified close to quercetin according to the EC50
are concerned; each antioxidant scavenged two radicals. The parameters.
stoichiometries of the slow step were not feasible to be Conclusively flavonoids are highly dependent on the C-ring
determined since the reactive concentration of the radical was substitution that affects the radical scavenging activity differ-
not linearly correlated with the initial concentration of each ently as far as the stoichiometry and rate in both primary
antioxidant. Increasing the molar ratio flavanol/DPPH resulted (attributed to B-ring OH) and secondary reactions are
in a decrease of the observed stoichiometric factor. However, at concerned. Full substitution of C-ring provides to the catecholic
146 D.I. Tsimogiannis, V. Oreopoulou / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 7 (2006) 140 – 146

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