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11 | 2014
The Magazine of WorldatWork ©

A preferred pay-for-performance program,

variable pay requires much thought and planning.

he past 15 years have of pay-for-performance vehicles

presented more than their known collectively as variable-pay
fair share of challenges for programs. Designed to reward
HR and compensation professionals. employees for their contributions to
A steady economic decline, culmi- the business, variable pay encom-
nating in the deepest recession since passes everything from profit-sharing,
the Great Depression, led to plum- gainsharing and business incentives to
meting revenues, seemingly endless individual performance awards, team
waves of layoffs and widespread wage awards and special recognition plans.
freezes. Base pay salary increases Variable pay has long been a
fell to the lowest levels on record, popular vehicle for compensating
from 4.3 percent of payroll in 2001 to executives, whose sizable bonuses
1.8 percent in 2009, according to the and other perks became a bone of
“U.S. Salary Increase Survey 1998-2014,” contention during tough economic
conducted by the author’s company. times. In recent years, however,
Struggling to motivate and companies have expanded their
engage those employees who variable-pay programs to encompass
remained — frequently saddled with exempt and nonexempt employees
extra responsibilities — employers from across the organization. Seventy-
found themselves drawn to a variety two percent of companies now have

By Ken Abosch, Aon Hewitt

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variable-pay programs that cover While base pay salary increases are The rationale for adopting variable
the entire company, according to projected to reach a paltry 2.9 percent pay strategies is clear. While increases
“Variable Compensation Measurement of payroll in 2014, variable pay is in base salary impact payroll expen-
Report 2013,” conducted by expected to reach a record-high level ditures every year moving forward,
the author’s company. of spending at 12.7 percent, according variable pay has an impact on cash
to the “U.S. Salary Increase Survey flow for the current year only. A
Trending Strong 1998-2014,” conducted by the author’s fluctuating component of compensa-
There has been a quiet but steady company. (See Figure 1.) Furthermore, tion that is delivered contingent upon
increase in the prevalence in and the “Variable Compensation Measure- results, the reward must be re-earned
importance of variable pay for ment Report 2013” reveals that the each year. Because it is not an addi-
nonexecutive employees over the average amount spent on variable tive to base pay, it does not become a
past 25 years. There’s no denying pay programs by companies with fixed cost for the organization.
its increasing popularity. Ninety-one revenues of less than $10 billion While many corporate strategies for
percent of organizations had a broad- was $61 million. For those with reducing costs have proved patently
based variable-pay program in 2014, revenues greater than $10 billion, unpopular with employees, variable
according to the “U.S. Salary Increase it was $84 million. pay is valued highly by workers at
Survey 1998-2014.” That’s a dramatic While it would be easy to assume all levels. Academic research studies,
increase from the 47 percent reported variable pay is a Western phenom- such as the 2003 “Compensation:
in 1990. Even those industries you enon, nothing could be further from Theory, Evidence and Strategic Impli-
would never expect to embrace the truth, as it has become common- cations” by B. Gerhart and S.L. Rynes,
variable pay have adopted it — not- place in virtually every part of the reveal that high performers are more
for-profits, higher education and even world. It’s actually most prevalent in likely to join and stay with organiza-
the government. Today’s employers China, Australia, Korea and Singa- tions that have a strong focus on
are more reliant on variable pay than pore, where nearly 100 percent of paying for individual performance.
merit increases or other types of pay- companies have embraced the prac- In addition, employee focus groups
for-performance rewards. tice, according to the “Global Salary conducted by the author have
Spending on variable-pay programs Increase Survey 2008,” conducted by revealed that employees perceive
has reached massive proportions. the author’s company. they have greater control over the

Figure 1 | Company Spending on Variable Compensation

Variable Pay Awards for Salaried Employees

(as percentage of payroll)
12.7% 12.7%
11.8% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0%
11.4% 11.6%
11.2% 11.3%
10.8 %
9.7% 9.5%


4.2% 4.2% 4.3% 4.3%

3.6% 3.6% 3.6% 3.7% 3.7%
3.4% 3.4%
2.8% 2.9% 2.9% 3.0%
2.4% 2.7%

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Variable Pay Salary Increase

Source: “U.S. Salary Increase Survey 1998-2014,” Aon Hewit

32 | workspan november 2014

size of their variable pay award than 13 percent felt it had no effect and such assessment of plans from 70
over the size of their salary increases. not one company said it had hindered companies conducted by the author’s
These focus groups also disclosed business results. company revealed an average plan
that employees feel more aligned to At face value, it sounds like variable score of 546 points out of a possible
an organization when they participate pay is helping companies achieve 1,000. Clearly, there is room for
in variable pay given the role that miraculous things. However, half of improvement. But just where are
organization performance typically “Variable Compensation Measurement companies faltering when it comes
has in bonus outcomes. Report 2013” survey respondents to designing and administering effec-
Motivated to help move the orga- admitted they do not review the effec- tive variable-pay plans? Figure 2
nization in its desired direction, tiveness of their variable-pay plans illustrates three critical plan design
employees frequently can be found on an annual basis. Considering the components where companies are
making suggestions for improve- enormous investments organizations consistently falling short.
ment and questioning unnecessary are making in this particular compen- The first breakdown comes in the
expenditures. Thus, variable pay sation vehicle, it’s alarming that so area of funding for at-goal levels of
is an effective vehicle for focusing many are failing to analyze how these performance. Simply put, companies
employees on results and driving plans work. Yet, 87 percent of partici- are having trouble coming up with
desired behaviors, as it gives them pants in the “Variable Compensation sufficient funds to cover their plans.
a clear line of sight between their Measurement Report 2013” claim vari- The importance of ensuring adequate
actions and their rewards. For this able pay has been at least somewhat funding cannot be emphasized enough.
reason, variable pay is favored by effective in helping drive the desired It’s not very motivating for an employee
shareholders and industry analysts, results. How can companies be certain to meet the required objectives, but
who like that employees have some they are reaping the desired return on then fail to receive the anticipated
“skin in the game.” investment if they are not measuring payout because the company didn’t
the program’s effectiveness? take the time to identify a source of
Blind Optimism funding for the plan. Unfortunately,
By and large, organizations are Reality Check many companies are losing ground
optimistic about the results they Variable pay is a powerful compen- when it comes to ensuring adequate
are achieving with variable pay. sation vehicle with a practically funding for their variable-pay plans.
According to the “Variable Compen- unmatched ability to drive high The second failing is with regard
sation Measurement Report 2013,” performance. Many companies have to line of sight. For a plan to be
29 percent of companies said it had variable-pay plans in place that are effective, employees need to see
helped them generate the desired working quite well and driving the a direct causality. They must be
results, while an additional 58 percent desired results. For a variable-pay confident they have the ability to
said it had “somewhat helped.” Just program to live up to its potential, it’s affect outcomes. Weak line of sight is
critical that the organi- often caused by choosing the wrong
zation ensure its plan plan types. Stronger line of sight is
Figure 2 |  E ffectiveness of Plan Components focuses on the right achieved when plans focus on indi-
goals and behaviors vidual performance. These include
Variable Pay Index Scorecard
and has a real pay-for- business incentive, individual perfor-
Overall Score Effective Zone performance emphasis. mance awards and special recognition
Organizations are awards. A weaker line of sight is
1 Measures Effective zone
increasingly turning to found in those plans with an “all
2 Eligibility Effective zone diagnostic tools to assess boats rise and fall together” philos-
3 Funding Partially effective zone the effectiveness of their ophy. Here, we find profit-sharing,
variable pay plans. A team awards and gainsharing type
4 Alignment Effective zone
review of a plan’s design plans. Granted, these plans might
5 Line of sight Partially effective zone characteristics — such have their place for team/cultural
6 Plan mechanics Partially effective zone as measures, eligibility, reinforcement, but they accomplish
funding, alignment, line nothing in terms of line of sight. (See
7 Targets Effective zone
of sight, plan mechanics, Figure 3 on page 34.)
8 Participation requirements Effective zone targets, participation The third deficiency can be found in
9 Communication Effective zone requirements, commu- the area of plan mechanics. Reflective
nication and plan of a company’s pay philosophy and
10 Plan administration Highly effective zone
administration — can culture, plan mechanics entail the
Source: VCM Report 2013 be quite telling. One levers on which the plan operates:

november 2014 workspan | 33

thresholds, maximums, targets and looking to drive better results from most common pitfalls — and plan
plan triggers. This component has the employees you have now or are sinkers. Identify the source of funding
to be handled with great care, as you focused on building the work- and decide how the funds are going
it has the potential to be incredibly force of the future? Do you want to to be allocated. It’s important to
demotivating. Take for example the thank workers for good performance realize that allocation may not be the
organization that set thresholds at or would you rather take a cause-and- same at different layers of the organi-
60 percent of target, (paying out effect approach to incent the desired zation. Thus, you must consider how
bonuses for a miss of 40 percent from performance? Is changing behaviors much will be designated as organiza-
goal) and maximums at 105 percent at the heart of your approach or are tional, business unit and individual.
of target. By doing so, this company, you more focused on the end result? Finally, devising a comprehensive
consciously or inadvertently, sent the Finally, does your culture support a communication initiative is crucial to
message that it didn’t really expect plan that rewards individual perfor- helping employees recognize line of
employees to hit those goals. mance or is yours more of a “there’s sight and identify exactly how they
no I in team” type of organization? can affect their earning potential.
Deliberate Design Once you have addressed these
Variable-pay plans are powerful critical questions, it’s time to begin Looking Forward
compensation vehicles with the poten- putting the requisite components Variable pay has emerged as the
tial to have a significant impact on in place to ensure an effective pay-for-performance vehicle of
employee behavior and business results. variable-pay strategy. Key factors choice and will continue to be for
The key to more effective variable- to be determined include eligibility, the foreseeable future. The abysmal
pay plans lies in assessing what you performance period, measures and trending in salary increases holds
currently have in place and ensuring objectives, along with the appropriate little hope for improvement, compel-
that you move forward with a plan amount of plan stretch — too tough ling organizations to invest heavily in
that is designed with strategic intent and people give up, too easy and compensation strategies that motivate
to accomplish your desired goals. employees feel entitled. desirable behaviors, facilitate ideas
A crucial first step is to decide what Funding and allocation must be and improvements, and create align-
you hope to accomplish. Are you given adequate attention to avoid the ment around the required outcomes.
It’s been well-established that vari-
able pay’s impact on organizational
Figure 3 | Types of Variable-Pay Plans
results is significant when such plans
are designed with strategic intent
% of Companies Surveyed That with all critical design components
Have the Following Plan Type carefully considered and put into
2014 place. Yet driving the best results
Incentive Plan Type All Industries
requires a willingness to assess how
Business incentives — Plans with combined financial 57% these plans are working and readi-
and/or operating measures for the company, business unit,
ness to course-correct. Only then
department, plan and/or individual performance.
will organizations truly realize the
Cash profit-sharing plans — Designed to award employees 14% full potential of variable pay.
a percentage of the company’s profits. Plans typically make
equal payment (as a flat-dollar amount or percentage of salary)
to all or most employees based on organizational profitability. Ken Abosch is a partner and broad-
based compensation marketing, strategy
Individual performance plans — Plans whose payouts are 44%
and development leader at Aon Hewitt
based solely on individual performance criteria. Payout
amount typically varies from one employee to another. in Lincolnshire, Ill. He can be reached
Gainsharing/productivity plans — Plans designed to share a 6%
percentage of cost savings of a group, unit or organization.
The gains are typically shared uniformly among all participants.

Team awards — Designed to reward employees for the result/ 15% resources plus
improvement in team results. Plans provide incentives to For more information, books and
individuals on a project work team. education related to this topic, log
on to and
Special recognition plans — Plans that are designed to 50% use any or all of these keywords:
recognize special individual or group achievements with small
❙❙ Variable pay
cash awards or merchandise.
❙❙ Pay for performance

Source: “U.S. Salary Increase Survey 2014-2015,” Aon Hewit ❙❙ Variable pay+plan.

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