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Yati, Liloan, Cebu

S.Y. 2023-2024


I. Time Frame: April 1-4, 2024
II. Subject Matter: Maternal Health Concerns: Responsible Parenthood
III. Learning Objectives:
This week, the learners are expected to:
 Define dating, courtships, and marriage
 Define pregnancy.
 Identify and describe the various maternal health concerns.
 Identify the possible health conditions in relation to pregnancy.
 Explain the importance of prenatal care.
 Enumerate ways to achieve proper nutrition during pregnancy.
 Identify the possible health conditions at post-pregnancy.
 Explain the importance of essential newborn care protocol.
 Explain the importance of immunization in protecting children's health.
 Enumerate and recognize the roles and responsibilities of parents in child-rearing and
 Defend the importance of responsible parenthood.
 Promote proper care of the mother before, during, and after birth.
 Value the responsibility of parents for the growth and health of their children.\
 Create an information campaign aimed at presenting the proper values that must be
observed in the stages of life: Dating and courtships, Marriage, Pregnancy (Maternal
Care), and Responsible Parenthood.

IV. Learning Materials:

 Videos on dating, courtships, marriage, and pregnancy
 Art supplies for creative activities (colored pencils, paper, scissors, glue)
 Rubric for performance tasks
 Pamphlets or brochures on prenatal care and immunization.
 MAPEH Book

V. Learning Tasks

Day 1


April 1

Activity Name: "Life Stages Timeline"

Activity: Students create a timeline of significant life stages (dating, courtship, marriage, and
pregnancy). They illustrate and annotate each stage with important events and considerations.

Processing Questions:

1. What events did you include in each life stage?

2. How do these stages interconnect and affect one another?
3. Why is it important to understand each stage in the context of a healthy life

Firm Up

Activity Name: "Interactive Definitions Discussion"

Discussion: Using the handouts with key terms, students work in small groups to define
dating, courtships, marriage, and pregnancy. Each group presents their definitions and creates
a visual representation (e.g., poster, infographic).

Processing Questions:

1. How did your group define each term?

2. What similarities and differences did you notice in the definitions from other
3. How do these definitions help in understanding the broader concepts of
relationships and health?

Day 2


April 2, 2024


Activity Name: "Maternal Health Concerns"

Activity: In small groups, students share ideas regarding various maternal health concerns and
present their ideas. Topics include prenatal care, proper nutrition during pregnancy, and health
conditions related to pregnancy.

Processing Questions:
1. What maternal health concern did your group?
2. What are the key aspects of this concern?
3. How can these concerns be addressed effectively?


Assessment Quiz:

A short quiz covering definitions, maternal health concerns, and the importance of prenatal care
and proper nutrition during pregnancy.

Day 3


April 3, 2024


Activity Name: "Healthy Baby, Healthy Mom"

Activity: Students watch a video on essential newborn care and immunization. They take notes
and discuss the key points with a partner.

Processing Questions:

1. What are the critical components of essential newborn care mentioned in the
2. Why is immunization important for protecting children's health?
3. How can parents ensure their children receive proper care from birth onwards?

Firm Up

Activity Name: "Parental Responsibilities Discussion"

Discussion: In small groups, students discuss the roles and responsibilities of parents in child-
rearing and care. Each group creates a chart listing these roles and presents it to the class.

Processing Questions:

1. What are the primary responsibilities of parents according to your group?

2. How do these responsibilities impact the child's growth and health?
3. What strategies can parents use to fulfill these responsibilities effectively?
Day 4


April 4, 2024


Activity Name: "Role-Playing Responsible Parenthood"

Activity: Students role-play various scenarios that demonstrate responsible parenthood and
proper care of the mother before, during, and after birth. Each group presents their role-play to
the class and explains the behaviors they demonstrated.

Criteria for Role Play:

1. Accuracy: How accurately were the roles and scenarios portrayed?

2. Engagement: How engaging and realistic was the role-play?
3. Teamwork: How well did the group work together?
4. Clarity: Were the messages and behaviors clear and understandable?

Processing Questions:

1. What behaviors did you demonstrate in your role-play?

2. How do these behaviors contribute to responsible parenthood?
3. What challenges did you face while role-playing?


Performance Task:

 Activity and Instructions: Students create an information campaign that presents the
proper values that must be observed in the stages of life: Dating and courtships,
Marriage, Pregnancy (Maternal Care), and Responsible Parenthood. The campaign can
be in the form of posters, brochures, videos, or a presentation.

o You are a health educator, you need to provide practical advice and strategies
for ensuring healthy maternal and child health by demonstrating the importance
of responsible parenthood and proper care of the mother before, during, and
after birth through multimedia presentation or video. This will be presented to
the group of soon-to-be parents.

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