1689466517 PDS113 Workplace Challenges and Solutions-1

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Workplace Challenges and Solutions

4. A customer feels they have been waiting too

long for their product or service and they
1. You co-worker is constantly coming in late are getting particularly upset and personal
and leaving early, while you are on time for with you, how do you effectively handle the
each shift. It goes unnoticed by your situation?
supervisor, what do you do?
a. Remain calm
a. Talk to them (sometimes there are b. Don’t take it personally
personal reasons why lateness is c. Listen to the problem
occurring d. Actively sympathize
b. Express your concern to the co- e. Apologize gracefully
worker in an approachable way f. Find a solution
c. If they refuse your approach, discuss g. Take a few minutes on your own
with your supervisor
5. You and another member of your team are
2. You have repeatedly seen your co-worker constantly clashing personalities. They talk
abusing company resources such as, printing over you in meetings and take ownership of
large personal documents and taking packs your ideas. You feel the conflict arising, how
of pens home. How do you address it? do you diffuse this situation?

a. Understand company policies a. Talk with the other person. ...

b. Confront Coworkers b. Focus on behavior and events, not on
c. Report to Supervisor personalities. ...
c. Listen carefully. ...
3. During work hours, you find yourself d. Identify points of agreement and
distracted on the computer with things like disagreement. ...
Facebook and YouTube. It is starting to e. Prioritize the areas of conflict. ...
affect your productivity; how do you kick f. Develop a plan to work on
the habit? each conflict. ...
g. Follow through on your plan. ...
a. Set clear goals. h. Build on your success.
b. Work in 60-90-minute blocks.
c. Turn off the world. 6. What are some ways to avoid burnout?
d. Schedule distractions. a. Work with purpose.
e. Go for short walks b. Perform a job analysis and eliminate
f. Pay attention to yourself. ... or delegate unnecessary work.
g. Use technology to your advantage c. Give to others.
d. Take control, and actively manage
your time.
e. Get more exercise.
f. Learn how to manage stress.
g. Fill Your Day with Joy.
h. Schedule Free Time.
Workplace Challenges and Solutions

7. Lately your boss is always 10. Your superior has recently told you that
putting large tasks on your desk as you are they are not impressed with your
getting ready to leave, calling you about performance and productivity over the last
business on weekends, and asking you to few months. How do you handle the
come in early. How to you tell them than negative feedback appropriately?
you need more of a work/life balance? a. Stop Your First Reaction. ...
b. Remember the Benefit of Getting
a. Focus on productivity Feedback. ...
b. Know the facts c. Listen for Understanding. ...
c. Be ready with answers d. Say Thank You. ...
d. Approach the boss respectfully e. Ask Questions to Deconstruct the
e. Be prepared to compromise Feedback. ...
f. Request Time to Follow Up.
g. Turn negative into a positive
8. Among your team there are a few of your
coworkers who often goof off and disregard
any efforts to get work done. When there is
a lack of job-related accountability, how do
you ensure everyone stays on track?

a. Don't allow such people to distract

b. Don't work around them unless it is
c. Speak to them
d. Speak to your manager
e. Talk to their manager
f. Remember that you aren't aware of
what is happening behind the scenes
g. Do not tattle

9. It is the busy season at your workplace, and

everybody is working tirelessly to get things
done. How do you handle time pressures
and multiple tasks to ensure that everything
is done well and on time?

a. Create A Prioritization Strategy.

Assess each task on your list.
b. Forget the Future, Focus On The
c. Break Your Tasks Down.
d. Ask Yourself What Needs to Be Done
Right Now.
e. Stop Procrastinating.
f. Take time to breathe.

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